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Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Soft Proofing 6/3
• High-Gloss 6/31
• Matte 6/32
• Canvas 6/35
• Film 6/37
Glossary 6/39
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Soft Proofing
Pitfalls in the assessment of images on the screen
Technology comes to your aid: with advanced imaging apps, you can not only
display the original RGB version of your images, but also simulate a printer, ink,
and paper version. In contrast to paper or film press proofs, types of hard proofs,
the version on screen is called a soft proof.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
In Photoshop under the “Edit” menu there are color setting options.
Once you have generated a monitor profile, the display is managed through the
system’s internal color management, under both Windows and Mac. Select a working
color space when converting your RAW files. It is also recommended to select the
same color space in the Photoshop color settings to avoid unnecessary warnings.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
It is important that you do not randomly convert back and forth between different color spaces,
because color data is lost during each conversion, especially when different gammas are involved.
Photoshop’s Color Settings menu
Here we go into more detail on the color settings menu. We do not describe all menu
items in the user interface, however, there is a brief description at the bottom of the menu
window for each item.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Working Space
RGB: Here you set your preferred working space. This should be at least large enough for
the type of output you create. Web-only users may select sRGB, but AdobeRGB is more
flexible for multiple uses. For high-quality camera models, set AdobeRGB in-camera for
JPGs; RAW images will be converted to your working space on import.
CMYK: Here you set the standard color space for a CMYK workflow, if you use one. Ask
your print service provider which standard they use. Gray choices can be made for your
own grayscale work, or for service provider needs. You can also activate softproof
functions for these spaces in the menu bar under “View / Check Color”.
At this point we have defined the color spaces for RGB, CMYK and Gray, and how
to handle the color space of an image file when we load it in Photoshop. From
here, you have a few further choices.
• Turn off color management: In this case, the image is simply displayed in the
color space of the monitor. Be careful, as any attached color profile is removed.
• Preserve embedded profile: You should use this setting to retain full control.
• Convert to RGB working space: Choose this option if you want to include and
process image files from sources with a different color space in your workflow.
For example, you may want to paste an object from a picture you made with
your phone into one of your pictures. In this case, this setting ensures correct
color conversion.
• Profile Mismatches & Missing Profiles: definitely check this box, so you will be
asked when opening an image file which of the first three options you prefer.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Conversion Options:
• Engine: Here you can choose between Adobe Color Engine(ACE) Adobe CMM,
or a few other choices. ACE is preferred, as this engine is used in all Adobe
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Conversion Settings
What’s best in this case
f you have defined your working space, you may open image files that were created in
another RGB color space. In these cases, a warning message appears asking you to
select a color space. Typically, maintain the embedded color space of the file. If
necessary, convert to another working space using Photoshop’s Convert to Profile
function in the Edit menu.
This warning message appears each time you open an image in Photoshop,
provided that you have activated this feature in the color settings, and the
image has a different color space than the working space.
Typically, keep the embedded color space of the file. If you load an image that does not
have a profile, open it without using color management. In this case, Photoshop displays
the image in the device color space (meaning the space of your monitor). If necessary,
tag a working space using Photoshop’s Assign Profile feature. This option can be found
in the “Edit” menu.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
In this graphic, we contrasted the standard color spaces sRGB and AdobeRGB with a device color
space. The latter is different from device to device and thus arbitrary. Preparing images for printing
in device color is always risky.
You may have wondered why Photoshop displays a diamond or asterisk in the file name of the
open image. For example, “Filename.jpg @ 16.7% (RGB / 8 #).” % Indicates the magnification
state, RGB the color model, 8 represents the bit depth, in this case 8 bit/channel and the #
indicates that your image does not contain a profile. If an * is displayed, it means that a profile
has been assigned.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Assign profile: 16 km > 16 miles (the assigned unit is changed but the numeric
value is not adjusted). Applied to color, this means that the RGB values are
maintained, but the visual color changes. Used when the existing color profile tag
is incorrect, or to maintain smooth graphic gradients, at the cost of exact color.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
For the colors, visually, to remain the same, use the Convert to Profile option.
CIE-Lab color model and the positioning of the sRGB and AdobeRGB color space.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Take for example, the primary color green with the RGB values (0/255/0). It is
obvious that the green in the AdobeRGB color space is a different green than in the
sRGB color space, even though in both cases the RGB values are the same. For the
“transform profiles” and “assign profiles” options there are two scenarios. Either the
color remains visually the same, but then the RGB value adapts to the color space,
or the RGB value remains the same, but then the color changes visually due to the
changed color locations in the CIE-Lab color model.
The original image was shot in AdobeRGB. The color values refer to the color field F4 of the SpyderCHECKR.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
After the image was transferred to the sRGB color space using Assign Profile, the Lab values changed
and the RGB values remained the same: same numbers, different colors.
Here the command Convert to Profile was used, to change the AdobeRGB image to sRGB and the colors
was retained; the CIE-Lab values remained the same while the RGB values changed.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
You can access the Proof Colors function via the View menu. There you can select the output profile for
your soft proof.
Use the Custom command under Proof Setup in the View menu, to define the printer
profile for your print output.
Make sure that the Color Range Warning is enabled, so you can see which colors
will change most. This function is particularly helpful for editors with less experience.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Finally, you must develop a feeling for which colors can be printed without losses. If
you want the soft proof on screen and the final print to be as closely matched as
possible, select Simulate Paper Color and get an Absolute Colorimetric print preview.
Not only is the paper color simulated here, but also the contrast range is reduced to
such an extent that it looks very close to the color contrast on a paper; which can be
discouraging, but also useful.
Just click on Install Profiles and select the downloaded profile files in the opened file
browser. After clicking on Next, the external printer profile is already integrated and
can now be used in the Soft Proofing function. To view your own images via the
print preview, simply drag and drop the image file into the left-hand image list. Here
the Color Range warning is selectable and a subfolder can also be selected in
Advanced Settings.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Soft Proofing with the Datacolor Spyder5ELITE + software
Since you can also edit images in this print preview, the effects of color or filter corrections
can be assessed in a final way. This allows you to:
Fine-tune an image copy (never the original) specifically for a specific print media
Saturate or desaturate critical colors before printing
• Intervene in the event of unexpected color or contrast shifts
In contrast to editing after a CMYK conversion, all filters and dialogues that only work in
RGB, such as Same Color, are available here.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Gamut Warning
What this notice means
In the case of minor changes, the Gamut Warning function from the View menu shows
the problem areas that arise when converting to the printer color space. In this case, an
indicator color overlays all areas of the file that cannot be printed as intended. You can
define this indicator color in Photoshop’s settings under Transparency and Gamut
Warning. In the Spyder5ELITE+ software, this is done under Advanced Settings.
We compared the original image with two soft proof images and their gamut warnings. FOGRA39
(ISO 126476-2: 2004), a widely used standard in offset printing is used. The second profile belongs
to the Canon Pixma Pro1 on Pro Platinum paper. It is a 12-color photo printer. Clearly, the Canon
printer can display more of the original colors from the AdobeRGB color space.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
For image enhancement in Adobe Photoshop, use smart objects. These can be found in an array of
small icons in the lower right area of the desktop. The benefit is that you can make changes to the
image without changing the source file data. On the other hand, if you edit your image using the tools
that you access via the “Image / Adjustments” menu bar, this is destructive and irreversible; so a new
copy must be saved.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
What you should observe
The colors of your images can look very different online. This depends on the operating
system and monitor you are using. The three preview variants are shown in “View>
Proof Setup> Macintosh RGB, Windows RGB, Monitor RGB.” For use on the Internet,
you should always work in the sRGB color space and, if necessary, convert the images
from the original color space to sRGB. In the Save for Web dialogue of the Photoshop
Export options, you will find a Convert to sRGB option which you can use. In the same
window, please also enable the option Embed Color Profile, such that the JPG file saved
contains the information that the color values are in sRGB. For correct color prediction,
you must switch to Internet Standard RGB in the preview. Because only then do you
get a realistic impression of how others view the images.
You can clearly see the different pink tones in the original and in the image converted to the
sRGB color space.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Starting from Version 4, Lightroom has a very good soft proofing function. You activate
this by clicking the Softproofing checkbox in the Develop Module at the bottom of the
work window. You can now display the preview based on profiles and choose between
two rendering intents. This is how you enable the monitor proofing view:
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
• Select the Develop module. Click on the checkbox which is located at the bottom of
the Develop screen
• Then, the Histogram section is changed to Soft Proof
• Now, you can assign a profile, select the rendering intent, and enable the simulation of
paper and ink
The changes have a direct effect on the display of the image in the preview window,
which is now marked “Proof Preview.”
After activating the checkbox “Softproofing” the histogram of the output format will be displayed. In
this setting, you can select the desired output settings.
If you make changes to the image in the proof preview, you can save this image variation as a
virtual copy.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
To check whether the colors in the image are changed during screen or print preview,
activate the two warnings for the target color range and monitor color range by clicking
on the icons in the histogram, or from the View menu under Soft Proofing.
The buttons to activate the gamut warnings are very inconspicuous, but important.
Read Article
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
For a long time, inkjet printers were barely able to print photos of the same quality as
those from a photo lab. The quality of user-printed photos became acceptable only
with the advent of six to twelve color printers. Now there are an increasing number of
papers that can absorb all that ink with baryta prints, the benchmark used in the analog
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
The Canon Pixma-Pro-1 is a 12-color fine art inkjet printer. It is representative of this
device class. Inkjet printers with 12 inks can print colors far beyond the traditional
CMYK offset printing gamut, so are excellent for fine art printing.
This output technology is equally interesting for both advanced amateurs and
professionals. Hobby photographers spare themselves hours in the darkroom,
and achieve their goal faster and more reproducibly, due to digital image
processing. Professional photographers need less space because the darkroom is
replaced by a desk. Here, they can implement corrections or editing requests from
customers – even in front of them. Digital saves a lot of time, as well, thanks to
the direct processes, which do not require any development or drying.
Unfortunately, what can be captured by the camera and displayed on the monitor cannot
be physically transferred to the print. Such restrictions are not new to photographers;
even with negatives, only half the captured image information ended up on the paper
In contrast to the digital process, it was much more difficult, even for experienced
photographers, to predict accurately which colors and which details would make it to
paper and which would not.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
If you follow the steps below while working on a computer, you will be able to achieve
results with inexpensive photo printers, which would previously have only been possible
for an expert photo specialist:
However, for the perfect print, some settings details explained on the following
pages must also be considered.
If you are printing your images on a photo printer, the photos must be sent to the printer
in RGB. This is not a printing space, but a color mode, that meets the needs of RGB
printers to correctly process to the ink colors. The final ink channels separation is carried
out by the printer driver. All you have to do is specify the settings in the Photoshop Print
dialogue, and make sure that the following is set in the options:
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Note that the printer driver default setting is used to disable its own color adjustments.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Nowadays, print service providers offer a variety of products that one could not
have imagined 10 years ago, and were formerly reserved for professionals. They
were known, if at all, only from galleries. The range includes high-quality photo
books, photo prints on clear acrylic, aluminum dibond or canvas, and other
options. The number of formats has also become confusing and even includes
large panorama formats. This wide range photographic products also show
photography’s popularity, that it is no longer just a means of capturing memories.
Many people now use photography as an expression of their individuality, and they
hang up personal, detailed, elaborate images of gallery quality on their own walls.
As beautiful as these products are, there is a high risk that the colors and details
that have been developed though painstaking work will not be reflected in the final
images as desired. Not to mention the money invested, which can quickly run into
hundreds of dollars.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Premium print service providers understand that there is no way for them to be
competitive without color management. Complaints arise when an expensive image
does not live up to expectations. Quality service providers now offer ICC profiles to
download for your use, so you can soft proof on your own screen. This is a step in the
right direction.
• The higher the quality of the ordered image, the greater the likelihood that the image
has been digitally reworked. If this happens on an uncalibrated monitor, the colors
are assessed and processed blindly. It is not clear which colors resulted. It is like
wearing tinted sunglasses to assess your images. Soft proofing on the unmanged
monitor, using the ICC printer profiles of the service provider, offers only half the
solution .
• The customer may not bother to softproof with the ICC profiles of the service
provider, despite having calibrated monitor; perhaps assuming that calibrating the
monitor is all that’s needed.
• The printed image is too dark and the shadows are clogged. Most users are unaware
that a monitor has a contrast range as much at ten times are large as a print.
Because of this, if the brightness of the monitor has not been reduced to a level
relative to the printer, screen details which cannot be reproduced in print will be lost.
Monitor calibration with ambient light analysis by tools like Spyder5PRO or
Spyder5ELITE is needed.
61% of the 750 participants had already used a print service. Of these, 57% had already ordered a
photo book and 41% ordered larger formats on aluminum dibond or similar material.
However, it was interesting to note that 23% had problems with color and 17% complained about
clogged shadows.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
© Fujifilm
At one time, photo orders were like take-out food orders: “Please print 18 copies of
number 13.” The only query was: “Glossy or matte?” Even today, most photographers
opt for glossy. Why? Because they have little or no experience at all with matte media.
Their reasoning is that the colors should be as brilliant as possible in the image; that
the additional brilliance of gloss can‘t hurt. If you follow this logic, you will get good, but
not always optimal, prints. What is often overlooked is that sunny images must shine,
but the surface gloss does not always emphasize the intent of the image content.
Prints of a rough landscape look more impressive when presented on textured
materials, such as canvas or watercolor paper. The choice of the print media is about
print size and image content – at least for those who understand the nuances and use
them to create more powerful prints.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Fine art prints seldom involve glossy paper surfaces. The artist wants to produce as much
detail as possible. The shiny surface is not optimal for this, since it acts as a subtle contrast
enhancement. Fine art printing is based on matte media, but there are many different products
with subtle variations that are hard to distinguish at first glance.
In the past, the home printer in their darkroom would have to choose between only
glossy, satin,or matte, when creating chemical photo prints. One additional option
was baryta paper, which is complicated to process and has to be heated in a dry
press in order to produce its surface. All other materials, such as canvas, rice
paper or watercolor paper were only available to insiders and specialized
laboratories because of the high costs.
Today, owners of inkjet printers can print photos on any flat surface. Dedicated
inkjet papers are recommended for most uses. But even here, the selection is
larger than ever before. Apart from the classic glossy and matte style papers, ...
there are also other choices, including canvas, felted and film. These are available
in several different options, and weights.
Which papers you choose depends on image content and are a matter of experience. The more
exposure you have, the more confident you will be in your choice of materials.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
What you should
consider with glossy
inkjet papers
Glossy papers allow the deepest blacks, highly saturated colors, maximum ink
coverage, and a high maximum density. This produces crisp contrast. Unfortunately,
these papers are very sensitive to fingerprints with their lacquer-like surface. For
this reason, you should only touch them with gloves or have a non-printed border
on the paper during photo printing. A glossy surface hinders the applied ink from
entering the paper quickly. This means high-quality glossies can take longer to
print (as the printer builds in drying time) and to cure after printing before stacking.
While some papers are less problematic, others still require the slower unidirectional
printing mode, in which printing is carried out only in one direction of the print
head. This function must be selected in the driver interface, and profiles should be
built specifically for this mode. ...
Glossy papers usually involve a coated polyester carrier layer. When hanging gloss images consider
how their reflections of lights and windows in the shiny surface may impact viewability.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Matte photo paper offers
you a range of
Due to their ink absorption potential, matte papers allow ink to dry faster. If such
prints are hung up to the wall, light reflections are not an issue, since the dull
surface has a reflection-reducing effect. Fingerprints are not problematic with
matte papers, which unlike their glossy counterparts, do not have a coated
polyester carrier.
Matte papers require a special black for high-quality prints. Some printers require
switching the matte and gloss black inks, others keep both inks ready at the same time.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Handmade Paper
What you should
consider when working
with handmade paper
Since handmade paper is available with various surface textures, this leads to
uncertainty among some photographers: It is not easy to find out which surface
works best for each print. If you are uncertain here, you should concentrate less
on the textures of the varieties. Only a few photo styles benefit from a heavy paper
texture. The interplay of colors usually determines the image impression and the
subtleties brought to paper.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
If you do not like typical glossy prints and prefer matte paper qualities, the world of fine
art papers might be of interest. These are often heavy papers, the surface of which
may have a more natural tone without artificial brighteners. Often very expensive, such
papers usually have a fine, soft texture as well as a special touch. They can depict the
finest details and are ideal for printing black-and-white as well as color photographs,
and are used for art reproductions with high image depth.
For art photographers, it is an absolute must to print their work on materials that meet
the highest standards. In recent years, there has been an almost unmanageable variety
of papers in the high-profile segment that are presented as fine art papers. The best of
them make a print from an original, that you would not only like to view behind glass,
but also one that has tactile qualities. However, central to a fine art paper is print-life.
Many years of color stability should be possible. Current inks do not all manage this,
even if they promise a durability of at least several years.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
What you should know about canvas during photo printing
In the history of photography, there have been many attempts to establish textiles as
photo media. But these fabrics only reached a significant market with the development
of inkjet technology.
Genuine canvas is made of cotton without polyester content. There are two weave
• The typical Linen weave uses warp threads and weft threads interwoven with each
• Twill weave uses weft threads alternating over two or more warp threads, creating
a herringbone pattern.
Polyester-blend canvas is more affordable and available that cotton canvas. It has varying
cotton/poly blends in typical weights of 10 to 12 ounces.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Canvas is usually matte, but glossy fabric coatings are also produced. However:
inkjet printed canvas must not be heavily stretched, as it is when creating painting
canvasses, or the inkjet coating will crack. Photo canvasses are very lightly
stretched onto their backing. Canvasses are not protected by glass, so an
additional protective spray or brush-on coating is important for protecting the ink.
Inkjet canvas is often used for oil or acrylic painting reproductions. There are processes in
which special scanners with a custom artwork lighting unit produce digital scans of artwork.
The results are then output on canvas and produce a very good imitation of the original work.
Inkjet-coated watercolor paper is similarly used in reproduction of paper paintings.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Film options for inkjet
Backlit films are a very common type. These polyester films can also be printed
with inkjets. They receive their color saturation only through their translucency.
Without a backlight, their look dull and unsaturated. Films can compete with
paper for detail and dynamic range. Color saturation of films often exceeds that
of paper. Consequently, backlit films are finding more and more followers in
commercial POS, but also private, uses. Color accuracy in backlit films is
problematic. A color shift occurs in the magenta and black layers due to the
different thickness of the inks. You should therefore work with the special ICC
profiles, which are designed for the material. Backlit film is usually printed on
the back surface. This allows scratch-resistant fronts suitable for outdoor as
well as indoor use. Indoor versions last about a year before excessive fading.
Outdoor films utilize different solvents and curing systems for up to three years
of life, but tend to have a lower scratch resistance.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
• The first special form refers to self-adhesive, clear films that look brilliant on
their own when they are adhered to white acrylic. Backlighting intensifies the
effect but is not absolutely necessary. Such films are used mainly in bright
interior spaces which are also utilized at night.
• Self-adhesive window films constitute another special form, and are best
known from Christmas decorations. They can be used to dress up unattractive
spaces by partially or completely covering the windows to resemble stained
glass. The films can be used several times, so that decorations can be changed
with the seasons.
There are also metal films, typically in copper or aluminum, that produce the effect
of old or very high-quality photographic processes.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
AdobeRGB (1998): Color homogeneity:
The AdobeRGB color space was specified by Adobe in 1998. The The color homogeneity describes the color consistency or the col-
objective was to create a color space from which the CMYK color or deviations from a set point over an area, e.g. the surface of a
space of a color printer could be adapted to the RGB color space of display. In the case of poor color homogeneity, the same color val-
a monitor. It is larger than the sRGB color space. ue is reproduced differently on the surface of the display. For exam-
ple, this could cause a green tint on the upper right and a red tint on
Bayer filter: the bottom left corner.
Photo sensor named after its inventor Bryce E. Bayer. The sensor is
overlaid with green, blue and red filters, which are in a ratio of 50 % Color noise:
green, 25 % blue and 25 % red. In this way, it approximates the sen- Color noise, or image noise, describes the deterioration of image
sitivity of the human eye, in which green accounts for the greatest quality due to structures, which themselves do not carry any image
share of the perception of brightness. information. The impacted image sections deviate from the actual
image information in terms of color and brightness, and are espe-
Border shadowing: cially visible in dark areas of the image in which the signal-to-noise
See objective vignetting. ratio is very low.
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Color Management Can Be Easy | Soft Proofing & Media
Reflection idiosyncrasies:
Printing paper and photo paper have a large number of surface
properties. The bandwidth ranges from matte and glossy to a wide
variety of textures and materials. Every surface and material has
very specific characteristics, with regard to how they absorb and
reflect light. These must be taken into consideration when setting
up a color workflow.
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Color management can be easy
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