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S0020 M0078 Bill Charge Amount Mismatch

S0075 M0054 Matched Above the Line and Contact records
S0072 M0068 International Data Consistency
S0017 M0174 Subscription Number Consistency
S0056 M0022 IN-SDP Reconciliation
S0098 M0086 Matched Fault Order and WFM records
S0061 M0034 Missing Account Information in Payments
S0095 M0080 Accs Meth Offer Consistency
S0054 M0036 Data with Service Class Consistency
S0096 M0151 Order Entry and close dates Consistency
S0079 M0073 Completeness of Credit Class Value
S0007 M0096 Account Party Consistency
S0054 M0077 BCS Subscriber Data Consistency
S0002 M0087 Unique Offer and Number combination
S0103 M0165 Service Type Completeness
S0102 M0158 Industry Code Completeness
S0096 M0147 Service Order Reconcilation between CRMD and ICMS
S0037 M0092 Data Revenue Accuracy
S0094 M0081 Active Asset Consistency
S0094 M0145 Customer Consistency in Assets
S0010 M0001 Events with Unique Status
S0102 M0161 Cust Name Completeness
S0102 M0164 Bill Cycle Completeness
S0002 M0175 Subscription Offer Accuracy
S0096 M0148 Site Completeness in Sales Orders
S0061 M0031 Unique Payments
S0036 M0053 Overall Revenue Consistency
S0090 M0069 Account Number Consistency
S0102 M0156 Customer Name Completeness
S0007 M0004 Account Subs without Duplication
S0102 M0160 Cust Name Consistency
S0002 M0173 Offer Number Consistency
S0061 M0035 Missing Above the Line Subscription Amounts
S0006 M0097 Account status Completeness
S0102 M0155 Customer Name And Org Customer Name Consistency
S0021 M0183 Due Bill Accuracy
S0099 M0142 Customer Consistency in Trouble Tickets
S0104 M0176 Subs and Offer Activation Date Consistency
S0006 M0001 Account Status Without Duplication
S0103 M0168 Service Product Family Completeness
S0036 M0051 Post Paid Valid Breakup Rating
S0032 M0098 Events with Closure status
S0102 M0154 Org Customer Name Consistency
S0094 M0146 Account Consistency in Assets
S0054 M0009 Completeness of Subscribers
S0054 M0085 Uniquess of Line Type for Phone Number
S0100 M0138 Customer Number Consistency
S0096 M0141 Customer Consistency in Sales Orders
S0007 M0009 Account Subs Customer Reference
S0037 M0094 Total Prepaid Revenue Accuracy
S0106 M0182 Identity Number Completeness
S0101 M0178 Party Segment Completeness
S0102 M0169 LL Customer Segment Consistency
S0099 M0140 Area Completeness
S0054 M0031 Uniqueness of Subscriber Base
S0054 M0034 Completeness of 360* View
S0096 M0082 Supervision period Consistency
S0102 M0153 Customer Name Consistency
S0102 M0162 Cust Name And Customer Name Consistency
S0037 M0093 Blackberry Data Revenue
S0102 M0157 Org Customer Name Completeness
S0098 M0084 Matched Service Order and WFM records
S0020 M0180 Billing Revenue Accuracy
S0054 M0004 Active Numbers Completeness
S0099 M0149 Site Completeness in Trouble Tickets
S0054 M0042 Consistency Prepaid First Usage
S0073 M0068 Prepaid DM Completeness
S0037 M0090 SMS Revenue Accuracy
S0104 M0184 Subs and Offer Consistency
S0103 M0167 Service Product Completeness
S0102 M0172 Customer SubType Consistency
S0099 M0144 Account Consistency in Trouble Tickets
S0097 M0083 Matched Service Order and Contact records
S0037 M0091 Video Revenue Accuracy
S0096 M0143 Account Consistency in Sales Orders
S0105 M0177 Subs and Prod Activation Date Consistency
S0076 M0071 Completeness of Contact Event Contact Area type
S0037 M0089 Voice Revenue Accuracy
S0036 M0052 Postpaid Discount and Actual Consistency
S0102 M0163 Cust Name And Org Customer Name Consistency
S0102 M0171 Customer Type Consistency
S0102 M0159 Primary Contact Number Completeness
S0103 M0166 Service Tariff Completeness
S0100 M0139 Customer Segment Accuracy
S0102 M0170 GSM Customer Segment Consistency
S0080 M0152 Account-Party Role tagging Consistency
S0090 M0072 Active Account Accuracy
S0054 M0035 Nationality Consistency
S0054 M0039 Nationality Completeness
S0054 M0075 Rateplan Start date consistency
S0090 M0074 Sales Sector Completeness
S0007 M0179 Acct Subs Consistency
S0094 M0150 Circuit Status Consistency between CRMD and ICMS
S0081 M0079 Product Consistency
S0104 M0181 Subs and Offer Deactivation Date Consistency
S0094 M0088 Accs Meth Number Consistency
S0007 M0031 Account Subscriptions History Accuracy
S0076 M0070 Completeness of Contact Event Contact Area Code
S0006 M0002 Account and MSISDN Consistency
S0054 M0076 Subscription Start Date Consistency
Payments And Promotions Enterprise
Payments And Promotions Consumer
Usage Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Prepaid Revenue Consumer
Orders Enterprise
Payments And Promotions Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Customer Base Consumer
Orders Enterprise
Customer Base Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Customer Base Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Customer Base Enterprise
Orders Enterprise
Prepaid Revenue Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Customer Base Enterprise
Payments And Promotions Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Orders Enterprise
Payments And Promotions Consumer
Postpaid Revenue Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Customer Base Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Customer Base Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Payments And Promotions Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Customer Base Enterprise
Payments And Promotions Consumer
Customer Base Enterprise
Customer Base Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Postpaid Revenue Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Customer Base Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Customer Base Consumer
Customer Base Consumer
Customer Base Enterprise
Customer Base Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Prepaid Revenue Consumer
Customer Base Consumer
Customer Base Consumer
Customer Base Enterprise
Trouble Ticket Enterprise
Customer Base Consumer
Customer Base Consumer
Payments And Promotions Enterprise
Customer Base Enterprise
Customer Base Enterprise
Prepaid Revenue Consumer
Customer Base Enterprise
Orders Enterprise
Payments And Promotions Consumer
Customer Base Consumer
Trouble Ticket Enterprise
Customer Base Consumer
Usage Consumer
Prepaid Revenue Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Customer Base Enterprise
Trouble Ticket Enterprise
Orders Enterprise
Prepaid Revenue Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Customer Base Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Prepaid Revenue Consumer
Postpaid Revenue Consumer
Customer Base Enterprise
Customer Base Enterprise
Customer Base Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Customer Base Enterprise
Customer Base Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Customer Base Consumer
Customer Base Consumer
Customer Base Consumer
Customer Base Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Orders Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Customer Base Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Enterprise
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Subscriptions and Accounts Consumer
Customer Base Consumer
This Metrics is used to measure the difference in bill charge amount against total records for EBU.
This metrics is to bring reliability to ATL by reconciling of ATL subscriptions and their corresponding contact events
This Metric is to measure the Completeness and Accuracy of International Usage Prepaid Data-Mart as compared to the Ba
The value represent the percentage of landline number with multiple one subscription tagged against total number at any
This Metric is to measure the reconcilation KPI for Prepaid revenue between two Prepaid sources (IN and SDP)
This metrics is to bring reliability to fault order by reconciling Service order event and their corresponding WFMS events fo
This Metric is to measure the Count of Account ids for particular payment date for AIR recharges against total records
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have Accs meth active and offering as null against total records for EB
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have service class code as null against total records
This Metric is to measure the Accuracy and Completeness of Sales Order Entry and Close dates for EBU Customers.
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have Credit Class Value as null against total records for EBU.
This metrics is to bring reliability by reconciling Active account in Account Subs hist and Party Account Hist
The Value represents Percentage of BCS numbers which are tagged as prepaid Number against total numbers
The Value represents Percentage of Unique Offer and Number combination against total active Offer and Numbers
This Metric is to measure the Count of Active Access Numbers which have Service_Type as null.
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have Indusrty_Code as null against total records.
This metrics is to bring reliability by reconciling Service Orders in CRMD (Sales_Orders) and ICMS (Service Oder Event), for E
This Metrics is to validate the Data revenue
The Value represents Percentage of Active Asset against total numbers in CRMD ,Tagged to different Accs Meth in EDW .
This metrics is to measure the consistency in Customer information between Customer Accounts and Assets, for EBU Custo
The Value represents Percentage of Event records as against total EVENTS, which have a Unique Status at any point of time
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have CUST_NAME as null against total records.
This Metric is to measure the Count of Active Customers which have No Bill Cycle
The value represent the percentage of landline number with subscription having multiple offer tagged to it against total nu
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have A-Site or B-Site as null against total records in Sales Orders, for E
This Metric is to measure the Count of duplicate records based on Payment card numbers for particular payment date for A
This Metric is to measure the reconcilation of Total Actual Revenue with respect to all individual actual revenues
The Value represents Percentage of Account numbers against total numbers in CRMD ,which are not present in Acct (Edw).
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have CUSTOMER_NAME as null against total records.
The Value represents Percentage of Account against total Account, which should have unique subscription open at any poi
The Value represents Percentage of CUSTOMER_IDs against total IDs ,which have multiple CUST_NAMES
The value represent the percentage of landline number with more than one offering tagged against total number at any po
This Metric is to measure the count of Mismatch records (Adjustment and refill records) are coming with big interval agains
The Value represents Percentage of Active accounts against total accounts,which have more than one active record with d
The Value represents Percentage of CUSTOMER_IDs against total IDs ,which have same ORG_CUSTOMER_NAME as CUSTOM
This metrics is to bring Accuracy by cross checking due bill amount to that adjustment amount against bills at any point of
This metrics is to measure the consistency in Customer information between Billing Accounts and Trouble Tickets, for EBU C
This metrics is to bring reliablity by reconciling number activation date against offering relation activation date to that of to
The Value represents Percentage of Account records against total accounts, which have unique status open at any point of
This Metric is to measure the Count of Active Access Numbers which have Service_product_family as null.
This Metric is to measure that the Rated revenue should be greater than the Actual revenue
This Metric is to measure the count of event which are not closed in a week time
The Value represents Percentage of CUSTOMER_IDs against total IDs ,which have multiple ORG_CUSTOMER_NAMES
This metrics is to measure the consistency in Accounts between Billing Accounts and Assets, for EBU Customers
The Value represents percentage of subscribers against total subscribers,which should have entry in subscriber Master tabl
The Value represents Percentage of Accs Meth Number which have two line type against total number
This metrics is to bring reliability by reconciling Customer Number in CRMD and Party Identification Number in EDW again
This metrics is to measure the consistency in Customer information between Customer Accounts and Sales Orders, for EBU
The Value represents percentage of active subscription against total subscription,which should present in account table
This Metrics is to validate the total actual prepaid revenue
This metrics is to measure the count of records having party identification null against total records at any point of time.
This metrics is to measure the count of records having active party segment against total records at any point of time.
This metric is to bring reliability by reconciling Customer Segment in EBU Datamart and ICMS, for EBU LL cusotomers
This Metric is to measure the Count of records having trouble Area Value as null against total records for EBU.
The Value represents Percentage of phone number and line type against total reocrds in subscriber master table which hav
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have language id as null against total records
The Value represents Percentage of Number against total numbers in CRMD ,having bill in their agreed supervision period f
The Value represents Percentage of CUSTOMER_IDs against total IDs ,which have multiple CUSTOMER_NAMES
The Value represents Percentage of CUSTOMER_IDs against total IDs ,which have same CUSTOMER_NAME as CUST_NAME
This Metrics is to validate the Blackberry data revenue
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have ORG_ CUSTOMER_NAME as null against total records.
This metrics is to bring reliability to Service order by reconciling Service order event and their corresponding WFMS event
This metrics is to bring Accuracy by reconciling revenue from bill statement hist and bill statement chrg hist against total rec
The Value represents Percentage of active numbers against total numbers,which are not present in subscriber Master table
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have A-Site or B-Site as null against total records in Trouble Tickets, fo
This Metric is to measure the count of records having first usage date greater than first call date against total postpaid reco
This Metric is to measure the Completeness and Accuracy of Prepaid Data-Mart as compared to the Base IN Usage data
This Metrics is to validate the SMS revenue
This metrics is to measure any change in records having Subscription start/end date against Offer relation start/end date to
This Metric is to measure the Count of Active Access Numbers which have Service_product as null.
This metric is to bring reliability by reconciling Customer SubType in EBU Datamart and ICMS
This metrics is to measure the consistency in Accounts between Billing Accounts and Trouble Tickets, for EBU Customers
This metrics is to bring reliability to Service order by reconciling Service order event and their corresponding contact even
This Metrics is to validate the Video revenue
This metrics is to measure the consistency in Accounts between Billing Accounts and Sales Orders, for EBU Customers
This metrics is to bring reliablity by reconciling Subscription activation date against Product relation activation date to that
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have contact area type as null against total records
This Metrics is to validate the Voice revenue
This Metric is to measure that the Rated revenue should be the Sum of Discounts and the Actual revenue
The Value represents Percentage of CUSTOMER_IDs against total IDs ,which have same ORG_CUSTOMER_NAME as CUST_N
This metric is to bring reliability by reconciling Customer Type in EBU Datamart and ICMS
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have Primary_Contact_number as null against total records.
This Metric is to measure the Count of Active Access Numbers which have Service_Tariff as null.
This metrics is to bring reliability by reconciling Customer Segment in CRMD and Party segment in EDW against total record
This metric is to bring reliability by reconciling Customer Segment in EBU Datamart and ICMS, for EBU GSM cusotomers
This Metric is to measure the Accuracy of Party and Account relationship for EBU, with respect to their Role tagging
The Value represents Percentage of Active Account numbers against total numbers in CRMD ,which are not Active in Acct (
This Metric is to measure the Accuracy of nationality consistency with respect to identification number
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have nationality code as null or UNK against total records
This Metric is to measure the Count of Rate Plan which are not consistence with respect to subscriber master table
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have Sales Sector Value as null against total records for EBU.
This metrics is to measure the count of landline records having only one subscription tagged against total records at any po
This metrics is to bring reliability by reconciling Circuit Status in CRMD and Accs Meth Status in ICMS, for EBU Customers
The Value represents Percentage of Products against total numbers in CRMD ,which are not present in Prod (Edw).
This metrics is to bring reliablity by reconciling Subscription end date against Offer relation end date to that of total records
This metrics is to bring reliability by reconciling Active Accs meth Number in CRMD and EDW against total records.
The Value represents percentage of multiple open subscriptions against total active subscription,which are open at any poi
This Metric is to measure the Count of records which have contact area code as null against total records
The Value represents Percentage of Active accounts against total accounts,which have atleast one active number
This Metric is to measure the Count of subscription which are not consistence with respect to subscriber master table
Comparison OF IN AND PDS

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