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Advances in Gold Processing

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Proceedings of XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress, Beijing, 2008, pp.


Advances in Gold Ore Processing

V. E. Dementyev, G. I. Voiloshnikov
IRGIREDMET, Irkutsk, Russia
Email: gold@irgiredmet.ru

This paper presents a brief overview of some IRGIREDMET advances in gold hydrometallurgy.
Original impulse-percolation technology and equipment for intensive cyanidation of gravity
concentrates have been developed and introduced into industrial practice by IRGIREDMET since
1980s (RF Patents N1593250). The process is based on leaching using special hydrodynamic and
reagent conditions providing high dissolution rate for coarse gold particles. Gold and silver are pre-
cipitated from pregnant solution by cementation or electrowinning. There was also proposed an im-
proved cementation method using zinc in a contact with electrically conductive material. The units
including closed water recirculation, tails detoxification and semi-dry tails disposal were developed
for the mines and operations without their own cyanidation facilities.
IRGIREDMET is well experienced in gold adsorption technology using ion exchange resins and
activated carbons. The comparison of CIL and RIL processes were done for a number of gold mines,
for example for Sukhoi Log gold deposit. The properties of prospective foreign and domestic ad-
sorbents including strong-base, bi-functional and weak-base resins as well as activated carbons were
studied. The Institute has developed some adsorption/elution technologies and equipment, such as a
two stage RIP adsorption technology for gold/silver ores, an improved technology for gold elution
from loaded resin and carbon, electrowinning cells for gold recovery from RIP and CIP eluates etc.
Large scale “Resin In Pulp” tests using weak-base resin were finalized and process design criteria
were developed. Gold plant design is on progress at the moment.
Improved technology for carbonaceous (preg-robbing) gold ores was developed. It was tested for
some gold deposits including Sukhoi Log. It allows to overcome preg-robbing activities of ores
treated and to improve dramatically performance of cyanidation and adsorption circuits.
The studies on refractory gold ore treatment including bio-oxidation, pressure oxidation, roasting
and ultra-fine grinding were conducted.
Heap leach technology was tested and introduced by Irgiredmet for a number of Russian mines.
Zinc cementation, activated carbon and ion-exchange resin adsorption were used for gold recovery
from pregnant heap leach solutions. The options including combined technology “Heap leach/ RIL
or CIP” for clay ores were also developed and tested. The plant using developed technology is at
construction stage now.
The study on In-Situ gold leaching was conducted. The comparison of different gold lixiviants
for this purpose was carried out. Gold recovery from pregnant leach solution by activated carbon
and anionite including gold elution from loaded adsorbents etc. was also studied. In 2000 the In-Situ
leaching technology was commissioned at Maminskoye gold deposit (Ural).
The technologies for treatment of complex ores and by-products were proposed. For example,
the technology of gold, silver, copper and zinc recovery from calcines after sulphuric acid produc-
tion was developed.

Keywords: Gold; Preg-robbing; Complex and refractory ores; Intensive cyanidation;

Adsorption; Activated carbons; Anionites; Heap leaching; In-situ leaching; Equipment for

INTRODUCTION vents losses of fine gold with slimes. The inten-
sive cyanidation unit was developed for mines
For many years IRGIREDMET (estab-
and operations which have no their own cyani-
lished in 1871) functioned as the head state re-
dation facilities. Of course it may be easily used
search center for gold mining industry in Russia
for cyanidation gold plants too.
and the former Soviet Union and took an active
The Irgiredmet unit for intensive cyanidation
part in the majority of Russian gold and dia-
consists of a cyanidation reactor made as a cone
mond projects. At present Irgiredmet is an Open
(pyramid), a circuit for a processing of pregnant
Joint Stock Company dealing with a full range
of services including research and development, leach solutions by zinc precipitation or electro-
project design, engineering, equipment and re- winning and a tails detoxification unit. The
agent supply etc (from geology to gold refinery reactor for intensive cyanidation have no mov-
and tails detoxification). Since its foundation ing parts, therefore it is simple and robust in
Irgiredmet has started to develop improved operation (Fig. 1). Concentrate grains are mixed
technologies and equipment for gold recovery. by a flow of leach solution pumped by short
Some of this developments are described below. impulses. Intensive mixing and gold leaching
occur in the bottom of the reactor. Superficial
INTENSIVE CYANIDATION OF GRAVITY velocity of solution in the upper part of the
CONCENTRATES reactor is much lower therefore concentrate
In 1980s Irgiredmet developed a technology particles are held inside the reactor. The leach
and equipment for intensive cyanidation of non- solution from the reactor overflows to a sump
ground gravity concentrates which we call the and after its filling is automatically fed by a
intensive cyanidation unit. pump to the leach reactor. Solution is circulated
Advantages of the unit developed are its through the system during a sufficient period for
simplicity, high gold recovery, closed water gold leaching. The concentrate is treated at op-
recirculation, use of the efficient technology of timum parameters such as concentration of cya-
tails detoxification and semi-dry disposal which nide, leach time, mixing intensity, frequency of
meet the demands of Russian environmental impulses and duration of settling of a concen-
legislation (Mullov, Rashkovsky, 1993). Pre- trate slurry to provide leach efficiency not less
liminary washing of concentrate to remove than 90% ~ 95 %, even without the use of leach
slimes is not required as the proposed unit pre- aid reagents.

Fig. 1 Intensive cyanidation scheme

Electrowinning cells designed by Irgiredmet are used for gold precipitation from pregnant

leach solutions. Irgiredmet also proposed an for cyanidation, processing of pregnant solu-
improved cementation method using zinc in tions and drying and smelting of precipitates -
contact with electrically conductive material. no more than 2~4 kWh per ton concentrate.
Gold precipitates generated by this method Irgiredmet intensive cyanidation units were
contain not less than 50 % of gold and may be supplied to 11 Russian gold operations includ-
easily smelted to Dore metal. ing Samartinsky gold plant, Buryatia; Valunisty
The unit provides low power requirements mine, Chukotka and others. (Fig. 2)

Fig. 2 Intensive cyanidation unit view

GOLD ADSORPTION TECHNOLOGY disadvantages (Table 1). So the final decision

USING ION EXCHANGE RESINS AND on adsorbent selection has to be done on the
ACTIVATED CARBONS base of economical evaluation results.
The method of gold elution from loaded car-
Irgiredmet has a good experience on gold bon by alkaline solution under pressure was
adsorption technology using ion exchange re- developed in cooperation with Irkutsk Technical
sins and activated carbons (Dementyev, Voi- University. The advantages of the developed
loshnikov, 1998). Both adsorbents were com- elution process are the high rate and high gold
pared for processing of ores, concentrates, recovery (duration of the process is about one
bio-oxid- ation products etc. The comparison of hour; residual gold loading of eluted carbon −50
CIL and RIL processes was done for some gold g/t) and absence of cyanide in eluent (Table 2).
mines, for example for Sukhoi Log gold deposit. The CIP technology based on the above men-
The properties of prospective foreign and do- tioned elution method was successfully imple-
mestic adsorbents including strong-base, mented at Lebedinsky plant (Aldanzoloto
bi-functional and weak-base resins as well as Company, 1984), at Samartinsky plant (Buryat-
activated carbons were studied. The Institute zoloto Company, 1998), Valunisty mine (Chu-
has developed some adsorption/elution tech- kotka), Novo-Kochkarsky plant (Ural) and oth-
nologies and equi- pment, such as a two stage ers.
RIP adsorption technology for gold/silver ores, There was designed a column type reactor
an improved technology for gold elution from for cyanidation and adsorption processes oper-
loaded resin, electrowinning cells for gold re- ating as a plug-flow reactor instead of stirred
covery from RIP and CIP eluates etc (Demen- tanks (Fig. 3). It is a vertical column divided by
tyev, Voiloshnikov, 2005). horizontal plates of special design into several
Both adsorbents have their advantages and sections. The column reactor allows to eliminate

Table 1 Comparative characteristics of activated carbons and anion exchange resins
Adsorbent type
activated carbon anion exchanger
Sensitivity to ion composition of pulp (solution) treated lower higher
Sensitivity to availability of organic compounds lower higher
Particle size (size of screen aperture used)/mm +1.0 +0.5
Abrasion hardness/% lower (85~90) higher (>96)
Adsorption kinetic slower faster
Bulk density/(kg/L) 0.5 0.33
lower higher
Adsorbent cost
(1,700~2,500 $) 10,000~12,000 $
Necessity of thermal reactivation present no
Specific gravity of wet particle (important for use column with
1.4~1.5 1.1
fluidized bed of adsorbent)/(g/cm3)
H 2 SO 4 , CS(NH 2 ) 2 ,
Reagents used for gold elution NaCN, NaOH
Elution temperature/ C 95~175 60
Elution column constructive material Steel Titanium or rubber lined
Adsorbent losses/(g/t) higher lower
Gold recovery from flotation concentrates improved -
Environmental problems (tails detoxification and others) easier more complicated

Table 2 Comparative parameters of gold elution methods

Elution method
Process Zadra (USA) IPS Irgiredmet
under pressure ** ambient pressure (Australia) (Russia)

Presoaking necessary no no no no
2%~3% NaCN
Presoaking solution − − − −
2% NaOH
Bed volume/BV 0.6 − − − −
Duration/h 0.5~1.0 − − − −
Temperature/°C 110~120 − − − −
Gold elution
High quality
0.2%~0.5% NaCN 0.1%~0.3% NaCN 2%~4% 0.2%~0.4 %
Eluent composition softened water
1%~2% NaOH 1%~2% NaOH NaOH NaOH
(<300 mg/L Na)
Temperature/°C 110~120 120~127 93~95 145~155 165~175
Eluent flowrate/(BV/h) 0.8~2.7 2.1~2.6 1~2 2~2.5 10
Duration/h <8 13~20 48~72 11~14 1
Number of BV 5~10 40~50 >50 25~35 8~10
Reagent consumption/
per 1 t of carbon
NaCN/kg 60 (82.5) 30 >30 − −
NaOH/kg 35 (51.3) 60 >60 50 40~80
Power/kW h 1500 (2883) 3533 >3500 1000~1900 2160~2880

short circuiting of feed to discharge point. It at Olimpiada (RIL-process, Krasnoyarsk Re-

was tested in 1987 at Sovetsky gold plant gion) and Novo-Kochkarsky gold plants (CIL-
(Krasnoyarsk Region) and commissioned later process, Ural) (Fig. 4). Use of columns allows

to decrease the number of equipment units in
comparison with conventional stirred tanks for
the same gold recovery and gold adsorbent
loading. Resin losses in RIL- process using the
column reactor were decreased from 3%~5%
down to 0.8 % due to more “delicate” agitation
in comparison with air agitated adsorption tanks
Detailed design drawing were developed for
column reactors with capacities of 20 m3, 40 m3,
100 m3, 210 m3 and 400 m3.
Electrowinning cells for gold deposition
from acidic thiourea eluates generated during
gold elution from loaded resin and alkaline cya-
nide eluates from carbon adsorption technology
were developed. The peculiarities of the elec-
trowinning cells are as follows: cathode preci-
pitates are generated as slimes which allow to
discharge precipitates without stoppage of elec-
trowinning process and to achieve 96%~98%
gold recovery per pass (20~30 minutes). Fig. 3 Column type reactor

Fig. 4 CIP column type reactor – capacity 210 m3 each

(Kochkarsky gold plant, Ural)

Electrowinning cell with the cathodic surface type of the cells are made as stainless steel
area of 120m2 and the capacity of 2 m3/hour plates and for the second type as stainless steel
was developed for RIP eluates. Anodic and ca- screen. Plated cathode electrowinning cells are
thodic areas are devided by cation exchange used at Samartinsky gold plant (Buryatia) and
membrane to prevent thiourea oxidation. Sul- Kochkarsky gold plant (Ural). Screen cathode
phuric acid solution is used as anolite. Electric electrowinning cells with cathode surface area
current for cell is from 1000 A to 2000 A. The of 250 m2 and capacity 2~3 m3 / hour are used
designed cells were used at Karamkensky gold at Valunisty mine (Chukotka).
plant (Magadan Region) and are in use at Mno- Large scale “Resin In Pulp” tests using
govershinny and Olimpiada RIL plants. weak-base resin were finalized and process de-
Two types of electrowinning cells were de- sign criteria were developed. Gold plant design
signed for CIP eluates. The cathodes for first is on progress at the moment.

REFRACTORY GOLD ORE of the flotation concentrate (Fig.5). The total
TREATMENT gold mass in the recycling products was about
1 % of the ore feed grade. Some of this gold
Improved technology for carbonaceous was recovered during ore processing. The total
(preg-robbing) gold ores
gold recovery from ore with the head grade of
The refractory ores often contain naturally- 0.8 g/t was 83.9 % including 53 % from the
occurring carbonaceous material which can ad- high-grade concentrate and 30.9% by CIL of
sorb gold-cyanide complexes from solutions. In gravity middlings and intensive cyanidation
Russia 30 % of the total gold ore reserves are tailings. The gold loading onto the activated
made up of these refractory ores. carbon from CIL-process was 6.500 g/t.
The following methods were proposed to Recleaning of flotation concentrate by cyc-
treat the preg-robbing ores depending on their loning and flotation allows significantly im-
preg-robbing activity: prove the indices of hydrometallurgy for con-
centrates. The test results showed that the pro-
• direct cyanidation under the special condi- posed technology can be efficiently used for
tions which completely or almost com- refractory carbonaceous gold ores including
pletely prevents gold adsorption from solu- low-grade ores.
tions by the carbonaceous material (Lodei-
Bio-oxidation, pressure oxidation, roasting
schikov, 1998);
and ultra-fine grinding
• chemical (fast chlorination) or thermo-
chemical (roasting) oxidation of the car- Irgiredmet has conducted extensive multiyear
bonaceous material with subsequent cya- study on gold recovery from refractory ores and
nidation (Lodeischikov, 1999); concentrates by different methods (bio-oxida-
• carbonaceous material extraction from the tion, pressure oxidation, roasting and ultra-fine
ore by mechanical processing of the ore grinding). The results was summarized in mon-
including classification, desliming and flo- ograph (Lodeischikov, 1999).
tation to produce low-grade products with
subsequent cyanidation.
Heap leach technology was tested and intro-
Test results and gold plant practice showed duced by Irgiredmet for a number of Russian
that preg-robbing carbonaceous ore slimes par- mines (Dementyev, Druzhina, Gudkov, 2004).
ticles of less than 0.01 mm which are amenable Zinc cementation, activated carbon and
to overgrinding can be removed by classifica- ion-exchange resin adsorption were used for
tion (desliming) (Lodeischikov, 1999). gold recovery from pregnant heap leach solu-
High gold recovery from some preg-robbing tions. The options including combined technol-
gold ores and concentrates can be achieved by ogy “Heap leach/RIL or CIP” for clay ores were
cyanidation using organic cyanides, surfactants also developed and tested. It consists of ore
(kerosene, cresylic acid, combustible oils, ace- disintegration into a slime and sand fractions
tone etc.) and some chemical reagents which are which are treated separately (the sands - by
used for gold elution from pregnant activated heap leaching and slimes - by RIP or CIP). The
carbons. plant using developed technology is at construc-
Irgiredmet JSC developed an improved tion stage now.
technology of processing and cyanidation of
concentrates produced from preg-robbing ores.
This technology was tested using ores of a Rus- The innovative technology for gold recovery
sian gold deposits (Dementyeva, Mullov, Vino- from hard rock and placer deposits which are
kurova, 2007). too low in grade to justify mining and transpor-
The developed technology of flotation con- tation expenditures is In-Situ leaching.
centrate recleaning by cycloning/flotation al- Irgiredmet has conducted the study on
lowed the reduction in the preg-robbing activity In-Situ gold leaching (Panchenko, Dementyev,
as well as the 2.5 % reduction in the mass yield Khmelnitskaya, Lodeishikov, 2003). The com-

Fig. 5 Ore concentration flowsheet including flotation concentrate recleaning

parison of different gold lixiviants for this pur- In 2000 IRGIREDMET in cooperation with
pose was done (Lodeischikov, Dementyev, the Ural Mining and Geological Company de-
Khmelnitskaya, Chikina, Lanchakova, 2006). veloped process design criteria as well as
Gold recovery from pregnant leach solutions by project design and commissioned into pilot op-
activated carbon and anionite including gold eration the in-situ leaching technology by
elution from loaded adsorbents etc. was also oxychloride solutions from Maminskoye depo-
tested. sit ores (Ural) (Fig. 6).
The basic criteria required for an under- Maminskoe gold oxidized ore deposit was
ground deposit to be considered suitable for chosen as the object for In-Situ leaching as it is
leaching in place are as follows: ore body must ideally suited for this purpose due to its mineral
be enclosed between impermeable strata that composition and hydrogeology. The ore re-
will prevent losses of solution; it must be per- serves within the In-Situ block are 90,000 t with
meable to leach solution. Two technologies are average gold grade of 0.7 g/t.
used: spraying when ore body is exposed and The capacity of pilot plant operation was 15
injection when it is buried. m3/hour. Gold concentration in pregnant solu-

Fig. 6 In-Situ gold leaching process scheme

tion is 0.12 ppm~0.13 ppm, chlorine consump- concentrates preliminary hydrochloric acid
tion is 3.5 kg per 1 g of recovered gold. treatment allows to achieve additional gold re-
In comparison with conventional methods of covery 1.8% ~ 3.5%, silver recovery 22.7% ~
gold ore processing In-Situ leaching allows to 24.4%, bismuth 15.8% ~ 16.9%.
decrease investment costs in 2~4 times and to Initial data for a bank feasibility study and
reduce the cost of gold production in 1.5~2.0 plant designing were developed from test re-
times. sults.
The raw material for In-Situ leaching are Magnetic separation, flotation, bioleaching,
small-sized and buried placers, cut-of-grade cyanide, thiourea, sulphite leaching were tested
gold ores etc., which can not be treated cost to utilize valuables from burnt pyrites. The
effectively by conventional methods. technology for valuables recovery from burnt
Irgiredmet Institute cooperates on In-Situ pyrites was developed (Khmelnitskaya, Mullov,
leaching technology with JSC “Geoprid”, Komlev, Lanchkova, 2008). It includes water
“Northern” gold company, JSC “Gagarka- washing of soluble compoments by CCD
Au-PV” process, lime treatment of washed residue with
air sparging, gold and silver cyanidation. Cop-
per and zinc are recovered from wash solution,
gold and copper – from cyanide solution.
BY PRODUCTS SX/EW technology is used for copper recovery.
The studies on testing and development of The technology developed allows to recover
technology for gold-bismuth ore treatment were 54 % of gold, 45 % of silver, 30% of copper and
conducted (Khmelnitskaya, Beskrovnaya,2007). 50 % zinc.
As a results a process flowsheet including grav- Final tails may be used as iron bearing ma-
ity, flotation, hydrochloric acid leaching of terial in cement industry.
combined concentrate and its subsequent cya-
nidation was recommended. The saleable prod-
ucts generated were the following: bismuth High world gold price and depletion of free
bearing cathode precipitate (71%~79 % of Bi) milling ores is stimulated development of im-
and Dore metal. Overall gold, silver and bis- proved technology and equipment for gold re-
muth recoveries were 84.8% ~ 86.5 %; 63.2% ~ covery. Brief overview of Irgiredmet develop-
64.9% and 75.8% ~ 76.9 % respectively. ments on gold metallurgy is presented. It in-
In comparison with direct cyanidation of cludes in particular the intensive cyanidation of

gravity concentrate, adsorption/elution technol- 245-250.
ogy and equipment for RIP and CIP processes, Khmelnitskaya, OD, Mullov,VV, Komlev, MY, Lanchkova, OV,
improved technology for treatment of refractory 2008. In press. A complex technology of pyrite cinders
and complex products (preg robbing ores, gold/ processing. Paper in preparation for Proceedings of the
bismuth ores, burnt pirytes etc.), In-Situ-Lea- XXIY IMPC.
ching for low grade gold ores etc. The majority Lodeischikov, VV, 1998. Main Irgiredmet’s test and develop-
of mentioned above advances are used effi- ment results on gold recovery from Sukhoi Log ores. Irgi-
ciently in gold mining industry of Russia. redmet Proceedings 125 Years Anniversary Edition, pp.
417-435 (Irgiredmet: Irkutsk).
REFERENCES Lodeischikov, VV, 1999. Technology of gold and silver recovery
from refractory ores, Irgiredmet: Irkutsk , pp 464-484.
Dementyev, VE, Voiloshnikov, GI, 1998. Irgiredmet experience
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