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The histological effects of Wastewater from Superphosphate Fertilizer Company (SFC) on the fingerlings of Clarias
gariepinus, an important African fish were investigated. Exposure of fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus to the
wastewater on their gills revealed different histopathological alterations such as attenuated primary lamellae,
marked loss of secondary lamellae, loss of epithelial cells, erosion of gill villi while in the liver there was fatty
degeneration, oedema, mild fatty change in treatments with less concentration of the wastewater, moderate steatosis,
necrosis and hyperemia was observed in treatments with the highest concentration of while the gills and liver from
the control remained intact.
IJSRSET151140 | Received: 30 Jan 2015 | Accepted: 27 Feb 2015 | January-February 2015 [(1)1: 184-189] 184
The organism selected for this study was internationally The physico-chemical parameters of the dilution water
recommended for ecotoxicological assessments, and (de-chlorinated tap water from Ahmadu Bello University
have significant importance in aquatic food chains, Zaria) were monitored daily. These parameters include,
facility of handling in the laboratory, and sensitivity to pH, Temperature, Total Dissolved Oxygen and
potentially toxic compounds (OECD, 1992; OECD, Electrical Conductivity. The pH and Electrical
2002). It has also been suggested by Doudoroff et al Conductivity were determined using a pH/Hanna multi
(1959) that economically important local fish species be parameter instrument (model H13952). Temperature was
used in toxicity assay. Clarias gariepinus, family determined by the use of mercury in glass thermometer
Claridae, is a fish of high commercial value and are very and Dissolved Oxygen was determined by the modified
common in Nigerian freshwaters. It is of high nutritive Winkler Azide Method (Lind, 1979; APHA, 1985;
value. On the basis of availability, commercial and 1990).
ecological importance, Clarias gariepinus was chosen
for this study. Acute toxicity bioassay
Collection and maintenance of fish The mixture of the toxicant and dilution water was
allowed to stand for 30minutes before the introduction
Fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus were obtained from of test fishes.
Miracle Farms ABU Zaria, in cold boxes with water to
the Department of Biological Sciences, Fisheries & The fishes were randomly distributed to each glass tank
Hydrobiology Laboratory, Ahmadu Bello University as suggested by Spraque (1973). Each tank contained 10
Zaria. They were acclimatized for two weeks in 4 fish. Each assay was replicated simultaneously and
oval/rectangular shaped bath tubs, separately containing repeated once to determine reproducibility. Aeration of
water of about 150L. The fish were fed on Coppen’s the test water was suspended a few minutes prior to
pelleted commercial feed of 2mm in size at 5% biomass addition of the toxicant and during the test. The toxicant
of 35% crude protein diet three times daily. and the test water were renewed after 48hours during
each series to test. The fish were starved 24hours prior
De-chlorination and changing of Test water to the start and during each assay test
Water 100 75.00 50.00 25.00 5.00 0.0 Histopathology for Gills
quality (ml/L) (ml/L) (ml/L) (ml/L) (ml/L) (ml/L)
pH 3.10 3.61 3.80 3.95 4.10 7.15 From the histological sections of the gill are presented in
Temperature 33.52 32.67 31.18 31.00 30.42 33.10 plate II and III, gill of control fish has a normal structure
with the filament and lamellae consisting of filaments
2.20 2.50 2.65 2.70 3.00 5.60
Oxygen attached to cartilaginous gill bar with fingerlike
(ml/L) projections (secondary lamellae) on each side of the gills
Electrical 1013 724 492 390 250 170
Conductivity (plate II). Sections of gill from different concentration of
(µS/cm) the wastewater from SFC were the most damaged as
observed in plate III. At 100ml/L wastewater there was
pH increased with increase in concentration and the oedema of gills epithelium and mutilation of the gill
exposure time, the control was neutral as against that of rakers. At 5ml/L concentration of wastewater there was
the tanks with the toxicant which was acidic. less damage to gills. Damage done to the gills was dose-
Concentrations of the toxicant had effect on the pH dependent.
value and affected the quality of water and the
environment, from this study pH had a range between
4.16-4.82 during the acute study which revealed that the
toxicant was acidic as observed from the pH scale which
was against the lamella. General observations showed
evidence of proliferative lesions in the gill pH scale of