Senile Cataract (Age-Related Cataract) : Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology
Senile Cataract (Age-Related Cataract) : Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology
Senile Cataract (Age-Related Cataract) : Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology
Practice Essentials
Senile cataract is an age-related, vision-impairing disease characterized by gradual progressive
clouding and thickening of the lens of the eye. It is the world’s leading cause of treatable
See What the Eyes Tell You: 16 Abnormalities of the Lens, a Critical Images slideshow, to help
recognize lens abnormalities that are clues to various systemic conditions and diseases.
Decreased visual acuity - The most common complaint of patients with senile cataract
Glare - Can range from a decrease in contrast sensitivity in brightly lit environments or
disabling glare during the day to glare with oncoming headlights at night
Myopic shift - The progression of cataracts frequently increases the anteroposterior (AP)
axis and therefore the dioptric power of the lens, resulting in a mild to moderate degree of
increased myopia or myopic shift
Monocular diplopia - - At times, the nuclear changes are concentrated in the inner layers of
the lens, resulting in a refractile area in the center of the lens, the so called “lens within a
lens” phenomenon, which may lead to monocular diplopia that is not correctable with
spectacles, prisms, or contact lenses
A complete ocular examination must be performed, beginning with visual acuity for near and far
distances. When the patient complains of glare, visual acuity should be tested in a brightly lit Page 1 of 6
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room. Contrast sensitivity may also be checked, especially if the history points to a possible
Examination of the ocular adnexa and intraocular structures - May provide clues to the
patient's cataract etiology, concomitant disease, and eventual visual prognosis
Swinging flashlight test - Detects a Marcus Gunn pupil or a relative afferent pupillary defect
(RAPD) indicative of optic nerve lesions or severe diffuse retinal involvement
Slit lamp examination - Should concentrate on the evaluation of not only lens opacity but
also other ocular structures (eg, conjunctiva, cornea, iris, anterior chamber)
Examination of nuclear size and brunescence - After dilation, nuclear size and
brunescence as indicators of cataract density can be determined prior to
phacoemulsification surgery
Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy - To evaluate the integrity of the posterior pole
Clinical staging of senile cataract is traditionally based on the appearance of the lens on slit-
lamp examination, as follows:
Hypermature cataract: This is a dense white opacity that obscures the red reflex and
contains milky fluid within the capsule, a result of degenerated lens cortex. The capsule if
often tense or wrinkled. A morgagnian cataract is a type of hypermature cataract in which
the nucleus sinks within the fluid cortex.
Mature cataract: This is a cataract that is opaque, totally obscuring the red reflex. It is
either white or brunescent.
Immature cataract: This is a cataract characterized by a variable amount of opacification,
present in certain areas of the lens. These may include both high- and low-density areas,
with some clear lens fibers.
Incipient cataract: This is a cataract that is seen on slit-lamp examination but is of little
clinical significance.
Clinical staging of senile cataract can also be based on the visual acuity of the patient, as
Hypermature cataract: The patient generally sees worse than count fingers (CF) or hand
motion (HM).
Mature cataract: The patient cannot read better than 20/200 on the visual acuity chart.
Immature cataract: The patient can distinguish letters at lines better than 20/200.
Incipient cataract or dysfunctional lens syndrome: The patient reports visual complaints but
can still read at 20/20 despite lens opacity confirmed via slit lamp-examination.
Management Page 2 of 6
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Lens extraction is the definitive treatment for senile cataract. It can be accomplished via the
following procedures:
Intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) - Involves extraction of the entire lens, including
the posterior capsule and zonules; the many potential intraoperative and postoperative
complications associated with this procedure has led to a significant decline in its use
Extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) - Involves the removal of the lens nucleus
through an opening in the anterior capsule and a relatively large limbal incision, with
retention of the integrity of the posterior capsule
Phacoemulsification - Also involves extraction of the lens nucleus through an opening in
the anterior capsule; an ultrasonically driven needle is used to fragment the nucleus of the
cataract; the lens substrate is then aspirated through a needle port via a small limbal or
scleral incision in a process termed phacoemulsification
Intraocular lens (IOL) implantation is customarily used in combination with each of these
techniques, although ECCE and phacoemulsification allow for more advantageous anatomical
placement of the IOL than does ICCE.
Senile cataract is a vision-impairing disease characterized by gradual, progressive thickening of
the lens. It is the leading cause of blindness in the world today. This is unfortunate, considering
that the visual morbidity brought about by age-related cataract is reversible. As such, early
detection, close monitoring, and timely surgical intervention must be observed in the
management of senile cataracts. Even greater challenges abound in economically
disadvantaged and geographically isolated regions where limited healthcare access precludes
early intervention. The subsequent section is a general overview of senile cataract and its
The pathophysiology behind senile cataracts is complex and yet to be fully understood. In all
probability, its pathogenesis is multifactorial involving complex interactions between various
physiologic processes modulated by environmental, genetic, nutritional, and systemic factors.
As the lens ages, its weight and thickness increases while its accommodative power decreases.
As the new cortical layers are added in a concentric pattern, the central nucleus is compressed
and hardened in a process called nuclear sclerosis.
Multiple mechanisms contribute to the progressive loss of transparency of the lens. The lens
epithelium is believed to undergo age-related changes, particularly a decrease in lens epithelial
cell density and an aberrant differentiation of lens fiber cells. Although the epithelium of
cataractous lenses experiences a low rate of apoptotic death, which is unlikely to cause a
significant decrease in cell density, the accumulation of small scale epithelial losses may
consequently result in an alteration of lens fiber formation and homeostasis, ultimately leading to
loss of lens transparency. Furthermore, as the lens ages, a reduction in the rate at which water Page 3 of 6
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and, perhaps, water-soluble low-molecular weight metabolites can enter the cells of the lens
nucleus via the epithelium and cortex occurs with a subsequent decrease in the rate of transport
of water, nutrients, and antioxidants.
Consequently, progressive oxidative damage to the lens with aging takes place, leading to senile
cataract development. Various studies showing an increase in products of oxidation (eg,
oxidized glutathione) and a decrease in antioxidant vitamins and the enzyme superoxide
dismutase underscore the important role of oxidative processes in cataractogenesis.
Another mechanism involved is the conversion of soluble low-molecular weight cytoplasmic lens
proteins to soluble high molecular weight aggregates, insoluble phases, and insoluble
membrane-protein matrices. The resulting protein changes cause abrupt fluctuations in the
refractive index of the lens, scatter light rays, and reduce transparency. Other areas being
investigated include the role of nutrition in cataract development, particularly the involvement of
glucose and trace minerals and vitamins.
Senile cataract can be classified into 3 main types: nuclear cataract, cortical cataract, and
posterior subcapsular cataract. Nuclear cataracts result from excessive nuclear sclerosis and
yellowing, with consequent formation of a central lenticular opacity. In some instances, the
nucleus can become very opaque and brown, termed a brunescent nuclear cataract. Changes in
the ionic composition of the lens cortex and the eventual change in hydration of the lens fibers
produce a cortical cataract. Formation of granular and plaquelike opacities in the posterior
subcapsular cortex often heralds the formation of posterior subcapsular cataracts.
United States
In the Framingham Eye Study from 1973-1975, senile cataract was seen in 15.5% of the 2477
patients examined. The overall rates of senile cataract in general, and of its 3 main types (ie,
nuclear, cortical, posterior subcapsular), rapidly increased with age; for the oldest age group
(≥75 y), nuclear, cortical, and posterior subcapsular cataracts were found in 65.5%, 27.7%, and
19.7% of the study population, respectively. Nuclear opacities were the most commonly seen
lens change.
An updated study by the Wilmer Eye Institute in 2004 noted that approximately 20.5 million
(17.2%) Americans older than 40 years had a cataract in either eye and 6.1 million (5.1%) were
pseudophakic/aphakic. [1] These numbers are expected to rise to 30.1 million cataracts and 9.5
million cases with pseudophakia/aphakia by 2020.
Prevent Blindness America currently estimates that more than 22 million Americans aged 40
years and older have a cataract. An average of 3 million Americans undergo cataract surgery
every year, with a 95% success rate of obtaining a best corrected vision of 20/20-20/40.
Senile cataract continues to be the main cause of visual impairment and blindness in the world.
In recent studies performed in China, [2, 3] Canada, [4] Japan, [5] Denmark, [6] Argentina, [7] and Page 4 of 6
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India, [8] cataract was identified as the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness, with
statistics ranging from 33.3% (Denmark) to as high as 82.6% (India). Published data estimate
that 1.2% of the entire population of Africa is blind, with cataract causing 36% of this blindness.
In a survey conducted in 3 districts in the Punjab plains, the overall rates of occurrence of senile
cataract was 15.3% among 1269 persons examined who were aged 30 years and older and
4.3% for all ages. This increased markedly to 67% for ages 70 years and older. An analysis of
blind registration forms in the west of Scotland showed senile cataract as 1 of the 4 leading
causes of blindness.
Most morbidity associated with senile cataracts occurs postoperatively and is discussed in
further detail later. Failure to treat a developing cataract surgically may lead to devastating
consequences, such as lens swelling and intumescence, secondary glaucoma, and, eventually,
While the risk of dying as a result of cataract extraction is almost negligible, studies have shown
an increased risk of mortality in patients who underwent surgery. In a comparison of 167 patients
aged 50 years or older who underwent cataract extraction at the New England Medical Center in
a period of 1 year to 824 patients who elected 1 of 6 other surgical procedures, it was found that
the former had almost twice the mortality of the latter. Further analysis showed no significant
correlation between diabetes and increased mortality. In a similar 5-year mortality analysis,
patients with cataracts who were younger than 75 years had significantly higher age-specific
rates of mortality than would be expected from US life tables.
These data imply an association between senile cataracts and increased mortality. Meddings et
al suggest that senile cataract may be a marker of generalized tissue aging, which may be
independent of cumulative ultraviolet exposure. [9] Hirsch and Schwartz who proposed the
concept that senile cataracts reflect systemic phenomena rather than only a localized ocular
disease share this view. [10]
Although race has been suggested as a possible risk factor for senile cataract, scarce literature
exists to prove this theory. However, it has been observed that unoperated cataracts account for
a higher percentage of blindness among blacks compared to whites. Instead, various other
correlates may explain racial disparities, including medical comorbidities such as diabetes
mellitus or lifetime ultraviolet (UV) exposure due to occupation, altitude, or latitude.
Studies on the prevalence of senile cataract between males and females have yielded
contrasting results.
In the Framingham Eye Study from 1973-75, females had a higher prevalence than males in
both lens changes (63% vs 54.1%) and senile cataract (17.1% vs 13.2%).
Sperduto and Hiller noted that each of the 3 types of senile lens opacities was found more often Page 5 of 6
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in women than in men. [11] In a separate investigation by Nishikori and Yamomoto, the male-to-
female ratio was 1:8 with a female predominance in patients older than 65 years who were
operated on for senile cataract. [12]
Age is an important risk factor for senile cataract. As a person ages, the chance of developing a
senile cataract increases. In the Framingham Eye Study from 1973-1975, the number of total
and new cases of senile cataract rose dramatically from 23.0 cases per 100,000 and 3.5 cases
per 100,000, respectively, in persons aged 45-64 years to 492.2 cases per 100,000 and 40.8
cases per 100,000 in persons aged 85 years and older.
In the absence of any other accompanying ocular disease prior to surgery that would affect
significantly the visual outcome (eg macular degeneration or optic nerve atrophy), a successful
uncomplicated standard ECCE or phacoemulsification carries a very promising visual prognosis
of gaining at least 2 lines in the Snellen distance vision chart. The main cause of visual morbidity
postoperatively is CME. A major risk factor affecting visual prognosis is the presence of diabetes
mellitus and diabetic retinopathy.
Patient Education
To date, no established guidelines are available for the prevention of senile cataracts. Education
programs are geared toward early detection and surgical intervention when vision is impaired
functionally. With the advent of phacoemulsification, patients are advised against delaying lens
extraction to the point when the cataract is hard and mature and the likelihood of postoperative
complications increases.
For patient education resources, see the Eye and Vision Center and Cataracts.
Clinical Presentation Page 6 of 6