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Composition and Thermal Profile of Crude Palm Oil and Its Products

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Composition and Thermal Profile of Crude Palm Oil

and Its Products

Y.B. Che Mana,*, T. Haryatia, H.M. Ghazalib, and B.A. Asbia
Departments of aFood Technology and bBiotechnology, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 UPM, Serdang, Malaysia

ABSTRACT: Gas–liquid chromatography and high-performance unsaturated fatty acids, and the major triglycerides (TG), ac-
liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used to determine fatty cording to equivalent carbon number (ECN), were C50
acids and triglyceride (TG) compositions of crude palm oil (42.58%) and C52 (40.46%). The major TG of the olein frac-
(CPO), refined, bleached, and deodorized (RBD) palm oil, RBD tion are C50 (42.04%) and C52 (45.66%) with an iodine value
palm olein, and RBD palm stearin, while their thermal profiles (IV) of about 56. The stearin fraction consists of C48 (22.3%),
were analyzed by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The
C50 (40%), and C52 (29%) TG with IV of about 44 (1). TG of
HPLC chromatograms showed that the TG composition of CPO
and RBD palm oil were quite similar. The results showed that
palm oil consist of trisaturated (10.2%), disaturated (48%),
CPO, RBD palm oil, RBD olein, and superolein consist mainly monosaturated (34.6%), and triunsaturated (6.8%) (2).
of monosaturated and disaturated TG while RBD palm stearin Fractionation is accomplished by exploiting the different
consists mainly of disaturated and trisaturated TG. In DSC cool- crystallization temperatures of the TG composing the oil. If a
ing thermograms the peaks of triunsaturated, monosaturated slow decrease of temperature is applied, then the TG mole-
and disaturated TG were found at the range of –48.62 to –60.36, cules that have a small difference in crystallization tempera-
–25.89 to –29.19, and –11.22 to –1.69°C, respectively, while tures will be crystallized at different times. This will result in
trisaturated TG were found between 13.72 and 27.64°C. The a fine crystal size, and a high pressure will be needed to filter
heating thermograms of CPO indicated the presence of poly- the oil. However, if a rapid temperature decrease occurs, mol-
morphs β2′, α, β1′, and β1. The peak of CPO was found at ecules within a wide range of crystallization temperatures will
4.78°C. However, after refining, the peak shifted to 6.25°C and
be crystallized at about the same time. These crystals will ag-
became smaller but more apparent as indicated by RBD palm
oil thermograms. The heating and cooling thermograms of the
glomerate and stick to one another to form a bigger granular
RBD palm stearin were characterized by a sharp, high-melting crystal. As a result of fast processing the olein might be oc-
point (high-T) peak temperature and a short and wide low-melt- cluded inside the crystal granule. Consequently, the olein
ing point (low-T) peak temperature, indicating the presence of yield will decrease. Therefore, control of physical properties
occluded olein. However, for RBD palm olein, there was only of the oil is needed to optimize the process.
an exothermic low-T peak temperature. The DSC thermograms Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) can be used to
expressed the thermal behavior of various palm oil and its prod- characterize the thermal behavior of edible oils. DSC studies
ucts quite well, and the profiles can be used as guidelines for on palm oil and palm kernel oil have been reported by sev-
fractionation of CPO or RBD palm oil. eral workers (3–10). Busfield and Proshogo (3,4) studied
Paper no. J8751 in JAOCS 76, 237–242 (February 1999). heating thermograms of palm stearin and its hydrogenation
products using DSC. They showed that the heating rates and
KEY WORDS: Crude palm oil, crystallization, DSC thermo-
tempering time affected the profile of the thermograms and
gram, fractionation, refined bleached deodorized palm oil, re-
fined bleached deodorized palm olein, refined bleached de-
the correlation between the profile of the thermograms and
odorized palm stearin. crystal forms that occurred. DSC was used to support X-ray
diffraction studies of oil polymorphism without reference to
fractionation. Che Man and Swe (9) used DSC to study the
Crude palm oil (CPO) is derived from the mesocarp of the oil cause of poor crystallization of a failed-batch palm oil. They
palm fruit (Elaeis guineensis). The CPO has to undergo exten- found that the cooling thermogram of failed-batch palm oil
sive processing before it reaches the consumer. One of the differed from the one that produced good crystallization. This
processes is adsorption bleaching to produce refined, bleached, was due to a rapid and sudden surge of heat demand, as de-
and deodorized palm oil (RBD palm oil). Fractionation is a picted by a rather steep slope at the α → β phase transition.
process which separates liquid olein or superolein, used mainly The purpose of this work was to study the thermal behav-
for cooking oils, from solid stearin, used mainly in shortening ior of palm oil and its products, and its association with the
and margarines. The CPO consists of 50% saturated and 50% oil composition. The thermal profile and composition of CPO
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. and its products were observed so as to be used as a guide in
E-mail: yaakub@fsb.upm.edu.my the fractionation process.

Copyright © 1999 by AOCS Press 237 JAOCS, Vol. 76, no. 2 (1999)

MATERIALS AND METHODS CPO, while RBD palm stearin had a higher saturated fatty
acid content. These fatty acids are distributed in the various
Samples. Samples of CPO, RBD palm oil, RBD palm olein,
glyceride molecules as shown in Table 2. Swe et al. (14)
superolein, and RBD palm stearin with IV of 51.5, 51.5, 56.5,
found that the peaks appearing for RBD-palm olein had the
60.0, and 30.5, respectively, were obtained from a local refin-
following retention time order: LaLaLa, MMLa, LaLaM,
ery. The IV was determined according to the AOCS method
(11). All chemicals used were of analytical or high-perfor-
PPO, OOS, POS, SLS, SOS, while Ghazali et al. (15) found
mance liquid chromatography (HPLC) grade. All triglycerides
that the peak which appeared between PPO and OOS was
were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO).
Analytical determinations. Fatty acid composition of palm TABLE 1
oil and its products was determined through direct methyla- Fatty Acid Composition of CPO, RBD Palm Oil, RBD Palm Olein, RBD
tion with sodium methoxide and methanol (12). The fatty acid Palm Stearin, and Superolein
methyl esters obtained were then diluted with isooctane and Fatty acid composition (%)
were injected into a gas–liquid chromatograph (GLC). The
methyl esters were analyzed by GLC (Shimadzu model GC- RBD RBD RBD
Fatty acid CPOa palm oil olein stearin Superolein
14B, Kyoto, Japan) fitted with a 2 m × 1/8″ stainless steel col-
umn packed with GP 3–2310/2% SP-2300 on 100/120 mesh Saturated
Chromosorb WAW. Injector and detector temperatures were M 0.93 0.92 0.89 1.21 0.81
P 45.48 46.30 41.54 61.21 38.47
230°C. Column oven was operated at 200°C, isothermal. Ni- S 3.49 3.52 3.51 4.00 3.14
trogen carrier gas flow rate was 50 mL/min. Individual peaks Total 49.91 50.74 45.94 66.42 42.42
of fatty acid methyl esters were determined with a C-R6A Unsaturated
Chromatopack integrator (13). O 40.17 39.58 43.63 27.54 45.77
Triglyceride composition was determined by HPLC (14). The L 9.92 9.68 10.43 6.05 11.81
Total 50.09 49.26 54.06 33.59 57.58
HPLC system used was equipped with Shimadzu LC-10 AD liq-
uid chromatograph, Shimadzu SIL-10A autoinjector, Shimadzu CPO, crude palm oil; RBD, refined, bleached, deodorized; M, myristic; P,
palmitic; S, stearic; O, oleic; L, linoleic.
system controller SCL-10A, and RID-6A Shimadzu refractive
index (RI) detector. The column used was a (Milford, MA)
Nova-Pak C18 (3.9 × 300 mm) Waters packed with a particle size Glyceride Composition of CPO, RBD Palm Oil, RBD Palm Olein, RBD
of 5-µm. The mobile phase was a mixture of acetone/acetonitrile Palm Stearin, and Superolein
(63.5:36.5) and the flow rate was 1 mL/min. The injection vol-
Glyceride composition (%)
ume was 10 µL of 5% (wt/vol) oil in chloroform. Sensitivity was
adjusted to 16 × 104 RI units full-scale deflection. TG peaks were RBD RBD RBD
identified based on the retention time of TG standards and re- Fatty acid CPOa palm oil olein stearin superolein
sults of Swe et al. (14), Ghazali et al. (15), and Wong (16). Diglyceride 6.32 5.20 5.55 5.15 6.24
A Perkin-Elmer Model DSC-7 differential scanning Triglyceride 93.60 94.80 94.45 94.85 93.76
calorimeter (DSC) (Norwalk, CT) was used for thermal analy- Triunsaturated
sis of the samples. The instrument was calibrated with indium OOO 3.90 4.40 4.61 2.14 5.25
OOL 1.22 0.58 0.66 1.81 0.77
and dodecane. The atmospheric condition in the DSC was 1
Total 5.12 4.98 5.27 3.95 6.02
atm. Gas used for the dry box was pure N2 (99.99%) with flow Monsaturated
rate of 30 psi. Samples of ca. 3–10 mg were weighed into alu- PLO 10.02 9.68 10.63 4.53 12.56
minum pans, and covers were crimped into place. An empty, POO 21.39 23.26 25.60 9.40 29.13
covered pan was used as a reference. Both were placed in the OOS 2.78 2.24 2.58 2.47 3.17
Total 34.1 35.18 38.81 16.40 44.86
instrument sample chamber. Heating and cooling cycles were
made on each sample. Samples were subjected to the follow- MPL 3.03 2.20 2.52 2.22 2.99
ing temperature program: 80°C isotherm for 5 min, and cooled PPL 9.37 9.23 9.61 7.18 10.14
from 80 to –80°C at a rate of 5°C/min, hold at –80°C for 5 PPO 27.39 29.62 29.64 23.36 22.46
min. The same sample was then heated from –80 to 80°C with POS 5.29 4.90 5.11 3.85 3.97
SOS 1.36 — 0.68 — 0.51
rate of 5°C/min (9). Heating and cooling thermogram traces
Total 46.43 45.95 47.56 36.61 40.07
were recorded and maxima and minima peak temperatures, Trisaturated
and onset peak positions were tabulated. MMM 0.76 0.42 0.46 0.93 0.54
MMP 2.38 1.70 1.85 2.05 2.27
PPP 4.81 5.51 0.50 27.16 —
Total 7.95 8.69 2.81 35.20 2.81
Chemical properties. The fatty acid compositions of CPO Unknown — — — 2.69 —
and its products are shown in Table 1. RBD palm olein and a
See Table 1 for abbreviations. Retention time of unknown peak lies between
superolein had a higher content of unsaturated fatty acid than PPL and OOO.

JAOCS, Vol. 76, no. 2 (1999)

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