2008 Jun 711-723 PDF
2008 Jun 711-723 PDF
2008 Jun 711-723 PDF
Abstract palm for Latin America (Aratrakorn et al., 2006; Dennis and
African oil palm ( Elaeis guinensis) is the most productive Colfer, 2006; Linkie et al., 2003; WRM, 2001)
oil seed. Globally, the oil palm industry plans to double The African palm is a tall palm (8 to 20 m) with a
the area under cultivation to meet growing demands for heavy, ringed trunk. It is monoecious with male and female
both vegetable oils and biodiesel. Accurate assessment and flowers, in separate clusters, on the same tree. Roughly, five
monitoring of African palm extensification and intensification female inflorescences are produced per year with each
for both development and sustainability is crucial given that inflorescence weighing about 8 kg and the fruits weighing
these crops are replacing the natural high-biodiversity forests about 3.5 g each. Natively, the palm is found in lowland or
as well as local subsistence agriculture. Using a simultaneous riverine forests. It requires adequate light and soil moisture,
collection of RADARSAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and and can tolerate temporary flooding or a fluctuating water
ground based digital video, we describe and model the table. It prefers 1,780 mm to 2,280 mm rainfall per year and
spatial distribution of African palm and explore its lifecycle a 2 to 4 month dry period. African palm oil cultivation was
placing it in the regional ecological context of the Ecuadorian, introduced in Ecuador in the late-1960’s from Honduran
Amazon. We evaluate the strengths and limitations of integrat- seeds (Corley and Tinker, 2003; Goh, 2000; Hartley, 1988).
ing RADARSAT texture information, Landsat ETM, and digital Uplands provide the most suitable environments in the
video data to distinguish African oil palm plantations from Ecuadorian, Amazon, as regional rainfall is typically well
other land-use and land-cover (LULC) categories. The grey-level above the ideal, and the upland drainage is required for
co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and a separate hybrid classifica- sustained palm growth. After deforestation, 75 to 150 palms
tion approach using a concatenation of SAR-optical products per hectare are planted, each about 10 meters apart. Propa-
were tested. A significant improvement in the classification gation is difficult; most seedling palms are produced in
accuracy of African palm in the context of the Ecuadorian Santo Domingo, on the coast, and trucked into the region at
Amazon was obtained through the fusion of optical and about 18 months. In much of the region, ground covers (e.g.,
RADARSAT texture measures as compared to single sensor Calopogonium caeruleum) are planted between seedlings to
classifications. The fusion of single ETM bands with texture fix nitrogen and reduce secondary succession growth. The
measures achieved the highest user’s and producer’s accu- palm grows about one meter per year. The first fruit bunches
racy with 83 percent and 90 percent, respectively. ripen in as few as 2.5 years after planting, but 3 to 4 years is
more typical, and productivity and quality improves with
age. Harvesting is usually done once per week with workers
Introduction harvesting 100 to 150 bunches per day. Bunches are then
transported to local mills for oil extraction. Production of
African Palm
African palm in the Ecuadorian Amazon is approximately
African (oil) palm (Elaeis guinensis), a species of West African
17.4 tm/ha/year compared with the yield in the coastal plain
origin, is an edible vegetable oil produced from the fruit of the
of approximately 10.0 tm/ha/year (Galarza, 1998).
oil palm tree. It has been under export production in West
While there are many forces driving deforestation in
Africa from the mid-1800s and has emerged as one of the
the Ecuadorian Amazon, an intense deforestation period
most significant globally distributed agricultural products.
occurred in the late-twentieth century when large planta-
Ecuador is, after Colombia, the second largest producer of
tions of African palm were introduced. Shortly after the
palm oils in South America (Corley and Tinker, 2003; Dai and
introduction of the palm, petroleum was discovered. Initial
Khorram, 1998; Guerra de la Espriella, 1984). Palm oil and its
clearings and road construction associated with oil explo-
derivatives are used extensively in food, cosmetics, pharma-
ration and development opened a new colonization frontier
ceuticals, detergents, and, more recently, in biodiesel produc-
(Sierra, 2000). Immigration, settlement, and further land
tion (Anderson and Fegusson, 2006; Corley and Tinker,
clearing took place early in the 1970’s and peaked during
2003). Demand for palm oils is expected to double by 2020
1979 through 1981 (Pichon, 1997; Rudel and Horowitz,
(Mielke, 2000), and it has also been proposed by aid agencies
1993). In 1978, two palm oil companies, Palmoriente and
as a substitute for illegal coca crops (Moreno, 2000; Ramírez,
Palmeras del Ecuador, received titles from the Ecuadorian
2003). Unfortunately, African palm cultivation has been linked
Institute of Agrarian Reform and Colonization (IERAC) for
elsewhere to deforestation, biodiversity declines, soil degrada-
tion, environmental pollution, and appropriation of indige-
nous lands, challenging the suitability of the non-native
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
Vol. 74, No. 6, June 2008, pp. 711–723.
Department of Geography, Michigan State University and the 0099-1112/08/7406–0711/$3.00/0
Center for Global Change and Earth Observations, Michigan © 2008 American Society for Photogrammetry
State University (santosca@msu.edu). and Remote Sensing
10,000 ha each of “undeveloped” rainforest in the North- 2. Which radar-optical data fusion combination(s) is/are more
ern-Oriente region (Figure 1). Both plantations remain, and suitable to provide information about African palm?
after initial small clearings, have expanded to roughly 3. How can ground digital video data be incorporated in a
10,400 ha and 9,200 ha cleared lands, respectively. geospatial context to understand African palm agriculture
dynamics and advance the classification process?
Although land-use histories and transformations have
been documented with remote sensing in tropical areas
with similar land-cover dynamics (Dennis and Colfer, 2006; Remote Sensing and African Palm
Hansen, 2005), a thorough accounting of forested areas lost Palm oil research groups have long promoted remote sensing
to African palm has not been pursued. In addition, no applications, but little has been published. Several potential
formal accounting of the carbon dynamics of African palm application areas have been identified: establishment and
plantation agriculture exists, thus the question remains as management of plantations, crop monitoring, yield predic-
to whether the reduction of CO2 emissions by replacing tion, and carbon sequestration (Corley and Tinker, 2003;
fossil fuels with African palm derived biodiesel is meaningful. da Costa, 2004). A common requirement for the successful
Furthermore, most related studies are descriptive, do not development of these applications is the establishment of
focus on African palm plantations specifically, or lack the a digital set of methods that first attempts to clearly distin-
interactive effects of the multiple human and biophysical guish African palm from the surrounding land-cover classes,
variables operating at different spatial-temporal scales. and second, accounts for stand ages (Corley and Tinker,
Remote sensing and spatial analyses provide tools to fill 2003). Previous studies have used either differences in
this information gap. A first step in answering any synoptic biomass or ancillary stand age structure to attempt such
African palm question requires the development of an a distinction (McMorrow, 2001; Thenkabail et al., 2004).
appropriate methodology for monitoring African palm Ikonos data have been used to map African palm plantations
plantations and that potentially accounts for the separability at local scales with accuracies ranging from 84 to 92 percent.
of different crop stages. The purpose of this paper is to However, the distinction of palm ages was unsuccessful,
characterize African palm plantation agriculture in the suggesting that the four spectral bands available with Ikonos
Ecuadorian Amazon through the integration and modeling are insufficient (Thenkabail et al., 2004).
of synthetic aperture radar (SAR), ground based digital video, The most relevant previous attempt to map oil palm
and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) data, and with radar data used JERS-1 and ERS-1 data over a plantation
to assess methods for the combination of these disparate in Malaysia (Rosenqvist, 1996). Malaysian plantations are
data sources for land-use and cover mapping. organized following a symmetrical triangular pattern on
Specifically, we aim to answer the following questions: predominantly flat ground and in terraces on relief. Palms
1. Does the incorporation of radar information in the classifica- are allowed to grow for a period of 20 to 25 years before
tion process improve our ability to characterize African clearing or transplanting. The result of this cycle was an
palm? easily discernable mosaic of clear cuts and fields, but
Figure 1. Landsat ETM scene of the study area, Northern-Oriente, Ecuador. The white
squares indicate the location of Palma Oriente and Palmeras del Ecuador: two African
Palm plantations.
significant challenges emerged in determining stand age, rather than on surface reflectance, it ought to be useful in
vitality, and production status (Rosenqvist, 1996). the discrimination African palm stand ages given that both
In another attempt, McMorrow (2001) explored the biomass and structure of African palm trees change substan-
feasibility of using a single TM band or vegetation indices to tially in plots of different ages.
obtain information at pixel and stand levels of aggregation
in a commercial African palm plantation in Malaysia. The Radar Texture
author found that the relationships between palm age and Textural information may be as important as spectral infor-
spectral response were negative, significant, and asymptotic, mation for radar images (Anys and He, 1995; Haralick, 1979;
suggesting that regression models could be used to predict Haralick et al., 1973); for radar images, the information
dichotomous age categories (McMorrow, 2001). One signifi- resides not only in the intensity of individual pixels but
cant problem remains the lack of cloud-free optical imagery also in the spatial arrangement of those pixels (Herold et al.,
over the requisite tropical environments (Naert et al., 1990; 2005). Texture refers to the variation presented in discrete
Nguyen et al., 1995). However, even when cloud-free imagery tonal features across an image and provides information
are available, the complicated spectral mixed pixel relation- about the structural characteristics of surfaces and their
ship of palm plantations have frustrated many other research relationship with their surroundings (Jensen, 2005).
efforts (Corley and Tinker, 2003). There have been many attempts to incorporate texture
Perhaps the most important factor that halts the wide- in image processing using either statistical or structural
spread adoption and general sustainability of African palm in approaches (Haralick, 1979). Statistical methods use texture
the Northwestern Amazon basin, generally, is intense preda- features based on first, second, and third order statistics in
tion by a range of pests and plant diseases, in particular, a the spatial domain (Jensen, 2005). The second-order statistics
previously unknown bud-root disease, similar to Pudricion method was proposed by Haralick et al., (1973) based on
del cogollo PC (Diaz and Castellano, 1988; Perthuis, 1991). brightness value spatial-dependency grey-level co-occurrence
The first phase of the illness lasts for approximately 12 years matrices (GLCM) (see e.g., Nyoungui et al., 2002). The GLCM
with 1 percent of palms affected per year. The exponential measurements have been widely accepted by the remote
phase (phase 2) occurs at 13 or 14 years of cultivation with sensing community and have been used in both optical and
12 to 15 percent of the plants affected. After phase 2 infec- SAR remote sensing for classification procedures (Franklin
tion, many plots are abandoned and allowed to fallow for five et al., 2001; Jensen, 2005).
years before replanting. A border effect has been identified GLCM texture measurements of radar images have been
with the first cases occurring in plots located along primary used successfully for wetland mapping (Arzandeh and
forest edges (De Franqueville, 2003). Wang, 2002), forest classification (Oliver and Quegan,
In our own work in Ecuador (NASA NAG 5–12617), the 1998), crop monitoring and classification (Anys and He,
identification of African palm has been hampered by the 1995; Pultz and Brown, 1987), ice texture estimations
complex mixed pixel plantation environment, the prevalence (Barber and Ledrew, 1991) and land-cover classification
of the wasting disease, which causes palm frond drop, and (Arzandeh and Wang, 2002; Nyoungui et al., 2002; Peng et al.,
spectral confusion with native palms and other palms used 2005). Arzandeh and Wang (2002) examined GLCM texture
for palm heart production (often, Bactris gasipaes, “chon- measurement using different sized matrices, and concluded
taduro”). No previous work either directly in support of our that the use of texture measurements greatly improved the
project or published elsewhere has been able to successfully classification of wetlands. Furthermore, they suggested that
classify African palm anywhere in the Northwest Amazon GLCM texture measurement was an appropriate method for
with accuracies above 50 percent, leading to the solution land-cover classification of single date RADARSAT information.
presented here. Anys et al., (1995) used multi-polarization data and texture
measures from airborne radar data and reported an increase
Radar and Palm Discrimination of 9.79 percent in the rate of correct crops classification
Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR is an active sensor, collects crops. Pultz and Brown (1987) used five of the GLCM
information in longer wavelengths than passive optical measurements (contrast, correlation, dissimilarity, mean,
sensors, and has significant potential as a complementary and standard deviation) proposed by Haralick, (1973 and
data set (Pohl and van Genderen, 1998; Qi et al., 2003). 1979), and found that the classification of agricultural
The basic quantity measured by a single-frequency single targets improved significantly over the use of traditional
polarization SAR at each pixel is a pair of voltages that classification on multispectral data.
represent the effects of the scene on the transmitted wave. However, the process is difficult and not always success-
These measurements are determined by electromagnetic ful. Prasad and Gupta (1998) in the Godavari region of India
scattering processes (Oliver and Quegan, 1998); the back- used texture measures preceded by speckle-filtering which
scatter signal is sensitive to the dielectric constant, related resulted in a 10 percent decrease of the overall accuracy.
to moisture content. Because of this characteristic, SAR has The texture measures they used were contrast, entropy, angular
been used primarily for applications that require an estimate second moment, and homogeneity. Frequently, overall
of moisture status (Lillesand et al., 2004; Oliver and Quegan, accuracy is improved by using GLCM texture measures over
1998). However the backscatter signal is not only affected by the radar raw data, but not all measures achieve positive
the electrical characteristics of an object; it is also affected results. It is important to include measures that account for
by object geometry (Lillesand et al., 2004). Therefore, SAR the majority of the variance in the data. The fusion of optical
is sensitive to surface roughness, topography, and sensing and radar data in LULC change research has improved the
system parameters such as depression or incident angles discrimination of classes not distinguishable with spectral
(Qi et al., 2003) optical information alone (Toll, 1985). Data fusion has been
One major advantage of SAR data over optical data is in used successfully for precision agriculture (Qi et al., 2003),
the ability to penetrate cloud cover (Lillesand et al., 2004). LULC mapping (Haack and Bechdol, 2000; Haack et al., 2000;
For African palm remote sensing, this is particularly impor- Raghavswamy et al., 1996), and urban delineation (Haack
tant, since African palm plantations are replacing the natural et al., 2000). Conversely, Henderson (2002) reported that the
tropical forests in areas with high humidity and persistent synthesis and concatenation fusion of raw SAR and optical
cloud cover (Dennis and Colfer, 2006). Since signal response imagery did not clearly improve the land-cover class discrimi-
depends on structure, the electrical properties of the surface nation. No conclusive agreement has been reached as to the
Figure 2. (a) Radar (RADARSAT), and (b) ETM (Landsat) images of the Palm
plantation “Palma Oriente.” The white tracks are ground control points extracted
from the video data.
Figure 3. African Palm stages present at Palma Oriente: (a) young, (b) mature, (c) old, (d) diseased,
(e) African Palm fruit, and (f) diseased.
For image fusion, accurate geometric fidelity is particularly video data collected from 11 tapes were processed and
important since the image merge occurs on a pixel-by-pixel divided into clips using Movie MakerTM. For example,
basis (Jensen, 2005; Townshend et al., 1992). The ETM one tape with 48 minutes of video was transformed into
image was geometrically corrected using an extensive 220 clips. Frame extraction was then performed using the
ground control dataset to the UTM WGS84 coordinate system. 220 video clips resulting in 634 sampled frames. Examples
The optical and radar images were co-registered using of frames extracted from the video data are shown in Figure 4.
ENVI 4.2. The RMS was 0.48, representing an area of about The GPS-derived coordinate information is located in the
15-meters on the ground with nearest neighbor used as the upper left corner on each frame. Additional information
image resampling method. such as time, date, elevation, and speed is also available
for each individual frame. Each sampled video frame was
Video Data Sampling and Processing assigned a LULC class; the LULC class and the location of
Ground digital video data along roads in the “Palma the video frame on the ground were stored in a database.
Oriente” palm plantation were recorded 10–16 June 2005. The sampling methodology used yielded in most cases
The digital video system comprised two Sony digital more than one ground point per each 30 m 30 m pixel,
camcorders, coupled with a Garmin GPSMAP 76 handheld therefore for the accuracy assessment, the dataset was
GPS and a GeoStamp® Plus data integration unit from randomly filtered to assure that no more than one ground
Intuitive Circuits. The video data encompassed the main control point was used per pixel (Hess et al., 2002). Inde-
roads across the plantation and two neighboring roads pendent datasets extracted from the ground video data
outside it (Figure 2). The 15 hours of ground based digital were used for training and for validation.
Figure 4. Frames extracted from the video data. The black circles indicate the GPS coordinates for the
individual frames.
Parameter/Significance Formula
or is periodic.
N1 N1
Variance: a measure of image heterogeneity. STD sI
x i0 j0
Pi,j (i m I)2
producer’s accuracies compared with fusion of individual The locations of the training sites were determined using
TM bands with radar data (Henderson et al., 2002; Herold the ground video data points then modeled with a seed
and Haack, 2002). Alternatively, the mean and the variance growing algorithm using a standard deviation multiplier
radar texture measures were selected for four of the of 1.0 and 4 pixel neighborhood. The discriminative power
combinations as they carry a large portion of the structural of the spectral signatures for the selected classes was
information of radar images and have been successfully used measured using the transformed divergence and the Jeffreys-
for crop classifications (Anys and He, 1995). The radar Matusita distances (Swain and Davis, 1978). A standard
texture measures used for the data fusion were all derived maximum likelihood supervised classification technique was
using a 13 13 window size and resampled to a 30 m applied to combinations 1 through 5, the ETM image, and
spatial resolution using a nearest neighbor algorithm. the radar texture measures (Jensen, 2005). Classification
performance was evaluated using a second dataset derived
Classification from the ground video data. The validation set of points
The six cover types selected for this experiment were water, was independent from the points used for training, and
secondary forest, African palm, diseased palm, grasslands, exceeded 50 samples for each class in the error matrix
and barren/urban. Spectral signatures were developed (Congalton, 2004; Congalton and Green, 1999). The condi-
from training areas extracted from the digital ground video. tional Kappa statistics for each class were also calculated.
The average number of pixels used for training of the
different land-cover types varied from 102 to 1,267 pixels
for each class, sufficient for acceptable estimates of the Results and Discussion
covariance matrices and mean vectors to yield adequate PCA transformation of the ETM image was performed using
representation of each spectral class (Lillesand et al., 2004). bands 1 to 5 and band 7. The first three PCA components
Two different strategies were used to collect the training account for as much as 99.28 percent of the variability present
areas. First, manual selection of training sites was performed in the image (Table 3). PCA1 presented a strong correlation with
based on the location of classes from the video data (see band 5 and less information from bands 6 and 4 (Table 4). PC2
e.g., Torbick et al., 2005). The training set was then applied correlated primarily with band 4, and PCA3 with band 6.
to the original datasets and to the combinations. In the The results were evaluated by comparing the accuracy
second, independent training sites were developed for each assessment of individual land-cover classes and by looking at
of the combinations, ETM, and radar texture measurements. the separability of pair classes for the original datasets and for
the various manipulations and data fusion combinations. The the radar products presented transformed divergence separabil-
Jeffreys-Matusita and the transformed divergence measures ity measures for diseased palm ranging from 1.98 to 1.99, they
both indicated that Combination 4 generated the best separa- were unable to effectively discriminate the class. The pro-
bility of all combinations or original data sets. Table 5 shows ducer’s accuracy was 24 percent with the user’s accuracy
the results of the transformed divergence separability measure 31 percent (Table 6). Several factors could be responsible for
by class pairs. The pair classes not included in Table 5 these results. Though unlikely, the window size may be too
presented a divergence separability measure distance of 2.0 large compared to the actual extent of this particular class
indicating separate classes. The smallest separability distance on the ground. Crop classification improvements might be
using the same training sites was given by Combination 1 for achieved by reducing the window size, since the efficacy of the
the barren-forest pair. The class pair least likely to be effec- window sizes is related to the variability and spacing of the
tively separated was diseased palm and African palm with ground features of interest (Anys and He, 1995; Treitz et al.,
separability of 1.74312724 for this combination. This result is 2000). Diseased palm ground cover is highly variable in local
predictable given the transitional nature of the disease within intensity and distributed widely over small spatial extents.
the productive palms locations. In addition to the transitional confusion mentioned
For the accuracy assessment, 276 pixels were randomly previously, another possible explanation for the low textural
selected for African palm, 86 for grassland, 50 for diseased identification accuracy of the diseased palm stage was the
palm, and 269 for secondary forest, respectively. Primary forest, relatively low number of training pixels as well as the likely
water and urban classes were excluded since these classes were structural confusion with productive palms. Recall that the
not present at “Palma Oriente” Plantation or captured on the diseased palms lose their fronds or suffer significant wilting,
digital video used in the class assignment procedure. However, but the landscape structure remains similar due to standing
previous research in the region has demonstrated high levels of trunks. The low overall accuracy of the radar texture clas-
accuracy for those classes (e.g., Messina and Walsh, 2005). sification could be caused by the presence of redundant
While better than previous classification efforts, the information. Redundant information introduced by using
classification performed using texture measures alone derived the eight individual texture measures in the classification
from the RADARSAT data over the 13 * 13 moving window process at the same time might lead to confusion among
provided relatively poor classification results. The producer’s different land-cover classes (Fawwaz et al., 1986).
accuracy for African palm was 60 percent and the user’s An analysis of the results for the ETM data classification
accuracy was 76 percent (Table 6). The overall accuracy was demonstrated an overall classification accuracy of 67 percent,
52 percent; the main confusion was between the grassland superior to the one exhibited by the radar texture but less
class and all the other classes except diseased palm. Although than several of the digital fusion combinations. The producer’s
Separability Radar
Pairs Texture ETM Comb 1 Comb 2 Comb 3 Comb 4 Comb 5
accuracy for African palm was 69 percent and the user’s in the extent of the area classified as diseased palm com-
accuracy was 77 percent. The three spectral signatures least pared to the ETM classification. The diseased palm stage
likely to be successfully discriminated by the ETM data were changed from not being effectively identified in the radar
African palm, diseased palm, and secondary forest. The texture classification alone and overestimated in extent in
transformed divergence separability measure for these pair the ETM classification, to a more realistic spatial distribution
classes was 1.1934 for African palm-secondary forest, 1.3257 for the class. This suggests that the additional information
for secondary forest-diseased palm, and 1.4493 for African provided by the mean and the variance texture measurements
palm-diseased palm. Although the accuracy assessment are sufficient to increase the accuracy of the diseased palm
(Table 7) reflects, in part, this confusion, a visual examination class by 10 percent to 30 percent (Tables 8, 9, and 10).
revealed an overestimation of the secondary forest and The overall accuracy for Combination 2 was 69 percent;
diseased palm ground cover extents in areas likely to be the producer’s accuracy for African palm was 70 percent and
African palm. The introduction of radar information as shown the user’s accuracy was 90 percent. The lowest separability
in Combinations 1 through 4 appears to provide a way to distances were again African palm-secondary forest and
counter the overestimation of these two land-cover classes. African palm-diseased palm separability pairs. The separabil-
The confusion among these land-cover classes as well as the ity measures were slightly higher for this combination than
overestimation of the diseased and secondary forest class for Combination 1. However, the inclusion of the second
extents may be due to the insensitivity of ETM to structural- component of the ETM PCA did not substantially increase
geometric differences in areas with high biomass content. the accuracy achieved by this combination.
These classification results far exceed previous efforts over A visual inspection of Combination 3 showed a better
the Oriente, in large part, but not entirely due to the access delineation of the forest and barren/urban land-cover classes.
afforded to the plantation combined with an increase in The overall accuracy was 73 percent; the producer’s accuracy
samples and a better understanding of the local LULC matrix. for African palm was 73 percent and the user’s accuracy was
All digital data fusion combinations exhibited improved 89 percent. The addition of the angular second moment and
accuracies over those achieved by each sensor alone. PCA3 information seemed to promote better separability between
Combination 1 yielded an overall accuracy of 71 percent. the bare and forest classes with an increase in the transformed
The producer’s and user’s accuracy for African palm in this divergence separability measure from 0.8772 in Combination 1
combination was 74 percent and 91 percent, respectively. to 1.999 in this combination for the bare-forest separability pair.
In spite of this relatively high accuracy for the African palm The best overall accuracy was achieved by Combina-
land-cover class, the separability distances were low for the tion 4 at 78 percent. This combination included the six
separability pairs African palm-secondary forest (1.058) and single ETM bands and four of the radar texture measure-
African palm-diseased palm (1.5834). The main confusion ments (Table 9; Figure 5). The transformed divergence
problems were found between African palm and secondary separability measures for the separability pairs were in the
forest. In a visual analysis of Combination 1 classification, range from 1.8281 to 2.0, indicating acceptable separation
the main element to highlight was a substantial decrease among classes (Jensen, 2005). The producer’s accuracy for
TABLE 10. ACCURACY ASSESSMENT AND KAPPA FOR THE The results of both the transformed divergence separabil-
AFRICAN PALM LAND-COVER CLASS ity measure and the accuracy assessment demonstrated that
the main challenge for the accurate classification of the land-
Producer’s User’s Kappa cover classes proposed in this study is the broad signature
Dataset Accuracy Accuracy Coefficients
of the secondary forest class. Secondary forest, in particular,
Radar 60% 76% 0.439 is a problematic class, since it is composed of a complex
ETM 69% 77% 0.480 mixture of vegetation and structures that may include
Combination 1 74% 91% 0.502 spectrally and structurally similar native palm trees. The better
Combination 2 70% 90% 0.652 performance of Combination 4 suggested that the individual
Combination 3 73% 89% 0.684 ETM bands instead of the derivative PCA components maybe
Combination 4 83% 90% 0.704 more effective for the classification of African palm. The overall
Combination 5 61% 71% 0.440 accuracies reported in this study are lower than published
results in other general land-cover mapping activities using
optical-radar data fusion (Herold et al., 2005), but higher
palm was 83 percent whereas the user’s accuracy was than results reported for texture based classification alone
90 percent. An application of Combination 4 over a larger (Prasad and Gupta, 1998). Further, the results presented here
extent, using the same class signatures, demonstrated a are the first successful remotely sensed models of African
realistic classification of “Palmeras del Ecuador” a similar palm agriculture in South America.
African palm plantation (Figure 6). No accuracy assessment
of the Palmeras del Ecuador classification was performed Conclusions and Future Directions
due to a lack of ground data. African palm is widely, and increasingly, promoted as an
Combination 5 achieved the lowest accuracy of the merged alternative agricultural crop throughout much of the world
combinations at 68 percent. Visual examination revealed and particularly in the Andean countries of South America.
similarities to the ETM classification with an over estimation The expansion is not without environmental and social
of the areas classified as secondary forest and diseased palm. risks. It is a difficult crop to remotely monitor, but the use
The producer’s accuracy for palm was 62 percent whereas the of active sensors combined with fieldwork does show some
user’s accuracy was 73 percent (Table 10). The similarities promise. The individual sensor datasets used in this
with the ETM are not surprising since only one band out of research were less effective than the combined datasets for
four bands total corresponded to the radar information. This accurately identifying land-cover classes across the study
gave a disproportionate share of the spectral information to the site, in particular and importantly, African palm. Combina-
ETM data. This result suggested that mean texture alone does tions of radar and optical data significantly improved the
not provide enough new information to affect the classification classification results for African palm. However, the wide
outcomes for this application. variability in the efficacy of the combinations for identifying
the different LULC classes suggests that the best processing information causing some class specific confusion in the
strategies may be land-cover specific. Further, exploration classification process.
of individual radar texture measures is required since In general, an increase in the amount of information
different measures may be providing redundant or correlated included in the digital data fusion combinations improved
classification performance. Individual ETM bands merged to very low classification accuracies for palm. African
with textural measures from the radar yielded better results palm is likely to become the most significant agricultural
than PCA ETM components. For African palm classification, crop in South America. The combination of radar data
the best results were obtained by merging all the optical bands with digital video field collections is a promising method-
with variance, mean, contrast, and correlation radar texture ology for the long term synoptic monitoring of the palm.
measures. Disproportionate shares of information between
radar-optical information caused a decrease in the ability of
the digital data fusion combinations to effectively discriminate References
land-cover classes. The poor classification results for Combi- Anderson, G.Q.A., and M.J. Fegusson, 2006. Energy from biomass in
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derive textural information could potentially improve the Aratrakorn, S., S. Thunhikorn, and P.F. Donald, 2006. Changes
ability of the merged datasets to delineate the class. Practi- in bird communities following conversion of lowland forest
cally, African Palm and diseased palm discrimination might to oil palm and rubber plantations in southern Thailand, Bird
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