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Model SLS

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POLLACHI – 642 002
Duration : 3 hrs Date :
Course : Signals and Linear Systems Max Marks : 100
Programme : B.Tech (I.T)
Class : V semester / III Year

1. What are deterministic and random signals?

2. Find whether the signal given by x(n)= 5 Cos (6 π n) is periodic.
3. Define Norm of a vector
4. Find the Laplace transform of e−3 t u(t)
5. Check whether the given CT system h(t)=e−3 t u(t-1) is stable or not
6. State Dirichlet conditions for Fourier series
7. Compare energy and power signals
8. Compare Fourier series and Fourier transform
9. state the trigonometric and complex form of Fourier series
10. state parsavel’s relation of CTS
11. state initial value theorem and final value theorems of Laplace transform
12. Discuss the method testing of Linearity of a system
13. What is meant by impulse response and transfer function of LTI system?
14. Draw the block diagram of state variable equation
15. State sampling theorem
16. Draw the butterfly diagram of Radix 2 FFT
17. What is meant by aliasing? What are its effects?
18. Find the Z transform of (n-1)
19. Define Z transform and inverse Z transform
20. State and prove time shifting property of DTFT


21. a) Describe the various classification of systems

b) Check whether the following are periodic or not
i) x(t )= 2 Cos 100πt +100Sin50t
ii) x(t )= 2 Cos ( 2πn/5) +2 Cos ( 2πn/7)
iii) x(t)=2cos(10t+1)- sin(4t-1) (6)
22. Derive the exponential Fourier series expansion and plot magnitude and phase spectrum of half wave
rectified sine wave (12)
23. a) Derive the Fourier Transform for single sided and double sided exponential signal (6)
b) List out and plot the Fourier transform of standard signals and their Magnitude spectrum (6)
24. Find the frequency response and impulse response of the system given by the differential equation

25. a) Compute 4 point DFT of the sequence x(n)= {0,1,2,3} (6)

b) Obtain circular convolution of x1(n)= {2,1,2,1} and x2(n)= {1,2,3,4} (6)

26. a) Discuss the symmetry properties of discrete signal if the input signal is real and even signal (6)
b) List the properties of ROC of Z transform

27. consider the causal Linear Shift invariant Filter with system Function
(1+ .875 Z−1)
H(Z)= draw the following Realization structures of the
( 1−0.7 Z−1 ) (1+0.2 Z−1 +0.9 Z−2)
a) Direct form II (6)
b) A parallel form connection of first and second order realized in Direct form II. (6)
28. a) Determine the convolution of x1(t)= e−2 t u(t ) and e−6 t u(t ) using Fourier transform (6)
b) Find the Fourier transform and sketch the magnitude and phase spectrum for the signal
x(t)= e−at u(t )

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