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Digitized Digital

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Jeanne W. Ross, Principal Research Scientist
MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research (CISR)
Cynthia M. Beath, Professor Emeritus
University of Texas, Austin
Ina M. Sebastian, Research Scientist
MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research (CISR)

Over the four years that we have been studying companies’ companies. Without digitization, companies cannot scale;
digital transformations, we have found that different people they cannot absorb the complexity of expanded product
mean different things when they refer to a digital transfor- portfolios; they cannot personalize services. Disciplined, stan-
mation. Currently, some big companies are attempting to dardized business processes, where appropriate, ensure the
digitize, while others are focused on becoming digital; some accuracy and security of transactions and back office process-
are even trying to do both simultaneously. To succeed in the es. They make data accessible and reliable.
digital economy, companies need to be both digitized and
In the ‘90’s and even early 2000’s, business leaders tended to
digital—and there is a big difference, despite the similarity
grossly underestimate the challenge of digitization. Shedding
of the words. To articulate and execute a digital strategy, it’s
habits—imposing discipline—proved to be harder than they
important to understand the requirements for becoming
imagined. In many cases, leaders committed to digitization
both digitized and digital. This briefing1 tries to clarify what is
initiatives thinking they were funding new and better tech-
involved in each of these two essential transformations.
nology. Many didn’t recognize that digitization requires a
commitment to fundamental changes in how people work.
DIGITIZATION IS AN OPERATIONAL Consequently, most digitization efforts have cost more—and
NECESSITY have generated fewer benefits—than anticipated.
Digitization involves standardizing business processes. It is
Technology is an important tool for digitizing a company. As
associated with cost cutting and operational excellence. In
companies discipline business processes, they implement
technologies that automate repetitive back office process-
Although digitization is an important enabler es and ensure seamless transaction processing. They clean
of digital—and digital technologies can up master data and architect transaction data to provide
transparency in support of operations, customer support, and
certainly support operational excellence— analytics. These process and technology solutions comprise a
all the digitization in the world won’t on its platform we refer to as an operational backbone.2
own make a business a digital company. Because they are still in the throes of building and learning to
essence, digitization imposes discipline on business processes use their operational backbones, many business leaders are
that over the years were executed by individual heroes in a not distinguishing their transformation to become digitized
variety of creative (but not always optimal) ways. SAP, People- from the present need to become digital. They are assuming
Soft, and other integrated software packages that burst onto that to become digital, they must simply use digital technolo-
the scene in the 1990s helped lead the way to more digitizing. gies to become more digitized. They might set out to improve
Digitization was a painful process in the 1990s, and for compa- operations by applying Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities or
nies that have not yet been able to standardize core processes, to enhance customer service with mobile technologies.
it is an ongoing struggle. But “becoming digital” is a totally different exercise from
The benefits of digitization are significant: efficiency, reliabili- digitizing. Although digitization is an important enabler of
ty, predictability—in short, operational excellence. For all the digital—and digital technologies can certainly support oper-
pain that it entails, digitization is an essential undertaking in
2 MIT CISR research has found that certain technology resources, including
an operational backbone, are key to building organizational agility and
1 This briefing is adapted from Jeanne Ross, “Don’t Confuse Digital With innovativeness, as described in J.W. Ross et al, “Designing Digital Organi-
Digitization,” MIT Sloan Management Review, September 29, 2017, zations—Summary of Survey Findings,” MIT Sloan CISR Working Paper No.
http://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/dont-confuse-digital-with-digitization/. 415, February 2017.

© 2017 MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research, Ross, Beath, and Sebastian. MIT CISR Research Briefings
are published monthly to update the center's patrons and sponsors on current research projects.
2 | MIT CISR Research Briefing, Vol. XVII, No. 10, October 2017

ational excellence—all the digitization in the world won’t on enhance the value proposition of that offering, while also
its own make a business a digital company. Becoming digital developing related offerings.
involves a very different kind of transformation.
Digital companies rely on their operational backbone to
ensure security reliability and scale of their basic transaction
DIGITAL REFERS TO A CUSTOMER-CENTRIC processing, the efficiency of back office processes, and
VALUE PROPOSITION access to master data. But an operational backbone will not
Today, companies are confronting new business opportunities support the requirements for speed and innovation associ-
presented by a host of powerful and potentially game-chang- ated with digital offerings. Thus, companies embarking on a
ing technologies like social, mobile, analytics, cloud, and the digital transformation need to architect a second platform—a
Internet of Things (SMACIT), as well as cognitive computing, digital offerings platform—to provide access to reusable
biometrics, and various emerging technologies. The capabil- digital business components. These components will include
ities of these powerful, readily accessible technologies intro- both technical capabilities (e.g., authentication, connectivity)
duce so much speed and connectivity into businesses that and business capabilities (e.g., customer onboarding, perfor-
they enable not just an opportunity to improve operations, mance dashboarding) that the company will require when it
but entirely new value propositions. A digital company inno- creates a new offering.
vates to deliver enhanced products, services, and customer
Successful companies in the digital economy will be both
engagement. Because digital emphasizes innovation and
digital—to provide customer value—and digitized—to provide
speed, it involves a different kind of transformation. Unlike
scale and efficiency. Although companies still struggle to dig-
the pain associated with digitization, a digital transformation
itize,3 what that means and how to do it are now well estab-
is more often exciting, thrilling—and a bit unnerving!
lished; it’s just hard to do it well. How to be digital, in contrast,
is less well established. We have highlighted the contrasts
To become digital, leaders must articulate a between the two types of transformations in figure 1.

visionary digital value proposition that conveys Defining a digital value proposition that offers solutions cus-
how digital technologies and information can tomers are willing to pay for is more art than science. Schnei-
der Electric offers an example of how a company progresses
enhance the company’s existing assets and from digitized to digital.
capabilities to create new customer value.
The benefits of a successful digital transformation include
growth in revenues and margins, undying customer loyalty,
and the ability to attract top talent (and thus continue to Schneider Electric SE is a 181-year-old €25 billion global
grow). If they fail to become digital, companies risk their specialist in energy management and automation. A series
products becoming commoditized as their competitors offer of more than two hundred acquisitions between 1999 and
information-enriched solutions. 2008 expanded Schneider Electric’s portfolio from traditional
electric distribution and industrial control products to incor-
To become digital, leaders must articulate a visionary digital
porate its new focus on high-tech intelligent energy manage-
value proposition. This value proposition conveys how digital
ment and automation solutions.
technologies and information can enhance the company’s
existing assets and capabilities to create new customer value. Digitization
Being digital is not just introducing mobile apps for custom-
ers. It is taking advantage of the opportunity to redefine a Although these acquisitions positioned Schneider Electric
business—and possibly even an industry. to offer new, digitally enabled value propositions, they also

Companies deliver their digital value propositions in the form

of digital offerings. We define digital offerings as informa- 3 MIT CISR research has found that only 28% of established companies have
a value-adding operational backbone. Ibid., 15.
tion-enriched customer solutions delivered as seamless,
4 Schneider Electric’s digitization transformation is described in A. Karuna-
personalized customer experiences. Digital offerings are rev- karan, J.G. Mooney, and J.W. Ross, “Accelerating Global Digital Platform
enue generating. Companies can implement digital offerings Deployment Using the Cloud: A Case Study of Schneider Electric’s ‘bridge
by starting with a small, simple product or service—just like Front Office’ Program,” MIT Sloan CISR Working Paper No. 399, January
2015. The company’s digital transformation is the subject of J.W. Ross, C.M.
a digital start-up. Companies maintain a competitive edge Beath, and K. Moloney, “Schneider Electric: Connectivity Inspires a Digital
by continuously introducing new features and services that Transformation,” MIT Sloan CISR Working Paper No. 417, May 2017.
MIT CISR Research Briefing, Vol. XVII, No. 10, October 2017 | 3

introduced a great deal of business complexity. Management asset performance management. As the company creates
felt that the variability and fragmentation of existing enter- new offerings, it will be able to reuse these services.
prise processes resulted in operational inefficiencies and
As of late 2016, Schneider Electric was piloting asset perfor-
missed revenue opportunities.
mance management services with fifty of its most strategic
To address these concerns, around 2009 Schneider Electric customers. But in order to succeed with these new digital
began to introduce transformations intended to digitize offerings, management realized that the company must again
the company. In particular, the company installed a cus- transform and so set changes in motion: Responsibility for
tomer relationship management (CRM) system to facilitate Schneider Electric’s emerging EcoStruxureTM platform was
cross-selling and provide transparency into customer data. transferred to the CIO, who also has responsibility for the
Also, management led the consolidation of the hundreds of company’s operational backbone. The company created six
ERPs absorbed in the company’s many acquisitions to just business clusters where leaders can debate the relative impor-
twelve. The CRM and ERPs together formed the core of the tance and potential value of innovative ideas. To help custom-
company’s operational backbone. To facilitate adoption and ers adopt new digital offerings, Schneider Electric is forming a
use of this evolving backbone, Schneider Electric instituted centralized sales and services organization. And the company
significant organizational changes, such as a new Informa- has started engaging customers in co-creation processes to
tion, Process, and Organization function that centralized identify how digital offerings can best meet customer needs.
responsibility for IT and enterprise processes.
Digital Transformation
As established companies position themselves for success
By 2016, Schneider Electric had defined a digital vision—“Life in the digital economy, they will find it essential to be both
Is On”—that reflects the company’s commitment to its cus- digitized (i.e., operationally excellent) and digital (i.e., offer-
tomers’ needs. The company had assigned P&L responsibilities ing innovative customer services). If a company has a strong
to forty-eight lines of business, organized into three Businesses operational backbone, the company's IT unit can help with
reflecting its major customer segments: Buildings and IT (res- development of the digital offerings platform and ensure that
idential and nonresidential building managers, including data this new platform integrates as needed with the operational
centers), Infrastructure (energy utilities), and Industry (indus- backbone. If the company is still learning to digitize, though,
trial firms and original equipment manufacturers). the IT unit may be consumed with digitization initiatives. In
Schneider Electric’s digital value proposition leverages IoT to this case, a separate business unit can oversee initial experi-
provide enhanced energy management and automation across ments around digital offerings to identify what services might
all customers’ equipment and sites. Schneider Electric analyzes be of interest to customers.
sensor data to provide information that customers can use to Like digital start-ups, companies with a weak operational back-
manage their own facilities, or that Schneider Electric can use bone can offer new digital services. But if their new offerings
to support customers from one of its locations. find a market, these companies will need to quickly implement
To provide these solutions, Schneider Electric is building out key elements of an operational backbone to enable scaling up
a new platform it calls EcoStruxureTM. This platform includes the new business. They will also need to architect a platform
core technical services such as cybersecurity, complex event for their new digital offerings, or they will find that the early
processing, identity, and subscription billing; and business burst of innovation will stall when they attempt to integrate
services like apps and analytics and other requirements for services in ways their customers have come to expect.

Figure 1: A Comparison of Digital and Digitized

Digitized Digital
Benefits Operational efficiency, reliability, and cost Revenue generation and growth
Technology Requirement Operational backbone (e.g., ERP, CRM, Digital offerings platform with reusable technical
shared services) and business services for offerings

Transformation Focus Process discipline; business standardization Rapid innovation; introduction of a new value
where needed proposition
Founded in 1974 and grounded in the MIT tradition of rigorous field-based research, MIT CISR helps executives meet
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Information as of October 2017

BMW Group Genworth Financial USA Inc.
AlixPartners LLP
BNP Paribas (France) GlaxoSmithKline (UK) Principal Financial Group
Avanade Procter & Gamble
BNY Mellon Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan)
Huawei Technologies Co., QBE
Ltd. (China) The Boston Consulting Howden Joinery Group plc
Group, Inc. (UK) Raytheon Company
BT Group plc (UK) Insurance Australia Group Reserve Bank of Australia
LTI (India) Canadian Imperial Bank of Iron Mountain Royal Bank of Canada
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PricewaterhouseCoopers Cardinal Health, Inc. LKK Health Products Group Scentre Group (Australia)
Advisory Services LLC Caterpillar, Inc. Ltd. (HK, China) Schindler Digital Business AG
CEMEX (Mexico) LPL Financial (Switzerland)
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. McGraw-Hill Education Schneider Electric Industries
Aetna, Inc. SAS (France)
Chevron Corporation National Australia Bank Ltd.
Akamai Technologies Standard Bank Group (South
CHRISTUS Health National Disability Insurance
Allstate Insurance Company Scheme (Australia) Africa)
Cochlear Limited (Australia)
ANZ Banking Group Ltd. New Zealand Government— State Street Corp.
(Australia) Commonwealth Bank
of Australia GCIO Office Suncorp Group (Australia)
APM Terminals (Denmark) Nielsen Swinburne University
CPPIB (Canada)
Australia Post Nomura Holdings, Inc. (Japan) of Technology (Australia)
Australian Securities and Nomura Research Institute, Sydney Water (Australia)
Investments Commission DBS Bank Ltd. (Singapore)
Ltd. (Japan) TD Bank, N.A.
Australian Taxation Office DentaQuest
Nordea Bank Teck Resources Ltd. (Canada)
AustralianSuper El Corte Inglés
Northwestern Mutual Tenet Health
B2W Companhia Digital Equifax
OCP S.A. Tetra Pak (Sweden)
(Brazil) ExxonMobil Global Services
Company Orange S.A. (France) Trinity Health
Banco do Brasil S.A.
Fairfax Media (Australia) Org. for Economic USAA
Bank of Queensland Co-operation and
(Australia) Ferrovial Corporacion, S.A. Westpac Banking Corp.
Development (OECD) (Australia)
Barclays (UK) (Spain)
Origin Energy (Australia) WestRock Company
BBVA (Spain) Fidelity Investments
Owens Corning World Bank
Bemis Company, Inc. FrieslandCampina
PepsiCo Inc.

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MIT Sloan School of Management Team | Kristine Dery, Christine G. Foglia Associate Director,
Center for Information Systems Research Nils O. Fonstad, Amber Franey, Dorothea Gray-Papastathis,
Cheryl A. Miller, Kate Moloney, Leslie Owens Executive Director,
245 First Street, E94-15th Floor Jeanne W. Ross, Ina M. Sebastian, Nick van der Meulen,
Cambridge, MA 02142 Peter Weill Chairman, Barbara H. Wixom, Stephanie L. Woerner
t 617-253-2348 | e cisr@mit.edu

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