Soil Reinforcement With Recycled Carpet Wastes: Hossein Ghiassian Gholamreza Poorebrahim
Soil Reinforcement With Recycled Carpet Wastes: Hossein Ghiassian Gholamreza Poorebrahim
Soil Reinforcement With Recycled Carpet Wastes: Hossein Ghiassian Gholamreza Poorebrahim
The following symbols are used in this paper. 345 effective minor principal stress
346 consolidation pressure
Af cross-sectional area of fibrous strips 37 deviatoric stress
AR aspect ratio of fibrous strips
B pore water pressure coefficient
Bf width of strips
Cc coefficient of gradation of sand As the world population grows, so do the amount and type of
Cu uniformity coefficient of sand waste being generated. Many of the wastes produced today
Gs specific gravity of sand grains will remain in the environment for years to come. Waste
Gsf specific gravity of strips generation is much lower in developing countries, whereas
Ip plasticity index the USA has more than double the waste generation per cap-
Nf number of strips ita than many European countries. According to the US Envi-
Wf strip content (weight ratio of strips/drysoil) ronmental Protection Agency (US EPA 1992), the munici-
Ws dry weight of sand pal solid waste generated in the US is about 200 million tons
11 axial strain per year, among them about 38% being paper products, 8%
12 volumetric strain plastics, and 3% carpets and textiles. The creation of non-
23 unit weight of water decaying waste materials, combined with a growing con-
341 effective major principal stress sumer population, has resulted in a waste disposal crisis. This
issue has received considerable public attention in recent The present study was undertaken to examine the influ-
years, particularly as it has become increasingly difficult, ence of shredded carpet waste in improving the shear strength
both financially and politically, to dispose of the steadily and volume change characteristics of a fine sandy soil under
growing volume of waste. With municipalities under pressure triaxial compressive loading conditions, and to understand the
to find acceptable alternatives to the traditional forms of mechanisms controlling the behaviour of the material and soil.
refuse disposal – landfilling and incineration – the recycling The influence of strip content (Wf), strip aspect ratio (AR), and
of waste into useful products has been advocated by policy confining pressure were assessed through drained triaxial test-
makers and some environmentalists as a possible solution to ing on specimens compacted at their optimum water contents.
the municipal waste disposal crisis.
A great amount of fibrous textile waste is discarded into Materials
landfills each year all over the world. About half of this
waste is from carpets, with the main constituents being plas- The soil samples used in this study were obtained from the
tic and polymeric fibre, which decays at a very slow rate and region of Kerman in central Iran. The soil is fine sand, classi-
which is difficult to handle in landfills. In the US, the cost of fied as silty sand (SM) according to the Unified Soil Classifi-
landfilling this waste is estimated at US$ 200 million per cation System. The specific gravity of solids (Gs) was 2.675.
year (Wang et al. 1993). The development of low-cost tech- The grain size distribution was 85.8% sand, 12% silt and 2.2%
nologies to convert textile waste into useful products could clay size material, with a uniformity coefficient (Cu) of 2.84
reduce disposal pressures on landfills and result in cost sav- and coefficient of gradation (Cc) of 0.71. The soil has plas-
ings for carpet industries. Accordingly, many carpet and tex- ticity index (Ip) of about zero and is essentially non-plastic.
tile manufacturers, fibre and chemical suppliers, recycling The reinforcing fibrous strips were prepared by cutting car-
companies, and academic institutions are actively pursuing pet waste into short elements with approximately 5 mm ×
various methods to recycle and convert fibrous waste into 5 mm square cross-section and various length of 5, 15, 25, 35
various useful products (Wang et al. 1993, 1994, Gardner and 45 mm corresponding to aspect ratios (AR, length/width)
1995, Schut 1995, Wang, 1997, Frost et al. 1999). of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 respectively. The specific gravity of the
One promising reuse of these wastes lies in soil reinforce- fibrous strips (Gsf) is 1.0. Tensile strength and elastic modulus
ment and construction applications. Extensive studies have were, 800 and 730 kPa, respectively, with an almost linear
been reported in the literature that indicate the use of natural strain at failure of 105%.
and synthetic fibres in soil can enhance the shear strength Various amounts of strips were added to the soil to yield strip
and volume change characteristics of soil, and improve its contents or weight fractions (Wf), defined as weight of strips/
load-bearing capacities and durability (McGown et al. 1978, dry weight of sand, of 0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1%, respectively.
Verma and Char 1978, Hoare 1979, Gray and Ohashi 1983,
Gray and Al-Refeai 1986, Gray and Maher 1989, Maher and
Gray 1990, Al-Refeai 1991, Maher and Ho 1994, Ranjan et Preparation and testing of specimens
al. 1996, Andersland and Khattak 1997, Consoli and Prietto
1998). Embedded fibres generally act as tensile reinforcing The specimens were prepared by mixing soil and water, with
members that transfer shear stresses that develop in the soil the addition of appropriate amounts of strip to yield a speci-
matrix into tensile resistance in the fibre inclusions via fibre/soil fied strip content. Samples were compacted in eight layers
frictional interactions. The lack of adequate tensile strength into a 100-mm (4-inch) diameter and 200-mm (8-inch) high
in a soil can therefore be compensated by the fibres, and the cylindrical mould, with a target maximum dry unit weight
shear strength of soil increases. Even when a soil deforms in and optimum water content of 16.7 kN m–3 and 9.2%, respec-
shear or compression, normal strains or tensile extensions can tively. In order to produce homogenous samples, the under-
develop in other directions. Some tensile extension is required compaction method (Ladd 1978) was carried out as part of
to mobilize the strength of imbedded fibres. In this respect, the sample preparation.
use of randomly distributed fibres is more advantageous due to Drained triaxial tests were conducted to determine the
the maintenance of strength isotropy and the absence of poten- stress–strain and strength characteristics of reinforced soils with
tial planes of weakness that can develop parallel to oriented various strip contents or strip/soil weight ratios (Wf) and ARs.
reinforcement (Maher and Gray 1990). The carpet fibres typi- All specimens were fully saturated with a minimum meas-
cally consist of nylon fibres and polypropylene tape yarns, ured B value of 0.98. The use of CO2 gas with percolation of de-
both proven durable and effective in fibre-reinforced soil. It aired water and back pressure application up to 400 kN m–2
is thus reasonable to expect beneficial effects from the pres- ensured full saturation. The effective confining pressure var-
ence of fibrous strips made of recycled carpet waste in a soil. ied from 15 to 300 kPa.
Fig. 1: Triaxial compression test results at 3'c = 100 kPa for reinforced Fig. 2: Triaxial compression test results at 3'c = 100 kPa for reinforced
specimens with AR = 1, (a) deviatoric stress versus axial strain; (b) specimens with AR = 3, (a) deviatoric stress versus axial strain; (b)
volumetric strain versus axial strain. volumetric strain versus axial strain.
Fig. 3: Triaxial compression test results at 3'c = 100 kPa for reinforced Fig. 4: Triaxial compression test results at 3'c = 100 kPa for reinforced
specimens with AR = 5, (a) deviatoric stress versus axial strain; (b) volu- specimens with AR = 7, (a) deviatoric stress versus axial strain; (b) volu-
metric strain versus axial strain. metric strain versus axial strain.
versus AR should decrease as can be seen in Fig. 7. If strips composite materials. Thus, the strength mobilization in a soil
with lower modulus are used and/or higher confining pres- matrix with strip inclusions may not occur simultaneously.
sures are applied, the plots in Fig. 7 would be expected to This means that the soil mass first reaches its ultimate shear
become asymptotic at smaller AR values. This behaviour can strength when the rate of dilation becomes a maximum,
be seen in Fig. 8 for the case of Wf = 1% as an example. The whereas the strip contribution to load-bearing capacity still
plots are presented in terms of93'1/3'3 ratio such that the influ- continues to increase. At higher axial strains in the speci-
ence of effective confining pressures on strip contribution to men, which also correspond to more tensile strains in the
the shear strength of reinforced sand specimens can be depicted embedded strips, the strip contribution to the total strength
more clearly. It is seen that as the confining pressures decrease, reaches to its ultimate value after the rate of dilation has passed
the plots tend to become asymptotic at smaller AR values. its maximum value.
Visual observations of the specimens after the tests con- It can also be seen in the above figures that as the strip
firmed that the strips indeed failed mainly by being pulled content increases, the amount of volumetric strain increases.
out from the soil on the rupture surface. However, the influence of aspect ratio variation on the volu-
The volume change result for the unreinforced specimen metric strain seems negligible.
agrees well with the expected behaviour of dense sand as Figures 9 and 10 summarize the variation of volume change
shown in Fig. 1. After the occurrence of a small initial com- versus the strip content and aspect ratio. Similar trends to
pression at the beginning of loading, the specimen dilates and those observed in Figs 6 and 7 are seen in these figures as well.
the rate of dilation becomes greatest at the time of failure. At any constant AR, the total volume change increases with
This trend, however, changes slightly with the presence of Wf whereas the rate of increase (the slope of the curve) slightly
strips in the soil (Figs 1 to 5). In reinforced specimens, the reduces with increasing strip content. Furthermore, at any
maximum dilation rate does not coincide with the onset of constant Wf, the total volume change still increases with AR
failure but instead occurs earlier. This could be attributed to and this effect is more pronounced at lower aspect ratios.
the fact that the reinforced specimens seem to behave as Shewbridge and Sitar (1989) have reported that the shear
Fig. 5: Triaxial compression test results at 3'c = 100 kPa for reinforced
specimens with AR = 9, (a) deviatoric stress versus axial strain; (b) volu-
metric strain versus axial strain.
Fig. 8: The influence of aspect ratio on triaxial compression strength of
reinforced specimens for strip content of Wf = 1% and different confin-
ing pressures.
band thickness increases in proportion with the strip content. Fig. 9: The influence of strip content on volume change of reinforced
specimens at 3'c = 100 kPa for different aspect ratios.
This in turn can increase the amount of dilation in the shear
zone. In addition, visual observation of the reinforced speci- regression analysis of all data including those for the unrein-
mens during and after the tests revealed that several shear forced samples (130 triaxial compression tests) was performed
zones tended to develop in the specimens due to the pres- based on a mathematical power model proposed by Ranjan et
ence of strips in the soil. This shearing behaviour is also con- al. (1996). The model has the following general form:
sistent with volume change results in Figs 9 and 10.
2 1
Figure 11 presents the failure envelopes for the case of Wf = 341 = k3436 W f7 A R f * f 9 (2)
1.2 and different strip aspect ratios. Other results correspond-
ing to different Wf values exhibit similar trends for the varia- where914564574524584599are constants obtained from a regression
tion of 3'1 versus 3'3; therefore they have been omitted. A analysis, and9 2 39 and9 29 are coefficients corresponding to the
Fig. 10: The influence of aspect ratio on volume change of reinforced Fig. 12: Comparison between experimental and predicted strength of
specimens at 3'c = 100 kPa for different strip contents. carpet waste reinforced fine sand.
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