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Wax Content by DSC

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The paper proposes a new method to determine the wax content of crude oil using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) by calculating the ratio of the total thermal effect of the crude oil to that of its corresponding wax.

Existing methods for determining wax content such as the standard acetone method are complex, use toxic solvents, and lack accuracy and repeatability. The paper aims to develop a more convenient and reliable alternative method.

The new method determines wax content as the ratio (Qoil/Qwax) of the total thermal effect Q of the crude oil to that of its precipitated wax, as measured by DSC. Two empirical correlations are established relating this ratio to wax contents from the standard method.

Thermochimica Acta 410 (2004) 23–26

Determining the wax content of crude oils by using

differential scanning calorimetry
Jun Chen∗ , Jinjun Zhang, Hongying Li
Department of Petroleum Storage and Transportation, University of Petroleum, Changping District, Beijing 102249, PR China

Received 24 March 2003; received in revised form 24 March 2003; accepted 30 June 2003


By the use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), a new method to measure the wax content of crude oil has been developed. In this
paper, the wax content of a crude oil is proposed and proved to be the Q (total thermal effect of wax precipitation in sample) ratio of the
crude oil and its corresponding wax obtained by using standard acetone method, i.e. Qoil /Qwax . For the 14 studied crude oils with the wax
content ranging from 1 to 27 wt.%, the wax contents determined by the presented method are in good agreement with those determined by
standard acetone method, with an absolute average deviation of only 0.82 wt.%. This method has an advantage over reported DSC methods
in which the exact dissolution or precipitation enthalpy of wax is a must. It is also found that the wax contents determined by either of the
two methods show good linear relationship with the total thermal effect Qoil , with the correlation coefficients over 0.96. According to the
empirical correlations, the wax content of a crude oil can be easily determined by using the DSC total thermal effect Qoil . In addition and
more significantly, the new method can be applied to improve the accuracy in determining the amount of precipitated wax in a waxy crude oil
at different temperatures.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Crude oil; Wax content; Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

1. Introduction further application has been reported in determining the wax

content of crude oils.
Determining the wax content of crude oil is of great im- In recent years, researchers are trying to find more conve-
portance for petroleum industry, especially for production, nient and reliable methods to determine the wax content of
storage and transportation of waxy crude oils. There have crude oils. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is well
been some methods for wax content measurement. The stan- documented as a powerful technique for investigating the
dard acetone method (UOP method 46–64) and its modi- characteristics of crude oils [6–13]. Previous work has re-
fied versions [1,2] appear to be the industrial practice to ported that determining the wax content by DSC generally
determine the wax content of crude oils. Besides, gas chro- requires the base-line computation [6–12] and the knowl-
matography [3], pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) edge of the experimental equation Hdiss = f(T) (the disso-
[4] and density measurement technique [5] have been used lution enthalpy) [7–10] which allows transformation of the
for measuring the wax content. However, the procedure of measured heat in the wax mass and therefore the computa-
standard acetone method is very complex and some toxic tion of wax content. The base-line for a crude oil is gener-
solvents (such as toluene, benzene, etc.) have to be used. ally assumed to be a line between the end of the exothermal
Gas chromatographic method and pulsed NMR method bear effect after the glass transition temperature and the end of
poor accuracy and low repeatability [3,4]. Density mea- the dissolution of the wax [9], or a straight line computed
surement technique requires specialized equipment, and no by least-squares fitting with the values of the calorimetric
signal included in the temperature range from wax appear-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-10-89733283;
ance temperature (WAT) to 10 K above [11]. However, in
fax: +86-10-89733543.
most cases, the values of the calorimetric signal between
E-mail addresses: jchen66@sohu.com (J. Chen), WAT and 10 K above it are not straight enough for base-line
zhangliangupc@263.net (J. Zhang), lihy314@sohu.com (H. Li). computation, and the glass transition temperature of crude

0040-6031/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
24 J. Chen et al. / Thermochimica Acta 410 (2004) 23–26

oil is generally hard to reach when liquid N2 cooling is ap-

plied. Furthermore, every crude oil has its own unique ex-
perimental equation Hdiss = f(T), which is very difficult
to determine accurately. Some studies were reported that the
average precipitation enthalpy Hprec [11,12] of pure wax
in the crude oil was used for the computation of wax con-
tent. Unfortunately no satisfied Hprec or related equations
have been achieved.
In the present work, a new method has been proposed and
approved to determine the wax content of crude oil more
accurately. Wax contend can be determined by using the
total thermal effect Q ratio of the crude oil and the corre- Fig. 1. A sample of DSC curve of crude oil.
sponding wax sample obtained by standard acetone method,
i.e. Qoil /Qwax . Empirical correlations have been established,
which made the determination of wax content competitively heat flow is carried out using the melting point and the heat
easier than earlier reported methods. of melting high purity metal indium. Dry N2 gas is purged
through the DSC cell, and the cooling is accomplished with
a liquid-nitrogen cooling-accessory. A 4–8 mg thermally
2. Experimental details pretreated crude oil specimen is then transferred into an
aluminum crucible, which is then sealed and weighed. Ex-
2.1. Samples periments are carried out by heating the crucible to 80 ◦ C
and keeping the temperature for 1 min, and then cooling it
Fourteen crude oils used in this work cover a large range of at a cooling-rate of 5 ◦ C/min from 80 to −30 ◦ C. Four to
fluid compositions and properties. A brief description of the five parallel runs are made and averaged results are used to
crude oils investigated is given in Table 1. The wax contents improve precision.
are determined by both the presented DSC method and the In this paper, the total thermal effect Q of the wax pre-
standard acetone method. Before experiment, all the crude cipitation in specimen can be computed by integrating
oils are thermally pretreated, namely, the samples are heated the area between DSC calorimetric signal curve and the
to 80 ◦ C for 2 h in closed containers and shaken thoroughly line connecting the two signals at temperatures of −20 ◦ C
to ensure complete dissolution of wax. Then the closed con- and WAT (see Fig. 1). This procedure can easily be car-
tainers are left to cool to environmental temperature. ried out by using a software from TA instrument thermal
2.2. Differential scanning calorimetry
2.3. Modified standard acetone method
All thermal analyses are performed using a TA2000/
MDSC2910 DSC apparatus. Calibration for temperature and The wax contents of crude oils are determined according
Table 1
to the Chinese Petroleum Test Standard SY/T 7550–2000,
Brief description of oil samples used in this investigation a slightly modified version of the standard acetone method.
The specimen of thermally preheated crude oil is mixed
Sample Crude oil WATa Pour Wax contentc
no. pointb (wt.%)
with petroleum ether (1:30 (v/v)), left for about 1 h to
ensure complete dissolution, then transferred to a glass
1 Qinhai 46.5 38 20.18
2 Daqing 43.2 36 26.29 chromatographic column packed by calcined F-20 alu-
3 Zhongyuan 49.7 35 21.51 mina which is prewetted by petroleum ether. Then add
4 Mahuining 28.9 18 10.12 the eluant of benzene, simultaneously collect eluate at
5 Shengli 34.3 17 9.62 the rate of 2–3 ml/min into a clean weighted Erlenmeyer
6 Qiuling 21.5 15 10.93
flask. Take away the flask when the obvious black ring of
7 Nanhai 44.4 33 19.60
8 Sudan 57.8 35 21.23 cut-point reaches the bottom of the alumina bed. Evap-
9 Donghetang 17.2 <−30 1.58 orate the collected eluate at 120 ◦ C to remove most of
10 Oil blend 1 39.3 25 9.71 the solvent, and the left is dissolved in the 1:1 mixture
11 Oil blend 2 35.1 30 15.99 of toluene and acetone. Then place the flask in a cold
12 Oil blend 3 42.8 29 12.51
bath of −20 ◦ C, keep it for 30 min to ensure the wax
13 Oil blend 4 34.9 13 8.37
14 Oil blend 5 31.8 5 6.08 completely precipitate. Next, filtrate and evaporate the sol-
a The wax appearance temperatures were determined using DSC tech-
vent to dry, reweigh the bottle to obtain the percentage
of total wax in the original oil sample. According to the
b The pour points were determined using standard ASTM D97-2001. standard, the repeatability of this method is within ±10%
c The wax contents were determined by standard acetone method. relative.
J. Chen et al. / Thermochimica Acta 410 (2004) 23–26 25

3. Results and discussion where cwax (wt.%) is wax content of crude oil, Qoil (J/g)
is the total thermal effect Q of crude oil between WAT and
3.1. Experiment results −20 ◦ C.
The linear relation between the Qoil and the corresponding
The wax contents of all the fourteen crude oils are de- wax contents determined by the standard acetone method
termined using both the presented DSC technique and the can be described as Eq. (2) with a correlation coefficient of
standard acetone method. The results given in Table 2 show R2 = 0.9651.
that the Qoil /Qwax values are in good agreement with wax
contents determined by standard acetone method, and there- cwax = 0.73Qoil + 0.74 (2)
fore Qoil /Qwax can be used to determine the wax content.
The average absolute deviation is 0.82 wt.%, and the aver- The comparison of measured wax contents and computed
age relative deviation is 6.996%. ones by Eqs. (1) and (2) is shown in Table 3 and Fig. 3. The
average absolute deviation of wax contents between Eq. (1)
3.2. Empirical equations and the Qoil /Qwax method or between Eq. (2) and the stan-
dard acetone method is within an acceptable level. Because
Good linear relations can be found between the Qoil and the wax content results from the two methods are in good
the corresponding wax contents determined by both standard agreement, there is minor difference between the two em-
acetone method and Qoil /Qwax method (see Fig. 2). pirical equations with only less than 0.5 wt.% of absolute
The linear relation between the Qoil and the correspond- deviation within the wax content range of 0–27 wt.%. Ac-
ing wax contents determined by Qoil /Qwax method can be cording to Eq. (1) or Eq. (2), the wax content of any crude
expressed as Eq. (1) with a correlation coefficient of R2 = oil can be easily computed provided that the total thermal
0.9837. effect Q of the wax precipitation in crude oil between WAT
and −20 ◦ C was obtained.
cwax = 0.75Qoil + 0.20 (1)
3.3. Application in determination of precipitated wax
Qoil /Q wax method at different temperatures
Wax content / wt%

Standard acetone method

20 Eqs. (1) and (2) help improving the accuracy of comput-
ing the amount of precipitated wax in crude oils at different
10 temperatures when the precipitation enthalpy or dissolution
enthalpy of pure wax and the base-line computation are dif-
ficult to determine.
0 20 30
When the values of the DSC calorimetric signal between
-1 WAT and 10 K above it are straight enough for base-line
Qoil / J g
computation, an adjustment of the precipitation or dissolu-
Fig. 2. The relationship between wax content and the Qoil . tion enthalpy of pure wax can be used to make the computed

Table 2
Comparison of the two wax content determination methods
Sample no. Total thermal effect Q (J/g) Wax contenta (wt.%) Deviation (wt.%) Relative deviation (%)

Qwax Qoil A B
1 145.6 29.07 19.96 20.18 −0.22 −1.09
2 128.6 32.34 25.14 26.29 −1.15 −4.37
3 133.6 25.54 19.11 21.51 −2.40 −11.16
4 145.9 14.49 9.93 10.12 −0.19 −1.88
5 117.1 10.12 8.65 9.62 −0.97 −10.08
6 122.8 13.48 10.97 10.93 0.04 0.37
7 139.8 12.89 9.22 9.71 −0.49 −5.05
8 140.5 27.56 19.61 19.60 0.01 0.05
9 125.9 27.99 22.23 21.23 1.00 4.71
10 133.4 2.00 1.50 1.58 −0.08 −5.06
11 125.9 21.67 17.21 15.99 1.22 7.63
12 134.3 19.32 14.39 12.91 1.48 11.46
13 128.0 10.06 7.86 8.37 −0.51 −6.09
14 138.3 5.98 4.32 6.08 −1.76 −28.95
Absolute average 0.82 6.996
Deviation = A − B; relative deviation = ((A − B)/B) × 100%.
a Wax content A was determined by Q /Q
oil wax ; wax content B, standard acetone method.
26 J. Chen et al. / Thermochimica Acta 410 (2004) 23–26

Table 3
Deviations of computed and measured wax contents
Item Number of Absolute deviation Relative deviation
data, n
Maximum Average Standard Maximum Average Standard
(wt.%) (wt.%) deviation (%) (%) deviation
Eq. (1) 14 1.75 0.72 0.51 12.00 6.14 3.58
Eq. (2) 14 2.12 1.07 0.70 39.24 10.36 9.71
Note: Absolute average deviation = (1/n) n1 |cc − cm |; average relative deviation = (1/n) n1 |cc − cm |/cm ; standard deviation =
n (cc − cm )2 − |cc − cm | /n(n − 1), where cc , cm are calculated and measured wax contents.

30 its precipitated wax obtained by using standard acetone

Standard acetone method method.
Computed wax content / wt%

Q oil/Q wax method 2. Two empirical correlations have been established on the
basis of good linear relations between Qoil and the wax
20 contents determined by both standard acetone method and
Qoil /Qwax method. Those make it easier to determine the
wax content of crude oils.
3. The new established correlations open a new way to im-
prove the accuracy of computing the amount of precipi-
tated wax in crude oils at different temperatures.

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