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aarYee associates
W architects engineers & consultants pvt. ltd. V "**i "ltl'^"[
An ISO 9001:20'l 5 Certified Company
Letter No. AA/HW I 2t58| 20t8-I9 I 4092
' fM*rr o( (tv 't^w!L
Date 20.09.2018 '" ^ hliJar.r uv-- +1/q Oul
The Project Director
-*.t.rrn." *ou'ffiffa,
Project Implementation Unit (PIU),
National Highways Authority of India, Qfia/o*e't
Nanded, Maharashtra.

Sub: Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for development of Economic Corridors,
Inter Corridors and Feeder Routes to improve the efficienry of freight movement in India
under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Lot-5/Package II - Maharashtra) -
Commencement of
Topo Surveys by using Drone for Watur Jintur Green field Alignment - reg.

Ref: 1. GM (Tech), New Delhi letter No. NHAI/Bharatmala/DPR/Lot-5/Package-

2120L71LL0605, dated 28th December 20t7 regarding LOA.
2. / /
GM (Tech), New Delhi letter No. NHAI Bharatmala DPR lLot-S| Package-21
20L71 115195 dated 26.03.2018 regarding Letter of Commencement
3. Aaryee Letter No. AA/HWZI58|20L8-I910067 to RO, Nagpur dated 04.04.2018
regarding team mobilization and commencement of surveys.
4. Aaruee Letter No. M/HW|2L58|Z0L8-L91343 dated 18.04.18, reg. submission of
Inception report.
5. Aarvee letter no. AA/HW2158120L8-L911754 dated 12,06.18 reg. submission of
Alignment Report.
6. PIU, Nanded letter no. NHAI/PIU/NED/ Bharatmala 120L81t046 dated 20.06.2018
to RO regarding approval of alignment report.
7. RO, Nagpur letter no, NHAI/RO/NGP/ Bharatmala /2018-19/955 dated 23.07.2018
reg. approval of alignment.
8. Aaruee letter no. AA/HW215Bl20t8-t913157 dated 10.08.18 reg. submission of
Final Alignment Report.
9. District collector office, Jalna letter regarding Minutes of Stakeholders meeting
held on 27.07.18
10, District collector office, Parbhani letter regarding Minutes of Stakeholders meeting
held on 08.08.18
11. District collector office, Nanded letter regarding Minutes of Stakeholders meeting
held on 21.08.18

Dear Sir

Please refer to the letter cited at ref 5 regarding submission alignment report for Watur - Jintur -
Nanded section. The alignment has been approved with comments by RO vide letter cited at
refl. The final alignment repoft was submitted duly incorporating comments made vide letter
cited at ref B. Stakeholders meetings for green field alignment of Watur * Jintur Nanded -
section were conducted in 3 the districts of Jalna, Pharbani and Nanded. The green field
alignment of the above section has been approved by the concerned district collectors vide
Minutes communicated through letters cited at ref no 9 to 11.

It may be brought to your kind notice that, as per TOR, Terrestrial / Mobile Lidar or or better
technology shall be adopted for conducting detailed Topographical suruey of Existing Road and


Ravula Residency, Srinagar Colony Main Rd., Hyderabad - 500 082, lndia.
Telr +91-40-?3737633, 48483456; Fox: +91 -4A-2313627 7; email: oarvee@aarvee.net; webr www.aarve€.ccm
ClN, U74?0OTG9005PTC045491

Aerial Mobile L|DAR (Light Detection and Ranging) or better technology shall be adopted for
new/ green field alignments. Since the Watur Nanded - Jintur section approved alignment is
green filed, Mobile Liadar could not be adopted.

For the green field alignment, Aerial L|DAR and Drone based survey are the available options. We
have firsthand experience in conducting aerial L|DAR suruey for V'rjayawada ORR prqect. The
time needed for obtaining permission from DGCA, inspection of aircraft by Defence personnel,
mobilization of aircraft and conducting survey, processing data and vetting of the processed data
from DGCA is about an year while the total time envisaged for completion of DpR is only 12
months. Moreover, as per DGCA requirements, the data collection and data processing is to be
undeftaken under direct supervision of Security Officer of NHAI. In view of the difficulties stated,
aerial L|DAR is not being considered for the project.

Drone based surveys along with Total Station survey are better option for green field alignments
and the results could be as good or better compared to Aerial LiDAR. The images obtained from
drone sunvey will be helpful in identification of features and also obtaining thebem. The ground
control points established with the help of Total Station survey will help in refining the DrU so
that the resulting DEM is better or equivalent to that achieved from Aerial L|DAR. It may not be
out of place to mention that drone based surveys / total station suryeys are the only methods
being adopted by the DPR consultants for conducting topo surveys of green field alignments, We
have preferred Drone based surveys which are faster, accurate and provide images of tne project
corridor so that designer gets proper perspective of terrain, land use and features.

In view of the above we have commenced installation of ground control points for undertaking
drone survey and'would appreciate if the survey could be witnessed by the officials from pIU.

Thanking you and assuring you of our best services at all times.

With Best Regards, '!'

for Aaruee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants pvt. Ltd.,

(S. S. Reddy)
Sr. Vice President (Highways)
Authorised Representative

Copy for kind information to:

1. CGM(T) & RO, NHAI, Nagpur
2. CGM(T) & RO, NHAI, Mumbai
3. GM (T), Maharashtra, NHAI, Delhi
4. PD, PIU, NHAI, Solapur
5. PD, PIU-II, NHAI, Nagpur


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