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Spill Science & Technology Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.

195-198, 1996
© 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd
Pergamon All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
PIT: S1353-2561(97)00011-X 1353~2561/96 $15.00+0.00

A New Method for the

Determination of Wax Content
of Crude Oils
and J. MULLINt
*Emergencies Science Division, Environmental Technology Centre, Environment Canada,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
tU.S. Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA, U.S.A.

A new method has been developed for determining the wax content in crude oils. Saturate fractions,
obtained during hydrocarbon group separations by open column chromatography, were analyzed by gas
chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC/FID). The ratio of the resolved C1 8 + area to the
total area was used to calculate the wax content of the oil.
Using both the new method and the conventional method (gravimetric determination of solvent­
precipitated waxes) 25 crude oils were analyzed. Overall, very good agreement was found between the two
One solvent-precipitated wax sample was subjected to a clean-up procedure and n-alkane distributions
were obtained for the 'clean' and 'dirty' waxes. Co-precipitation of polar compounds and entrapment of oil
during wax crystallization can cause the gravimetric wax contents of some oils to be exaggerated. It is
suggested that the most problematic oils are those that exhibit non-Newtonian flow behaviour at 15°C.
© 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd

Keywords: Petroleum waxes, coprecipitation, simulated distillation.

Irrtroductiou The most common method for the determination of

waxes in crude oils is precipitation from cold solvent
Petroleum waxes are of two general types: paraffin or mixtures, with gravimetric determination of the
macrocrystalline waxes, composed primarily of recovered waxes. However, the co-precipitation of
straight-chain saturated hydrocarbons with 18-36 polar material with the waxes and the trapping of
carbon atoms, and microcrystalline waxes that contain lighter hydrocarbon components tend to exaggerate
a large percentage of branched and cyclic hydro­ wax content, especially with heavier oils (Ronningsen
carbons with carbon numbers in the 30 to 60 range & Bjomdal, 1991).
(Mansoori, 1996). This paper describes a new method for determining
In the environment, the effects of weathering and the wax content in crude oils, using saturate fractions
low ambient temperatures produce dramatic changes collected from hydrocarbon group separations.
in the rheological properties of even moderately waxy
crude oils. This in tum, significantly affects other oil
properties, such as evaporation and dispersibility. Methods
Hence, accurate determination of the wax content of
crude oils is important. Determination of wax content-gravimetric method

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed (Tel: 613 991 Details of this method have been described
1108; Fax: 613 991 9485; e-mail: Jokuty.Paula@etc.ec.gc.ca) previously (Jokuty et al., 1994). Asphaltenes are

P. JOKUTY et al.

removed from the crude oil by precipitation from n­ GC/FID and GC/MS analysis of saturate fractions and
pentane. Waxes are precipitated from the deasphal­ waxes
tened oil (maltenes) with a methylene chloride/
Saturate samples were weighed and dissolved in
methylethyl ketone mixture at -30°C, filtered, dried
hexane. Wax samples were weighed and dissolved in
and weighed.
toluene. N-alkane distributions, from C8 to C41 were
determined by GC/FID and GC/MS analyses as
Determination of wax content-gas chromatographic described in Wang et al. (1994).
The saturate fraction of a crude oil is obtained by Results
hydrocarbon group separation, described briefly as Both the gravimetric method and the GC method
follows. After removal of asphaltenes by precipitation were used to determine the wax contents of 25 crude
from n-pentane, the maltenes are separated on an open oils. The range of GC wax values was 1-24%. The
silica column into saturates, aromatics and resins by range of gravimetric wax values was 1-37%. Delta
sequential elution with hexane, hexane/benzene, values, the difference between the two wax contents,
methanol and methylene chloride (Jokuty et al., 1995). ranged from - 17 to + 2, with 80% falling between
It is assumed that resin and asphaltene contents are -2 and + 2, inclusive. The results for a representative
not affected by evaporative losses, and that the selection of this majority group are presented in
aromatic portion of the light ends lost during solvent Table I. Table 2 presents the wax results for the five
recovery can be equated to the benzene, toluene, oils with large delta values, together with other
ethylbenzene, xylenes and Crsubstituted benzenes relevant properties.
(BTEX + C 3-benzenes) content of the crude oil A solvent-precipitated wax sample from Sumatran
(Wang et al., 1995). The remainder of the light ends, light crude oil was subjected to the clean-up procedure
calculated by difference, is referred to as the low described above. A summary of the alkane distribu­
boiling saturates (LBS). The saturates recovered from tions for the 'clean' and the 'dirty' wax are presented
the column are referred to as the high boiling saturates in Table 3.
(HBS). The HBS sample is prepared and run as for
simulated distillation (SIMDIS) (Jokuty et al., 1996).
The SIMDIS analyzer uses a special high-temperature Discussion
column and is capable of resolving n-alkanes from Cs Overall, the results from the new method compare
to C 120. very well with those from the old gravimetric method.
The chromatogram obtained is integrated once to Twenty of the 25 oils tested showed excellent
obtain the total area, and a second time to obtain the agreement (delta between - 2 and + 2) between their
area of the resolved peaks, beginning at a retention two wax contents. Of the remaining five oils, two
time corresponding to that of n-octadecane (n-Cd, as (Rangely and Malango) had wax contents that were in
determined from the analysis of a calibration mixture. good agreement with delta values of -5 and -3,
To calculate the wax content of an oil, first the HBS respectively. Three oils (Taching, Sumatran light, and
content is calculated: Sumatran heavy) had GC wax contents much lower
HBS recovered maltenes recovered than gravimetric wax contents, with delta values of
HBS% =100 x x ----:.,----:--­
maltenes used oil used
(saturates+ aromatics)expected Table 1 Wax contents of selected crude oils
x (saturates+ aromatics)recovered
GC waxes Gravimetric
The wax content is calculated by multiplying the Oil name (wto/o) waxes (wt%) Delta*
HBS percent by the ratio of the area of the resolved Gulfaks 4 2 2
C 18 + portion of the chromatogram to the total area. Arabian light 6 4 2
Iranian heavy 6 4 2
Louisiana 4 3 I
Federated 7 6 I
Wax clean-up method Arabian medium 7 6 I
Oseberg 5 5 0
This method was based on a procedure described by Point Arguetlo light 7 7 0
Ronningsen & Bjorndal (1991). A Sumatran light wax Brent 8 8 0
sample was dissolved in hexane. This solution was Statfjord 8 8 0
IFO 180 7 8 -I
filtered through a small amount of silica. The hexane Hondo 4 6 -2
was evaporated and the cleaned wax air-dried over­
night and weighed. *Delta=GC wax-Gravimetric wax.

196 Spill Science & Technology Bulletin 3(4)


Table.2 Wax contents and other properties of selected crude oils

Sumatran Sumatran
Oil name Malango Rangely Taching light heavy

GC waxes (wto/o) II 9 24 24 7
Gravimetric waxes (wto/o) 14 14 33 37 24
Delta* -3 -5 -9 -13 -17
Density@l5'C (g ml- 1) 0.8701 0.8567 0.8700 0.8600 0.9312
Viscosity@l5°C (mPa·s) 63 33 5,138,000** 322,800*** 117,500***
Pour point (°C) 21 17 38 38 18
Low boiling saturates (wt 0/o) 13 17 0 8 0
High boiling saturates (wto/o) 49 54 74 62 46
Resins (wt%) 9 5 9 6 13

*Delta=GC wax-Gravimetric wax.

**Shear rate=O.l s- 1.
***Shearrate=l s- 1 •

Table 3 Summary of n-alkane distributions other chemical and physical properties as summarized
in Table 2.
Sumatran light Sumatran light Sumatran light and Taching are very waxy oils, as is
n-Alkanes (mg g- 1) dirty wax clean wax
evident from their very high pour points. As shown in
Total 368 497 Table 3, in the Sumatran light wax samples, alkanes
%<Cl8 5o/o 1o/o lighter than C 18 accounted for 5% of the total n­
95o/o 99%
alkanes found in the 'dirty' wax, but only 1% in the
'clean' wax. Also, cleaning the wax resulted in a 35%
increase in the n-alkane content, from 368 mg g- 1 to
497 mg g- 1, indicating the removal of non-alkane
-9, -13, and -17, respectively. To understand why material. Low boiling saturates are absent in Taching.
the GC and gravimetric wax contents differ so much In view of this evidence, the delta value of -9 for
for these three oils, it is helpful to look at some of their Taching is probably due solely to co-precipitation of

Sumatran heavy

10 30 40
Time (min.)

Sumatran light
10000 .. "
10 20 30 40
Time (min.)
Fig. 1 Chromatograms of Sumatran heavy and Sumatran light saturate fractions.

Spill Science & Technology Bulletin 3(4) 197

P. JOKUTY et al.

resins (9% ), while the delta value of - 13 for considerable reduction in time, effort and cost to
Sumatran light is likely due to a combination of co­ produce wax content data.
precipitation of resins (6%) and entrapment of oil
during wax crystallization. Acknowledgements-This work was co-funded by the United States
Figure 1 shows the extreme difference in the amount Minerals Management Service and the Emergencies Science Division
of resolved material in the saturate fractions of of Environment Canada.
Sumatran heavy and Sumatran light. Clearly, Suma­
tran heavy is much less waxy than Sumatran light.
This is confirmed by a much lower pour point for References
Sumatran heavy. Taking into account that the total Jokuty, P., Whiticar, S. and Fingas, M. (1994) Oil analytical
saturate content of Sumatran heavy is low compared techniques for environmental purposes. In Proceedings of the 17th
with Sumatran light, that low boiling saturates are Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, pp. 245­
260. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
absent in the former oil, and that the resin content of Jokuty, P., Whiticar, S., Fingas, M., Meyer, E. and Knobel, C.
Sumatran heavy is more than twice that of Sumatran (1995) Hydrocarbon groups and their relationships to oil
light, it is probable that the delta value of -17 for properties and behaviour. In Proceedings of the 18th Arctic and
Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, pp. 1-19.
Sumatran heavy is due primarily to co-precipitation of Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
resins and entrapment of oil during wax crystal­ Jokuty, P., Whiticar, S., Wang, Z., Fingas, M., Lambert, P.,
lization. Fieldhouse, B. and Mullin, J. (1996) In A Catalogue of Crude Oil
and Oil Product Properties, Manuscript Report EE-157, pp. A6-­
A7. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
Mansoori, G. A. (1996) Wax and waxy crude oil. The role of
temperature on heavy organics deposition from petroleum fluids.
Conclusions Http://www.uic.edU/;,;mansoori/ Wax.and.Waxy.Crude_Html,
University of Illinois, Chicago.
For most oils, the GC wax content and the Ronningsen, H.P. and Bjorndal, B. (1991) Wax precipitation from
gravimetric wax content are comparable. The gravi­ North Sea crude oils. I. Crystallization and dissolution
temperatures, and Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow proper­
metric method will generally produce an acceptable ties. Energy and Fuels 5(6, 895-908.
result. However, for some oils, notably those with Wang, Z., Fingas, M., Landriault, M., Sigouin, L. and Xu, N. (1995)
non-Newtonian flow behaviour at l5°C, the GC Identification of alkyl benzenes and direct determination of BTEX
and (BTEX + C:i-benzenes) in oils by GC/MS. In Proceedings of
method gives a more accurate value. This could be the 18th Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar,
an important consideration when determining wax pp. 141-164. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
contents of weathered crude oils, as many oils exhibit Wang, Z., Fingas, M. and Li, K. (1994) Fractionation of a light
crude oil and identification and quantitation of aliphatic,
non-Newtonian flow behaviour after moderate eva­ aromatic, and biomarker compounds by GC-FID and GC-MS,
porative losses. The GC method also offers a part I. J. Chrom. Sci. 32, 361-382.

198 Spill Science & Technology Bulletin 3(4)

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