Siklon Tropis
Siklon Tropis
Siklon Tropis
Tropical cyclones
Wave transformation
The numerical wave model SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore) and historical wave buoy observations
were used to investigate the response of surface wave fields to tropical cyclone (TC) wind forcing on the
Australian North West Shelf (NWS). Analysis of historical wave data during TC events at a key location on
the NWS showed that an average of 1.7 large TCs impacted the region each year, albeit with high variability
in TC track, intensity and size, and also in the surface wave field response. An accurately modeled TC wind
field resulted in a good prediction of the observed extreme wave conditions by SWAN. Results showed that
the presence of strong background winds during a TC and a long TC lifetime (with large variations in
translation speed) can provide additional energy input. This potentially enhances the generated swell waves
and increases the spatial extent of the TC generated surface wave fields. For the TC translation speeds in
this study, a positive relationship between TC translation speed and the resulting maximum significant wave
height and wave field asymmetry was observed. Bottom friction across the wide NWS limited the amount
of wave energy reaching the coastal region; consistently reducing wave energy in depths below 50 m, and in
the case of the most extreme conditions, in depths up to 100 m that comprise much of the shelf.
Nevertheless, whitecapping was still the dominant dissipation mechanism on the broader shelf region.
Shelf-scale refraction had little effect on the amount of wave energy reaching the nearshore zone; however,
refraction locally enhanced or reduced wave energy depending on the orientation of the isobaths with
respect to the dominant wave direction during the TC.
1. Introduction
Tropical cyclones (TCs), also known as hurricanes or typhoons depending on geographic convention, are
common phenomena in tropical latitudes across the world. High wind speeds associated with TCs generate
extreme surface waves, with the maximum wave heights typically found near the radius of maximum wind
speeds (Rmax), which subsequently decrease exponentially from the eye (e.g., Wang et al., 2005). The time-
dependent spatial distribution of this wave field is dependent on several properties of the TC, including but
not limited to: wind speed, storm translation speed and track and, when in sufficiently shallow water, the
characteristics of the shelf and coastal bathymetry. Shallow water effects are particularly relevant in shelf
regions, such as the focus area of this study on the Australian North West shelf (NWS) (25°S–10°S, 105°E–
135°E). The NWS is a sub-basin within the Australian TC region extending across northern Australia. It has
Australia's highest TC activity and is one of the major TC regions globally (Kuleshov et al., 2008), with ~5
TCs occurring each year (Goebbert and Leslie, 2010).
Studies of the ocean response to TCs have focused on either the induced surface wave field (Ou et al.,
2002; Dietrich et al., 2011; Roland and Ardhuin, 2014) or the circulation and mixing in the ocean interior
(Zedler et al., 2002; Uhlhorn et al., 2013; Rayson et al., 2015). Third generation spectral (phase-averaged)
surface wave models (e.g., WaveWatch III and Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN)) contain parametric
source terms to describe linear and exponential wave growth, nonlinear energy transfers by quadruplet and
triad wave-wave interactions, mechanisms of dissipation by whitecapping, depth-in-duced breaking and
bottom friction, and these models have been used with various degrees of success in reproducing TC
generated surface wave fields (e.g. Ou et al., 2002; Tolman and Alves, 2005; Babanin et al., 2011).
Accurately parameterizing the fine-scale air-sea interac-tion processes under cyclonic forcing is essential to
accurately predict-ing TC waves (e.g. Anthes, 1982; Emanuel, 1986) and several studies have thus focused
on developing new approaches to describe wind to wave energy transfer. In numerical wave models like
SWAN, following Komen et al. (1984) the friction velocity U is prescribed as U = C U 2 , where U10 is the
wind speed at 10 m elevation (averaged over a particular time period) and C d is the surface drag coefficient.
Earlier studies have considered the drag coefficient to be a linearly increasing function of the U10 (Wu,
1982), but recent studies have shown drag coefficients are reduced in high winds (e.g. Powell, 2007;
Zijlema et al., 2012; and Holthuijsen et al., 2012), thus suggesting that Cd values are not only dependent on
the wind speed but also on the sea state
In summary, in locations such as the relatively shallow waters of the NWS, there is limited understanding
of the interplay and relative importance of the various physical mechanisms that influence TC-generated
surface wave fields. With a focus on the NWS, this paper will combine numerical modeling techniques
using SWAN and field ob-servations to assess the ability of phase-averaged numerical surface wave models
to predict the spatial and temporal evolution of surface wave fields under TCs in shelf waters. Focusing on
TCs with diverse trajectories, the goals are to identify which physical processes are dominant in affecting
the surface wave fields and, in particular, to examine the effect of the limited depth and bottom friction on
the evolution of the surface wave fields.
The Australian North West Shelf (NWS) represents the con-tinental shelf region off northwestern
Australia and is characterized by its generally wide and shallow shelf bathymetry (the 200 m contour is
located 200–300 km offshore) and experiences a number of TCs each year (Fig. 1). The background
seasonal wave climate on the NWS can be characterized as generally experiencing low to moderate wave
energy with waves predominantly from the south-west, generated by distant Southern Ocean storms
particularly during the austral winter months. Given that detailed published data on the wave climate on the
NWS is very limited, we initially analyzed historical wave data between 1995 and 2013 at North Rankin A
(NRA), a gas production platform located ∼130 km northwest of Dampier in 125 m water depth. Results
from this analysis indicate that significant wave heights (Hs) are usually less than 2 m at this location and
waves are primarily from the south-west at ∼240° (Fig. 2a and d). A secondary easterly wave direction
(∼90°) and lower periods can also be seen with larger waves (Fig. 2c, e, and f). Most of the high energy
wave conditions can be attributed to TC events during the austral summer months. These TCs usually
develop in the Timor Sea or northern Kimberley region (15°S–10°S, 123°E–128°E), then propagate in a
south-westerly direction over the continental shelf parallel to the shelf break (200 m isobath). The
implication is that the larger waves on the NWS are mainly locally generated and come from an easterly
direction, while the smaller waves are remotely generated swell waves coming from a southwesterly
Fig. 1. The study domain of the North West Shelf (NWS) of Australia. Bathymetry contours for the 50, 100,
200 and 500 m isobaths are denoted by the black solid lines. The tracks of TCs affecting NRA (denoted by
the *) between 1995 and 2013 are plotted as thin blue solid lines. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Despite a common southwesterly translation direction, TC paths are highly variable and some TCs move
in directions that are predomi-nantly normal or oblique to local isobaths. Analysis of historical wave data
during TC events at NRA shows that an average of 1.7 cyclones with H s,max > 3.0 m impact this site per year.
The tracks of all TCs and the location of NRA with respect to these tracks are summarized in Fig. 1. To
analyze the TCs that affected NRA between 1995 and 2013, relevant cyclone parameters such as the storm
speed UTC and direction θTC, as well as the radius of maximum winds Rmax were obtained from the Australian
Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) at the closest approach of the TC center with respect to NRA. The minimum
distance, r/Rmax, between the TC center and NRA and corresponding cyclone parameters are shown in Table
Table 1 shows high variability in both TC speed and direction. Most TCs followed a path from either
northeast to southwest parallel to the isobaths (15° < θTC < 105°), or from northwest to southeast normal to
the isobaths (285° < θTC < 15°). TCs with the two highest observed significant wave heights (11.3 m and 8.1
m for TCs Olivia and Vance, respectively) moved in a direction normal to the isobaths at relatively high
translation speeds. Large waves (Hs of 7.2 m and 6.7 m for TCs Tiffany and Bianca, respectively) were also
observed for TCs moving in a direction parallel to the isobaths at moderate to high translation speeds. While
wave directions were generally highly variable, wave directions at Hs,max were mostly from either the
northeast parallel to the isobaths or northwest normal to the isobaths, but for a few TCs the wave direction
at Hs,max was from the southwest (195° < θp < 285°) (shown in Fig. 3). Wave directions reflected the TC
translation direction in some cases (e.g. TCs Vance and Bianca, 7° and 18°, respectively), were
approximately perpendicular in other cases (e.g. TCs Nicholas and Gwenda, 108° and 121°, respectively),
and appeared completely unrelated in others (e.g. TCs Glenda and Lua, 149° and 160°, respectively). These
high variabilities in wave amplitude and direction indicate that the specific TC track, speed and intensity in
combination with the regional bathymetry collectively determine the local wave conditions at the NWS.
A parametric double-vortex TC wind model (McConochie et al., 2004) was used to force the numerical
spectral wave model SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore, version 41.01 (Booij et al., 1999)). This wind
model is largely based on Holland (1980) and Cardone et al. (1994) and specifies a primary and secondary
atmospheric circulation. The pressure profile determines the surface wind profile, and the modeled wind
field was blended with the hourly synoptic wind field at a spatial resolution of 0.2o (National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration Climate Forecast System version 2 (NOAA CFSv2) (Saha et al., 2011)). A first
order wind field asymmetry was applied to allow for the forward motion of the cyclone vortex. Data on the
cyclone tracks, central pressures, maximum sustained wind speeds and the radii of maximum sustained
wind speed of tropical cyclones were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), while
other parameters in the wind model were determined by a fitting process, where model output was
compared with measured wind data for 22 available BOM weather stations throughout northwestern
Australia (McConochie et al., 2004). Wave parameters (Hs, Tp and θp), representing significant wave height,
peak period and peak direction, were extracted from the NOAA WaveWatch III global hindcast runs
(available at, which have a spatial resolution of 0.5° and a temporal
resolution of 3 h, and then these were applied to the open boundaries of the SWAN domain. Bathymetry for
the NWS was obtained from the Australian Geoscience dataset with a gridded spatial resolution of 250 m.
The model domain extended between 110°E and 125°E and 10°S and 25°S with a grid resolution of 0.05°
and two nested model domains were run inside this large scale model to increase model accuracy near the
measurement locations (Fig. 4). The large-scale model and Nest 1 were run with a SWAN time step of 10
min, while Nest 2 was run with a time step of 5 min. The frequency domain was discretized on a
logarithmic scale into 30 frequency bins ( σ/σ=0.08), ranging from 0.04 to 0.4 Hz, and the directional
domain was discretized homogeneously into 180 sectors ( θ=2°) to avoid the Garden-Sprinkler Effect (e.g.
Tolman, 2002). This directional resolution is finer than the more typical value of θ=10°.
The physics in SWAN are resolved by solving the wave action balance (Booij et al., 1999) as (1):
The first and second terms on the left side of Eq. (1) give the local and advective rates of change of wave
action density, where cg⃗ is the wave group velocity. The third and fourth terms represent the relative
frequency shifting and refraction, respectively. Here cσ and cθ are the propagation speeds in σ- and θ-
direction. The source and sink term on the right side of Eq. (1) accounts for all physical processes which
generate, dissipate or redistribute wave energy (Komen et al., 1984) as (2):
These source and sink terms include wind-generated wave growth (Swind); nonlinear wave transfers due to
triad (Snl3) and quadruplet (Snl4) wave-wave interactions; and wave energy dissipation due to depth-limited
wave breaking (Sbrk), bottom friction (Sfric) and white-capping (Swcap). The default case simulations used the
exponential wave growth terms from Janssen (1989) and Janssen (1991) and include the linear wave growth
term from Cavaleri and Rizzoli (1981). Default values were used for the coefficient for determining the rate
of whitecapping and the coefficient for the dependency of the white- capping on the wave number and for
the proportionally coefficient in the Cavaleri and Rizzoli (1981) term (4.5, 0.5 and 0.0015, respectively).
Fig. 2. Histograms of wave parameters measured at NRA over the period 1995–2013 showing: a)
significant wave height Hs; b) wave directional spreading at peak period; c) peak period Tp; d) peak wave
direction (nautical convention). e) and f) show the peak period and peak direction as in c) and d), but
restricted to only high wave conditions defined as Hs > 3 m.
After initial evaluation, the surface drag formulation by Zijlema et al. (2012) was used as default in the
simulations (also the default formulation in SWAN since the SWAN 41.01 release). Depth-limited wave
breaking (only relevant in shallow water) was calculated based on Battjes and Janssen (1978) using a
default breaking index value of γ=0.73 and the bottom friction was represented by the Madsen et al. (1988)
formulation using a roughness length scale of 0.10 m that is typical of shelf regions (Guillou, 2014).
Quadruplet wave interactions and triad wave-wave interactions were calculated with the Discrete
Interaction Approximation (DIA) (Hasselmann et al., 1985) and Lumped Triad Approximation (LTA)
(Eldeberky and Battjes, 1996). Refraction in SWAN is included by the directional turning rate of individual
wave components in the 2D wave spectrum (Holthuijsen et al., 2003). To investigate the effects of bottom
friction and refraction, some of the SWAN simulations were run with these terms in the wave action
equation turned off.
TCs Nicholas (2008), Bianca (2011), Lua (2012) and Christine (2013) were selected for detailed
evaluation with the numerical modeling as they represented a diversity of tracks, translation speeds and
intensities. Fig. 5 shows the proportion of the lifetime of each TC in differing water depth, storm speed,
wind speed and storm radius. Large variations in these TC characteristics were generally observed between
various TCs. For most TCs in this study, the TC eye was moving in deep water ( > 500 m depths) o ff the
continental shelf for a majority of their lifetimes (Fig. 5a). The TCs in this study experienced large
variations in the TC translation speed (Fig. 5b). TCs Nicholas and Christine were relatively slow moving
(UTC < 5 m s−1), whereas TCs Bianca and Lua both had periods of both slow and fast translation speeds
within their lifetimes. Variations in wind speed were generally large and Fig. 5c indicates that the most
extreme wind speeds were only observed during a relatively small proportion of each TC's lifetime. In
general, a higher TC intensity related to smaller R max values, and the Rmax values of each storm were
typically in a lower range around 30 km (Fig. 5d). Only TC Christine showed a different trend, with a
majority of Rmax > 50 km.
TCs Nicholas and Bianca both had tracks primarily parallel to the 200 m isobath; however, TC Nicholas
moved over deep waters while TC Bianca moved over shallow waters. Although TC Nicholas was near
maximum intensity when passing NRA, with 10-min averaged wind speeds reached 22 m s −1 at NRA, due
to the even closer approach to NRA during TC Bianca wind speeds reached 32 m s −1 (r/Rmax of 7.2 versus
0.9, respectively (Table 1)). TC Nicholas was generally slow, with a translation speed of 2.9 m s −1 when
passing NRA, whereas TC Bianca was a relatively fast storm with a translation speed of 7.1 m s −1 when
passing near NRA. TC Lua initially approached NRA from the northwest as a tropical low, then reversed
direction and moved away from the shelf while intensifying into a category 1 TC. TC Lua was then near-
stationary in deep water, while intensifying into a category 3 TC, before further intensifying to maximum
strength with maximum 10- min averaged wind speeds of 46 m s −1 at Rmax and moving in a southeasterly
direction with a translation speed of 7.2 m s−1 towards the coast. TC Lua had a strong variability of
translation speed during its lifetime. A large proportion of its lifetime was spent near stationary (0 m s −1 <
UTC < 1 m s−1), but near the end of its lifecycle TC Lua became the fastest moving TC in this study. Finally,
TC Christine was less intense than TC Lua and moved in a southwesterly direction passing NRA at a
distance with a storm speed of 4.2 m s−1.
Table 1
Characteristics of TCs impacting NRA between 1995 and 2013 at the moment of maximum observed
significant wave height at NRA. The observed significant wave height, peak period and peak wave direction
at NRA at the observed time are shown. The storm speed U TC and the storm direction θTC are the speed and
nautical direction of the TC at the indicated time. r/Rmax indicates the distance r of the TC center to NRA,
normalized by the radius of maximum winds according to the BOM database, if available.
Fig. 3. Peak direction (nautical) and magnitude of Hs,max at NRA for all TCs in Table 1. Circles indicate the
magnitude of Hs,max and the red line marks the orientation of the local isobath. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 4. Map of the wave measurement sites (denoted by the *'s) with bathymetry contour lines. The tracks
of TC Nicholas, TC Bianca, TC Christine, TC Lua are plotted, where the color of the cyclone tracks
indicates the local maximum wind speed according to the BOM database. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
An overview of all available in-situ wave data used for model verification is summarized in Table 2, with
the locations shown in Fig. 4. The most substantial data source was from NRA, where directional and
spectral wave data were available for all selected TCs. Wave parameters (Tp and Hs) were available at the
A1, B1, Rose, HPR2, HPR3 and Exmouth offshore buoys during specific TCs. Additionally, satellite wave
altimeter data can be used if the timing and position of a satellite orbit coincides with a TC passage.
Queffeulou and Crouzé-Fillon (2013) assembled altimeter data from the eight altimeter missions ERS-1 &
2, TOPEX-Poseidon, GEOSAT Follow-ON (GFO), Jason-1, Jason-2, ENVISAT and CryoSat for a period
of 20 years (1993–2013). Altimeter data (e.g. significant wave height) was extracted from this original
product and screened according to quality flag values and corrected and homogeneous daily data files were
created. Altimeter data has already been used successfully in several previous studies, even under TC
conditions (e.g. Smith et al., 2013).
The hindcast model simulations were quantitatively compared to field observations by analyzing the
model skill, root-mean-squared error and bias (Willmott, 1984), defined as (3-5):
The subscripts m and o in Eqs. (3)–(5) denote the modeled and observed values, respectively, while X is a
given variable being compared. The overbars denote time-averaged values. A model skill of 1 represents the
best possible agreement between model output and observations, while a model skill of 0 represents no
Fig. 5. Proportion of TC lifetime spent a) at a specific water depth range (position of TC center); b) moving
at a specific translation speed (UTC); c) with a specific maximum wind speed (U10,max); and d) with a specific
radius to maximum winds (Rmax). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
4. Model verification
To assess the sensitivity of the predicted wave fields to the surface drag formulation, three different
approaches to determin-ing Cd values were evaluated: Wu (1982), Zijlema et al. (2012) and Holthuijsen et
al. (2012). Although the differences in the Cd values in the three formulations were found to be large during
high wind speeds, the effects on significant wave height tended to be relatively small overall. For example,
the over-prediction of Cd by the Wu (1982) formulation resulted in an over-prediction of Hs by a maximum
of ~8% (or 2 m) in a region around the radius of maximum winds during TC Lua. The formulation from
Holthuijsen et al. (2012) resulted in a slight increase of Hs in the rear quadrants of the TC and a slight
decrease in the left-front quadrant. Given these results, the recently updated formulation proposed by
Zijlema et al. (2012) was used for all subsequent simulations in the study described below.
Table 2
Time series of Hs at NRA during TCs Nicholas, Bianca, Lua and Christine are shown in Fig. 6, comparisons
of the modeled versus the observed Hs at all measurement locations are shown in Fig. 7, and the overall
model performance statistics are summarized in Table 3. In Table 3 we also summarize the performance of
the wind model at several locations. Fig. 6 shows that while there was an overestimation of the wave
heights during the peak of TCs Bianca and Lua, there was good agreement for TCs Nicolas and Christine.
Moreover, when considering the full duration of the storm and performance statistics (Fig. 7 and Table 3),
the model was able to provide robust predictions of the wave fields generated during all four TCs. We
further note that any discrepancies between the observations and predictions may also not be primarily due
to errors in the wave model and its formulations, as there are also uncertainties in model forcing (especially
the wind fields, but also background wave fields), since small errors in the eye position and Rmax can have a
large effect on Hs if the measurement location is very close to the eye of the TC. TC Bianca passed NRA at
a very close distance of r/R max=0.9 (Table 1), while the eye position uncertainty for TC Bianca was 0.8R max
when passing NRA. During TC Lua, NRA was mostly on the weak side (right quadrants), where interaction
of waves with adverse winds and wind-induced currents could be responsible for differences between
modeled and observed wave heights (Fan et al., 2009; Zieger et al., 2015; Aijaz et al., 2016).
Fig. 6. Time series of modeled and observed significant wave height at NRA during a) TC Nicholas, b) TC
Bianca), c) TC Lua and d) TC Christine.
Comparisons between the observed and modeled wave energy spectral distributions, at the peak H s, are
shown in Fig. 8. The magnitude of the wave energy at the peak frequency was in a reason-able agreement
for TCs Bianca, Lua and Christine, but there were mismatches in the spectral shape for TCs Nicholas,
Bianca and Lua. Spectra for TCs Nicholas and Lua show that the model had a tendency to overestimate the
wave energy at lower frequencies. NRA was on the left side of the TC track for TC Nicholas and Bianca,
but TC Nicholas passed NRA at a much larger distance than TC Bianca with r/R max of 7.2 versus 0.9,
respectively (Table 1). For TC Nicholas (Fig. 8a) this resulted in a modeled peak frequency that was lower
than observed. NRA was on the right side of the track for TC Lua and TC Christine, but TC Lua had a
higher intensity, was of larger size and passed NRA at a large distance. The modeled uni-modal spectrum
matched the observed wave spectrum during TC Christine, but the bi-modal or tri-modal wave spectra
during TC Lua were not always correctly reproduced by the model which (again) overestimated the low
frequency portion of the spectra. Possible explanations for these mismatches could be attributed the
complex behavior of nonlinear wind input and whitecapping dissipation in TC conditions that are not being
correctly parameterized (Donelan et al., 2006; Manasseh et al., 2006; van Vledder et al., 2016), and too
much energy transfer to low frequencies due to nonlinear wave-wave interactions due to mismatches in the
DIA parameterization (Tolman, 2013). Observations from the left side of TC Lua at A1 and B1 displayed
very uni-modal wave spectra, which were in good agreement with modeled wave spectra (error in wave
energy at peak frequency ~5%). To examine the spatial distributions, we used satellite-derived transects of
wind speed and Hs, and in Fig. 9 we show there is good agreement between modeled and observed data; for
the example of TC Nicholas, the model skill values for wind and waves along the transect were 0.94 and
0.80, respectively.
5. Results
TC wind field forcing and the resulting wave fields are complex in both space and time. Adoption of a
TC-following coordinate system, as introduced by Young (2006) and Esquivel-Trava et al. (2015), allows
for averaging of the spatial wind and wave fields over the duration of a TC and comparison of spatial
patterns between TCs. Each grid cell was classified based on the normalized distance to the TC center and
the position with respect to the translation direction of the TC. Hereafter, values were averaged in bins with
a width and height defined by Rmax. For comparison of the spatial patterns over time, values for U 10 and Hs
were normalized by the maximum value at each hourly time step. The x-axis thus represents the direction
normal to the TC translation direction (left is negative and right is positive), whereas the y-axis represents
the TC translation direction (front is positive and rear is negative). This categorizes the spatial maps into
four TC quadrants: left forward (LF), right forward (RF), left rear (LR) and right rear (RR). This coordinate
system was used in Fig. 10 to illustrate the spatial response of the 4 TCs.
TCs Nicholas and Lua both show a slow spatial decay of wind speed and H s in the radial direction, whereas
U10 generally decayed quicker in the radial direction than H s. Both TCs were of long duration with
persistent large-scale background winds (of the order of 10–15 m s−1 at latitudes of 10–12°S, Fig. 9a and b).
Given the large fetch of these storms, these background winds generated significant wave heights up to 5 m
(Fig. 9c and d). During their initial stages, both TCs were near stationary and thus were able to input energy
to the surface wave field over a larger area. When the TC translation speed and intensity subsequently
increased, the combination of the background waves and the TC generated waves produced the slow decay
in Hs (Fig. 10b and h). TC Nicholas also coincided with a period of persistent “back-ground” southerly
winds off the coast of northwestern Australia (around 114°E, 22°S), adding wind and wave energy into the
system from the southwest, and this extra energy input also reduced the spatial decay in this direction.
Fig. 7. Modeled versus observed significant wave height at NRA during a) TC Nicholas, b) TC Bianca),
c) TC Lua and d) TC Christine.
In comparison with TCs Nicholas and Lua, TCs Christine and Bianca showed a more rapid radial decay
of Hs (Fig. 10e and k), with Hs decaying at a similar rate to U10. Both TCs had a short duration lifetime
within the study area compared to TCs Nicholas and Lua, moved at average (3–5 m s−1) to fast ( > 5 m s −1)
translation speeds, and traveled closer to the coast over relatively shallow shelf waters. In the right-rear
sector of TC Christine there was a relatively small radial decay in H s. In both of the left quadrants, H s
decayed much more abruptly in the relatively shallow shelf waters due to increased dissipation of wave
energy due to bottom friction (see Fig. 4), as we discuss further below. For all 4 TCs, differences in the
spatial characteristics of the surface wave fields can be attributed to the combination of the position of the
TC tracks with respect to local bathymetry and differences in the background wind fields.
The radial decay of Hs during a TC in deep water with negligible effects of local bathymetry on surface
waves has been described by (semi-)empirical relationships (Young, 1988; Wang et al., 2005). Based on
detailed observations from Hurricane Ivan, Wang et al. (2005) suggested the significant wave height can be
expressed as an exponen-tial function of the radial distance (6)
where a=2.7, b=−0.96 and c=−0.94 are the fitting coefficients that were observed for Hurricane Ivan. Eq.
(6) can be applied for a specific TC and a specific quadrant, and the resulting fitting coefficients are shown
in Table 4 and the results plotted in Fig. 11. When using the single set of coefficients suggested by Wang et
al. (2005), this generally resulted in a poor prediction of the radial decay, but using coefficients specific to
each TC and direction resulted in good fits with model output. Insufficient data points in deep water were
available for a fit in the left direction with respect to the TC translation direction for TC Christine, due to its
proximity to the coast. The variations in fitting coefficients between various TCs and quadrants highlight
the limited predictive capabilities of Wang et al. (2005)'s simple expression. Young and Vinoth (2013)
improved the parametric model introduced by Young (1988) where Hs is described as a function of the
radial distance, radius to maximum winds, TC translation speed and wind speed, and a comparison between
the model output and the Young and Vinoth (2013) model is also included in Fig. 11. The Young and Vinoth
(2013) model shows a good prediction of the radial decay with an overall model skill of 0.89 for all four
TCs. Fig. 12 shows that Hs,max was much higher than predicted by the Young and Vinoth (2013) model for
high wind speeds and TC translation speeds, particularly during TC Lua, but also for a period with
relatively high wind speeds and low TC translation speeds during TC Nicholas. Highest wind speeds (U10,max
> 30 m s−1) during TCs Bianca and Lua corresponded with relatively high translation speeds (UTC > 5 m s−1).
Values for Hs,max increased much quicker when these values for U 10,max and UTC were exceeded and were
more scattered. This suggests that, under some circumstances, the local waves that are generated are no
longer behaving as if they were fetch-limited. For the selected TCs in this study, UTC rarely approaches or
exceeds the group velocity cg, and therefore in practice there is a positive relationship between UTC and
Table 3
Model skill, root-mean-square error and bias for wind speeds U10 and wave height Hs for TCs Nicholas,
Bianca, Lua and Christine, calculated over a 72 h period around time of Hs,max.
Inverse wave age ((U10 cos θ)/cp) can be used to assess the effects of the wind on the sea state, where c p is
the peak phase speed of the waves and θ the angle between the wind direction and the peak wave direction.
By convention, the sea state is considered to be mixed (comprised of both wind sea and swell waves) for
0.15 < (U10 cos θ)/cp < 0.83, wind-driven (dominated by wind sea) for (U 10 cos θ)/cp > 0.83, wave-driven
(swell dominated) for 0 < (U10 cos θ)/cp < 0.15, and experiences counter-swell conditions (wind direction
opposite to wave direction) if (U 10 cos θ)/cp < 0 (e.g. Hanley et al., 2010). We note that interpretation of
wave age can locally become ambiguous near TCs, where the spectral-peak waves may propagate at large
angles to the local wind that generated them; however, they can (when interpreted with caution) provide
further insight into the different sea-states that surround a TC. Fig. 13 shows that TC Lua had a relatively
long lifetime with an initial period of relatively low translation speeds followed by a period with rapid
intensification and relatively high translation speeds. It thus serves as a useful case study for how sea states
can evolve with changes in translation speed, even for the same storm. Separating this TC into periods of
low translation speeds (UTC < 5 m s−1) and high translation speeds (UTC > 5 m s−1) shows that the spatial
character-istics of the sea states changed as TC Lua moved faster (Fig. 13). Most of the left forward and left
rear quadrants were wind-driven, while the right forward quadrant was in a mixed sea state, and the right
rear quadrant was mostly in a mixed state but with a region of wind-driven sea states around (−7R, −2R).
Increased UTC and intensity resulted in a transition from mixed to swell-dominated sea states in the left
forward quadrant. As wind and wave direction were aligned in this region, waves were subjected to a high
wind input for a longer duration according to the extended fetch principle. This resulted in a larger transfer
of wave energy from high to low frequencies, increasing the overall wave energy.
Fig. 8. Observed (red) and modeled (blue) normalized wave energy spectra for TCs Nicholas (a), Bianca
(b), Lua (c) and Christine (d) at NRA (a,b,c) and HPR3 (d) at the time when the peak Hs,max was observed
(Table 1). Each spectrum is normalized by its peak value. (For interpretation of the references to color in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.
Fig. 9. Wind speed and significant wave height at 18 Feb 2008 (06:00) during TC Nicholas. a) The spatial
distribution of the modeled wind speed, where the black line indicates the track of TC Nicholas and the
satellite (Jason-1) derived wind speeds are plotted on top of the modeled wind speeds. b) The modeled wind
speed versus the satellite-derived values as a function of the distance along the satellite track (ascending
from south to north). c) and d) are similar to plots a) and b) but show significant wave heights. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this
For TC Lua, an opposite transition from mixed to wind-driven sea states was observed in the right rear
quadrant and a transition from swell-dominated to counter-swell sea states in the right forward quadrant. In
this quadrant, wind and wave directions were opposite for a longer duration, limiting the effective fetch.
This resulted in steeper waves with increased whitecapping dissipation (see below), locally decreasing the
overall wave energy. Therefore, maximum inverse wave ages increased so that wind-driven regions became
more wind-dominated and minimum wave ages decreased. Hence the asymmetry in the spatial wave field
increased significantly as a result of the increased U TC and intensity. Furthermore, the spatial inverse wave
age composite maps of TCs Nicholas and Bianca (Fig. 10c and f) displayed similar general patterns, with a
region of wind-driven seas in the right forward and left rear quadrant. However, these regions were larger
and the inverse wave age was higher, while conversely inverse wave ages were lower in the right rear
quadrant for TC Bianca with respect to TC Nicholas. This resulted in a higher asymmetry of the surface
wave field during TC Bianca and can partly be associated with the higher translation speed and intensity
during TC Bianca. On the other hand, the shallower water region in the left quadrants during TC Bianca
resulted in more dissipation in the left quadrants (see below), also resulting in a higher asymmetry. Finally,
the long lifetime of TC Nicholas resulted in a more energetic initial sea state so that more energy was
transferred to low frequencies, leading to lower wave age.
For TCs Nicholas, Bianca, Lua and Christine, the individual terms in the energy balance in Eq. (2) are
shown for water depths out to 200 m (Fig. 14). These terms were integrated over all frequencies and
directions. The total integral over the non-linear wave-wave interaction term (S nl4) was assumed to be 0 and
the depth-limited breaking term (Sbrk) was mostly negligible and is therefore not shown in Fig. 14. During
the majority of the lifetime of TCs Nicholas and Lua, more energy was dissipated on the shelf than
generated (Fig. 14a), and hence the significant wave height decreased over the shelf. Unlike TC Nicholas,
TC Lua eventually propagated in a direction normal to the 200 m isobath, and more wave energy was
generated on the shelf due to locally high wind speeds (Fig. 14b). Because of the larger incoming waves
during TC Lua, bottom friction started to affect the waves in very deep water (depths of ~130 m), almost
twice the depth of influence of about 70 m for TCs Nicholas, Bianca and Christine. These three TCs all
showed similar patterns for dissipation by bottom friction, but more energy was generated and dissipated
due to whitecapping for depths below 100 m during TCs Bianca and Christine (Fig. 14c and d). The lower
values of wind generation and whitecapping below 100 m during TC Nicholas (compared to TCs Bianca
and Christine) are related to its more offshore track in deeper waters. As TCs Bianca and Christine spent a
larger portion of their lifetime (~55% and ~25%, respectively) on the shelf (depths < 200 m) (Fig. 5a),
higher wind speeds on the shelf resulted in more local wave energy generation. Because the white-capping
term depends on the overall wave steepness, younger waves with a higher overall steepness resulted in
higher dissipation due to whitecapping
Fig. 10. Spatial map of 1Rmax×1Rmax bin-averaged values of U10 (left), Hs (center) and inverse wave age
(right) for TCs Nicholas, Bianca, Lua and Christine. U10 and Hs are normalized by the maximum U10 and Hs
for each TC, and the values in each bin are averaged over the duration of the TC. The coordinate x is
positive towards the right side of the TC and negative towards the left, while y is positive in front of the TC
and negative for the rear. Empty cells indicate a lack of data due to a land mass. In the right column, dashed
lines denote the separation between wind driven seas and mixed seas, while the dash-dotted line denotes the
separation between mixed seas and wave driven (swell) seas. The dotted line denotes the separation
between positive and negative values. Negative values indicate wind directions opposite to wave directions.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
of this article.)
Table 4
Radial decay fitting coefficients b and c from Eq. (6) for all TCs in four directions.
A comparison of the spatial variation in bottom friction dissipation of wave energy is shown in Fig. 15.
In shallow water (depth < 50 m) and relatively close to the TC track, the relative contribution of bottom
friction to the dissipation of wave energy was lower for TCs moving in a coast-normal direction (TCs Lua
and Christine) compared to TCs moving in a coast-parallel direction. This is because the TC center, where
the highest winds cause the highest local energy generation, moved over shallow water (depth < 50 m). For
the coast-parallel moving TCs (Nicholas and Bianca), the TC center stayed in waters with a depth > 50 m.
Further away from the TC track, bottom friction dissipated a substantial amount of wave energy in depths
less than 50 m, thereby reducing the wave energy that reached the coastline. Dissipation due to depth-
limited breaking was generally only relevant in very shallow coastal waters (depth < 10 m). However, Fig.
16 shows that before TC Lua made landfall, Sbrk was significant from ~50 m depth in a relative small area
on the left side of the TC track with respect to the TC translation direction. These higher values for S brk/ Stot
are related to very high waves (Hs > 15 m) in an area with the highest wind speeds around the 50 m isobath;
while the relative contribution of the bottom friction, Sfric/Stot, was much smaller in this area.
A more detailed overview of the attenuation of wave energy due to bottom friction is shown in Fig. 17,
which highlights the difference between the maximum Hs between the model runs with and without bottom
friction. The reduction in Hs,max (defined as the modeled Hs,max without bottom friction subtracted by the
modeled Hs,max including bottom friction) was generally around 1–2 m (up to ~50%) once waves reached the
10 m isobath. However, wave attenuation due to bottom friction was relatively small around the locations
where TCs Lua and Christine crossed the 50 m isobath. For TC Lua, wave heights on the shelf were high
enough to cause depth-limited breaking before waves could reach the 10 m isobath. However, Hs,max along
the 50 m isobath shows that around 123°E bottom friction reduced H s,max from ~10 m to ~7 m (up to ~30%
attenuation due to bottom friction). In the case of TCs Nicholas and Bianca, which moved predominantly
parallel to the 200 m isobath, a similar amount of wave energy reached the 10 m isobath if bottom friction
was turned off. However, due to bottom friction, the wave attenuation during TC Nicholas was higher than
during TC Bianca. Differences in Hs,max due to bottom friction for depths greater than 200 m were generally
small ( < 1 m). This shows that generally a large portion of the wave energy is attenuated by bottom friction
over the shelf before reaching the coastal zone, and only when the TC center moves over very shallow
water (depths < 50 m) does attenuation due to bottom friction become relatively less domi-nant.
Fig. 11. Time-averaged spatial distribution of Hs per cross-section and TC from the best fit of SWAN
simulations to Eq. (6) (Table 4). Hs was normalized by the maximum Hs within each direction and TC. Error
bars indicate the time-averaged Hs/Hs,max and standard deviation per 0.5r/Rmax bin from the SWAN
simulations. Blue lines show the spatial distribution towards the left (−r/Rmax) and right (r/Rmax) with respect
to the TC translation direction. Red lines show the spatial distribution towards the front (−r/Rmax) and rear
(r/Rmax) with respect to the TC translation direction. Included on each plot are the spatial distributions
predicted from the parametric model of Young and Vinoth (2013) and the suggested exponential function in
Wang et al. (2005) [Eq. (6)], which are plotted as dash-dotted and dashed lines, respectively. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this
Fig. 12. Maximum modeled Hs as a function of UTC and U10,max for all TCs in deep water (depth > 200 m),
where triangles indicate TC Nicholas, circles TC Bianca, squares TC Lua, and diamonds TC Christine.
Dashed and dash-dotted lines, respectively, show contour lines for the relationship between H s,max and UTC
as a function of U10,max, and the line with cg=UTC following Young and Vinoth (2013) is for the case of
Rmax=30 km. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)
Directional wave spectra at selected locations along a transect normal to the isobaths were averaged for
all quadrants during TC Christine to assess the spectral evolution of waves across the shelf, including the
role of bottom friction (Fig. 18). Since TC Christine moved across the shelf at an angle, the distance
towards the TC center increased from deep to shallow water for the locations on the left side of the track,
while the distance towards the TC center increased from shallow to deep water for the locations on the right
side of the track. Directional spectra were mostly unimodal in the left forward quadrant, with a weak
presence of background swell from the west-southwest. The peak direction in the left forward quadrant was
close to the TC propagation direction, but slowly shifted from north-northeast to north-northwest when
moving from deep to shallow water. Most energy was found at a peak frequency around 0.1 Hz, but a long
tail with frequencies between 0.1 and 0.2 Hz that corresponded to the local wind direction was also
observed. Wave energy was mostly attenuated by bottom friction at the low frequency peak direction, while
little wave energy was attenuated at the higher frequencies. In the left rear quadrant, wave spectra were
found to be bi-modal with a peak direction from the north, corresponding to the local wind direction, and a
secondary peak from the west-southwest with frequencies < 0.1 Hz as remote swell from TC Christine
moved away. Wave spectra in the right forward quadrant were generally weak with a much broader
directional spectrum, because the wind direction was mostly opposite to TC translation direction. As waves
propagated from the 50 m towards the 200 m isobath, wave energy was slowly transferred to lower
frequencies, but relatively large directional spreading remained. The largest waves in the right rear quadrant
had a relatively high frequency broad peak, which was aligned with the local wind direction. Bottom
friction did not appear to have a large influence on the spectrum in the right rear quadrant.
Even though bottom friction played a major role in dissipating wave energy on the shelf towards the
coastline, whitecapping still made the dominant contribution to the total energy dissipated on the shelf.
Even in shallow water of about 20 m, S wcap could be of similar magnitude to Sfric (Fig. 14c and d). Finally,
the depth-limited breaking term Sbrk was most often negligible on the shelf, but had a contribution to the
total energy dissipated in shallow water below a depth of 50 m during TC Lua. Some deeper locations
between 40 m and 50 m also showed substantial depth-limited breaking due to the localized shallow topo-
graphy. This was the case, for example, at the Rowley Shoals near 117.3°E, 19.2°S (not shown), where
large waves interact with these offshore bathymetric features.
The effects of refraction on wave heights over the shelf appeared to be controlled by the orientation of
isobaths with respect to the translation direction of the TC and incoming wave direction, with a similar
pattern observed for TCs with either tracks normal or parallel to the 200 m isobath for the majority of their
lifetime (Fig. 19). In some local regions, refraction had a relatively strong influence on the maximum
significant wave height. Amplification or reduction of the wave height depended on the wave direction with
respect to deflections in the depth contours on the shelf. Large incident waves during TC Lua caused
refraction up to a maximum of 20% of the wave energy from a depth of 200 m. However, the effects of
refraction on Hs,max were relatively small close to the track of TC Lua as the wave direction was normal to
the bathymetry contours (Figs. 19c and 20). For other TCs, refraction generally started to have some effect
on total energy propagation within the 100 m isobath. The highest ratios of refracted wave energy during
the TCs were found in the areas with largest wave lengths: for TC Bianca in the southwest and for TC Lua
in the northeast, both in the left TC quadrants (Fig. 19b and c). Overall, certain hotspot areas for enhanced
wave energy due to the orientation of isobaths can be found southwest of Barrow Island (115°E, 21°S) and
northwest of Broome (122°E, 18°S) with adjacent areas of decreased wave energy during all selected TCs.
However, Fig. 15 shows that the spatially bin-averaged wave energy was not strongly dependent on
refraction, as the overall Hs in the nearshore zone did not change significantly due to of refraction.
Directional wave spectra can be used to analyze spectral evolution on the shelf due to refraction, in a
similar way as described for bottom friction (Fig. 18). Wave spectra direction-ally narrowed as waves
refracted towards a direction normal to the local isobaths in depths < 200 m, and energy loss was highest
around the peak frequency.
Fig. 13. Spatial map of 1Rmax×1Rmax bin average of the inverse wave age for TC Lua when a) TC Lua was
moving relatively slowly (UT C < 5 m s−1) and b) moving relatively fast (UT C > 5 m s−1). (For interpretation
of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 14. Overview of wave energy generation and absolute values of dissipation terms on the NWS,
normalized by the total energy propagation, showing TCs Nicholas, Bianca, Lua and Christine. Values were
depth bin-averaged using a bin-width of 5 m and normalized by the total wave energy (E tot). Error bars
denote the standard deviation, while the solid lines denote the average values for a) total energy generation
due to wind (Swind) minus total energy dissipation (Stot); b) total energy generation due to wind; c)
dissipation due to bottom friction (Sfric); d) dissipation due to whitecapping (Swcap). (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 15. Spatial variability in the effects of bottom friction showing the difference in maximum Hs for each
cell between the default model run and a run with bottom friction turned o ff for a) TC Nicholas, b) TC
Bianca, c) TC Lua and d) TC Christine. The difference in Hs,max ( Hs,max) normalized by Hs,max. Solid black
lines represent the isobaths at 200 m and 50 m, and the thick magenta lines show the TC tracks. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this
Fig. 16. Spatial variability in the effects of bottom friction and depth limited breaking, showing the relative
amount of dissipation due to a) bottom friction and by b) depth-limited wave breaking during TC Lua.
Dissipation values at Hs,max for each cell were normalized by the total dissipation. Solid black lines represent
the isobaths at 200 m and 50 m, and the thick magenta lines show the tracks of TC Lua. (For interpretation
of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 17. Summary of maximum Hs on the shelf along the 200 m isobath and in the coastal zone (defined by
the 10 m isobaths) for default model runs (blue), model runs with bottom friction turned off (red), and
model runs with refraction turned off (magenta) during a) TC Nicholas, b) TC Bianca, c) TC Lua and d) TC
Christine. Wave height Hs,max is averaged over 0.5° longitude bins along the isobaths. Error bars indicate the
spreading of Hs,max within each bin, while the solid lines show the average values. H s,max along the 200 m
isobaths is denoted by (*) and along the 10 m isobath by triangles. For TC Lua the 50 m isobath is also
shown by squares. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.
Fig. 18. Directional wave spectra during TC Christine, averaged for the left forward quadrant (top row), left
rear quadrant (second row) along a coast-normal transect with decreasing depth from left to right. Likewise
for right forward quadrant (third row) and right rear quadrant (bottom row), but along a coast-normal
transect with increasing depth from left to right. Locations on the left side from left to right are (120.41°E,
17.48°S); (120.66°E, 17.83°S); (121.36°E, 17.73°S); (121.76°E, 18.37°S), locations on the right side from
left to right are (117.07°E, 19.07°S); (117.26°E, 19.42°S); (117.40°E, 19.96°S). Dashed and solid circles
indicate the frequencies (0.04–0.2 Hz), where the first dotted circle corresponds to a frequency of 0.1 Hz.
The circles also scale with the TC propagation speed (white dot) and wind speed (black dot), where the first
dashed circle corresponds to UTC=2 m s−1 and U10=10 m s−1. The size of the white markers represents the
radius of maximum winds (R). The magenta line indicates the orientation of the local isobath. Average
relative distance to the TC center and wave height are shown in all subplots. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 19. Spatial patterns of the relative importance of wave refraction, showing the difference in maximum
Hs for each cell between the default model run and a run with refraction turned off for a) TC Nicholas, b)
TC Bianca, c) TC Lua and d) TC Christine. Solid black lines represent the isobaths at 200 m and 50 m and
the thick magenta lines show the TC tracks. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 20. Response of refracted wave energy Eθ on the NWS normalized by the total wave energy for each
TC. Values were depth bin averaged using a bin-width of 5 m. Error bars indicate the standard deviation,
while the solid lines show the average values. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
The Australian North West Shelf (NWS) is a wide and relatively shallow continental shelf that regularly
experiences high wave condi-tions generated by TCs during the austral summer months. Analysis of long-
term historical wave data during TC events at a key location (NRA) on the NWS showed an annual average
of 1.7 cyclones impacts (with Hs,max > 3.0 m), with high variability in TC characteristics and surface wave
field characteristics. At this site, TCs that moved in a
direction normal to the isobaths at relatively high translation speeds generated the highest observed wave
heights. TCs moving in a direction parallel to the isobaths at moderate to high translation speeds also
generated large waves. These highly variable responses indicate that the specific TC track, speed and
intensity are all important factors in determining the local wave conditions during TC conditions on the
In general, with a good representation of the TC wind field we found that SWAN was able to hindcast the
observed extreme wave conditions with reasonably good accuracy. Model performance statistics showed
relatively good performance under complex behavior of wind input, but peak wave heights tended to be
overestimated during some storms. In particular when the wave spectra became very bi-modal and bi-
directional, SWAN tended to overestimate the low frequency portion of the wave spectra. Possible reasons
are interactions of waves with adverse winds and wind-induced currents, complex behavior in white-
capping dissipation and inaccuracies in parameterizing nonlinear wave-wave energy transfers. Future work
focusing on further improv-ing these physics should lead to even better TC wave field predictions; in
particular in the highest wind regions and weak side of TCs. The spatial distribution of the surface wave
field was directly related to the spatial distribution of the wind speed. As found in previous studies, a good
representation of the TC wind velocities is essential for the prediction of surface wave fields (e.g. Tolman
and Alves, 2005; Roland and Ardhuin, 2014). Liu et al. (2007) found the prediction of the surface wave
fields in the initial period of a TC can be improved by merging the background wind field into the TC wind
field, but the effects on the maximum significant wave height in the domain were limited. However, this
study showed that the presence of the back-ground winds during a TC can be responsible for additional
wind energy input, and this extra energy can both enhance the swell waves generated by the TC and
increase the area over which a TC impacts.
While the radial decay of the waves away from the TC center can be described by an exponential
function like Eq. (6), we found the fitting coefficients vary for each TC and for different directions
(quadrants). With an accurate representation of U 10, UTC and Rmax as input into the parametric model by
Young and Vinoth (2013) this generally resulted in a good spatial radial decay pattern. However, TCs with a
long lifetime generated surface wave conditions that were more energetic than predictions based on Young
and Vinoth (2013). Under these conditions, mature waves developed over a large area, interacting with
younger waves after the TC translation speed increased. The combined effect of this interaction with
additional wind energy input outside the typical TC-influenced radius, led to extremely high Hs,max values
( > 20 m) and an extremely large spatial extent ( > 20R max) of the TC generated surface wave field during
TC Lua. Here, the spatial extent was verified by observations, but a lack of observations close to the TC
track at maximum intensity prevented verification of the highest modeled Hs,max values. This has
implications for extreme value design criteria that generally rely on synthetic TCs (e.g. constant TC transla-
tion speed and direction and intensity) and neglect background wind-and wave fields, which may also cause
maximum values to be under-estimated.
In agreement with Liu et al. (2007), the asymmetry of the surface wave field increased with both TC
intensity and propagation speed. A comparison of the inverse wave age for both slow and fast translation
stages during TC Lua illustrated this increased asymmetry. The position of the TC track with respect to the
continental shelf affected the spatial pattern of the wave field. For TCs Bianca and Christine that
predominantly moved over the continental shelf, waves were dissipated more rapidly in the left (relatively
shallow) quadrants. TC Nicholas moved in a similar direction as TC Bianca, but was off the continental
shelf in relatively deep water and therefore did not show comparable dissipation in the left quadrants. These
results clearly show that the effects of the wind speeds outside the typical TC influenced radius can have a
large influence on the spatial distribution of the resulting wave fields.
In the areas adjacent to where TCs made landfall, the effects of bottom friction were relatively small
compared to local whitecapping dissipation; however, further away from the TC track, bottom friction
became efficient in dissipating wave energy in depths less than 50 m, thereby reducing the wave energy that
reached the coastal zone. Only during TC Lua, when H s,max on the shelf was much higher than during other
TCs, was a substantial reduction of wave energy due to bottom friction ( > 20%) observed in depths
between 50 and 100 m. In a relatively small region, that experienced highest wind speeds on the strong side
of TC Lua, depth-limited breaking was an important dissipation term for depths < 50 m. These effects
became most appar-ent when comparing the wave energy that reached the coastal zone during TC Lua with
TCs Nicholas and Bianca, both moving parallel to the isobaths but predominantly over deep and shallow
waters, respec-tively. Modeled Hs values were similar at the 200 m isobath, but more energy was dissipated
due to bottom friction on the shelf during TC Nicholas. This effect of the shelf, acting as a zone that
effectively limits the amount of wave energy reaching the coastal region, is similar to the swell wave
attenuation on a wide continental shelf observed by Ardhuin et al. (2003). With the exception of TC Lua,
depth-limited breaking was only important in very shallow water (depth < 10 m) during the TCs and could
therefore mostly be neglected. In general, results from our study indicate that bottom friction attenuated less
wave energy near the TC center as younger waves with higher frequencies in this region were less affected
by bottom friction.
When evaluating the TC wave energy balances across the scale of the whole NWS, bottom friction was
an important factor that regulated the amount of energy that reached the coastal zone. However, energy
dissipation on the broader shelf region was still mostly dominated by whitecapping and, even in very
shallow water (depths around 20 m), whitecapping dissipation and frictional dissipation were often of the
same order of magnitude. Only during TC Lua did depth-limited wave breaking make a contribution to the
total energy dissipation in greater depths up to 50 m, because of the much larger waves on the shelf (H s
reaching over 15 m at a depth of 50 m) during TC Lua compared to other TCs. Refraction did not
substantially increase or decrease the amount of wave energy that reached the coastline on a large scale;
however, the orientation of isobaths with respect to the wave direction created local areas with enhanced or
reduced wave energy.
This work was funded by Australian Research Council Linkage Project (LP11010001) with Woodside
Energy Ltd as industry partner. E.D. received from UWA postgraduate scholarships (SIRF and UIS) and
R.L. acknowledges support from an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT110100201). This
work was supported by resources provided by the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre with funding from the
Australian Government and the Government of Western Australia. Observations from weather stations and
the cyclone database of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), spatial wind fields from NOAA
Climate Forecast System version2 (CFSv2), wave para-meters from NOAA Wavewatch III global
reanalysis (NWW3) and altimeter data from the Ifremer GlobWave dataset were used in this study. We
thank Geoff Wake, Grant Elliot, Matthew Zed and Alessio Mariani for their very helpful comments and
suggestions that helped improve this manuscript. We are also very grateful for the very helpful feedback on
the manuscript by the reviewers Alexander Babanin and Gerbrant Van Vledd