Financing Working Capital by Banks: 6 Committees: 1. Dehejia Committee Report
Financing Working Capital by Banks: 6 Committees: 1. Dehejia Committee Report
Financing Working Capital by Banks: 6 Committees: 1. Dehejia Committee Report
The following points highlight the six committees involved in financing working capital by banks, i.e,
1. Dehejia Committee
2. Tandon Committee
3. Chore Committee
4. Marathe Committee
5. Chakravarty Committee
The committee was of the opinion that there was also a tendency to divert short-term credit for long-
term assets. Although committee was of the opinion that it was difficult to evolve norms for lending
to industrial concerns, the committee recommended that the banks should finance industry on the
basis of a study of borrower’s total operations rather than security basis alone.
The Committee further recommended that the total credit requirements of the borrower should be
segregated into ‘Hard Core’ and ‘Short-term’ component.
The ‘Hard Core’ component which should represent the minimum level of inventories which the
industry was required to hold for maintaining a given level of production should be put on a formal
term loan basis and subject to repayment schedule. The committee was also of the opinion that
generally a customer should be required to confine his dealings to one bank only.
(2) To suggest the type of operational data and other information that may be obtained by banks
periodically from the borrowers and by the Reserve Bank of India from the leading banks;
(3) To make suggestions for prescribing inventory norms for the different industries, both in the
private and public sectors and indicate the broad criteria for deviating from these norms ;
(4) To make recommendations regarding resources for financing the minimum working capital
(5) To suggest criteria regarding satisfactory capital structure and sound financial basis in relation to
(6) To make recommendations as to whether the existing pattern of financing working capital
requirements by cash credit/overdraft system etc., requires to be modified, if so, to suggest suitable
(ii) Bank credit instead of being taken as a supplementary to other sources of finance is treated as
the first source of finance.
Although the Committee recommended the continuation of the existing cash credit system, it
suggested certain modifications so as to control the bank finance. The banks should get the
information regarding the operational plans of the customer in advance so as to carry a realistic
appraisal of such plans and the banks should also know the end-use of bank credit so that the
finances are used only for purposes for which they are lent.
The recommendations of the committee regarding lending norms have been suggested under three
alternatives. According to the first method, the borrower will have to contribute a minimum of 25% of
the working capital gap from long-term funds, i.e., owned funds and term borrowing; this will give a
minimum current ratio of 1.17: 1.
Under the second method the borrower will have to provide a minimum of 25% of the total current
assets from long-term funds; this will give a minimum current ratio of 1.33: 1. In the third method,
the borrower’s contribution from long-term funds will be to the extent of the entire core current
assets and a minimum of 25% of the balance current assets, thus strengthening the current ratio
3. Chore Committee Report:
The Reserve Bank of India in March, 1979 appointed another committee under the chairmanship of
Shri K.B. Chore to review the working of cash credit system in recent years with particular reference
to the gap between sanctioned limits and the extent of their utilization and also to suggest
alternative type of credit facilities which should ensure greater credit discipline.
(ii) The banks should undertake a periodical review of limits of Rs 10 lacs and above.
(iii) The banks should not bifurcate cash credit accounts into demand loan and cash credit
(iv) If a borrower does not submit the quarterly returns in time the banks may charge penal interest
of one per cent on the total amount outstanding for the period of default.
(v) Banks should discourage sanction of temporary limits by charging additional one per cent
interest over the normal rate on these limits.
(vi) The banks should fix separate credit limits for peak level and non-peak level, wherever possible.
(vii) Banks should take steps to convert cash credit limits into bill limits for financing sales.
(ii) The committee has suggested the introduction of the ‘Fast Track Scheme’ to improve the quality
of credit appraisal in banks. It recommended that commercial banks can release without prior
approval of the Reserve Bank 50% of the additional credit required by the borrowers (75% in case
of export oriented manufacturing units) where the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) The estimates/projections in regard to production, sales, chargeable current assets, other
current assets, current liabilities other than bank borrowings, and net working capital are reasonable
in terms of the past trends and assumptions regarding most likely trends during the future projected
(b) The classification of assets and liabilities as ‘current’ and ‘non-current’ is in conformity with the
guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India.
(c) The projected current ratio is not below 1.33 : 1.
(d) The borrower has been submitting quarterly information and operating statements (Form I, II
and III) for the past six months within the prescribed time and undertakes to do the same in future
(e) The borrower undertakes to submit to the bank his annual account regularly and promptly,
further, the bank is required to review the borrower’s facilities at least once in a year even if the
borrower does not need enhancement in credit facilities.
The committee made two major recommendations in regard to the working capital finance:
(i) Penal Interest for Delayed Payments:
The committee has suggested that the government must insist that all public sector units, large
private sector units and government departments must include penal interest payment clause in
their contracts for payments delayed beyond a specified period. The penal interest may be fixed at
2 per cent higher than the minimum lending rate of the supplier’s bank.
(3) Normal Working Capital Limit to cover the balance credit facilities.
The interest rates proposed for the three heads are also different. Basic lending rate of the bank
should be charged to Cash Credit II, and the Normal Working Capital Limit be charged as below:
(a) For Cash Credit Portion: Maximum prevailing lending rate of the bank.
(b) For Bill Finance Portion: 2% below the basic lending rate of the bank.
(c) For Loan Portion: The rate may vary between the minimum and maximum lending rate of the
It recommended that the arithmetical rigidities imposed by Tandon Committee (and reinforced by
Chore Committee) in the form of MPBF computation so far been in practice, should be scrapped.
The Committee further recommended that freedom to each bank be given in regard to evolving its
own system of working capital finance for a faster credit delivery so as to serve various borrowers
more effectively.
It also suggested that line of credit system (LCS), as prevalent in many advanced countries, should
replace the existing system of assessment/fixation of sub-limits within total working capital
The Committee proposed to shift emphasis from the Liquidity Level Lending (Security Based
Lending) to the Cash Deficit Lending called Desirable Bank Finance (DBF). Some of the
recommendations of the committee have already been accepted by the Reserve Bank of India with
suitable modifications.
The important measures adopted by RBI in this respect are given below:
(i) Assessment of working capital finance based on the concept of MPBF, as recommended by
Tandon Committee, has been withdrawn. The banks have been given full freedom to evolve an
appropriate system for assessing working capital needs of the borrowers within the guidelines and
norms already prescribed by Reserve Bank of India.
(ii) The turnover method may continue to be used as a tool to assess the requirements of small
borrowers. For small scale and tiny industries, this method of assessment has been extended upto
total credit limits of Rs 2 crore as against existing limit of 1 crore.
(iii) Banks may now adopt Cash Budgeting System for assessing the working capital finance in
respect of large borrowers.
(iv) The banks have also been allowed to retain the present method of MPBF with necessary
modification or any other system as they deem fit.
(v) Banks should lay down transparent policy and guidelines for credit dispensation in respect of
each broad category of economic activity.
(vi) The RBI’s instructions relating to directed credit, quantitative limits on lending and prohibitions
of credit shall continue to be in force. The present reporting system to RBI under the Credit
Monitoring Arrangement (CMA) shall also continue in force.