Stress Changes of Lateral Collateral Ligament at Different Knee Flexion With or Without Displaced Movements: A 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
Stress Changes of Lateral Collateral Ligament at Different Knee Flexion With or Without Displaced Movements: A 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
Stress Changes of Lateral Collateral Ligament at Different Knee Flexion With or Without Displaced Movements: A 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
【Abstract】 Objective: To create a 3-dimensional motions of anterior-posterior tibial translation, tibial varus
finite element model of knee ligaments and to analyse the rotation and internal-external tibial rotation were measured.
stress changes of lateral collateral ligament (LCL) with or Results: The maximum stress reached to 87%-113%
without displaced movements at different knee flexion versus natural stress in varus motion at early 30° of knee
conditions. flexions. The stress values were smaller than the peak value
Methods: A four-major-ligament contained knee speci- of natural stress at 0° (knee full extension) when knee bend-
men from an adult died of skull injury was prepared for CT ing was over 60° of flexion in anterior-posterior tibial trans-
scanning with the detectable ligament insertion footprints, lation and internal-external rotation.
locations and orientations precisely marked in advance. The Conclusion: LCL is vulnerable to varus motion in
CT scanning images were converted to a 3-dimensional almost all knee bending positions and susceptible to ante-
model of the knee with the 3-dimensional reconstruction rior-posterior tibial translation or internal-external rotation
technique and transformed into finite element model by the at early 30° of knee flexions.
software of ANSYS. The model was validated using experi- Key words: Knee joint; Collateral ligaments; Finite
mental and numerical results obtained by other scientists. element analysis
The natural stress changes of LCL at five different knee
Chin J Traumatol 2011; 14(2):79-83
flexion angles (0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°) and under various
eing one of the biggest and most complicated an in vitro knee model which could simulate the knee
joints of human body, knee joint plays a key motion for the studies of knee ligament kinematics and
role in the motion of lower extremity and is biomechanics.
subjected to a high incidence of injuries. For the assess-
ment of the functional behaviour of knee ligaments and With various hypotheses of human knee kinematics,
the intimate understanding of their injury mechanisms, many knee models1-3 have been designed for different
the biomechanics of the human knee has been investi- applications. And with the development of technology,
gated extensively in the past. Considering the com- a more accurate and precise model is request by sci-
plexity of in vivo study, most of the researchers utilized entists and surgeons. The 3-dimensional (3-D) finite el-
ement technique is one of the most important advances
in biomechanic study of the knee. It combines the com-
DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1008-1275.2011.02.003
puter 3-D reconstruction technology with the elasticity
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Shanghai 9th
People’s Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong
theory. The researched subject or target is considered
University, Shanghai 200011, China (Zhong YL, Wang Y, as a consecutive elastic whole and divided into a se-
Wang HP and Rong K) ries of limited physical units called finite elements. With
National Die and Mold CAD Engineering Research this method, we can set up a special 3-D finite element
Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200011, knee model loaded with the interesting targets (as knee
China (Xie L)
ligaments) to investigate their mechanical property more
*Corresponding author: Tel: 86-21-63139920. Email:
accurately under different given conditions.
This study was supported by the grant from the Na-
tional High Technology Research and Development Pro- Recently, there have been lots of 3-D finite element
gram of China (863 Program, No.2006AA01Z310). studies on the knee ligaments of the anterior cruciate liga-
. 80 . Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2011; 14(2):79-83
ment (ACL)4 and medial collateral ligament (MCL)5, gram for conducting 3-D reconstruction of the geomet-
showing great advantages in repeatability, accuracy and ric patterns of the knee-partial ligament models (without
resemblance to the human physiological environment. ligament insertions) at the different knee flexion angles.
In regard to the lateral collateral ligament (LCL), The femoral or tibial 3-D skeleton model with clear foot-
however, the reports are few in the literature. The lack prints of four main ligament insertions was matched
of LCL data may be partially due to its low rupture with the bony part of each 3-D knee-partial ligament
occurrence. In an epidemiological study of total 500 model by generating close-fits of driven screw sites in
knee injuries, the rate of LCL injury was only 4%, com- both models, facilitating the entire ligament reconstruc-
pared with 63% for ACL injury and 44% for MCL injury.6 tion (with insertions) and the completion of 3-D knee-
Nevertheless, LCL injury especially complete rupture ligament models (Figure 1).
injury, is far more difficult to heal clinically and often
requires surgical intervention. A thorough investigation Finite element models
of the dynamic function of LCL in knee stability during The geometric patterns of the 3-D knee-ligament
full range of motion is still necessary for understanding models were transferred into finite element models by
its injury mechanism and proper ways of prevention. In setting the property of unit, generating the knot and
this article, a 3-D finite element model of knee with its dividing meshes. For simplification, the bony parts of
four main ligaments derived from the CT scanning image the models (femur and tibia) were recognized as rigid-
was established and the stress of LCL was gained by ity and the ligaments were described as successive,
finite element analysis during passive knee bending un- uniform, isotropic and liner elastic in property. The
der the different conditions of knee movement positions. Young’s modulus of (345.0±22.4) MPa was used for
LCL, ACL, PCL 7 and (332.2±58.3) MPa for MCL8 as a
METHODS material property and loaded to the finite element mod-
els according to the literature. In our model, we as-
Preparation of the specimen sumed that there was no difference in the material be-
A normal knee of a fresh corpse died of skull injury tween the ligament and its insertion, and the material
was used for study. All the periarticular soft tissues characteristics depending on time, such as viscoelas-
including skin and muscle were removed from the knee ticity and relaxation were neglected. The ligament in-
joint. The distal femur, proximal tibia and the four major sertion sites, considered as the contact surface, were
ligaments, i.e. ACL, posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), glued with the ligaments by the software. After setting
MCL and LCL, were kept intact. Three 2.8 mm screws up the property of unit and the contact surface, the 3-D
were positioned at the bone surfaces of the femur and knee-ligament finite element model was formed auto-
tibia respectively as markers for the possible matching matically by dividing grid software at 5 different flexion
in later study. The ligaments were carefully wreathed angles. The finite element model contains the femur,
by steel wires 1 mm in diameter and 5 mm in interval. tibia and four major ligaments of knee joint (Figure 2).
The steel wires were used to locate the positions and In order to compare our results to those of other
shapes of ligaments between their insertions on CT scientists’, a 134 N anterior load was applied to the
scanning images. tibia at the full extension, and the tibial movement was
recorded by the software.
CT scanning and 3-D reconstruction
CT scanning at intervals of 0.625 mm was performed Stress measurement and analysis
for 5 times on the ligament-contained knee specimen In 5 models without knee displacement, the abso-
at the flexion angle of 0°, 30°, 60°, 90° and 120° lute lengths of LCL at different knee flexion angles (0°,
respectively. The bony specimen underwent CT scan- 30°, 60°, 90° and 120°) were measured first. The center
ning once again after removal of all the ligaments and of the insertion site was determined using the ANSYS
marked in the edges of the ligament insertion footprints software. Cut the ligaments into a few cross-sections
by multiple puncture with 1.5 mm K-wire on the femur and divide their center separately through the software
and tibia for the 3-D skeleton models. The CT scanning CATIA. Connect the center of the insertion site and the
data of ligament-contained knee specimens were then cross-sections by the curve which can represent the 3-
introduced into the Mimics 10.01 medical imaging pro- D length of the ligament (Figure 3). The model with the
Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2011; 14(2):79-83 . 81 .
shortest length of LCL was considered as reference different knee displacement motions, i.e. 5 mm ante-
model. Then we compared the lengths of other 4 mod- rior tibial translation, 5 mm posterior tibial translation,
els with those of the reference model and calculated 5° tibial varus rotation, 5° tibial internal rotation and 5°
their relative stress values of LCL by a finite element tibial external rotation. These movements were taken
software, setting the stress value of the reference model at 5 knee flexion angles (0°, 30°, 60°, 90° and 120°)
as 0. A series of stress values of LCL were also studied and their stress values in the ligament were recorded.
using the same reference model when we simulate 5
Anterior or posterior tibial translation of 5 mm
After 5 mm anterior or posterior tibial translation, the
Stress of LCL without knee displacement
stress on the LCL increased moderately (Figures 5 and 6).
The length of LCL was found to decrease with the
The highest stress appeared at the models of 0° knee
knee getting more flexion and the shortest length of
flexion, being 6.17 MPa and 5.92 MPa respectively.
LCL among 5 non-displaced models was 47.63 mm in
With the increase of flexion angle of the knee, the added
the model of 120° knee flexion. Supposing the model of
value of stress in either anterior or posterior displace-
120° knee flexion was the reference model and the
ment models dropped gradually from about 2 MPa in
stress of LCL was 0, the stress of LCL was estimated
knee fully extended models to less than 1 MPa in 120°
to be 1.13 MPa in the model of 90° knee flexion, 1.87
knee flexion models. The stress values were smaller
MPa in the model of 60° knee flexion, 2.95 MPa in the
than the peak value of initial stress at 0° when knee
model of 30° knee flexion and 3.90 MPa in the model of 0°
bending was over 60° of flexion.
. 82 . Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2011; 14(2):79-83