Micro Hydro Power
Micro Hydro Power
Micro Hydro Power
More than 100 MW and usually feeding into a large electricity grid
Above 100 kW, but below 1 MW; either stand alone schemes or more
often feeding into the grid
From a few hundred watts up to 5kW
Table 1: Classification of hydropower by size.
kW (kilowatt) - 1000 Watts; MW (megawatt) - 1 000 000 Watts or 1000 kW
Practical Action, The Schumacher Centre for Technology and Development, Bourton on Dunsmore, Rugby,
Warwickshire, CV23 9QZ, UK
T +44 (0)1926 634400 | F +44 (0)1926 634401 | E infoserv@practicalaction.org.uk | W www.practicalaction.org
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Micro-hydro power
Practical Action
Over the last few decades, there has been a growing realisation in developing countries that
micro-hydro schemes have an important role to play in the economic development of remote
rural areas, especially mountainous ones. Micro-hydro schemes can provide power for
industrial, agricultural and domestic uses through direct mechanical power or by the coupling of
the turbine to a generator to produce electricity.
Scheme components
Figure 2 shows the main components and layout of a run-of-the-river micro-hydro scheme. This
type of scheme requires no water storage but instead diverts some of the water from the river
which is channelled along the side of a valley before being dropped into the turbine via a
penstock. In figure 2, the turbine drives a generator that provides electricity for a workshop.
The transmission line can be extended to a local village to supply domestic power for lighting
and other uses.
There are other configurations which can be used depending on the topographical and
hydrological conditions, but all adopt the same general principle.
Water into watts
To determine the power potential of the water flowing in a river or stream it is necessary to
determine both the flow rate of the water and the head through which the water can be made to
fall. The flow rate is the quantity of water flowing past a point in a given time. Typical flow rate
units are litres per second or cubic metres per second. The head is the vertical height, in
metres, from the turbine up to the point where the water enters the intake pipe or penstock.
The potential power can be calculated as follows:
Micro-hydro power
Practical Action
Theoretical power (P) = Flow rate (Q) x Head (H) x Gravity (g)
When Q is in cubic metres per second, H in metres and g = 9.81 m/s2 then,
P = 9.81 x Q x H (kW)
However, energy is always lost when it is converted from one form to another. Small water
turbines rarely have efficiencies better than 80%. Power will also be lost in the pipe carrying the
water to the turbine, due to frictional losses. By careful design, this loss can be reduced to only
a small percentage. A rough guide used for small systems of a few kW rating is to take the
overall efficiency as approximately 50%. Thus, the theoretical power must be multiplied by
0.50 for a more realistic figure.
Example: A turbine generator set operating at a head of 10 metres with flow of 0.3 cubic
metres per second will deliver approximately, (9.81 x 0.5 x 0.3 x 10 =) 18 kilowatts of
It is always preferable to run all equipment at the rated design flow and load conditions, but it
is not always practical or possible where river flow fluctuates throughout the year or where daily
load patterns vary considerably. If a machine is operated under conditions other than full-load
or full-flow then other significant inefficiencies must be considered. Part flow and part load
characteristics of the equipment needs to be known to assess the performance under these
conditions. Alternatively an electronic load controller should be used, to ensure optimal loading
conditions on the equipment at all times.
Uses of micro hydro power
Depending on the end use requirements of the generated power, the output from the turbine
shaft can be used directly as mechanical power or the turbine can be connected to an electrical
generator to produce electricity. For many rural industrial applications shaft power is suitable
(for food processing such as milling or oil extraction, sawmill, carpentry workshop, small scale
mining equipment, etc.), but many applications require conversion to electrical power.
For domestic applications electricity is preferred. This can be provided either:
directly to the home via a small electrical distribution system or,
can be supplied by means of batteries which are returned periodically to the power house
for recharging - this system is common where the cost of direct electrification is too high
due to scattered housing (and hence an expensive distribution system),
Where a generator is used alternating current (a.c.) electricity is normally produced. Single-phase
power is satisfactory on small installations up to 20kW, but beyond this, 3-phase power is used to
reduce transmission losses and to be suitable for larger electric motors. An a.c. power supply
must be maintained at a constant 50 or 60 cycles/second for the reliable operation of any
electrical equipment using the supply. This frequency is determined by the speed of the turbine
which must be very accurately governed.
Suitable conditions for micro-hydro power
The best geographical areas for exploiting smallscale hydro power are those where there are
steep rivers flowing all year round, for example,
the hill areas of countries with high year-round
rainfall, or the great mountain ranges and their
foothills, like the Andes and the Himalayas.
Islands with moist marine climates, such as the
Caribbean Islands, the Philippines and
Indonesia are also suitable.
Micro-hydro power
Practical Action
Low-head turbines have been developed for small-scale exploitation of rivers or irrigation canals
where there is a small head but sufficient flow to provide adequate power.
To assess the suitability of a potential site, the hydrology of the site needs to be known and a site
survey carried out, to determine actual flow and head data. Hydrological information can be
obtained from the meteorology or irrigation department usually run by the national government.
This data gives a good overall picture of annual rain patterns and likely fluctuations in
precipitation and, therefore, flow patterns. The site survey gives more detailed information of the
site conditions to allow power calculation to be done and design work to begin. Flow data should
be gathered over a period of at least one full year where possible, so as to ascertain the
fluctuation in river flow over the various seasons. There are many methods for carrying out flow
and head measurements and these can be found in the relevant texts or on-line resources.
A turbine converts the energy in falling water into shaft power. There are various types of turbine
which can be categorised in one of several ways. The choice of turbine will depend mainly on the
pressure head available and the design flow for the proposed hydropower installation. As shown in
table 2 below, turbines are broadly divided into three groups; high, medium and low head, and
into two categories: impulse and reaction.
Turbine Runner
Head pressure
Multi-jet Pelton
Multi-jet Pelton
Pump-as-turbine (PAT)
Load factor
The load factor is the amount of power used divided by the
Figure 5: A reaction
amount of power that is available if the turbine were to be used
continuously. Unlike technologies relying on costly fuel sources,
the fuel for hydropower generation is free and therefore the plant
becomes more cost effective if run for a high percentage of the time. If the turbine is only used
for domestic lighting in the evenings then the plant factor will be very low. If the turbine
Micro-hydro power
Practical Action
provides power for rural industry during the day, meets domestic demand during the evening,
and maybe pumps water for irrigation in the evening, then the plant factor will be high.
It is very important to ensure a high plant factor if the scheme is to be cost effective and this
should be taken into account during the planning stage. Many schemes use a dump load (in
conjunction with an electronic load controller - see below), which is effectively a low priority
energy demand that can accept surplus energy when an excess is produced e.g. water heating,
storage heaters or battery charging.
Load control governors
Water turbines, like petrol or diesel engines, will vary in speed as load is applied or relieved.
Although not such a great problem with machinery which uses direct shaft power, this speed
variation will seriously affect both frequency and voltage output from a generator. Traditionally,
complex hydraulic or mechanical speed governors altered flow as the load varied, but more
recently an electronic load controller (ELC) has been developed which has increased the
simplicity and reliability of modern micro-hydro sets. The ELC prevents speed variations by
continuously adding or subtracting an artificial load, so that in effect, the turbine is working
permanently under full load. A further benefit is that the ELC has no moving parts, is very
reliable and virtually maintenance free. The advent of electronic load control has allowed the
introduction of simple and efficient, multi-jet turbines, no longer burdened by expensive
hydraulic governors.
Other issues
The economics - cost reduction
Normally, small-scale hydro installations in
rural areas of developing countries can
offer considerable financial benefits to the
communities served, particularly where
careful planning identifies incomegenerating uses for the power.
The major cost of a scheme is for site
preparation and the capital cost of
equipment. In general, unit cost decreases
with a larger plant and with high heads of
water. The costs of micro hydro power can
be kept low by avoiding some of the more
costly aspects of large hydro power. This
includes such innovations as:
Figure 6: Electricity from the Tungu-Kabiri microhydro scheme is in Ester Nkonges hair salon. Photo:
Karen Robinson.
using run-of-the-river schemes where
possible - this does away with the cost
of an expensive dam for water storage
locally manufactured equipment where possible and appropriate
use of HDPE (plastic) penstocks where appropriate
electronic load controller - allows the power plant to be left unattended, thereby reducing
labour costs, and introduce useful by-products such as battery charging or water heating as
dump loads for surplus power; also does away with bulky and expensive mechanical control
gear (see
using existing infrastructure, for example, a canal which serves an irrigation scheme
siting of power close to village to avoid expensive high voltage distribution equipment such
as transformers
using pumps as turbines (PAT) - in some circumstances standard pumps can be used in
reverse as turbines; this reduces costs, delivery time, and makes for simple installation and
Micro-hydro power
Practical Action
using motors as generators - as with the PAT idea, motors can be run in reverse and used
as generators; pumps are usually purchased with a motor fitted and the whole unit can be
used as a turbine/generator set
use of local materials for the civil works
use of community labour
good planning for a high plant factor (see above) and well balanced load pattern (energy
demand fluctuation throughout the day)
low-cost connections for domestic users (see following section on this topic)
self-cleaning intake screens - this is a recent innovation which is fitted to the intake weir
and prevents stones and silt from entering the headrace canal; this does away with the
need for overspill and desilting structures along the headrace canal and also means that, in
many cases, the canal can be replaced by a low-pressure conduit buried beneath the
ground - this technology is, at present, still in its early stages of dissemination
Maintenance costs (insurance and water abstraction charges, where they apply) are a
comparatively minor component of the total - although they may be an important consideration
in marginal economic cases.
Ownership, management
Programmes promoting the use of micro-hydro power in developing countries have concentrated
on the social, as well as the technical and economic aspects of this energy source. Technology
transfer and capacity building programmes have enabled local design and manufacture to be
adopted. Local management, ownership and community participation has meant that many
schemes are under the control of local people who own, run and maintain them. Operation and
maintenance is usually carried out by trained local craftspeople.
Low-cost grid connection
Where the power from a micro-hydro scheme is used to provide domestic electricity, one
method of making it an affordable option for low-income groups is to keep the connection costs
and subsequent bills to a minimum. Often, rural domestic consumers will require only small
quantity of power to light there houses and run a radio or television. There are a number of
solutions that can specifically help low-income households to obtain an electricity connection
and help utilities meet their required return on investment. These include:
Load limited supply. Load limiters work by limiting the current supplied to the consumer to
the prescribed value. If the current exceeds that value then the device automatically
disconnects the power supply. The consumer is charged a fixed monthly fee irrespective of
the total amount of energy consumed. The device is simple and cheap and does away with
the need for an expensive metre and subsequent meter reading.
Reduced service connection costs. Limiting load supply can also help reduce costs on
cable, as the maximum power drawn is low and so smaller cable sizes can be used. Also,
alternative cable poles can sometimes be found to help reduce costs.
Pre-fabricated wiring systems. Wiring looms can be manufactured ready to install which
will not only reduce costs but also guarantee safety standards.
Credit. Credit schemes can allow householders to overcome the barrier imposed by the
initial entry costs of grid connection. Once connected, energy savings on other fuels can
enable repayments to be made. Using electricity for lighting, for example, is a fraction of
the cost of using kerosene.
Community involvement. Formation of community committees and co-operatives who are
pro-active in all stages of the electrification process can help reduce costs as well as
provide a better service. For example, community revenue collection can help reduce the
cost of collection for the utility and hence the consumer.
Micro-hydro power
Practical Action
In recent years there has been much debate over the appropriate scale of hydro power. Many
argue that large hydro is not only environmentally damaging (as large areas of land are flooded)
but that there is also a negative social impact where large imported technologies are used.
However, small scale hydro power avoids the negative social and environmental impacts of large
hydro. Micro hydro can deliver many social and economic benefits to isolated communities who
otherwise would not have access to modern energy.
2. Civil Works Guidelines for Micro Hydropower in Nepal Practical Action Nepal & BPC
3. Is a Community Based Micro-Hydro Electrification Scheme Suitable for Your Village? South
Asia Energy Net http://sa-energy.net/
8. The Micro-hydro Pelton Turbine Manual: Design, manufacture and installation for smallscale hydropower Inversin, Allen R. Practical Action Publishing
9. Motors as Generators for Micro-Hydro Power, Nigel Smith, Practical Action Publications,
10. Pumps as Turbines - A users guide, Arthur Williams, Practical Action Publishing, 1995.
15. Micro Hydro Power Factsheet, Centre for Alternative Technology, available from:
16. Micro-Hydropower Systems - A Buyer's Guide, C, Natural Resources Canada, 2004
17. Best Practices for Micro-Hydro Development Kiran Dhanapala, Priyantha Wijayatunga,
Practical Action South Asia
18. Best Practices for Sustainable Development of Micro Hydro Power in Developing Countries,
Khennas, Smail and Andrew Barnett, World Bank/ESMAP, 2000, available at:
Micro-hydro power
Practical Action
Internet addresses
Micro-hydro Centre at the Nottingham Trent
International Small-Hydro Atlas
International Small-Hydro Atlas is an
international database facilitates the
development of new small hydro projects of
more than 50 kW and less than 10MW
installed capacity. They provide data for
potential and developed sites, GIS searching
capabilities, country profiles, international
contacts for small hydro, and more.
Hydro Generation
Site provides useful information on hydro
power design.
Practical Action
The Schumacher Centre for Technology and Development
Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 9QZ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1926 634400
Fax: +44 (0)1926 634401
E-mail: inforserv@practicalaction.org.uk
Website: http://practicalaction.org/practicalanswers/
Practical Action is a development charity with a difference. We know the simplest ideas can have the
most profound, life-changing effect on poor people across the world. For over 40 years, we have been
working closely with some of the worlds poorest people - using simple technology to fight poverty and
transform their lives for the better. We currently work in 15 countries in Africa, South Asia and Latin