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EMT355/3 Microcontroller

 Mr. Ahmad Husni Bin Mohd Shapri

 Ir. Dr. Razaidi Hussin
Text Book

 8051 Microcontroller and

Embedded Systems
by Muhammad Ali Mazidi
Teaching Plan
2 Parts

 Continual Assessment (30%)

 Lab 1-3 (10%)
 Assignments (20 %)
 Mid Term Test (20%)
 Mid Term Test (20%) – tentatively: SW-8
 Final Examination (50%)
Course Outcomes

 CO1: Ability to define, summarize, illustrate and classify

the concept and requirement of embedded system
 CO2: Ability to define, summarize, illustrate, classify
and design a structured programmed in C
programming language for the system application
 CO3: Ability to define, summarize, illustrate, classify,
design and evaluate embedded system based in a
single chip microcontroller
Introduction to
Lecture: 3 hours
Embedded Systems

 Computing systems are everywhere

 Most of us think of “desktop” computers
 PC’s
 Laptops
 Mainframes
 Servers
 But there’s another type of computing system
 Far more common...
Embedded Computing

Computers are in

 Computing systems embedded and here...

within electronic devices.

and even
 Hard to define. Nearly any here...

computing system other than a

desktop computer.
 Billions of units produced yearly,
versus millions of desktop units.
Lots more of these,
 Perhaps 50 per household and though they cost a
lot less each.
per automobile.
Common Characteristics
of Embedded Systems

 Single-functioned
 Executes a single program, repeatedly.
 Tightly-constrained
 Low cost, low power, small, fast, etc.
 Reactive and real-time
 Continually reacts to changes in the system’s
 Must compute certain results in real-time without
Design Constraints

 Limited Power
 Most embedded systems operate within battery
operated equipment.
 Limited Memory
 An embedded system is constrained to a finite and
small amount of memory.
 Real-Time
 Most embedded systems are used in a control function.
 They are expected to sense the real-time status of the
system in which they are housed and produce real-time
Definition of Embedded

 An embedded system is a microprocessor-

based system that is built to control a function
or range of functions and is not designed to be
programmed by the end user.
 The user may make choices concerning the
functionality of the system but cannot change the
functionality of the system by adding/replacing
 Can you “program” your refrigerator?
 May be sooner than you think.

 An embedded system is not a microprocessor used

in a “traditional” computing application
 desktop PC
 laptop
 workstation
 An embedded system is a microprocessor used as
a component in another piece of technology
(dedicated function)
Embedded Systems

 Consumer segment, e.g. digital cameras,

camcorders, VCRs, Washing Machines, microwave
ovens, …
 Automobiles, e.g., engine control, anti-lock brake,
air bags, …
 Office automation, e.g., copiers, printers, FAX
machines, …
 Telecommunications, e.g.,, cellular phones, PDAs,
interactive game boxes, answering machines, …
 Other industrial products, e.g., door locks in hotel
rooms, automatic faucets, …
o Anti-lock brakes o Modems

o Auto-focus cameras o MPEG decoders

o Automatic teller machines o Network cards

o Automatic toll systems o Network switches/routers

A “short list” of o Automatic transmission o On-board navigation

embedded systems o Avionic systems o Pagers

o Battery chargers o Photocopiers

o Camcorders o Point-of-sale systems

o Cell phones o Portable video games

o Cell-phone base stations o Printers

o Cordless phones o Satellite phones

o Cruise control o Scanners

o Curbside check-in systems o Smart ovens/dishwashers

o Digital cameras o Speech recognizers

o Disk drives o Stereo systems

o Electronic card readers o Teleconferencing systems

o Electronic instruments o Televisions

o Electronic toys/games o Temperature controllers

o Factory control o Theft tracking systems

o Fax machines o TV set-top boxes

o Fingerprint identifiers o VCR’s, DVD players

o Home security systems o Video game consoles

o Life-support systems o Video phones

o Medical testing systems o Washers and dryers

Advantages of

Replacement of discrete logic-based

Provide functional upgrades.
Provide easy maintenance upgrades.
Improve mechanical performance.
Protection of intellectual property (IP).
Replacement of analog circuits.
Elements of an Embedded

 Processor
 Memory
 Provide storage for the software and data.
 Peripherals
 Software
 Initialization and Configuration.
 Operating System.
 The application software.
 Error handling.
 Debug and maintenance support.
Embedded System 

 Embedded systems are mainly intended to

provide control over the behavior of the
system into which they are housed.
 Therefore, it is customary to talk about an embedded
controller rather than an embedded processor.
 It does process information but mainly for the
purpose of control.
 When all hardware required to run the
application is provided on one chip, it is
referred to as an embedded microcontroller or
in short microcontroller.
ANY Questions
Important to know: Characteristics – Constrains - Definition - Advantages
Lecture: 3 hours
Microcontroller vs.
General Purpose
General-purpose Microcontroller has :
contains :  CPU (microprocessor)
 No RAM
 No ROM  I/O ports
 No I/O ports  Timer
 ADC and other

microprocessors Microcontroller
 Must add RAM, ROM, I/O  The fixed amount of on-chip
ports, and timers externally to ROM, RAM, and number of I/O
make them functional
ports makes them ideal for many
 Make the system bulkier and applications in which cost and
much more expensive space are critical
 Have the advantage of
versatility on the amount of  In many applications, the space
RAM, ROM, and I/O ports it takes, the power it consumes,
and the price per unit are much
more critical considerations than
the computing power
Microcontrollers for
Embedded Systems

 An embedded product uses a microprocessor (or

microcontroller) to do one task and one task only
 There is only one application software that is typically burned into

 A PC, in contrast with the embedded system, can be

used for any number of applications
 It has RAM memory and an operating system that loads a variety
of applications into RAM and lets the CPU run them

 A PC contains or is connected to various embedded products

 Each one peripheral has a microcontroller inside it that performs only
one task

•Appliances, intercom, telephones, security systems, garage door openers, answering
machines, fax machines, home computers, TVs, cable TV tuner, VCR, camcorder,
remote controls, video games, cellular phones, musical instruments, sewing machines,
lighting control, paging, camera, pinball machines, toys, exercise equipment

•Telephones, computers, security systems, fax machines, microwave, copier, laser printer,
color printer, paging

•Trip computer, engine control, air bag, ABS, instrumentation, security system, transmission
control, entertainment, climate control, cellular phone, keyless entry
x86 PC Embedded

 Many manufactures of general-purpose microprocessors

have targeted their microprocessor for the high end of
the embedded market
 There are times that a microcontroller is inadequate for the
 When a company targets a general purpose
microprocessor for the embedded market, it optimizes
the processor used for embedded systems
 Very often the terms embedded processor and
microcontroller are used interchangeably

 One of the most critical needs of an embedded system

is to decrease power consumption and space
 In high-performance embedded processors, the trend is
to integrate more functions on the CPU chip and let
designer decide which features he/she wants to use
 In many cases using x86 PCs for the high-end
embedded applications
 Saves money and shortens development time
 A vast library of software already written
 Windows is a widely used and well understood platform
Choosing a

 8-bit microcontrollers
 Motorola’s 6811
 Intel’s 8051
 Zilog’s Z8
 Microchip’s PIC
 There are also 16-bit and 32-bit
microcontrollers made by various chip
Criteria for Choosing a

 Meeting the computing needs of the task at hand

efficiently and cost effectively
 Speed
 Packaging
 Power consumption
 The amount of RAM and ROM on chip
 The number of I/O pins and the timer on chip
 How easy to upgrade to higher performance or lower
power-consumption versions
 Cost per unit

 Availability of software development tools, such as

compilers, assemblers, and debuggers
 Wide availability and reliable sources of the
 The 8051 family has the largest number of
diversified (multiple source) suppliers
 Intel (original)
 Atmel
 Infineon

 Intel introduced 8051, referred as MCS-51, in 1981

 The 8051 is an 8-bit processor
 The CPU can work on only 8 bits of data at a time
 The 8051 had
o 128 bytes of RAM o 1 serial port
o 4K bytes of on-chip ROM o 4 I/O ports, each 8 bits wide
o 2 timers o 6 interrupt sources

 The 8051 became widely popular after allowing

other manufactures to make and market any flavor
of the 8051, but remaining code-compatible
Block Diagram
of the Original
/INT0 /INT1 T0 T1


128 bytes Timer/Counter

4K byte Program
Data Memory (Timer 0 &
Memory (ROM)
(RAM) Timer 1)

8051 CPU

64 K Bus I/O ports Serial Port

Oscillator Expansion Control

From Crystal
Oscillator or RC ALE /PSEN P3 P2 P1 P0 TxD RxD
network (Address/data)
8051 Family

 The 8051 is a subset of the

 The 8031 is a ROM-less 8051
 Add external ROM to it
 You lose two ports, and
leave only 2 ports
for I/O operations
Is 8-bit Still Relevant?

 “n-bit” – the “n” refers to the data bus width of the CPU, and is
the maximum width of data it can handle at a time
 PCs with 64-bit microprocessors are becoming common
 Over 55% of all processors sold per year are 8-bit processors,
which comes to over 3 billion of them per year!*
 8-bit microcontrollers are sufficient and cost-effective for many
embedded applications
 More and more advanced features and peripherals are
added to 8-bit processors by various vendors
 8-bit MCUs are well-suited for low-power applications that use
*Note: Statistics from Embedded.com Article ID# 9900861, Dec 2002
Eg: Remote
Control Car
Antenna Antenna

Front Electric
Forward RF RF Receiver Microcontroller Motor (Left/Right)

Rear Electric Motor

Left Power Power (Fwd/Reverse)

Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator

Car lights (LEDs)
Batteries Batteries
Harvard and von
Neumann Architectures

 Harvard Architecture - a type of computer

architecture where the instructions (program code)
and data are stored in separate memory spaces
 Example: Intel 8051 architecture
 von Neumann Architecture - another type of
computer architecture where the instructions and
data are stored in the same memory space
 Example: Intel x86 architecture (Intel Pentium, AMD
Athlon, etc.)
MCU Fetch-
 Fetch operation - retrieves an
Execute instruction from the location in
Cycle code memory pointed to by the
program counter (PC)
 Execute operation - executes the
instruction that was fetched
during the fetch operation. In
addition to executing the
Code Memory t instruction, the CPU also adds the
appropriate number to the PC to
point it to the next instruction to
be fetched.

To other
8051 -
Inside the 8051

Program Counter
Flag Bits / PSW (program status word)
Register Banks and Stack

 Register are used to store information

temporarily, while the information could be
 a byte of data to be processed, or
 an address pointing to the data to be fetched
 The vast majority of 8051 register are 8-bit
 There is only one data type, 8 bits

The 8 bits of a register are shown from

MSB D7 to the LSB D0
With an 8-bit data type, any data larger
than 8 bits must be broken into 8-bit chunks
before it is processed

 The most widely used

 A (Accumulator): For all
arithmetic and logic
 B, R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7
 DPTR (data pointer), and PC
(program counter)
The Accumulator

 The Accumulator is used as a general register to

accumulate the results of a large number of
 It can hold an 8-bit (1-byte) value and is the most
versatile register the 8051 has due to the shear
number of instructions that make use of the
 More than half of the 8051’s 255 instructions
manipulate or use the accumulator in some way.
The Data Pointer (DPTR)

 DPTR is the 8051’s only user-accessible 16-bit (2-byte) register.

 The Accumulator, "R" registers, and "B" register are all 1-byte
 DPTR, as the name suggests, is used to point to data. It is used
by a number of commands which allow the 8051 to access
external memory.
 When the 8051 accesses external memory it will access
external memory at the address indicated by DPTR.
 While DPTR is most often used to point to data in external
memory, many programmers often take advantage of the
fact that it’s the only true 16-bit register available.
 It is often used to store 2-byte values which have nothing to do
with memory locations.
The Program Counter (PC)

 PC is a 2-byte address which tells the 8051 where the

next instruction to execute is found in memory.
 When the 8051 is initialized PC always starts at 0000h
and is incremented each time an instruction is executed.
It is important to note that PC isn’t always incremented
by one.
 Since some instructions require 2 or 3 bytes the PC will be
incremented by 2 or 3 in these cases.
 The Program Counter is special in that there is no way to
directly modify it’s value.

All 8051 members start at memory

address 0000 when they’re powered
Program Counter has the value of 0000
The first opcode is burned into ROM address
0000H, since this is where the 8051 looks for
the first instruction when it is booted
The Stack Pointer (SP)

 The Stack Pointer, like all registers except DPTR and PC,
may hold an 8-bit (1-byte) value.
 The Stack Pointer is used to indicate where the next
value to be removed from the stack should be taken
 When you push a value onto the stack, the 8051 first
increments the value of SP and then stores the value at
the resulting memory location.
 When you pop a value off the stack, the 8051 returns the
value from the memory location indicated by SP, and
then decrements the value of SP.

 This order of operation is important.

 When the 8051 is initialized SP will be initialized to 07h. If
you immediately push a value onto the stack, the value
will be stored in Internal RAM address 08h.
 This makes sense taking into account what was
mentioned two paragraphs above: First the 8051will
increment the value of SP (from 07h to 08h) and then will
store the pushed value at that memory address (08h).
 SP is modified directly by the 8051 by six instructions:
PUSH, POP, ACALL, LCALL, RET, and RETI. It is also used
intrinsically whenever an interrupt is triggered
ROM Memory Map in
8051 Family

 No member of 8051 family can access more

than 64K bytes of opcode
 The program counter is a 16-bit register
Data Type

 8051 microcontroller has only one data

type - 8 bits
 The size of each register is also 8 bits
 It is the job of the programmer to break down data
larger than 8 bits (00 to FFH, or 0 to 255 in decimal)
 The data types can be positive or negative
PSW Register

 The PSW register, also

referred to as the flag
register, is an 8 bit
 The PSW register
contains status bits that
reflect the current CPU
RAM Memory Space

 There are 128 bytes of RAM in the 8051

 Assigned addresses 00 to 7FH
 The 128 bytes are divided into three different
groups as follows:
 A total of 32 bytes from locations 00 to1F hex are set
aside for register banks and the stack
 A total of 16 bytes from locations 20H to 2FH are set
aside for bit-addressable read/write memory
 A total of 80 bytes from locations 30H to 7FH are used
for read and write storage, called scratch pad

Register Banks

 These 32 bytes are divided into 4 banks of registers

in which each bank has 8 registers, R0-R7
 RAM location from 0 to 7 are set aside for bank 0 of R0-
R7 where R0 is RAM location 0, R1 is RAM location 1, R2 is
RAM location 2, and so on, until memory location 7
which belongs to R7 of bank 0
 It is much easier to refer to these RAM locations with
names such as R0, R1, and so on, than by their memory
 Register bank 0 is the default when 8051 is powered

 We can switch to other banks by use of the PSW

 Bits D4 and D3 of the PSW are used to select the desired
register bank
 Use the bit-addressable instructions SETB and CLR to
access PSW.4 and PSW.3

 The stack is a section of RAM used by the CPU to

store information temporarily
 This information could be data or an address
 The register used to access the stack is called the
SP (stack pointer) register
 The stack pointer in the 8051 is only 8 bit wide, which
means that it can take value of 00 to FFH
 When the 8051 is powered up, the SP register contains
value 07
 RAM location 08 is the first location begin used
for the stack by the 8051
Special Function
Registers (SFRs)

SFRs provide control and data

exchange with the microcontroller’s
resources and peripherals
Some registers are not bit-addressable.
These include the stack pointer (SP) and
data pointer register (DPTR)
Summary of SFRs

 Accumulator (ACC) and B register

 ACC (also referred to as A) is used implicitly by several
 B is used implicitly in multiply and divide operations
 These registers are the input/output of the arithmetic and
logic unit (ALU)
 Program status word - PSW
 Shows the status of arithmetic and logical operations using
multiple bits such as Carry
 Selects the Register Bank (Bank 0 - Bank 3)
 Stack pointer - SP

 Data pointer - DPTR (DPH and DPL)

 16-bit register used to access external code or data
 Timer Registers - TH0, TL0, TH1, TL1, TMOD, TCON
 Used for timing intervals or counting events
 Parallel I/O Port Registers - P0, P1, P2 and P3
 Serial Communication Registers- SBUF and SCON
 Interrupt Management Registers - IP and IE
 Power Control Register - PCON
ANY Questions
Important to know: Comparison with microprocessor - 8051 architecture -
Criteria of selection - Registers in 8051
Basic C
Language (recap)
Lecture: 3 hours

 C – Loop Control
 C – Basic Program Statements

 C – Data Types  C – Case Control

 C – Constant &  C – Array & String
Variable  C – Pointer & Function
 C – Operators and  C – Arithmetic Functions
 C – Decision Control
C – Basic Program
Basic Structure of C Program

 Structure of C program is defined by set of rules called protocol, to

be followed by programmer while writing C program. All C
programs are having sections/parts which are mentioned below.
 Documentation section

 Link Section

 Definition Section

 Global declaration section

 Function prototype declaration section

 Main function

 User defined function definition section

Example :
/* C basic structure program Documentation section
Author: fresh2refresh.com
Date : 01/01/2012

#include <stdio.h> /* Link section */

int total = 0; /* Global declaration and definition section */
int sum (int, int); /* Function declaration section */

int main () { /* Main function */

printf (“This is a C basic program \n”);
total = sum (1, 1);
printf (“Sum of two numbers : %d \n”, total);
return 0;

int sum (int a, int b) { /* User defined function */

return a + b;

This is a C basic program
Sum of two numbers : 2
C – Data Types

 C data types are defined as the data storage format

that a variable can store a data to perform a specific
 Data types are used to define a variable before to use
in a program.
 Size of variable, constant and array are determined by
data types.
Types Data Types
1 Basic data types int, char, float, double
2 Enumeration data type enum

3 Derived data type pointer, array, structure, union

4 Void data type void

C – Constant

 C Constants are also like normal variables. But, only difference

is, their values can not be modified by the program once they
are defined.
 Constants refer to fixed values. They are also called as literals

 Constants may be belonging to any of the data type.

 Syntax:
const data_type variable_name;

const data_type *variable_name;
C – Variable

 C variable is a named location in a memory where a

program can manipulate the data. This location is
used to hold the value of the variable.
 The value of the C variable may get change in the
 C variable might be belonging to any of the data
type like int, float, char etc.
C – Operators and
 The symbols which are used to perform logical and
mathematical operations in a C program are called C
 These C operators join individual constants and variables to
form expressions.
 Operators, functions, constants and variables are combined
together to form expressions.
 Consider the expression A + B * 5. where, +, * are operators, A,
B are variables, 5 is constant and A + B * 5 is an expression.
Types of C Operators:

 Arithmetic operators
 These are used to perform mathematical calculations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division and modulus
 Assignment operators
 These are used to assign the values for the variables in C programs.
 Relational operators
 These operators are used to compare the value of two variables.
 Logical operators
 These operators are used to perform logical operations on the
given two variables.

 Bit wise operators

 These operators are used to perform bit operations on
given two variables.
 Conditional operators (ternary operators)
 Conditional operators return one value if condition is true
and returns another value is condition is false.
 Increment/decrement operators
 These operators are used to either increase or decrease
the value of the variable by one.
 Special operators
 &, *, sizeof( ) and ternary operators.
C – Decision Control
 In decision control statements (C if else and nested if),
group of statements are executed when condition is
true. If condition is false, then else part statements are
 There are 3 types of decision making control
statements in C language. They are,
 if statements
 if else statements
 nested if statements
C – Loop Control Statements

 Loop control statements in C are used to perform

looping operations until the given condition is true.
Control comes out of the loop statements once
condition becomes false.
 There are 3 types of loop control statements in C
language. They are,
 for
 while
 do-while
C – Case Control Statements

 The statements which are used to execute only

specific block of statements in a series of blocks are
called case control statements.
 There are 4 types of case control statements in C
language. They are,
 switch
 break
 continue
 goto
C – Array

 C Array is a collection of variables belongings to the

same data type. You can store group of data of same
data type in an array.
 Array might be belonging to any of the data types

 Array size must be a constant value.

 Always, contiguous (adjacent) memory locations are
used to store array elements in memory.
 It is a best practice to initialize an array to zero or null
while declaring, if we don’t assign any values to array.

 There are 2 types of C arrays. They are,

 One dimensional array
 Multi dimensional array
 Two dimensional array
 Three dimensional array, four dimensional array etc…

 Eg:
 int a[10]; // integer array
 char b[10]; // character array i.e. string
 int array[2][2] = {10,20,30,40}; //2D array
C – String

 C Strings are nothing but array of characters ended

with null character (‘\0’).
 This null character indicates the end of the string.
 Strings are always enclosed by double quotes.
Whereas, character is enclosed by single quotes in C.

char string[20] = { ‘f’ , ’r’ , ‘e’ , ‘s’ , ‘h’ , ‘2’ , ‘r’ , ‘e’ , ‘f’ , ’r’ , ‘e’ , ‘s’
, ‘h’ , ‘\0’};
char string[20] = “fresh2refresh”;
char string [] = “fresh2refresh”;

 Difference between above declarations are, when we

declare char as “string[20]”, 20 bytes of memory space is
allocated for holding the string value.
 When we declare char as “string[ ]”, memory space will
be allocated as per the requirement during execution of
the program.
C – Pointer & Function

 C Pointer is a variable that stores/points the address of another

variable. C Pointer is used to allocate memory dynamically i.e.
at run time. The pointer variable might be belonging to any of
the data type such as int, float, char, double, short etc.
 Syntax :
data_type *var_name;

 Example : int *p; char *p;

 Where, * is used to denote that “p” is pointer variable and not a
normal variable.

 C functions are basic building blocks in a

program. All C programs are written using
functions to improve re-usability,
understandability and to keep track on them.
 A large C program is divided into basic building
blocks called C function. C function contains set
of instructions enclosed by “{ }” which performs
specific operation in a C program. Actually,
Collection of these functions creates a C

 There are 3 aspects in each C function. They are,

 Function declaration or prototype – This informs
compiler about the function name, function
parameters and return value’s data type.
 Function call – This calls the actual function
 Function definition – This contains all the statements to
be executed.

C – Arithmetic Functions

 C functions which are used to perform

mathematical operations in a program are
called Arithmetic functions.
 Example: abs(), floor(), round(), ceil(), sqrt(),
exp(), log(), sin(), cos(), tan(), pow() and trunc()
 “math.h” and “stdlib.h” header files support all
the arithmetic functions in C language.

ANY Questions

Important to know: C – Syntax - Create function - Compile -
C Programming in
Lecture: 3 hours
Assembly Code C Code
.asm .c
Flow Assembler Compiler

Object Code Object Code

For our course:

SDCC - Small Linker
Device C Compiler

Machine Code

Why Program 8051 in C?

 Compilers produce hex files that is downloaded to ROM of

 The size of hex file is the main concern
 Microcontrollers have limited on-chip ROM
 Code space for 8051 is limited to 64K bytes

 C programming is less time consuming, but has larger hex file size
 The reasons for writing programs in C
 It is easier and less time consuming to write in C than Assembly
 C is easier to modify and update
 You can use code available in function libraries
 C code is portable to other microcontroller with little of no
Data Type

 A good understanding of C data types for 8051

can help programmers to create smaller hex
 Unsigned char
 Signed char
 Unsigned int
 Signed int
 Sbit (single bit)
 Bit and sfr
Unsigned char

 The character data type is the most natural

 8051 is an 8-bit microcontroller
 Unsigned char is an 8-bit data type in the
range of 0 – 255 (00 – FFH)
 One of the most widely used data types for the 8051
 Counter value
 ASCII characters
 C compilers use the signed char as the default
if we do not put the keyword unsigned
1. Write an 8051 C program to send values 00 – FF to port P1.
#include <8051.h> 1. Pay careful attention to
void main(void){ the size of the data
unsigned char z; 2. Try to use unsigned char
for (z=0;z<=255;z++) instead of int if possible
P1 = z;

2. Write an 8051 C program to send hex values for ASCII

characters of
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, A, B, C, and D to port P1.

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
unsigned char mynum[]="012345ABCD";
unsigned char z;
for (z=0;z<=10;z++)
P1 = mynum[z];

3. Write an 8051 C program to toggle all the bits of P1


//Toggle P1 forever
#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
for (;;){
P1 = 0x55;
P1 = 0xAA;
Signed char

 The signed char is an 8-bit data type

 Use the MSB D7 to represent – or +
 Give us values from –128 to +127
 We should stick with the unsigned char
unless the data needs to be represented as
signed numbers
 temperature

4. Write an 8051 C program to send values of –4 to +4 to

port P1.

//Singed numbers
#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
char mynum[] = {+1,-1,+2,-2,+3,-3,+4,-4};
unsigned char z;

for (z=0;z<=8;z++)
P1 = mynum[z];
Unsigned and Signed int

 The unsigned int is a 16-bit data type

 Takes a value in the range of 0 to 65535 (0000 - FFFFH)
 Define 16-bit variables such as memory addresses
 Set counter values of more than 256
 Since registers and memory accesses are in 8-bit
chunks, the misuse of int variables will result in a larger
hex file
 Signed int is a 16-bit data type
 Use the MSB D15 to represent – or +
 We have 15 bits for the magnitude of the number from -
32768 to +32767

5. Write an 8051 C program to toggle bit D0 of the port P1

(P1.0) 50,000 times.
sbit keyword allows access
#include <8051.h> to the single bits of the SFR
__sbit __at (0x90) MYBIT; registers

void main(void){
unsigned int z;
for (z=0;z<=50000;z++){
MYBIT = 0;
MYBIT = 1;
//or /* BIT Register- P1 */
//P1_0 = 0; //__sbit __at (0x90) P1_0 ;
//P1_0 = 1; //__sbit __at (0x91) P1_1 ;
} //__sbit __at (0x92) P1_2 ;
} //__sbit __at (0x93) P1_3 ;

Bit and sfr

 The bit data type allows access to single bits of

bit-addressable memory spaces 20 – 2FH
 To access the byte-size SFR registers, we use
the sfr data type
Logical Operators in C
Bit-wise Operators in C

Logical operators
AND (&&), OR (||), and NOT (!)
Bit-wise operators
AND (&), OR (|), EX-OR (^), Inverter (~), Shift
Right (>>), and Shift Left (<<)
These operators are widely used in software
engineering for embedded systems and


6. Run the following program on your simulator and examine

the results.

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
P0 = 0x35 & 0x0F; //ANDing
P1 = 0x04 | 0x68; //ORing
P2 = 0x54 ^ 0x78; //XORing
P0 = ~0x55; //inversing
P1 = 0x9A >> 3; //shifting right 3
P2 = 0x77 >> 4; //shifting right 4
P0 = 0x6 << 4; //shifting left 4

7. Write an 8051 C program to toggle all the bits of P0 and P2

continuously with a 250ms delay. Using the inverting and
Ex-OR operators, respectively.

#include <8051.h>
void MSDelay(unsigned int); …
void main(void){ void MSDelay(unsigned int
P0 = 0x55; itime){
P2 = 0x55; unsigned int i,j;
while (1){ for (i=0;i<itime;i++)
P0 = ~P0; for (j=0;j<1275;j++);
P2 = P2^0xFF; }

8. Write an 8051 C program to get bit P1.0 and send it to P2.7

after inverting it.

#include <8051.h>

__bit membit;
void main(void){
while (1){
membit = P1_0; //get a bit from P1.0
P2_7 = ~membit; //invert it and send
//it to P2.7

9. Write an 8051 C program to read the P1.0 and P1.1 bits and
issue an ASCII character to P0 according to the following
P1.1 P1.0
0 0 send ‘0’ to P0
0 1 send ‘1’ to P0
1 0 send ‘2’ to P0
1 1 send ‘3’ to P0

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
unsigned char z;
z = P1;
z = z&0x3;

switch (z) {
case(0): {
case(1): {
case(2): {
case(3): {
Packed BCD to ASCII


BCD Numbers

 As stated there, many newer microcontrollers

have a real-time clock (RTC) where the time
and date are kept even when the power is off.
 However this data is provided in packed BCD
 To be displayed on an LCD or printed by the printer, it
must be in ACSII format
BCD Number System

 The binary representation of the digits 0 to 9

is called BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)
 Unpacked BCD
 In unpacked BCD, the lower 4 bits of the number
represent the BCD number, and the rest of the
bits are 0
 Eg: 00001001 and 00000101 are unpacked BCD
for 9 and 5

 Packed BCD
 In packed BCD, a single byte has two BCD
number in it, one in the lower 4 bits, and one in
the upper 4 bits
 Eg: 0101 1001 is packed BCD for 59H


ASCII Numbers

 On ASCII keyboards, when the key “0″ is

activated, “011 0000″ (30H) is provided to the
computer. Similarly, 31H (011 0001) is provided
for the key “1″, and so on
ASCII to Packed BCD

To convert ASCII to packed BCD

It is first converted to unpacked BCD
(to get rid of the 3)
Combined to make packed BCD

10. Write an 8051 C program to convert packed BCD 0x29 to

ASCII and display the bytes on P1 and P2.

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
unsigned char x,y;
unsigned char mybyte = 0x29;

x = mybyte & 0x0F;

P1= x | 0x30;
y = mybyte & 0xF0;
y = y >> 4;
P2= y | 0x30;

11. Write an 8051 C program to convert ASCII digits of ‘4’ and

‘7’ to packed BCD and display them on P1.

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
unsigned char bcdbyte;
unsigned char w =‘4’;
unsigned char z =‘7’;

w = w & 0x0F;
w = w << 4;
z = z & 0x0F;
bcdbyte = w | z;
P1= bcdbyte;
Checksum Byte in ROM


Checksum Byte in ROM

 To ensure the integrity of the ROM contents,

every system must perform the checksum
 The process of checksum will detect any
corruption of the contents of ROM
 The checksum process uses what is called a
checksum byte
The checksum byte is an extra byte that is tagged to
the end of series of bytes of data

 To calculate the checksum byte of a series of

bytes of data
 Add the bytes together and drop the carries
 Take the 2’s complement of the total sum, and it
becomes the last byte of the series
 To perform the checksum operation, add all
the bytes, including the checksum byte
 The result must be zero
 If it is not zero, one or more bytes of data have been

Assume that we have 4 bytes of hexadecimal data: 25H, 62H,

3FH, and 52H.(a) Find the checksum byte, (b) perform the
checksum operation to ensure data integrity, and (c) if the
second byte 62H has been changed to 22H, show how
checksum detects the error.

(a) Find the checksum byte.

25H The checksum is calculated by first adding the
+ 62H bytes. The sum is 118H, and dropping the
+ 3FH carry, we get 18H. The checksum byte is the
+ 52H 2’s complement of 18H, which is E8H.

(b) Perform the checksum operation to ensure data integrity.

+ 62H Adding the series of bytes including the
+ 3FH checksum byte must result in zero. This
+ 52H indicates that all the bytes are unchanged
+ E8H and no byte is corrupted.
200H (dropping the carries)

(c) If the second byte 62H has been changed to 22H, show
how checksum detects the error.
+ 22H Adding the series of bytes including the
+ 3FH checksum byte shows that the result is not
+ 52H zero, which indicates that one or more bytes
+ E8H have been corrupted.
1C0H (dropping the carry, we get C0H)

12. Write an 8051 C program to calculate the checksum byte

for the data 25H, 62H, 3FH, and 52H.

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
unsigned char mydata[]= {0x25,0x62,0x3F,0x52};
unsigned char sum = 0;
unsigned char x;
unsigned char chksumbyte;
for (x=0;x<4;x++){
P2 = mydata[x];
sum= sum + mydata[x];
P1 = sum;
chksumbyte = ~sum + 1;
P1 = chksumbyte;

13. Write an 8051 C program to perform the checksum operation

to ensure data integrity. If data is good, send ASCII character ‘G’
to P0. Otherwise send ‘B’ to P0.

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
unsigned char mydata[]={0x25,0x62,0x3F,0x52,0xE8};
unsigned char chksum = 0;
unsigned char x;
For (x=0;x<5;x++)
chksum = chksum + mydata[x];
if (chksum == 0)
Binary (hex) to Decimal
and ASCII Conversion


Binary (hex) to Decimal
and ASCII Conversion

 Many ADC (analog-to-digital converter)

chips provide output data in binary (hex)
To display the data on an LCD or PC screen,
we need to convert it to ASCII
Convert 8-bit binary (hex) data to decimal digits,
000 – 255
Convert the decimal digits to ASCII digits, 30H –

14. Write an 8051 C program to convert 11111101 (FD hex) to

decimal and display the digits on P0, P1 and P2.

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
unsigned char x,binbyte,d1,d2,d3;
binbyte = 0xFD;
x = binbyte / 10;
d1 = binbyte % 10;
d2 = x % 10;
d3 = x / 10;
P0 = d1;
P1 = d2;
P2 = d3;
RAM Data Space Usage
by 8051 C Compiler

 The 8051 C compiler allocates RAM

 Bank 0 – addresses 0 – 7
 Individual variables – addresses 08 and beyond
 Array elements – addresses right after variables
Array elements need contiguous RAM locations and
that limits the size of the array due to the fact that
we have only 128 bytes of RAM for everything
 Stack – addresses right after array elements
RAM Space

15. Compile and single-step the following program on your

8051 simulator. Examine the contents of the 128-byte RAM
space to locate the ASCII values.

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
unsigned char mynum[] = "ABCDEF"; //RAM space
unsigned char z;
for (z=0;z<=6;z++)
P1 = mynum[z];
RAM Space

16. Write, compile and single-step the following program on

your 8051 simulator. Examine the contents of the code space
to locate the values.

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
unsigned char mydata[100]; //RAM space
unsigned char x,z=0;
for (x=0;x<100;x++){
mydata[x] = z;
P1 = z;

17. Compile and single-step the following program on your

8051 simulator. Examine the contents of the code space to
locate the ASCII values.

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
static __code unsigned char mynum[]="ABCDEF";

unsigned char z; To make the C compiler use the

for (z=0;z<=6;z++){ code space instead of the RAM
P1 = mynum[z]; space, we need to put the
} keyword code in front of the
} variable declaration

18. Compare and contrast the following programs and

discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
P1 =‘H’;
P1 =‘E’;
Short and simple, but the
P1 =‘L’;
individual characters are
P1 =‘L’;
embedded into the program
P1 =‘O’;
and it mixes the code and data
… Use the RAM data space to store
array elements, therefore the
(b) size of the array is limited
#include <8051.h>
void main(void){
unsigned char mydata[]=“HELLO”;
unsigned char z;
for (z=0;z<=5;z++)
P1 = mydata[z];
} Use a separate area of the code
space for data. This allows the size of
(c) the array to be as long as you want if
#include <8051.h> you have the on-chip ROM.
void main(void){
static __code unsigned char mydata[]=“HELLO”;
unsigned char z;
for (z=0;z<=5;z++)
P1 = mydata[z]; However, the more code space
} you use for data, the less space
is left for your program code.
ANY Questions
Important to know: Code 8051 using C - Data type - Logical operators -
BCD to ASCII conversion

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