Background. Hydrotherapy is frequently indicated for the rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA);
nevertheless, there has been inadequate appraisal of its effectiveness. The potential benefits of hydrotherapy for
patients with RA are to improve and/or maintain functional ability and quality of life.
Objectives. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the effectiveness of hydrotherapy in the management
of patients with RA.
Method. AMED, CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PubMed, Science Direct and Web of Science were searched between
1988 and May 2011. Keywords used were rheumatoid arthritis, hydrotherapy, aquatic physiotherapy, aqua therapy and
water therapy. Searches were supplemented with hand searches of references of selected articles. Randomized
controlled trials were assessed for their methodological quality using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro)
scale. This scale ranks the methodological quality of a study scoring 7 out of 10 as ‘high quality’, 5–6 as ‘moderate
quality’ and less than 4 as ‘poor quality’.
Results. Initially, 197 studies were identified. Six studies met the inclusion criteria for further analysis. The average
methodological quality for all studies was 6.8 using the PEDro scale. Most of the studies reported favourable
outcomes for a hydrotherapy intervention compared with no treatment or other interventions for patients with
RA. Improvement was particularly noted in reducing pain, joint tenderness, mood and tension symptoms, and
increasing grip strength and patient satisfaction with hydrotherapy treatment in the short term.
Conclusions. There is some evidence to suggest that hydrotherapy has a positive role in reducing pain and improving
the health status of patients with RA compared with no or other interventions in the short term. However, the
long-term benefit is unknown. Further studies are needed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Rheumatoid arthritis; hydrotherapy; aquatic physiotherapy; aqua therapy; water therapy; pain; quality of life; physical activity
Abebaw Mengistu Yohannes, Reader in Physiotherapy, Department of Health Professions, Manchester Metropolitan University, Elizabeth
Gaskell Building, Hathersage Road, Manchester, M13 0JA, UK. Tel: 44 (0) 161 247 2943; Fax: 44 (0) 161 247 6571.
Email: A.Yohannes@mmu.ac.uk
Published online 16 July 2012 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/msc.1028
Musculoskelet. Care 11 (2013) 3–18 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 3
The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in RA Al-Qubaeissy et al.
destruction of the synovial joints, leading to severe intervention for patients with rheumatic disease
disability and premature mortality (NICE, 2009; (Beardmore, 2008; Rintala et al., 1996).
Tehlirian and Bathon, 2008; Waldburger and Firestein, Unblinded studies that examined the efficacy of
2008). It results from an immune system disturbance hydrotherapy in patients with RA demonstrated a reduc-
caused by the interaction of immunological, genetic, tion in pain and an increase in quality of life (QoL),
environmental and hormonal factors (Arthritis Research muscle strength, aerobic conditioning and physical func-
UK, 2011; NICE, 2009; Waldburger and Firestein, 2008). tioning (Danneskiold-Samsøe et al., 1987; Hart et al.,
It typically affects the small joints of the hands, especially 1994; Minor et al., 1989). However, the generizability
the knuckles and second joints, such as metacarpopha- of the findings were limited because of small sample sizes
langeal joint and proximal interphalangeal joint, as well and a lack of controlled intervention.
as the wrists, knees, ankles, elbows, shoulders and feet To our knowledge, there has been no recent exclusive
(Tehlirian and Bathon, 2008). Usually, both sides of the systematic review to examine the efficacy of hydrother-
body are equally affected in a symmetrical fashion, apy for patients with RA. We hypothesized that
although any synovial joint can be affected. The lumbar hydrotherapy therapy is far superior than other types of
spine and hips are often spared (Tehlirian and Bathon, therapy, including ‘usual care’, for improving QoL and
2008). In the USA, the average annual incidence of RA physical activity in patients with RA.
is 0.5 per 1,000 persons per year (Drosos, 2004; Tehlirian The aim of this review was to synthesize the available
and Bathon, 2008), and in the UK it affects approxi- literature on the efficacy of hydrotherapy in the
mately 0.5–1% of the population (McMahone and management of patients with RA.
Allard, 2002; Symmons et al., 1994, 2002). The overall
prevalence of RA worldwide in the general population
is 1–2%, and it affects more women than men; this prev- Materials and methods
alence is expected to rise to 5% of people by the age of
Identification and selection criteria
70 years in the next few decades (NICE, 2009; Symmons
et al., 1994; Tehlirian and Bathon, 2008). In the UK, An electronic database search of AMED, CINAHL, the
there are 100 new cases of inflammatory joint disease Cochrane Library, EMBASE, MEDLINE, ProQuest,
per hundred thousand of the population per year, of Pub Med, Science Direct and the Web of Science was
whom 24 will have RA (Söderlin et al., 2002). The direct conducted (1988 to May 2011). In order to standardize
costs to the National Health Service are estimated at £560 the patient sample included, the search was conducted
million and to the wider economy (e.g. loss of earnings from 1988 [which was the date of the publication of the
due to ill health) are estimated at £1.8 billion per annum American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for
(Comptroller and Auditor General, 2009), whereas the RA] to May 2011(Arnett et al., 1988). The search was
total costs of RA in the UK, together with the indirect limited to human adults (age >18 years) across all
costs and the effects of early mortality and lost productiv- articles published in English. The keywords used
ity, have been approximated at between £3.8 and £4.75 were: ‘rheumatoid arthritis’, ‘hydrotherapy’, ‘aquatic
billion per year (NICE, 2009). physiotherapy’, ‘aqua therapy’ and ‘water therapy’.
Exercise is the cornerstone of the treatment of RA Keyword combinations were: ‘rheumatoid arthritis
and it improves function, muscle strength and general and hydrotherapy’, ‘rheumatoid arthritis and aquatic
well-being (Hurkmans et al., 2009; van den Ende physiotherapy’, ‘rheumatoid arthritis and aqua therapy’
et al., 2008; Vliet Vlieland and van den Ende, 2011). and ‘rheumatoid arthritis and water therapy’. Studies
The term ‘hydrotherapy’ or ‘aquatic exercise’ is defined that used the following keywords were excluded from
as exercise in warm water under supervision by this literature search: ‘colonic irrigation’, ‘water birth’,
utilizing the buoyancy, assistance and resistance of ‘Kneipp therapy’, ‘spa therapy’, ‘whirlpool therapy’,
warm water to relieve pain, induce muscle relaxation ‘contrast baths’ and ‘balneotherapy’. There is a lack of
and promote more effective exercise (Campion, 1997; clarity in the usage of the terms ‘hydrotherapy’ and
Eversden et al., 2007; Hall et al., 2008; Schrepfer, ‘balneotherapy’ (Bender et al., 2005). Hydrotherapy
2002). Hydrotherapy is a safe and efficient medium uses water as a treatment, while balneotherapy uses
treatment modality for achieving exercise-related goals natural thermal mineral water (Bender et al., 2005).
and it is commonly used as part of a rehabilitation Although these terms have often been used interchangeably,
4 Musculoskelet. Care 11 (2013) 3–18 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Al-Qubaeissy et al. The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in RA
balneotherapy is not easily accessible to healthcare • the treatment modality included balneotherapy, Kneipp
professionals and so studies involving this treatment therapy, mud therapy or sulphur therapy;
were excluded. • they were not written in English (even if the abstract
Trials investigating solely the physiological responses was in English);
(such as heart rate, blood pressure and renal function) • participants were primarily and predominantly
of subjects immersed or exercising in water were diagnosed with osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia syndrome,
also excluded. back pain, neurological disease or osteoporosis.
The database search was supplemented by a manual
search of: Clinical Journal of Rheumatology, Annals of
Assessment of the validity of the study
the Rheumatic Disease, British Medical Journal, Physio-
therapy, Arthritis and Rheumatism, Rheumatology and Two reviewers (A.M.Y. and F.A.F.) made the decisions
Journal of Rheumatology and Physical Therapy. Journals regarding the inclusion of the relevant articles in
were searched from 1988 to May 2011. A further hand the present review. They independently applied the
search of the bibliographic references in the extracted inclusion/exclusion criteria to papers identified by the
articles and existing reviews was also conducted literature search and classified the identified studies
to identify potential studies that were not captured by according to predetermined criteria. The abstracts were
the electronic database searches. To ensure that all of reviewed first and, if deemed appropriate, the full papers
the relevant articles were obtained, an iterative process were then reviewed and scored. The methodological
was used. quality of each study was reviewed by using the Physio-
therapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale (Maher et al.,
2003). A consensus method was used to solve any dispute
Inclusion and exclusion criteria for
regarding the inclusion or exclusion of a particular study.
considering studies for this review
When there was disagreement, consensus was sought,
Studies were included if: but when disagreement persisted, a third independent
reviewer (P.G.) made the final decision.
• they were randomized controlled trials (RCTs); The PEDro scale contains 11 items (Table 1). The
• they were published in the English language; first item represents the external validity of the trial.
• they included participants aged 18 years or above who This item is not included in the calculation of the total
had been diagnosed with RA according to the 1987 PEDro score (maximum 10); therefore, our score was
ACR criteria (Arnett et al., 1988) or they used the based on items 2 to 11 and the PEDro score was thus
criteria of Steinbrocker (Steinbrocker et al., 1949); a score out of 10. These items are scored either yes
(1 point) or no (0 points). The individual item scores
• a water-based intervention (hydrotherapy) had been and the total PEDro scores have been shown to be
used in the study, and compared with the results reliable (Maher et al., 2003). A study that scores 7
without intervention; (i.e. scores positive in seven out of ten criteria) is
• patients had received a minimum of four weeks of considered to have a high methodological quality, a
hydrotherapy intervention. score of 5–6 a moderate methodological quality and a
score between 0 and 4 is regarded as poor quality
• they used one of the following outcome measures:
(Kollen et al., 2009; Maher et al., 2003; Moseley et al.,
pain, patient global assessment, activity of daily living
2002). Although the PEDro scale is scored out of 10
(ADL), physical function, disease activity and QoL
(Maher et al., 2003; Sherrington et al., 2000), the
(Boers et al., 1994; Haigh et al., 2001).
maximum achievable score for a high-quality study is
Articles were excluded if: 8 because it is difficult to blind the therapist delivering
the intervention or the participants in a trial of hydro-
• they had insufficient information available (abstract only); therapy rehabilitation (Maher et al., 2003; Sherrington
• they did not involve an RCT; et al., 2000). The PEDro scores for the present review
• they were not adult trials (juvenile trials); ranged from 4 to 8 out of the maximum possible score
• they did not involve human trials; of 10, without including the first item of the PEDro
• they included participants without rheumatic diseases; scale (see above).
Musculoskelet. Care 11 (2013) 3–18 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 5
The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in RA Al-Qubaeissy et al.
Table 1. Criteria list for methodological quality assessment [Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro)]. Adapted from Maher et al. (2003).
Each PEDro scale item satisfied (except the first item) contributes 1 point to the total PEDro score (range 0–10 points)
Results Participants
A total of 197 studies were identified, based on the key The six studies described above included both men and
search terms and the hand search of bibliography refer- women (total no = 419); 326 (78%) of the participants
ences (CINAHL 12; Medline 42; PubMed 122; AMED were women. The participants’ age across the studies
13; manual search eight). After the initial screening of ranged from 18–80 years. The average number of
the titles and abstracts, 32 studies were found to satisfy participants in the treatment group post-randomization
the inclusion criteria and were further scrutinized for the and before any withdrawals was 29 (range 12–57), with
present systematic review (see Figure 1). From the six only three studies having groups with more than 30 par-
studies that were of high enough quality to analyse are ticipants (Eversden et al., 2007; Hall et al., 1996; Rintala
presented in Table 2. et al., 1996).
6 Musculoskelet. Care 11 (2013) 3–18 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Al-Qubaeissy et al. The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in RA
Outcome measures et al., 1991). Another instrument that was used, by Hall
et al. (1996), to assess pain was the McGill Pain Ques-
RA affects physical, social and psychological aspects of
tionnaire (Melzack, 1975). Moreover, pain subscales
patients’ health status or quality of life. The outcome
from a variety of self-reported questionnaires were used,
measures that were used in the present review reflected
such as the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale (AIMS)
one or more of the variables (Fitzpatrick et al., 1992;
(Meenan et al., 1980), Health Assessment Questionnaire
Hakala, 1997).
(HAQ) (Bruce and Fries, 2005; Felson et al., 1993; Fries
Pain: A pain scale was used in all the reviewed et al., 1980) and the Short Form-36 (SF-36) (Ware and
studies. Scores on these scales were measured before Sherbourne, 1992). Rintala et al. (1996) used pain as a
and after the intervention. Various instruments were primary outcome measure and found that there was a
used to measure sensory pain. The 10-cm visual analogue statistically significant reduction in the level of pain after
scale (VAS) was the tool used most commonly (Langley use of a water exercise programme in patients with RA.
and Sheppeard, 1984). VAS was used in three studies None of the studies used pain as an outcome measure
(Eversden et al., 2007; Rintala et al., 1996; Stenstrom for a power calculation to determine the sample size.
Musculoskelet. Care 11 (2013) 3–18 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 7
Table 2. Summary of studies meeting the selection criteria for inclusion in the systematic review for RA.
Authors, • duration
country, origin Sample n Study Drop Mean age (SD) • programme
of study (female)% design outs in years • setting Outcome measures Patient assessment/follow-up Results/comments
Hall et al., 1996; 139 (66%) RCT 1 58.2 (11.1) A: aquatic exercise Pain; using McGill Baseline No significant differences between interventions in terms
UK (n = 35) 30 minutes Questionnaire of pain (all patients demonstrated a significant pain
twice weekly for 4 weeks, reduction (p ≤ 0. 005)
B: land-based exercise Ritchie articular index 4 weeks Significant reduction in joint tenderness in a number of
(n = 34) (RAI) tender joints in hydrotherapy group (p = 0.03)
The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in RA
C: immersion (n = 35)
D: land relaxation (n = 35) Morning stiffness duration 3 months Grip strength, wrist ROM, duration of morning stiffness
Grip strength (digital monitor Post treatment and CRP levels did not change significantly (p ≥ 0.05)
inflated to 20 mm Hg)
Wrist and knee ROM; using Significant increase in knee ROM, mainly in women in
a standard goniometer hydrotherapy group (p ≤ 0.02)
AIMS-2 for health status Significant improvement in mood and tension occurred for
all patients after treatment in both groups; the effect was
most marked in women, with a greater effect in the
hydrotherapy group (p = 0.003)
Sanford-Smith 24 (75%) RCT 4 58.4 (11.6) A: aquaerobics group 3 AJC Baseline (one There were no between-group differences; however, both
et al., 1998; times/week for 10 weeks week prior) groups showed a similar decrease in AJC and ESR (p ≥ 0.05)
B: ROM group ESR Post treatment assessment Both groups demonstrated an improvement in grip
occurred within one week strength (p ≤ 0.05), but there was no significant
after the completion of the difference between the groups
10 weeks exercise programme
Grip strength measured using Both group showed an increase in exercise tolerance (p ≤ 0.05)
Martin Vigorimeter (Hillside
Medical Supplies Limited,
Nottingham, UK)
Al-Qubaeissy et al.
Musculoskelet. Care 11 (2013) 3–18 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
HAQ for function HAQ result showed a statistically significant
improvement in two components of HAQ in the control
group (p ≤0.05) and no significant improvement in the
aqua-aerobics group (p ≥ 0.05)
Bilberg et al., 47 (89%) RCT 4 49 A: treatment group, twice Sub-maximum ergometer Baseline No significant changes were found for the primary
2005; Sweden weekly for 12 weeks in cycle (Astrand, Varberg, outcome measure between baseline and post-treatment
group of 8 or 9 in a Sweden) for aerobic capacity (p ≥ 0.05)
temperate pool, each as primary outcome measure
session for 45 minutes,
moderate aerobic intensity
B: control group, home SF-36 for health status as post treatment (3 months) At follow up, SF-36 showed significant improvement
exercise programme and primary outcome measure within training group (p < 0.05); no significant changes
continuation of their daily 6 months for training group were found in between-group differences (p ≥ 0.05)
Musculoskelet. Care 11 (2013) 3–18 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Chair test as secondary Performance on the chair test increased significantly in the
outcome measure training group compared with the control group (p = 0.005)
Grip strength (electronic Grip strength of the left hand increased significantly in the
instrument (Grippit) training group compared with the control group (p ≤ 0.001)
HAQ for functional disability AIMS-2 and HAQ displayed a significant within-group
and AIMS-2 for quality of life improvement (p = 0.007) and 0.04, respectively), but there
was no significant differences between the groups (p ≥ 0.05)
Eversden et al., 115 (69%) RCT 30 55.2 (13.3) A: intervention group, Primary outcome measure was Baseline Patients in the hydrotherapy group felt very much
2007; UK one session/week for 6 self-rated overall effects on a Post-treatment (6 weeks) better in their overall health status compared with
weeks in hydrotherapy Likert 7-point scale patients treated in the land exercise group (p < 0.001)
pool at 35 C Post-treatment (3 months)
B: control group, land Secondary outcome measure There were no significant differences between groups in
exercise for 6 weeks include: VAS pain, ten-meter terms of changes to HAQ (p = 0.09), EQ-5D utility score
walk speed, HAQ, EQ-5D utility, (p = 0.61), EQ-VAS (p = 0.57) and pain VAS (p = 0.40)
The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in RA
Table 2. (Continued)
Authors, • • duration
country, origin Sample n Study Drop Mean age (SD) • programme
• programme
of study (female)% design outs in years • • setting
setting Outcome measures Patient assessment/follow-up Results/comments
Rintala et al., 34 (85%) RCT 0 48 (10) A: aquatic exercise (n =18) VAS pain Baseline Pain more diminished in experimental group than in
1996; Finland 45-60 minutes twice a week control group (p ≤ 0.05)
for 12 weeks, setting and
pool temperature 30 C
B: no-treatment control Joint mobility by using signals Post-treatment (12 weeks) Joint mobility improved in experimental group
The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in RA
B: comparison group Sphygmomanometer cuff for Improved right hand grip strength in training group (p ≤ 0.01);
(n=30) grip strength decreased grip strength in left hand of comparison group (p > 0.05)
VAS for pain and functional No significant difference between the groups in VAS or
tests such as outdoor walking, functional tests (p > 0.05)
indoor walking, lifting, learning
forward and rising
Activity level such as exercise Significant difference in activity levels between the groups in
habits two open-ended questions training group compared with comparison group (p ≤ 0.01)
AIMS-2, Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale version 2; CRP, C-reactive protein; EQ-5D, EuroQoL; EQ-VAS, health-related QoL; HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire, AJC, active joint count; ESR, erythrocyte
Al-Qubaeissy et al.
Musculoskelet. Care 11 (2013) 3–18 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
sedimentation rate; QoL, quality of life; RCT, randomized controlled trial; ROM, range of motion; SD, standard deviation; SF-36, Short Form-36; VAS, visual analogue scale.
Al-Qubaeissy et al. The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in RA
Table 3. Methodological quality using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale scoring the items out of 10
Y, yes (= 1); N, no (= 0)
Musculoskelet. Care 11 (2013) 3–18 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 11
The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in RA Al-Qubaeissy et al.
level or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (p > 0.05). In with RA. Pain was assessed using VAS (Ekdahl et al.,
Stenstrom et al. (1991), grip strength improved signifi- 1989; Fries, 1983). These authors also assessed ranges
cantly in the right hand of training group participants of movement by measuring joint mobility (Eberhardt
(p < 0.01) while it deteriorated in the left hand of the et al., 1988), muscle strength and endurance (Talvitie,
control group (p > 0.05). Hall et al. (1996) also showed 1991). The researchers (Rintala and co-workers)
that there was a significant reduction in joint tenderness randomly allocated 34 patients with RA to aquatic ex-
in the hydrotherapy group. ercise (n = 18) or the control group (n = 16). The
Patient perception: Patients’ perception of hydrotherapy aquatic exercise group undertook muscle strength, en-
treatment was investigated in two studies (Eversden et al., durance and joint mobility exercises in sessions lasting
2007; Hall et al., 1996). Hall et al. (1996) used a five-point 45–60 minutes, twice a week for 12 weeks. The control
Likert-type perception scale, which was designed by Langley group participated in their daily activity with no addi-
and Sheppeard (1984); their findings were unexpected and tional exercise during the study period. The major find-
showed that both groups reported similar perceptions of ings of this study were decreased pain, and increased
the effectiveness of the intervention. Eversden et al. muscle strength and endurance in the hydrotherapy
(2007) used a seven-point scale and their findings group compared with the control group during the 12-
showed that the largest set of significant clusters of feel- week training period.
ing ‘very much better’ was in the hydrotherapy group Sanford-Smith et al. (1998) recruited 24 participants
compared with the land exercise group. (19 females and five males), with a mean age of
A Scandinavian study undertaken by Stenstrom et al. 58.4 years, to participate in their study. Subjects were
(1991) failed to show any statistically significant randomly allocated to the aqua-aerobic exercise group
differences in pain rating, functional outcomes tests or the range of motion (ROM) exercise group. The
(Stenstrom et al., 1990), Ritchie’s articular index (Ritchie aqua-aerobics sessions were held three times per week
et al., 1968), Larsen’s radiological index (Larsen et al., for ten weeks. Each session consisted of an hour of
1977), soft tissue swelling or laboratory parameters exercises performed in a hydrotherapy pool heated to
between the training group and the control group. 36 C. Fifteen minutes of warm-up aerobic stretches
Perceptions of activity levels were measured in this study for the spine, chest and extremities was followed by
using self-reported questions (e.g. ‘what do you think is 20–25 minutes of aerobics exercise. Subjects exercised
positive regarding the training?’ and ‘what do you think is to a maximum target heart rate of 70% exercise tolerance
negative regarding the training?’) recommended for use (Beals et al., 1985; Ekblom et al., 1974; Minor et al., 1988;
in patients with chronic pain (Dolce et al., 1986; Doleys Nordemar et al., 1981). The control group participants
et al., 1982). There was a significant difference in the per- received a ROM exercise and isometric strength exercises
ceptions of activity levels between the treatment group programme for ten weeks. Nonetheless, the results failed
compared with the control group (p < 0.01). The two- to reveal a differential effect between the intervention
year follow-up data showed that there was a statistically and control groups.
significant difference in the perception of activity levels Bilberg et al. (2005) undertook a study in which they
between the treatment and control groups (p < 0.001). hypothesized that pool exercise for three months would
Hall et al. (1996) showed that hydrotherapy was improve patients’ aerobic capacity, functional ability and
effective in improving physical and emotional aspects perception of physical health. Forty-seven participants
in patients with RA. This finding indicates that (42 women and five men) were divided into two groups
hydrotherapy provided greater benefits in terms of (the treatment group and the control group). The
physical and psychological functioning in comparison treatment group exercised twice a week for 12 weeks in
with the control group. AIMS-2 measured mood and groups of eight or nine patients in a temperate pool.
tension, and a significant improvement in psychologi- The duration of each session was 45 minutes and the
cal well-being was found during the follow-up period. exercise was of moderate aerobic intensity. The patients
However, the hydrotherapy group derived a significant in the control group continued with their usual daily
improvement in joint tenderness and knee range of activities, and provided a home exercise programme.
movement in women only. The outcome measurements were carried out at baseline
Rintala et al. (1996) assessed the efficacy of a water and at three months post-intervention for both groups.
based-exercise programme on chronic pain in patients The patients in the training group were followed up to
12 Musculoskelet. Care 11 (2013) 3–18 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Al-Qubaeissy et al. The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in RA
six months after completion of the study. Aerobic and Sheppeard, 1984). Physical function was assessed
capacity, estimated using a sub-maximum ergometer using the HAQ (Bruce and Fries, 2005; Felson et al.,
cycle (Åstrand, 2003), and the physical component of 1993; Fries et al., 1980). The ten-metre walk speed
the SF-36 were chosen as the primary outcome measures. was used to assess lower limb function; this primarily
The study was unable to confirm whether the interven- indicated in patients with neurological problems and
tion was effective in improving aerobic capacity and had also been used by the authors who carried out
quality of life. However, a significant improvement was the previous pilot study (Eversden et al., 2001; Wade
found in the hydrotherapy group for the secondary et al., 1987). The EQ-5D valuation questionnaire
outcome measures, isometric shoulder endurance, grip comprised a self-report of health-related QoL (EQ-VAS)
force, dynamic endurance of the lower extremities (chair and a health status valuation (EQ-5D index or utility
test) and muscle function of the lower extremities, score) (Hurst et al., 1997). Eversden et al. (2007) showed
compared with the control group. The chair test was that RA patients who attended outpatient clinics were
assessed by counting the maximum number of times that more likely to report feeling much better or very much
the patient was able to get up from a chair during one better if they were treated with hydrotherapy than if they
minute (Mannerkorpi and Ekdahl, 1997) and the were treated with exercises on land. This benefit was
isometric shoulder endurance test, which is used to reported immediately after completion of the treatment;
measure the isometric endurance of the shoulder abduc- there was no difference between treatment groups in the
tor muscles. This was measured as the maximum length secondary outcome measures.
of time that a person was able to hold his/her arm at
90-degree abduction with a 1-kg cuff attached proximally
to the wrist joint (Mannerkorpi et al., 1999) at baseline
and three months post-treatment. The difference in all
of the primary and secondary outcome measures The objective(s) of the present systematic review was to
between baseline assessment and follow-up for the train- evaluate the available evidence for the effectiveness of
ing group were statistically significant, with the exception hydrotherapy in the treatment of RA patients. Our find-
of aerobic capacity. ings suggest that patients who received hydrotherapy
Eversden et al. (2007) evaluated the effects of hydro- treatment for RA gained some beneficial effects in im-
therapy with exercises versus land exercises on the overall proving their health status (e.g. reduced pain scores)
response to treatment, physical function and QoL of compared with the control groups. Further additional
patients with RA. These authors designed a programme benefits included a substantial increase in physical
of 30-minute hydrotherapy sessions once a week for six activity and emotional well-being in patients in
weeks (at 35 C), with a control group on a land-based the aquatic programmes compared with control groups
programme for six weeks. Patients were randomly in the short term. However, the long-term benefits were
allocated to hydrotherapy or land-based exercises using found to be inconclusive. There is no cure for RA, and it
sealed opaque envelopes indicating their treatment is therefore important to look into both disease preven-
allocation. The participants performed warm-up tion and non-pharmacological treatment that reduces
exercises for ten minutes using mobilizing and stretching the burden to patients and carers. A treatment for RA
exercises. The core exercises, repeated ten times a which reduces or slows down the inflammatory process
week, focused on joint mobility, muscle strength and would therefore be of great benefit, both from the
functional activities. health service perspective and also in terms of the
The primary outcome measure applied in this study perceived benefit to RA patients in improving their
was self-rated QoL, in which the effect of treatment was QoL.
measured as the change on a seven-point scale ranging The PEDro scores for all of the papers reviewed
from 1 (very much worse) to 7 (very much better) ranged from 5–8, and were regarded as being of
(Richards and Scott, 2002). Secondary outcomes were moderate to high quality. The average methodological
collected at baseline, on the day of the last treatment quality of all the studies was 6.8 and was regarded as
session and three months post-treatment. Pain was moderate. However, all of the studies reviewed suffered
assessed using a 10-cm VAS, where 0 cm represented from methodological flaws that limited their generaliz-
no pain and 10 cm represented severe pain (Langley ability to the wider population of RA patients.
Musculoskelet. Care 11 (2013) 3–18 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 13
The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in RA Al-Qubaeissy et al.
The six studies appraised differed in the frequency Sweden), recording the maximum and mean strength
and duration of the hydrotherapy sessions given to and the best performance of three (Nordenskiöld, 1990;
participants: twice weekly over four weeks, once weekly Nordenskiöld and Grimby, 1993, 1997). Conversely,
over six weeks, three times weekly over ten weeks, twice Stenstrom et al. (1991) measured grip strength manually
weekly for 12 weeks and once weekly for four years by using a Sphygmomanometer cuff rolled up two turns
(long term study); they also differed in the duration and inflated to 20 mmHg (Lansbury, 1958). Sanford-
of hydrotherapy. Therefore, we were unable to Smith and colleagues (Sanford-Smith et al., 1998) did
determine from the present review the ideal number not report the method of assessment used to measure
of hydrotherapy sessions that are needed for RA the grip strength. Therefore, future studies should
patients to derive clinically significant benefit from this consider using appropriate standardized procedures in
intervention. A possible explanation for this might be measuring grip strength in patients with RA with
that each study was designed with specific targets and malfunction of dexterity and pain.
goals, and different primary outcome measures. A The reduced joint tenderness observed in the hydro-
recent national survey in the UK by Bryant et al. (2009) therapy group of Hall et al. (1996) might be attributed
reported that the median optimal number sessions for to the reduction in joint loading supported by buoyancy.
the treatment of RA patients was six weeks. Furthermore, the hydrostatic pressure of water immer-
sion is considered to be effective in reducing oedema
(Poyhonen et al., 2000).
Methodological critique of the reviewed
However, we noted many substantial methodological
shortcomings in the research we reviewed, mainly in
The choice of outcome measures used in the reviewed the inadequate reporting of interventions in terms of
studies should be examined with caution. The HAQ their setting, water temperature, depth of pool, and the
was the most common instrument used to measure type and intensity of the exercise programme. In
physical function. In terms of the efficacy of hydrother- addition, there were other methodological flaws relating
apy, it was used as a primary outcome measure in one to RCT design, such as inappropriate randomization,
study only (Sanford-Smith et al., 1998). Significant concealment of allocation to groups and the blinding
improvements in health status (health-related QoL) procedure to the outcome measurements.
were found in two studies (Bilberg et al., 2005; Hall Overall, many of the studies involved in the present
et al., 1996) by using two different health-related QoL review had a relatively small sample size and lacked
scales of measurement. This means that no standard- adequate statistical power to examine the effectiveness
ized, specific scale, which was superior to another, of hydrotherapy in the treatment of patients with RA.
was used when measuring health status or QoL in RA In addition, the studies reviewed used different primary
patients. Grip strength and joint tenderness were the outcome measures and a few studies had inadequate
most common disease activity indices, which were and variable follow-up periods.
found to be statistically significant in hydrotherapy The present review had several limitations. First, the
trials in comparison with other disease activity indices review focused only on studies published in English; it
in patients with RA (Bilberg et al., 2005; Hall et al., is possible that potentially relevant articles published in
1996; Stenstrom et al., 1991). These findings should other languages may have been missed. Such studies
be interpreted with caution because few studies have were excluded because of the limited resources avail-
investigated the disease activity domains in RA patients. able for the present review. Second, the searches were
The contradictory results of grip strength measures can limited to published articles. Third, some of the studies
be explained by the different types of assessment tools did not give detailed information about their data
employed in the various studies. Hall et al. (1996) analysis. This will have affected the conclusions drawn
measured the grip strength of the dominant hand by from these studies, so caution is required in the
using a digital grip strength monitor inflated to interpretation of their findings. Fourth, the variation
20 mmHg (Lee et al., 1974; Rhind et al., 1980). The in the dosages of the intervention in the six studies
mean of three readings was recorded, whereas Bilberg analysed makes it difficult to provide clear guidance in this
et al. (2005) measured grip strength by using an area. Fifth, we did not investigate the cost-effectiveness
electronic instrument (Grippit, AB Detektor, Göteborg, of hydrotherapy. Unfortunately, none of the studies
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