AIMTED 2017 Practice Exam Questions and Answers: © AIMTED 2017. All Rights Reserved. See Website For Disclaimer. 1
AIMTED 2017 Practice Exam Questions and Answers: © AIMTED 2017. All Rights Reserved. See Website For Disclaimer. 1
AIMTED 2017 Practice Exam Questions and Answers: © AIMTED 2017. All Rights Reserved. See Website For Disclaimer. 1
chest. Otherwise physical examination is non-contributory.
most appropriate definitive treatment option. For further
ECG reveals sinus tachycardia and 3 mm of elevation of
information, see the National Heart Foundation of Australia
leads II, III and aVF. Bloods are sent off for initial
investigations. You are in a large tertiary hospital and
percutaneous intervention is available within 1 hour.
Thrombolysis is available within 15 minutes.
What is the most appropriate definitive management for this
A 71-year-old male presents to the ED with shortness of
breath for the last few hours. He has also been feeling tired Echocardiogram
recently. The patient has a past medical history of advanced
non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Vital signs are HR 130, BP Explanation: The combination of Beck’s triad along with a
106/66, RR 20, O2 sats 97% RA and 37.2˚C. Physical history suggesting the possibility of pericardial metastases makes
examination reveals distended neck veins and muffled heart cardiac tamponade the most likely diagnosis. The diagnostic
sounds. investigation of choice for cardiac tamponade is an
What is the most appropriate diagnostic investigation?
A 25-year-old female presents to the GP with a rash on her
neck that started over the past month. The rash is mildly
itchy. The patient has no significant past medical history. Allergic contact dermatitis
Physical examination reveals an erythematous papular rash
with small vesicles that has quite well defined margins. The Explanation: The distribution of this rash characteristic of an
rash is in the distribution of the metal necklace that she is allergic contact dermatitis. In this instance, the type 4
wearing. Otherwise physical examination is non- hypersensitivity reaction is likely due to nickel in the necklace.
contributory. Other classic examples include watches and belt buckles.
weakness, muscle cramps over the past few days. The
patient has no significant past medical history. The patient is Explanation: The combination of the abdominal pain,
tachycardic, hypotensive and afebrile. Physical examination nausea/vomiting, weakness, muscle cramps and electrolyte
reveals decreased skin turgor and sunken eyes. Otherwise disturbances make adrenal insufficiency the most likely diagnosis.
physical examination is non-contributory. IV fluids are Hydrocortisone will temporarily correct this adrenal insufficiency
commenced. Initial investigations reveal hypoglycaemia, and improve glycaemia and potassium balance. Alternatively,
hyponatraemia and hyperkalaemia. dexamethasone may also be used.
before this. He has a past medical history of hypertension, pain and fever supports the diagnosis of diverticulitis.
which is managed with atorvastatin. There is a family Angiodysplaisa typically causes painless PR bleeding. While
history of cardiovascular disease. Vital signs are stable and hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia may also cause PR
37.7˚C. Physical examination reveals bright red blood on bleeding, there is little else to support this diagnosis (such as a
rectal examination and no other abnormalities. familiy history, autosomal dominant inheritance, or
started 2-3 months ago. The diarrhoea occurs 3-4 times per
day. The stools are grey, frothy and malodorous. She also Anti-gliadin antibodies
reports that over the same time she has had abdominal
bloating, abdominal pain and lost 5kg unintentionally. The Explanation: The presence of chronic diarrhoea with steatorrhoea
patient has no significant past medical history. The patient is and weight loss accompanied by positive anti-tissue
haemodynamically stable and afebrile. Physical examination transglutaminase antibodies makes coeliac disease the most likely
reveals no abnormalities. Investigations reveal positive anti- diagnosis. In addition to anti-tissue transglutaminase (anti-TTG),
tissue transglutaminase antibodies. autoantibodies that may be positive in coeliac disease include
anti-gliadin and anti-endomysial antibodies.
Which of the following other autoantibodies will most likely
also be positive?
A 44-year-old male presents to the GP with recurrent chest Lifestyle modification
pain. The pain is burning in nature and generally occurs
following large meals. The patient has no significant past Explanation: The nature and exacerbating/alleviating factors for
medical history. He has been using antacids, which provide this patient’s chest pain support the diagnosis of gastroesophageal
some relief. Vital signs are stable and 37.0˚C. Physical reflux disease (GORD). The first step in managing GORD is
examination reveals central obesity. lifestyle modification with the avoidance of trigger foods (such as
chocolate), eating smaller meals, weight loss and avoiding eating
What is the most appropriate initial treatment? and drinking in the 2 hours before going to bed.
A 23-year-old female presents to the ED with RLQ
abdominal pain that started 8 hours ago. The pain become
boyfriend of 12 months and uses condoms intermittently for Explanation: The diagnosis is supported by lower abdominal pain
contraception. She has never had a sexually transmitted in a woman of childbearing age who has had her last period 6
infection and denies symptoms of dysuria and vaginal weeks ago and spotting (who normally has a regular cycle). The
discharge. The patient has no significant past medical sexual history is also consistent with an ectopic pregnancy. Pelvic
history. The patient has a 4 pack-year smoking history and inflammatory disease is less likely as, in addition to not
consumes 3 standard drinks of alcohol per day. Vital signs accounting for her menstrual abnormalities, is typically associated
are HR 110, BP 104/68, RR 20, O2 sats 98% RA and with a vaginal discharge.
37.2˚C. Physical examination reveals tenderness over the
right lower quadrant and rigidity of the abdomen. Otherwise
physical examination is non-contributory. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A 18-month-old male is brought to the GP because his X-linked recessive
parents are concerned that he bruises unusually easily and
when he gets a scratch it is slow to stop bleeding. Two of his Explanation: Haemophilia A is an X-linked recessive condition
maternal uncles have bleeding disorders. Subsequent resulting in factor VIII deficiency. Due to the X-linked nature of
investigation reveals that he has a prolonged APTT and a the disease males are typically affected and inherit the disease
deficiency of factor VIII. from a carrier mother. A son cannot inherit the disease from his
father. Females can also develop the disease, although rarely. For
What is the mode of inheritance of the most likely example, if they have an affected father and carrier or affected
diagnosis? mother (thereby becoming homozygous for the mutated gene).
What is the most likely diagnosis?
examination reveals 4 cm scratch on the right arm with a a pustule at the site and tender lymphadenopathy at the lymph
pustular lesion at the site of the scratch. Tender right axillary nodes draining from the site make cat scratch disease the most
lymphadenopathy is also identified. likely diagnosis. Cat scratch disease is most often caused by
Bartonella henselae.
What is the most likely causative organism?
eye, are stabbing in nature and very severe. With the 100% supplemental oxygen
headaches he gets unilateral tearing and conjunctival
injection of his left eye and the left side of his nose runs. Explanation: This patient has presented with a classical history of
Each headache lasts about 35 minutes and he has had 3 per cluster headaches including severe stabbing retro-orbital,
day over the past 3 days. During the consultation he reports unilateral headaches (with unilateral tearing and conjunctival
that he currently has one such headache beginning and is in injection) of short duration and occurring several times per day
severe pain.The patient has no significant past medical over the course of several days. Abortive treatment for a cluster
history. The patient has never smoked and doesn’t drink headache is 100% supplemental oxygen. If this does not work in
alcohol. Vital signs are HR 92, BP 132/76, RR 18, O2 sats 15 minutes then sumatriptan may be used. Verapamil may be
99% RA and 37.1˚C. used prevent further attacks.
approximately 1 cm in diameter. The patch has several the perineum with narrowing of the introitus and loss of the labia.
follicular plugs surrounding it. The patch is excoriated. This causes dyspareunia. A definitive diagnosis is reached with a
Otherwise physical examination is non-contributory. What is vulvar biopsy.
the following is the most appropriate investigation?
providing adequate relief. He has only had one infective
exacerbation in the last 24 months. The patient has a past
Explanation: This patient has COPD and his symptoms are no
medical history of hypertension, which is managed with
longer being managed adequately with salbutamol alone.
enalapril. The patient has a 50 pack-year smoking history
According to current guidelines he should now be offered a long-
but ceased smoking 2 years ago and consumes 2 standard
acting bronchodilator, such as salmeterol or tiotropium. The
drinks of alcohol per day.
COPDX guidelines may be referred to for further information.
What treatment may be recommended to this patient at this
A 62-year-old female presents to a GP with a neck lump.
She reports that the lump has grown visibly over the last 2
weeks. She is having difficulty swallowing food and her
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma
voice has become hoarse. Examination reveals a stony hard
nodule that is fixed to underlying structures. Subsequent
Explanation: The diagnosis of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma is
neck ultrasound and fine needle aspiration reveals the lump
supported by the rapid onset and progression of the tumour and its
to be due to thyroid cancer.
degree of invasiveness.
What type of thyroid cancer does the patient most likely
A 53-year-old female presents to the ED with abdominal
pain that started 1 hour ago. The pain is dull and constant
weight loss over the past 3 months and been feeling
fatigued. He has had no swelling of his peripheries or
Pancreatic cancer
abdomen. He has no significant past medical history. He has
a 40 pack-year smoking history, consumes 2 standard drinks
Explanation: In this case the presence of painless jaundice with
of alcohol per day and has never used recreational drugs. He
weight loss and Courvoisier’s sign makes pancreatic cancer the
has no tattoos. He is haemodynamically stable and afebrile.
most likely diagnosis.
Physical examination confirms the presence of jaundice and
reveals a non-tender palpable mass under the costal cartilage
of the right 9th rib.
What is the most appropriate investigation?
What is the most likely diagnosis?
caused significant pain. The patient has no significant past Explanation: The history of trauma, with a painful swelling that
medical history. Vital signs are stable and 37.1˚C. Physical the testicle cannot be palpated separately from supports the
examination reveals a tender diffusely swollen right side of presence of a haematocele. The swelling not transilluminating
the scrotum. The right testicle is not palpable separate from supports this diagnosis, although is a non-specific finding (for
this swelling. The swelling does not transilluminate. example, inguinal hernias do not transilluminate).
A 32-year-old female presents to the GP with a breast lump
that she identified on self-examination yesterday. She has Fat necrosis
never had a breast lump before. She had trauma to the left
breast while playing soccer recently. Physical examination Explanation: In this case the present lump has features suggesting
reveals a lump in the lower outer quadrant of the left breast. malignancy (hard, irregular borders). However, fat necrosis may
The lump is hard with irregular borders. It is non-tender. mimic malignancy and the history of trauma to the breast in
There is no palpable axillary lymphadenopathy. question increases the likelihood of this diagnosis. However,
further investigation would still be required.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Urinary metanephrines
A 49-year-old female presents to the GP with headaches that
started 3 weeks ago. She has periodic headaches that are
Explanation: The presentation with episodic headache,
becoming more frequent, lasting approximately 1 hour each.
palpitations and diaphoresis with background hypertension makes
They are now occurring once every 24-48 hours. During
pheochromocytoma the most likely diagnosis.
these headaches she has palpitations and sweats excessively.
Phaeochromocytoma is caused by an abnormal proliferation of
Her last headache was 12 hours ago. The patient has no
chromaffin cells, which are normally present in the adrenal
significant past medical history. The patient has never
medulla and produce catecholamines (adrenaline and
smoked, doesn’t drink alcohol and doesn’t use recreational
noradrenaline). Metanephrines are breakdown products of
drugs. HR 106, BP 160/92 and temperature 37.1˚C. Physical
catecholamines and therefore elevated levels support the
examination reveals no abnormalities.
diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. Metanephrines may be
measured in the urine or the plasma, however a 24 hour urinary
A 44-year-old female presents to the GP with right ear pain
for the last 1 day. The pain began gradually and is now quite
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
severe. She is haemodynamically stable and afebrile.
Physical examination reveals pain on pulling of the right
Explanation: In this case the presence of a visibly oedematous and
pinna. Pain limits examination with the otoscope but the
red external ear canal with pain on pulling of the pinna makes
tympanic membrane appears intact. The external ear canal is
otitis externa the most likely diagnosis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
red and oedematous.
is the most common causative organism of otitis externa.
What is the most likely causative organism?
A 14-year-old male presents to the GP with headaches over
the past 4-6 months. The patient has no significant past
medical history. Vital signs are stable and 36.9˚C. Brain Craniopharyngioma
MRI reveals a mass with cystic and solid components in the
suprasellar cistern with evidence of calcifications. The cystic Explanation: The MRI findings are consistent with a
mass enhances when contrast is added. craniopharyngioma.
eye. Over the past 3 days she has had a left-sided temporal
headache and has had general muscle soreness and malaise.
Explanation: In this case the patient’s clinical features indicate a
The patient has no significant past medical history. Her vital
diagnosis of giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis). Her sudden
signs are stable and her temperature is 37.8˚C. Physical
neurofibrillary tangles?
A 59-year-old female is brought to the GP by her husband
because he is concerned that she is behaving oddly. Over the
past several months she has become increasingly rude and Frontotemporal dementia
apathetic. For example, she has begun swearing at the
neighbour’s young children when they visit whereas she was Explanation: The combination of executive dysfunction (e.g.
previously always been patient and kind with them. She has inability to plan) and change in personality including apathy,
also been bathing less frequently and stopped making plans irritability and poor self-care in conjunction with frontal release
to see her friends. Physical examination reveals a bilateral signs (bilateral palmar grasp reflex) make frontotemporal
palmar grasp reflex. dementia the most likely diagnosis in this patient.
finished all her projects at work and cleaned the house at not cause significant social/occupational dysfunction, there were
night. The patient has no significant past medical history and no psychotic features and it did not require hospitalisation. Its
doesn’t smoke, drink alcohol or use recreational drugs. duration was also less than 1 week. Therefore, this combination of
a depressive episode and a hypomanic episode supports the
What is the most likely diagnosis? diagnosis of bipolar disorder type 2.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
tired and irritable most of the time. He does not take any generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). Psychological interventions
medication, smoke, drink or use recreational drugs. Thyroid such as cognitive behavioural therapy or relaxation strategies are
function tests reveal no abnormalities. recommended for GAD. Antidepressants may also be required in
some cases, usually commencing with an SSRI.
What is the appropriate treatment at this stage?
A 22-year-old female presents to the GP with amenorrhoea
Anorexia nervosa
for the past 2 months. She has taken several pregnancy tests
and is not pregnant. She reports repeated vomiting after
Explanation: The patient’s low BMI is likely responsible for her
meals. She denies heat or cold intolerance. Physical
back to the part of the city in which the mugging occurred. avoidance symptoms, negative changes in mood/cognition and
She has also noticed that she has an exaggerated startle hyperarousal symptoms. This is following exposure to threatened
response and family members have reported that she seems personal serious injury in regards to the mugging. The duration of
angrier and less happy than usual. The patient has also been the patient’s symptoms (>3 days but less than <1 month) indicate
sleeping poorly. that the best diagnosis at this stage is acute stress disorder.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
headache, dry mouth and nausea. She is not drowsy. The several ECG abnormalities, including QT prolongation and QRS
patient is tachycardic and has a temperature 37.1˚C. widening. Such ECG changes guide management with sodium
What is the most important investigation at this stage?
started 20 minutes ago. The chest pain is centrally located.
In the last 20 minutes she has also had palpitations, felt short
of breath, dizzy and nauseas. She feels as if she is ‘about to
die’. She also reports tingling around her mouth and in her Panic attack
hands. The patient has a past medical history of depression,
which is managed with sertraline. Vital signs are HR 120, Explanation: In this instance, further history regarding what was
BP 124/80, RR 26, O2 sats 100% RA and 37.0˚C. Physical happening at the time that may have precipitated this panic attack
examination reveals diaphoresis. ECG reveals no would be helpful. As can be seen here it may be challenging to
abnormalities aside from sinus tachycardia. The symptoms conclusively distinguish between a panic attack and problems
resolve of their own accord after another 15 minutes. A D- such as a pulmonary embolus without investigations.
dimer is within the normal range and so are her troponin
levels at 6 hours.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 24-year-old female presents to the GP with concerns
regarding a rash on the back of her right hand. The rash
weakness in his right arm since yesterday. Yesterday while
helping a friend move house when someone dropped a box
of belongings, which he caught, but at the same time heard a
Biceps tendon rupture
‘pop’ and then experienced pain and weakness in the right
arm. Vitals are stable and he is afebrile. Physical
Explanation: The presence of sudden onset pain, bruising and a
examination reveals asymmetrical appearance to the right
‘popeye’ sign (the asymmetrical biceps bulging) make a biceps
and left biceps brachii with the right bicep appearing to have
tendon rupture the most likely diagnosis is this patient.
a bulge closer on the anterior aspect of the arm closer to the
elbow. There is also bruising over the right bicep.
the distal radius with dorsal and radial angulation (often described
dislocation of the distal radiounlar joint
as a ‘dinnerfork’ deformity). A Boxer fracture is a 5th metacarpal
fracture typically occurring, as the name suggests, from the
What is the eponymous name for this type of fracture?
patient punching another person or object. A Monteggia fracture
is a transverse fracture of the proximal ulna and dislocation of the
radial head.
A 23-year-old male presents to the GP with joint pain that
started 1 week ago. He has pain in his right knee right hip
and left shoulder. This pain is worst in the morning and Enteropathic arthritis
associated with 90 minutes of stiffness when he first wakes
up. He has also had diarrhoea and intermittent abdominal Explanation: The history of diarrhoea is more consistent with
pain for the last 3 weeks, with some bowel motions inflammatory bowel disease than an infection (such as
containing red blood. The patient has a past medical history campylobacter, which may lead to reactive arthritis, or
of schizophrenia, which is managed with olanzapine. He adenovirus) due to the duration of its symptoms. The combination
lives in Hobart and has not travelled interstate or overseas of possible inflammatory bowel disease and asymmetrical
recently. Vital signs are stable and 37.3˚C. Physical inflammatory (indicated by morning stiffness) oligoarticular joint
examination reveals his affected joints and swollen and pain makes enteropathic arthritis the most likely diagnosis in this
tender with a complete range of passive motion. patient.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 27-year-old male presents to the ED because he has been
coughing up blood for the past 4 hours. He has been
birefringent crystals with a needle shape. NSAIDs. Therefore, intra-articular steroids are appropriate.
Allopurinol and probenecid are used to prevent gout attacks and
What is the most appropriate treatment at this stage? should not be commenced during an acute attack.
reports that it was sore to move in every direction for 2-3
months while during onset of this stiffness. Vitals are stable
Explanation: The presence of a history of shoulder pain, that is
and he is afebrile. Physical examination reveals limited
now resolving, followed by a significant limitation to both active
active and passive range of motion in all directions. There is
and passive range of motion in the absence of joint crepitus, or
a particular lack of external rotation. There is no joint
other symptoms, makes adhesive capsulitis (otherwise known as a
warmth or crepitus. The left shoulder demonstrates no
frozen shoulder) the most likely diagnosis in this patient.
over the radial styloid. When the GP holds the patient’s right
thumb and then sharply pulls it to cause ulnar deviation of Explanation: The test performed by the GP is Finkelstein’s test. It
the hand the patient reports pain along the radial side of the indicates that De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is the most likely
wrist. diagnosis.
enalapril. She has not been sexually active in the last 3 individuals who are immunocompromised, who have recently
months. She went through menopause at 51. She is completed a course of antibiotics or have increased oestrogen
haemodynamically stable and afebrile. Physical examination levels (e.g. COCP). Visualisation of hyphae and spores on wet
is performed and vaginal pH is assessed and found to be mount and a vaginal pH of <4.5 provide further support for the
<4.5. What is the most appropriate treatment? diagnosis. It may be treated with fluconazole.
Radial nerve
A 22-year-old female presents to ED following a motor
vehicle accident with left arm pain and decreased power. Explanation: The radial nerve runs through the spiral groove on
Physical examination reveals a left-sided wrist drop. An x- the humerus. Accordingly, mid-shaft humerus fractures may
ray subsequently shows a mid-shaft humerus fracture. result in damage to the radial nerve. The radial nerve innervates
the common extensors of the wrist in the posterior compartment
Which nerve is most likely to have been injured? of the forearm. Accordingly, this lesion may cause weakness of
wrist extension and wrist drop.
A 25-year-old male presents to the GP with back pain for the
last 3-4 months. The pain is worst in the morning and better
with activity. Over the last month he has also developed
Explanation: The presence of inflammatory back and hip pain
right hip pain. He has trialled going to a physiotherapist but
(better with activity) with sacroiliac tenderness and no other
has made no improvement. He has had no trauma to the back
features (such as bloody diarrhoea, venereal disease or psoriatic
or hip. He has also been feeling tired and generally unwell.
nail changes) to suggest another spondyloarthropathy
The patient has no significant past medical history. Vital
(enteropathic, reactive or psoriatic arthritis) support ankylosing
signs are stable and 37.4˚C. Physical examination reveals
spondylitis as the most likely diagnosis. Physiotherapy and
tenderness on palpation of the sacroiliac joints and a swollen
NSAIDs are the best initial treatment. If this does not provide
and tender right hip.
adequate relief tumour-necrosis factor inhibitors such as
infliximab or adalimumab may be used.
What is the best initial treatment for this patient?
mouth ulcers. He reports that both the mouth and genital ulcer and genital ulcers make Behcet’s syndrome the most likely
ulcers are painful. The patient reports that he has not been diagnosis in this patient.
sexually active in the last 6 months.
antibiotics completely resolved his symptoms although it has
reactive arthritis: inflammatory arthritis, conjunctivitis and
started to be painful to urinate again over the past week.
urethritis with a preceding bout of venereal disease. Reactive
Vital signs are stable and 37.0˚C. Physical examination
arthritis is associated with keratoderma blennorrhagicum which
reveals the affected joints are swollen, erythematous and
typically effects the soles of the feet or palms of the hands.
tender to palpation with a limited active range of motion. A
rash of vesciulopustular lesions is found on the soles of his
seconds later. He reports that over the last week he has felt
Explanation: The combination of amaurosis fugax, systemic
feverish, tired and had muscle aches, as well as feeling
symptoms and a palpable purpuric rash makes it appear likely that
nauseas and vomiting several times. The patient has a past
this patient has a vasculitis. The amaurosis fugax and livedo
medical history of hypertension and hepatitis B, which is
reticularis support polyarteritis nodosa as a cause of this
managed with enalapril. Vital signs are stable (BP 150/92)
A 6-week-old male is brought to the GP for a routine check- Descending aorta to pulmonary artery
up. On examination a continuous machinery murmur,
loudest at the left infraclavicular region, is heard. An Explanation: The ductus arteriosus connects these two structures
echocardiogram reveals a patent ductus arteriosus. in utero to enable blood flow to bypass the lungs. When
Eisenmenger’s syndrome occurs the left-to-right shunt of a patent
Which of the following best describes the blood flow ductus arteriosus may be reversed to a right-to-left shunt (in
through a patent ductus arteriosus? (in the absence of which case blood would then flow pulmonary artery to
Eisenmenger’s syndrome) descending aorta).
A 7-year-old male is brought to the GP by his parents with a
rash that started 5 days ago. The rash is not itchy or painful.
It is distributed under his right armpit and inner arm. He
reports that several other children on his football team have
Explanation: The presence of a largely asymptomatic rash of skin
recently developed similar rashes. The patient has no
coloured papules with central umbilication with a history of
significant past medical history and his vaccinations are up
recent contacts with a similar rash makes molluscum contagiosum
to date. He is haemodynamically stable and afebrile.
the most likely diagnosis. Molluscum contagiosum is self-limiting
Physical examination reveals a rash consisting of skin
and will usually resolve over several months with observation.
coloured papules with central umbilication. Otherwise
Lesions can also be curetted or frozen with liquid nitrogen to
physical examination is non-contributory.
remove them.
What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?
A 4-year-old Indigenous female is brought to a rural GP by
her grandmother because she has had an itchy rash over her
hands and wrists that started 2 weeks ago. The patient
reports the itchiness is worst and night time and is stopping
her from sleeping. Several other family members have Sarcoptes scabei
developed a similar rash. The patient has no significant past
medical history and is up to date with her immunisations. Explanation: The presence of linear burrows is pathognomonic
She is haemodynamically stable and afebrile. Physical for scabies. The history of severe pruritus that is worst at night
examination reveals an erythematous papular rash over the time and is being experienced by other members of the same
patient’s hands and wrists. Linear burrows can be seen in the household supports the diagnosis. Scabies is caused by infection
web spaces between the patient’s fingers. Otherwise with the parasitic mite sarcoptes scabei.
physical examination is non-contributory.
Rectal biopsy
A male newborn is delivered and fails to pass meconium in
the first 48 hours of life and develops bilious vomiting. The
Explanation: Rectal biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosing
doctor considers Hirschsprung’s disease the most likely
Hirschsprung’s disease. Anorectal manometry, abdominal x-ray
and barium enema may all have roles in the diagnosis of
Hirschsprung’s. Hirschsprung’s may occur with chromosomal
What investigation can confirm the presence of
abnormalities, such a Down’s syndrome, in which case
Hirschsprung’s disease most definitively?
karyotyping may be useful.
A 2-year-old female is brought to the ED with abdominal
pain that started 5 hours ago. The pain is severe and comes
in waves. During the episodes of pain the child flexes their Laparotomy
legs up to their abdomen. Between bouts of pain the child
appears almost entirely well. The pain is poorly localised. Explanation: The presence of colicky abdominal pain, vomiting
The child has vomited three times (partially digested food and stool with blood and mucus in this 1-year-old make
only) and passed stool containing blood and mucus. The intussusception the most likely diagnosis. The child is
patient has no significant past medical history and is up to haemodynamically unstable and there is evidence of peritonism
date for their immunisations. She is hypotensive, tachycardic so the most appropriate treatment laparotomy for surgical
and afebrile. Physical examination reveals a tender abdomen reduction/resection. A laparoscopic approach is not appropriate
that is rigid to palpation. Otherwise physical examination is for the emergency situation. In a haemodynamically stable child
non-contributory. an air or saline enema would be an appropriate initial approach.
What is the most appropriate definitive treatment?
A 20-year-old female presents to the GP with intermittent
wheezing and breathless over the past month. These >12% and 200mL reversibility in FEV1
episodes occur when exposed to cigarette smoke and on
exertion. At the time of presentation she is asymptomatic. Explanation: The diagnosis of asthma is supported by episodic
The patient has a past medical history of hayfever. The wheeze and breathlessness in response to exposure to triggers
patient has never smoked and consumes 1 standard drink of such as cigarette smoke and exertion. Asthma is diagnosed by
alcohol per day. Vital signs are HR 80, BP 124/80, RR 16, demonstrating an obstructive picture on spirometry that shows
O2 sats 99% RA and 37.1˚C. Physical examination reveals significant reversibility (>12% and 200mL reversibility in FEV1)
no abnormalities. Spirometry is organised. FEV1/FVC ratio following administration of a short-acting bronchodilator. For
is < 0.7. Which of the following results would confirm the further information refer to the Australian Asthma Handbook.
most likely diagnosis?
Maternal chromosome 15 imprinting and paternal chromosome
A 22-month-old male is brought to the GP because his
15 deletion
parents are concerned about his development. He is found to
have both language and social delay. Physical examination
equivalent distance below the third centile. He is currently pectus excavatum in a male is consistent with Noonan syndrome.
asymptomatic. The patient was born at term following an Noonan syndrome may occur in males and females and is quite
uncomplicated pregnancy and has no significant past similar to Turner syndrome (which only occurs in females).
medical history. Physical examination reveals a webbed Another difference is that Noonan syndrome is associated with
neck and pectus excavatum. pulmonary stenosis while Turner syndrome is associated with
aortic stenosis.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Explanation: The red blood cell appearance described on the
family history, although little is known about the medical
blood smear is that of a spherocyte. Spherocytes may occur in
history of the patient’s father. Vital signs are stable and
hereditary spherocytosis and autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
37.0˚C. Physical examination reveals pallor of the palmar
(warm or cold) (may also occur in neonates with ABO or rhesus
creases. CBE reveals low haemoglobin, normal MCV,
incompatibility). The negative direct Coombs test excludes
increased MCHC and elevated red cell distribution width.
autoimmune haemolytic anaemia. In hereditary spherocytosis
Blood smear shows small circular red blood cells lacking
haemolysis may be increased during viral illness. Hereditary
central pallor. Platelets and WCC are normal. Unconjugated
spherocytosis is inherited most commonly through an autosomal
bilirubin is slightly elevated. Direct Coombs test is negative.
dominant pattern in 3/4 of cases (autosomal recessive in 1/4 of
What is the most likely mode of inheritance of this
A 5-year-old male is brought to the GP by his parents
because his parents are concerned that he is having seizures.
His parents report that up to 20 times per day he has 10-20 Ethosuximide
second period during which he stops moving and is
unresponsive. He is unable to recall what is said to him Explanation: The described events involving a brief impairment
during these staring spells. Vital signs are stable and 37.2˚C. in the level of consciousness (and no other motor components) is
Physical examination reveals normal developmental classical for childhood absence epilepsy. Since seizures may
milestones and no neurological deficit. An EEG during one occur up to 100 times per day this may affect school performance.
of these events reveals a generalised 3 Hz spike and wave An ictal EEG typically shows a generalised 3 Hz spike and wave
pattern. pattern. First line treatment is with ethosuximide.
a fever that started 6 days ago ago. Her parents have tried Intravenous immunoglobulin and high dose aspirin
giving her Paracetamol, but this has not improved her fever.
She has also now developed a rash that is maculopapular in Explanation: The presence of a fever for 5 days, rash, changes in
appearance and covers most of the child’s trunk. The patient the extremities, conjunctivitis, lymphadenopathy and oral mucosa
has no significant past medical history and is up to date on changes meet the diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki disease.
her immunisations. She is haemodynamically stable and has Standard treatment of Kawasaki disease during this acute phase
a temperature of 39.3˚C. Physical examination reveals right- involves intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and high dose
sided cervical lymphadenopathy, oedema of her hands and aspirin to prevent the formation of coronary artery aneurysms.
bilateral conjunctivitis. Otherwise physical examination is Corticosteroids may be added to this regimen in some centres.
non-contributory. Corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide may be used in cases that
are refractory to IVIG, however, IVIG is the first line treatment.
What is the best definitive treatment for this patient?
A 3-year-old male is brought to the GP by his parents with
Hypoplastic left ventricle
unusual episodes in which the child squats, goes silent and
then cries. These episodes started 1 month ago. The patient
Explanation: The presence of cyanotic episodes associated with
has no known past medical history. However, the mother
crouching is typical of tet spells. Tet spells in conjunction with a
had limited antenatal care during her pregnancy. The child’s
systolic ejection murmur heard loudest at the upper left sternal
vaccinations are up to date. Physical examination reveals
border and a loud S2 in a child of this age makes tetralogy of
clubbing, a single loud S2 and a systolic ejection murmur
Fallot the most likely diagnosis. Tetralogy of Fallot is congenital
heard loudest at the left upper sternal border. Otherwise
heart deformity in which there is right ventricular outflow tract
physical examination is non-contributory.
obstruction (pulmonary stenosis), right ventricular hypertrophy, a
ventricular septal defect and an overriding aorta. A hypoplastic
Which of the following is NOT a feature of the most likely
A premature infant is born with a patent ductus arteriosus. Explanation: The role that prostaglandin E2 plays in maintaining
The intern is asked to explain to the parents why the patency of the ductus arteriosus is the reason that, should the
indomethacin will be used to close the duct. The infant’s duct remain patent and need to be closed, a non-selective
parents ask why the duct has not closed. cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor, such as indomethacin or
ibuprofen, may be used to close the duct. COX inhibitors decrease
What is the normal stimulus for the closure of the ductus prostaglandin production. Conversely prostaglandin E2 can be
arteriosus? given to maintain the patency of the duct if an infant has a
An 18-month-old male is brought to the GP with language
and social developmental delay. He appears to be a happy
Explanation: Angelman syndrome typically involves intellectual
child, who breaks into laughter at random intervals. He has
disability, happy disposition, random laughing episodes and pale
white hair and pale blue eyes.
complexion with blue eyes. The syndrome is due to a deletion on
maternal chromosome 15 with an imprinted, and hence silenced,
What is the most likely diagnosis?
corresponding section on paternal chromosome 15.
A 6-month-old female is brought to the ED because she has
Streptococcus pneumoniae
been crying and been unable to be settled for 8 hours. The
patient has no significant past medical history and the
Explanation: The presence of irritability, jaundice, splenomegaly
pregnancy and delivery were uncomplicated. Vital signs are
and dactylitis in this patient supports the diagnosis of sickle cell
stable and 37.1˚C. Physical examination reveals jaundice of
anaemia. Sickle cell anaemia leads to autosplenectomy which
the sclera, swelling of the hands and feet and splenomegaly.
predisposes to infection with encapsulated organisms, such as
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type B and
Patients with this condition are predisposed to infection with
which bacteria?
right hip over the past week. He has had no trauma to the hip
accompanied by limited internal rotation and abduction in this 7-
and no pain anywhere else. He is otherwise systemically
year-old male sprinting athlete makes perthes disease the most
well. The patient has no significant past medical history. He
likely diagnosis. Developmental dysplasia of the hip typically
is haemodynamically stable and afebrile. Physical
presents years earlier than this, although it may be considered a
examination reveals moderately decreased range of motion
differential. Septic arthritis would typically present more acutely
on internal rotation and abduction of the right hip. The hip
than this with a refusal to weight bear, grossly inflamed joint,
itself is not visibly inflamed, warm or tender to palpation.
severely decreased range of motion and a fever. Slipped capital
He is noted to have an antalgic gait. Otherwise physical
femoral epiphysis typically presents in older children who are
examination is non-contributory. The patient is concerned
overweight or obese and has pain as a more prominent feature.
because he has an athletics event coming up in 1 month in
Transient synovitis of the hip is a diagnosis of exclusion; it would
which he will be competing in the 100m sprint.
be supported by a preceding history of an upper respiratory tract
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Placental abruption
A 33-year-old G3P2 female at 34 weeks pregnant presents to
the ED with dark red vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain Explanation: The presence of constant abdominal pain and
that started 30 minutes ago. The pain is constant and vaginal bleeding following trauma in this woman who is 34
worsening. The pregnancy has been complicated by pre- weeks pregnant makes placental abruption the most likely
existing diabetes mellitus type 2 and cocaine use. She is diagnosis. The ultrasound is performed largely to exclude
haemodynamically stable and afebrile. Physical examination placenta praevia and is NOT sensitive for placental abruption.
reveals abdominal tenderness and a firm uterus. CTG Therefore, the negative finding does not exclude placental
demonstrates no evidence of fetal distress. A transabdominal abruption. Placenta praevia, vasa praevia and ectropion are
ultrasound reveals no abnormalities. What is the most likely typically painless. Cervical cancer would be unlikely to cause
diagnosis? abdominal pain and such an acute presentation of vaginal