Astm E1643 - 1520374402
Astm E1643 - 1520374402
Astm E1643 - 1520374402
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Tue May 30 13:07:00 EDT 2017
Downloaded/printed by
Anthony Gaffney (Floor and Deck Solutions TM2S, Inc.) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E1643 − 11 (2017) Refer to X1.6 for discussion on water vapor trans- 7. Protection
mission rate of vapor retarder.
7.1 Take precautions to protect vapor retarder from damage The perm rating determined under these criteria
during installation of reinforcing steel, utilities and concrete.
shall supersede that in references 5.2 should this value be less
than required under references in 5.2. 7.2 Use reinforcing bar supports with base sections that
5.3.3 The types and amounts of deleterious compounds in minimize the potential for puncture of the vapor retarder.
the soil on the building site. Review building site soil analyses for deleterious 7.3 Avoid use of stakes driven through the vapor retarder.
materials and compounds and select a vapor retarder material 7.4 Refer to ACI 302.2R–06 for discussion of aggregate for
that will withstand exposure to such deleterious materials or protection of vapor retarder, including the risks of installing
compounds. aggregate fill above a vapor retarder that can act as a reservoir
5.3.4 The tensile strength and puncture resistance of the for water.
vapor retarder material. Select a vapor retarder material capable of with- 8. Inspection and Repair
standing potential construction site damage.
5.3.5 The type of base material on which the vapor retarder 8.1 Inspect and mark all areas of damage and insufficient
is to be installed. installation of the vapor retarder sufficiently in advance of Select vapor retarder material capable of withstand- concrete placement such that deficiencies may be corrected
ing tear or puncture damage due to the type, gradation, and before concrete is placed.
texture of the base material to be installed below the material. 8.2 Repair vapor retarder damaged during placement of
Prepare base material to minimize risk of puncture, for reinforcing or concrete with vapor barrier material or as
example, by rolling or compacting. instructed by manufacturer.
5.3.6 The expected exposure of the vapor retarder to ultra-
violet rays. 8.3 Lap beyond damaged areas a minimum of 6 in. (50 mm) Assess expected exposure of the vapor retarder and seal as prescribed for sheet joints.
material to ultra violet rays and select a material capable of 8.4 Avoid the use of non-permanent stakes driven through
withstanding such exposure and maintain its capability to vapor retarder.
perform its intended function.
8.5 If non-permanent stakes are driven through vapor
6. Placement retarder, repair as recommended by vapor retarder manufac-
6.1 Level and compact base material. turer.
6.2 Install vapor retarder material with the longest dimen- 8.6 Seal permanent penetrations as recommended by vapor
sion parallel with the direction of concrete pour. retarder manufacturer.
6.3 Face laps away from the expected direction of the
concrete pour whenever possible. 9. Slab Moisture Content
6.4 Extend vapor retarder over footings and seal to founda- 9.1 Moisture Conditions of Slab—Following placement of
tion wall, grade beam, or slab at an elevation consistent with the concrete and acclimatization of the building, comply with
the top of the slab or terminate at impediments such as water Practice F710 and floor covering manufacturer’s recommenda-
stops or dowels. Seal around penetrations such as utilities and tions for any specified tests for moisture emissions from or
columns in order to create a monolithic membrane between the moisture content of the slab on grade. Review written report(s)
surface of the slab and moisture sources below the slab as well on test results prior to the installation of the floor covering or
as at the slab perimeter. coating installation. Obtain written approval of acceptable slab
6.5 Lap joints minimum 6 in. (150 mm), or as instructed by conditions from the floor covering manufacturer and project
the manufacturer, and seal laps in accordance with the manu- design professional.
facturer’s recommendations. 9.2 See ACI 302.2R–06.
6.6 Extend vapor retarder over the tops of pile caps and
grade beams to a distance acceptable to the structural engineer 10. Keywords
and terminate as recommended by the manufacturer. 10.1 concrete slabs; vapor; vapor retarder
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Tue May 30 13:07:00 EDT 2017
Downloaded/printed by
Anthony Gaffney (Floor and Deck Solutions TM2S, Inc.) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E1643 − 11 (2017)
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Planning and Organization of Construction—To planting and irrigation. Once a project is completed, effective
avoid ambiguities, redundancies, conflicts, and omissions, plan irrigation management is instrumental not only in water
the organization and coordination of drawings and specifica- conservation but also in avoiding potential building-related
tions so that graphic, dimensional, and descriptive information moisture problems.
on subgrade, granular base, vapor retarder, and protection
course, if any, appears in only one place. Since the relationship X1.6 Water Vapor Permeance of Vapor Retarder—In order
of the subgrade (pad) elevation (usually shown on grading to prevent moisture damage to the slab on grade, floor covering
plans) to the rest of the building finish floor elevations and systems and floor coating systems the water vapor permeance
finished site grades is a function of the depth of the granular of the vapor retarder material shall be such that accumulation
base and protection course, these dimensions should be shown of moisture in the slab through the vapor retarder material does
in only one place. For graphic depictions and dimensions of the not occur. The vapor pressures of the below grade environment
granular base and the protection course, the architectural and the interior environment shall be calculated and analyzed.
drawings are preferred, but structural drawings are sometimes For humidity sensitive interior environments, calculate the
used. Specifications for sub-base conditions should be in the effect of vapor diffusion through the vapor retarder, slab on
grading section. Specifications for base, vapor retarder, and grade and, if applicable, the floor covering or coating on the
protection course should be in the section on concrete, but interior humidity levels. Select a vapor retarder material with a
there are advocates of a separate section in Division 7 for the water vapor permeance rating that will maintain interior
vapor retarder system. Examination and testing of surface humidity levels within specified tolerances. The water vapor
conditions should be in appropriate finish sections. permeance of flooring material or coating shall be obtained, if
X1.2 Scheduling—Determine if slab drying will be on the available. Calculate the amount of moisture entering the slab
critical path for schedule occupancy. If so, plan measures to through the vapor retarder material. Calculate the amount of
reduce drying times, mitigate moisture, or select floor finish moisture that can diffuse through the flooring material. Insure
materials not subject to damage by moisture. that the water vapor permeance of the vapor retarder material
does not allow accumulation of moisture within the slab due to
X1.3 Geotechnical—Ensure that the geotechnical survey water vapor permeance of the flooring material. Analyze soil
includes comprehensive and reliable information on subsurface temperatures with regard to heat flux through the slab on grade
water table levels and the hydrology of geological strata as well as well as interior temperature and RH levels. Determine if
as historical data on surface flooding and hydrology. The conditions exist for a dew point within the slab. If such
survey should also include a list of compounds and concentra- conditions can potentially exist, analyze the amount of mois-
tion levels that are deleterious to plastic materials. The geo- ture accumulation within the slab versus the drying potential of
technical study should consider not only the past but also the the slab through its top surface, and if applicable, through the
projected change from ongoing or anticipated development floor covering system to determine if prolonged and detrimen-
patterns. Soils with comparably higher clay contents are tal wetting of the slab will occur. If so, incorporate measures to
particularly troublesome because the relatively high capillary eliminate conditions for a dew point to occur. One such
action within the clay allows moisture to rise under the slab. measure is installing an insulation layer directly below the slab
X1.4 Civil—Ensure that site topographic surveys and grad- and vapor retarder.
ing plans accurately and comprehensively establish surface
X1.7 Moisture Entrapment Due to Rainfall or Ground
drainage characteristics for the site and surrounding areas.
Water Intrusion—Moisture entrapment can occur beneath slabs
X1.5 Landscape and Irrigation—Most traditional geotech- when the vapor retarder is placed below a fill course or vapor
nical studies do not take into account the post-construction retarder protection layer, and the fill material takes on water
change in ground moisture conditions due to introduced from rainfall, saw-cutting, curing, cleaning or other sources. If
planting and irrigation which is a major problem. For example, a fill course or vapor retarder protection layer is used, the
in California coastal areas, the average annual rainfall is about extent of moisture entrapment can be reduced by scheduling
18 in. (457 mm). Turf irrigation amounting to 1.3 in. (33 mm) concrete placements before rainfall and by sealing any entry
of water per week over the normal seven-month dry season will points for water in the completed slab. If a fill course or vapor
increase this to nearly 60 in. (1524 mm) with almost no runoff. retarder protection layer is used, the vapor retarder must be
It is not enough to assume that irrigation will simply duplicate turned up at the perimeter of the slab to protect the fill course
natural conditions encountered during the wet season. The from lateral entrance of moisture.
landscape architect, geotechnical engineer, and civil engineer
should closely coordinate design recommendations to avoid X1.8 Ensure there is no water accumulation on top of the
moisture problems introduced or exacerbated by landscape vapor retarder prior to placing of concrete.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Tue May 30 13:07:00 EDT 2017
Downloaded/printed by
Anthony Gaffney (Floor and Deck Solutions TM2S, Inc.) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E1643 − 11 (2017)
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Tue May 30 13:07:00 EDT 2017
Downloaded/printed by
Anthony Gaffney (Floor and Deck Solutions TM2S, Inc.) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.