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3500-Al Rev Edit 2011

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3500-Al A. Introduction

1. Occurrence and Significance Aluminum’s occurrence in natural waters is controlled by pH

and by very finely suspended mineral particles. The cation Al3⫹
Aluminum (Al) is the second element in Group IIIA of the predominates at pH less than 4. Above neutral pH, the predom-
periodic table; it has an atomic number of 13, an atomic inant dissolved form is Al(OH)4⫺. Aluminum is nonessential for
weight of 26.98, and a valence of 3. The average abundance plants and animals. Concentrations exceeding 1.5 mg/L consti-
in the earth’s crust is 8.1%; in soils it is 0.9 to 6.5%; in tute a toxicity hazard in the marine environment, and levels
streams it is 400 ␮g/L; in U.S. drinking waters it is 54 ␮g/L, below 200 ␮g/L present a minimal risk. The United Nations
and in groundwater it is ⬍0.1 ␮g/L. Aluminum occurs in the Food and Agriculture Organization’s recommended maximum
earth’s crust in combination with silicon and oxygen to form- level for irrigation waters is 5 mg/L. The possibility of a link
feldspars, micas, and clay minerals. The most important min- between elevated aluminum levels in brain tissues and Alzheimer’s
erals are bauxite and corundum, which is used as an abrasive. disease has been raised. The U.S. EPA secondary drinking water
Aluminum and its alloys are used for heat exchangers, aircraft regulations list an optimal secondary maximum contaminant level
parts, building materials, containers, etc. Aluminum potas- (SMCL) of 0.05 mg/L and maximum SMCL of 0.2 mg/L.
sium sulfate (alum) is used in water-treatment processes to
flocculate suspended particles, but it may leave a residue of 2. Selection of Method
aluminum in the finished water.
The atomic absorption spectrometric methods (3111D and
* Approved by Standard Methods Committee, 2001. Editorial revisions, 2011.
E, and 3113B) and the inductively coupled plasma methods
Joint Task Group: 20th Edition—Brian J. Condike (chair), Deanna K. Anderson, (3120 and 3125) are free from such common interferences as
Anthony Bright, Richard A. Cahill, Alois F. Clary, C. Ellen Gonter, Peter M. fluoride and phosphate, and are preferred. The Eriochrome
Grohse, Daniel C. Hillman, Albert C. Holler, Amy Hughes, J. Charles Jennett,
Roger A. Minear, Marlene O. Moore, Gregg L. Oelker, S. Kusum Perera, James cyanine R colorimetric method (B) provides a means for
G. Poff, Jeffrey G. Skousen, Michael D. Wichman, John L. Wuepper. estimating aluminum with simpler instrumentation.

3500-Al B. Eriochrome Cyanine R Method

1. General Discussion interfere. The interference caused by even small amounts of

alkalinity is removed by acidifying the sample just beyond the
a. Principle: With Eriochrome cyanine R dye, dilute alumi- neutralization point of methyl orange. Sulfate does not inter-
num solutions buffered to a pH of 6.0 produce a red to pink fere up to a concentration of 2000 mg/L.
complex that exhibits maximum absorption at 535 nm. The c. Minimum detectable concentration: The minimum alumi-
intensity of the developed color is influenced by the aluminum num concentration detectable by this method in the absence of
concentration, reaction time, temperature, pH, alkalinity, and fluorides and complex phosphates is approximately 6 ␮g/L.
concentration of other ions in the sample. To compensate for d. Sample handling: Collect samples in clean, acid-rinsed
color and turbidity, the aluminum in one portion of sample is bottles, preferably plastic, and examine them as soon as possible
complexed with EDTA to provide a blank. The interference of after collection. If only soluble aluminum is to be determined,
iron and manganese, two elements commonly found in water filter a portion of sample through a 0.45-␮m membrane filter;
when aluminum is present, is eliminated by adding ascorbic acid. discard first 50 mL of filtrate and use succeeding filtrate for the
The optimum aluminum range lies between 20 and 300 ␮g/L but determination. Do not use filter paper, absorbent cotton, or glass
can be extended upward by sample dilution. wool for filtering any solution that is to be tested for aluminum,
b. Interference: Negative errors are caused by both fluoride because they will remove most of the soluble aluminum.
and polyphosphates. When the fluoride concentration is con- e. Quality control (QC): The QC practices considered to be an
stant, the percentage error decreases with increasing amounts integral part of each method can be found in Section 3020.
of aluminum. Because the fluoride concentration often is
known or can be determined readily, fairly accurate results
can be obtained by adding the known amount of fluoride to a 2. Apparatus
set of standards. A simpler correction can be determined from
the family of curves in Figure 3500-Al:1. A procedure is a. Colorimetric equipment: One of the following is required:
given for the removal of complex phosphate interference. 1) Spectrophotometer, for use at 535 nm, with a light path of
Orthophosphate in concentrations under 10 mg/L does not 1 cm or longer.

ALUMINUM (3500-Al)/Eriochrome Cyanine R Method

Figure 3500-Al:1. Correction curves for estimation of aluminum in the presence of fluoride. Above the mg F⫺/L present, locate the point corresponding
to the apparent mg Al/L measured. From this point interpolate between the curves shown, if the point does not fall directly on one of the
curves, to read the true mg Al/L on the ordinate, which corresponds to 0.00 mg F⫺/L. For example, an apparent 0.20 mg Al/L in a sample
containing 1.00 mg F⫺/L would actually be 0.30 mg Al/L if no fluoride were present to interfere.

2) Filter photometer, providing a light path of 1 cm or longer 3. Reagents

and equipped with a green filter with maximum transmittance
between 525 and 535 nm. Use reagents low in aluminum, and aluminum-free distilled
3) Nessler tubes, 50-mL, tall form, matched. water.
b. Glassware: Treat all glassware with warm 1 ⫹ 1 HCl and a. Stock aluminum solution: Use either the metal (1) or the
rinse with aluminum-free distilled water to avoid errors due to salt (2) for preparing stock solution; 1.00 mL ⫽ 500 ␮g Al:
materials absorbed on the glass. Rinse sufficiently to remove all 1) Dissolve 500.0 mg aluminum metal in 10 mL conc HCl by
acid. heating gently. Dilute to 1000 mL with water, or

ALUMINUM (3500-Al)/Eriochrome Cyanine R Method

2) Dissolve 8.791 g aluminum potassium sulfate (also imum transmittance between 525 and 535 nm. Adjust instrument
called potassium alum), AlK(SO4)2 䡠 12H2O, in water and to zero absorbance with the standard containing no aluminum.
dilute to 1000 mL. Correct this weight by dividing by the Plot concentration of Al (micrograms Al in 50 mL final
decimal fraction of assayed AlK(SO4)2 䡠 12H2O in the reagent volume) against absorbance.
used. b. Sample treatment in absence of fluoride and complex phos-
b. Standard aluminum solution: Dilute 10.00 mL stock alu- phates: Place 25.0 mL sample, or a portion diluted to 25 mL, in
minum solution to 1000 mL with water; 1.00 mL ⫽ 5.00 ␮g Al. a porcelain dish or flask, add a few drops of methyl orange
Prepare daily. indicator, and titrate with 0.02N H2SO4 to a faint pink color.
c. Sulfuric acid, H2SO4, 0.02N and 6N. Record reading and discard sample. To two similar samples at
d. Ascorbic acid solution: Dissolve 0.1 g ascorbic acid in room temperature add the same amount of 0.02N H2SO4 used in
water and make up to 100 mL in a volumetric flask. Prepare fresh the titration and 1 mL in excess.
daily. To one sample add 1 mL EDTA solution. This will serve as a
e. Buffer reagent: Dissolve 136 g sodium acetate, blank by complexing any aluminum present and compensating
NaC2H3O2 䡠 3H2O, in water, add 40 mL 1N acetic acid, and for color and turbidity. To both samples add 1 mL ascorbic acid,
dilute to 1 L. 10 mL buffer reagent, and 5.00 mL working dye reagent as
f. Stock dye solution: Use any of the following products: prescribed in ¶ a2) above.
1) Solochrome cyanine R-200* or Eriochrome cyanine:† Dis- Set instrument to zero absorbance or 100% transmittance
solve 100 mg in water and dilute to 100 mL in a volumetric flask. using the EDTA blank. After 5 to 10 min contact time, read
This solution should have a pH of about 2.9. transmittance or absorbance and determine aluminum concen-
2) Eriochrome cyanine R:‡ Dissolve 300 mg dye in about 50 tration from the calibration curve previously prepared.
mL water. Adjust pH from about 9 to about 2.9 with 1 ⫹ 1 acetic c. Visual comparison: If photometric equipment is not avail-
acid (approximately 3 mL will be required). Dilute with water to able, prepare and treat standards and a sample, as described
100 mL. above, in 50-mL nessler tubes. Make up to mark with water and
3) Eriochrome cyanine R:§ Dissolve 150 mg in about 50 mL compare sample color with the standards after 5 to 10 min
water. Adjust pH from about 9 to about 2.9 with 1 ⫹ 1 acetic contact time. A sample treated with EDTA is not needed when
acid (approximately 2 mL will be required). Dilute with water to nessler tubes are used. If the sample contains turbidity or color,
100 mL. the use of nessler tubes may result in considerable error.
Stock solutions have excellent stability and can be kept for at d. Removal of phosphate interference: Add 1.7 mL 6N H2SO4
least a year. to 100 mL sample in a 200-mL erlenmeyer flask. Heat on a hot
g. Working dye solution: Dilute 10.0 mL of selected stock dye plate for at least 90 min, keeping solution temperature just below
solution to 100 mL in a volumetric flask with water. Working the boiling point. At the end of the heating period solution
solutions are stable for at least 6 months. volume should be about 25 mL. Add water if necessary to keep
h. Methyl orange indicator solution, or bromcresol green in- it at or above that volume.
dicator solution specified in the total alkalinity determination After cooling, neutralize to a pH of 4.3 to 4.5 with NaOH,
(Section 2320B.3d). using 1N NaOH at the start and 0.1N for the final fine adjust-
i. EDTA (sodium salt of ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid di- ment. Monitor with a pH meter. Make up to 100 mL with water,
hydrate), 0.01M: Dissolve 3.7 g in water, and dilute to 1 L. mix, and use a 25-mL portion for the aluminum test.
j. Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, 1N and 0.1N. Run a blank in the same manner, using 100 mL distilled water
and 1.7 mL 6N H2SO4. Subtract blank reading from sample
4. Procedure reading or use it to set instrument to zero absorbance before
reading the sample.
a. Preparation of calibration curve: e. Correction for samples containing fluoride: Measure sam-
1) Prepare a series of aluminum standards from 0 to 7 ␮g (0 ple fluoride concentration by the SPADNS or electrode method.
to 280 ␮g/L based on a 25-mL sample) by accurately measuring Either:
the calculated volumes of standard aluminum solution into 1) Add the same amount of fluoride as in the sample to each
50-mL volumetric flasks or nessler tubes. Add water to a total aluminum standard, or
volume of approximately 25 mL. 2) Determine fluoride correction from the set of curves in
2) Add 1 mL 0.02N H2SO4 to each standard and mix. Add 1 Figure 3500-Al:1.
mL ascorbic acid solution and mix. Add 10 mL buffer solution
and mix. With a volumetric pipet, add 5.00 mL working dye
reagent and mix. Immediately make up to 50 mL with distilled 5. Calculation
water. Mix and let stand for 5 to 10 min. The color begins to fade
after 15 min. ␮g Al (in 50 mL final volume)
3) Read transmittance or absorbance on a spectrophotometer, mg Al/L ⫽
mL sample
using a wavelength of 535 nm or a green filter providing max-

6. Precision and Bias

* Arnold Hoffman & Co., Providence, RI.
† K & K Laboratories, K & K Lab. Div., Life Sciences Group, Plainview, NY.
‡ Pfaltz & Bauer, Inc., Stamford, CT. A synthetic sample containing 520 ␮g Al/L and no interfer-
§ EM Science, Gibbstown, NJ. ence in distilled water was analyzed by the Eriochrome cyanine

ALUMINUM (3500-Al)/Eriochrome Cyanine R Method

R method in 27 laboratories. Relative standard deviation was tive standard deviation was 44.3% and relative error 1.3%. In 12
34.4% and relative error 1.7%. laboratories that applied no corrective measures, the relative
A second synthetic sample containing 50 ␮g Al/L, 500 ␮g standard deviation was 49.2% and the relative error 8.9%.
Ba/L, and 5 ␮g Be/L in distilled water was analyzed in 35 A fifth synthetic sample containing 480 ␮g Al/L and 750 ␮g
laboratories. Relative standard deviation was 38.5% and relative F/L in distilled water was analyzed in 16 laboratories that relied
error 22.0%. on the curve to correct for the fluoride content. Relative standard
A third synthetic sample containing 500 ␮g Al/L, 50 ␮g Cd/L, deviation was 25.5% and relative error 2.3%. The 17 laboratories
110 ␮g Cr/L, 1000 ␮g Cu/L, 300 ␮g Fe/L, 70 ␮g Pb/L, 50 ␮g that added fluoride to the aluminum standards showed a relative
Mn/L, 150 ␮g Ag/L, and 650 ␮g Zn/L in distilled water was standard deviation of 22.5% and a relative error of 7.1%.
analyzed in 26 laboratories. Relative standard deviation was
28.8% and relative error 6.2%. 7. Bibliography
A fourth synthetic sample containing 540 ␮g Al/L and 2.5 mg SHULL, K.E. & G.R. GUTHAN. 1967. Rapid modified Eriochrome cyanine
polyphosphate/L in distilled water was analyzed in 16 laborato- R method for determination of aluminum in water. J. Amer. Water
ries that hydrolyzed the sample in the prescribed manner. Rela- Works Assoc. 59:1456.

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