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Small-Scale Hydropower System: 1 Preface

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[ Distributed Power Supply ]

Small-Scale Hydropower System Hiroaki Fujimori

Keywords Hydropower, Control unit, Simplified panel, Variable speed power generation system, Inverter, Converter

For small-scale hydropower systems, we reinforced our offerings of product

Abstract line-ups to meet various needs such as cost reduction, improvement of profit-
ability by increasing annual power yield labor saving, and various operation con-
trol capability.
The control unit is the dedicated unit for small-scale hydropower systems.
We commercialized a simplified switchgear panel to realize a lower cost and
smaller footprint model. There are different models for synchronous generators
or induction generators.
We developed a small-scale variable speed hydropower system that comes
with a combination of a Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG), an inverter, and a
converter. This generator system is expected to increase the annual power yield
amount, supported by extended water turbine operation range thanks to variable
speed operation and high-efficiency operation at proper rotating speed.

lifetime and stable good quality power can be sup-

1 Preface
plied. For this reason, small-scale hydropower sys-
While the self-sufficiency rate of energy supply tems are applicable to various sites such as dams,
is very low in Japan, hydropower systems are pre- rivers, agricultural channels, city water and sewage
cious energy resources because they use water water plants, and factories.
resources producing entirely domestic clean ener- ( 1) Use of maintenance water discharge from
gy. Although suitable candidate sites for large-scale small-scale dams
hydropower projects are few in our present situa- This system is used to generate power based
tion, undeveloped or reusable points for small-scale on the use of maintenance water discharge from a
hydropower (1000kW or less) are still abundant. small-scale dam. The generated power is used as a
Due to high construction cost, however, profitability power supply for the dam management office.
level is very challenging. Since the enforcement of ( 2 ) Use of river water
the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) System on 1 July 2012, the River water is directly used for power genera-
profitability level for the hydropower project has tion without any storage facility. Since power gener-
been improved and projects for new development or ation is dependent on the flow rate of the river water,
renovation plans for existing facilities are increas- annual power yield always fluctuates throughout the
ing. In this connection, the Japanese market is ripe. year.
This paper introduces small-scale hydropower sys- ( 3 ) Use of agricultural water
tems that we are working on. Power generation is dependent on agricultural
water used for the irrigation of rice and vegetable
fields. The generated power is fed to agricultural
2 Application of Small-Scale Hydro-
water irrigation facilities in order to reduce the main-
tenance cost.
Compared with other renewable energy ( 4 ) Use of industrial water
resources like wind power and solar power, the Power is generated with the use of the residual
small-scale hydropower system can offer a longer pressure at the industrial water intake tank.

30 MEIDEN REVIEW Series No.169 2017 No.1

The applicable ranges of the effective head
3 Small-Scale Hydropower System
and the flow rate are 10 ~ 300m and 0.3 ~ 15.0m3/s,
3.1 Water Turbine and Generator respectively. The horizontal-shaft Francis turbines
Fig. 1 shows a small-scale water turbine selec- are most generally adopted in small-scale hydro-
tion diagram. An applicable water turbine can be power plants.
chosen based on the effective head and flow rate. ( 2 ) Crossflow water turbine generator (Fig. 3)
The generator type can be determined from synchro- The applicable ranges of the effective head
nous generators, induction generators, or Permanent and flow rate are 5 ~ 80m and 0.1 ~ 8m3/s, respec-
Magnet Generators (PMG) according to the pur- tively. When the guide-vane split type is adopted, it
pose and system configuration. Some examples of can assure high efficiency down to the low flow rate
small-scale hydropower systems are shown below. domain.
( 1) Horizontal-shaft Francis turbine generator ( 3 ) Turgo impulse turbine generation system (Fig. 4)
(Fig. 2) The applicable ranges of the effective head
and flow rate are 28 ~ 400m and 0.2 ~ 0.8m3/s,
respectively. This type of turbine is adopted between
Horizontal-shaft Francis turbine Crossflow turbine the application range of Pelton water turbines and
Horizontal-shaft Pelton turbine Turgo impulse turbine
that of Francis turbines.
Submerged turbine

Effective head (m)


0.1 1 10 20
Flow rate (m3/s)

Fig. 1 Small-Scale Water Turbine Selection Diagram Fig. 3 Crossflow Water Turbine Generator
A water turbine selection diagram applicable to small-scale hy- The crossflow turbine generator is applied to many dam type
dropower is shown. A suitable water turbine can be selected power stations where changes in the head are enormous.
based on the effective head and flow rate.

Fig. 2 Horizontal-Shaft Francis Turbine Generator

This is a water turbine generator that has a wide application
Fig. 4 Turgo Impulse Turbine Generation System
range. The electrically powered servomotor is located on the left
front side. A series of water turbines made in foreign countries is adopted.

MEIDEN REVIEW Series No.169 2017 No.1

3.2 Recent Technical Trends in Small-Scale regulation control and automatic power factor regu-
Hydropower Generation lation control are available. The simplified switch-
( 1) Cost reduction gear panels have lineups for induction generators.
Since the power output of a small-scale hydro- Fig. 5 shows a system configuration diagram for the
power system is small, reduction of initial cost is simplified switchgear panel (for synchronous gener-
always called for. We make every effort to reduce ators) and Fig. 6 shows an external appearance of
equipment cost by promoting standardization, sim- the simplified switchgear panel.
plification of mechanical structure, and by the com- ( 4 ) Wider variety of control functions
pact design. During design work for power plant ( a ) Maintenance flow rate control (for dam type
planning, the efforts resulted in the smaller footprint power station)
of the plant building. It also produced shorter peri- For a hydropower system which uses the flow
ods for civil and construction work. rate of maintenance water discharge from a dam,
( 2 ) Labor-saving Maintenance the water flow passing through the water turbine is
For water turbines, the non-water-supply type
labyrinth system or non-water-supply type self-
Touch-panel AVR
cooled bearings are adopted. For generators, air-
cooled bearings are used to achieve maintenance Contact
labor saving. Currently, equipment operation with- output
out using oil and motor-powered operation are the AC100V Controller
main currents to prevent oil flow-out into rivers. UPS POW CPU DO DI
Each sliding part of the turbine is made of an oil-less Internal bus
metal to operate auxiliary devices for the water tur-
bine, the inlet valve, and guide vane servomotor.
We motorized these units and removed the oil-hy- Measurement
draulic unit. In particular, the servomotor was first [Legend]
AVR : Automatic Voltage CPU : Control CPU block
used in the world by our company for hydraulic Regulator (Sequence control,
UPS : Uninterruptible Power Class Z governor unit,
power plant in 1982. System secondary governor control)
( 3 ) Simplified digitization for control unit POW : Power block DI・DO : Digital Input/Output block
AI : Analog Input block
As a control unit for hydropower plants,
we developed a general-purpose controller type Fig. 5
System Configuration Diagram for the Simplified
Switchgear Panel (for Synchronous Generators)
all-function-integrated control and protection unit
(MYGENEQUE Series) with enhanced price com- The standard system voltage for equipment is AC 100V.
According to the user s request, specifications for DC 24V are
petitiveness. We have many supply records. also available.
During such engineering resources and supply
records, we have developed a very compact design
simplified low-cost switchgear panel suitable for
small-scale hydropower systems of hundreds of kW
class. The simplified switchgear panel is for a syn-
chronous generator. It includes the performance of
sequence control, governor control, exciter control,
and all controls for general-purpose protective
relays, inlet valve main circuit, and control circuit in
a single enclosure (W800 × H2350 × D600mm).
Sequence control for the main machine and
governor control are carried out with the use of a
general-purpose controller. A touch-panel system is
adopted for monitoring and control. A digital AVR
(IGBT type) of the YNEX06D Series is adopted for
exciter control. In this manner, we worked to realize Fig. 6 Simplified Switchgear Panel
low cost and space saving. For standard functions There are applicable product lineups for both synchronous gen-
of secondary regulation, functions of water level erators and induction generators.

32 MEIDEN REVIEW Series No.169 2017 No.1

immediately regarded as the mainte- Self-supporting operation
Starting by PMG
mode Self-supporting Starting in self-
induced voltage is
nance water discharge of the river. In Initial charge in the case possible at the time
operation mode supporting operation
of a power outage mode is possible
of a service interruption Voltage output
this power system, it is necessary to (Black out start). after shutdown.

maintain a constant flow rate at all ・HC Converter panel

times despite a variation in the water ・HF VT240S CV240S (CNV)
・Submerged turbine
level of a dam. For this reason, flow ・Pump reversing LCL CB
rate control is carried out always con- PMG 440V
Bus bar
sidering the conditions downstream.
This is to avoid adverse influence on PMG drive function Paralleling function Protective function for
nature and fishery activities by sud- grid-connection
Vector 660H
sensor-less (600kW) OFR UVR Detection of
den changes in the levels of water islanding operation
releasing into the river. ・Standard installation of PMG Applicable to small- Passive Active
sensor-less drive function scale hydropower up
( b ) Self-supporting mode operation ・Improvement of operation to 600kW with VT When a protective function is provided
efficiency is possible even paralleling function.
For dam type hydropower gen- in cases of changing head
according to the grid-connection rule,
an islanding operation detector unit
and flow rate.
eration systems, there is demand for formerly required can be eliminated.

self-supporting mode of operation of

Fig. 7 Small-Scale Variable Speed Hydropower System
water turbine generators in order to
This is a high-function hydropower generation system that is capable of efficiency
secure power for the dam manage- improvements when it is applied to a head-changing point.
ment office in the event of an extend-
ed power outage from the grid.
In the self-supporting mode operation, it is
necessary to constantly control both voltage and
frequency using the governor unit and the AVR
unit in the hydropower system. If the operation limit
is needed due to frequency changes by load fluc-
tuations, the system allows the manual operation
Fig. 8 PMG for Submersion Type Turbine
of the self-supporting mode.
( c ) Establishment of a variable speed power A PMG for submersion type turbine is adopted.

generation system
Our small-scale hydropower system is for Francis turbines and crossflow water turbines.
designed to be a variable speed power generation Fig. 7 shows a small-scale variable speed hydro-
system supported by a combination of a PMG, a power system and Fig. 8 shows an external ap-
converter unit, and an inverter unit. It offers out- pearance of PMG for submersion type turbine.
standing features of high-efficiency operation and
easy maintenance.
4 Postscript
Even though there is a change in the head,
the small hydropower system can maintain high-ef- This paper introduced our small-scale hydro-
ficiency operation by making the water turbine power systems. Even in the field of small-scale
change its running speed to fit the present head. In hydropower systems, many technologies developed
addition, it can use an operational range that was for general hydropower plants, such as self-sup-
once considered to be the out-of-operation domain porting mode operation, digitized control, and vari-
as the cavitation domain of the water turbine. As a able speed operation applied conventionally to
result, we can expect an increase in total annual large hydropower systems, are being applied.
power yield. Going forward, we will work on to improve our
We produced a variable speed power gener- engineering level to realize low-cost, highly reliable,
ation system by using submersion type turbines and highly stabile hydropower systems. In so doing,
made by EAML Engineering Co., Ltd. Three such we would like to help the wider introductions of
systems were supplied to Laos. For the market in renewable energy resources.
Japan, we supplied one unit of this system using a
pump-reversing submerged turbine. Going for- ・All product and company names mentioned in this paper are
ward, we will try to expand the application range the trademarks and/or service marks of their respective owners.

MEIDEN REVIEW Series No.169 2017 No.1


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