Lesson Plan 17 - Year 10s Physics
Lesson Plan 17 - Year 10s Physics
Lesson Plan 17 - Year 10s Physics
Efficiency of energy
Lesson Steps
Time: Procedure
Enter class
2mins *stand in the doorway of the classroom*
Teacher: “Hey guys. Come in. collect a laptop before sitting down and doing you
spelling test.”
Spelling -WK 8 spelling
8mins *stand at the front of the class*
Teacher: “Everyone should be quietly working on their spelling. When you finish
your spelling collect a laptop and start working on your assignments that are due at
the end of the lesson.”
*walk around the class to make sure students are on task*
Let students work on spelling for 3 mins
Teacher: “You should have finished your spelling by now and are working on your
reports that are due today.”
Work on report
Teacher: “Okay you now have the rest of this lesson to work on your reports. Use
your time efficiently. If you have any questions now’s the time to ask me.”
37 *walk around to make sure students are on task*
mins Assists students where necessary
Teacher: “if you are done. Give me a copy of it on a thumb drive. I will print it off.
Then you can get a friend to proof read it and give you feedback.”
Teacher: “ If you have already had your work proof read by a friend- I have created
a link up on student connect- you need to submit your assignment as a word
document named – surname-rollercoaster.docx.
hand out mind map activity guidelines
15min students create a mind map online on canva that covers motion forces and
s energy changes
Assist students where necessary
When finished save it and send it to my email
Note: walk around class and make sure students are on task
If finished – EXCEL ACTIVITY
Give students an excel activity worksheet that will recap and expand on
excel skills that were learnt whilst creating their reports
Student are to read through a worksheet that gives them step by step
instructions to create tables, graphs and formulas
Save work
13min Teacher: “Alright. We have 13 minutes to go. Make sure you have submitted your
s reports whether you have finished them or not. I have left the submission link open
so that you can resubmit your assignment if it isn’t finished now. If you resubmit
later you will incur a 2% late fee.”
Okay pack up your area and return laptops to their correct trolleys
Assign HW- 9.1 Foundations
Evaluation of Student Learning:
Monitor student’s participation in classroom activities
Monitor student’s questions during one on one interactions
Monitor student’s responses to prompting questions
Collect and mark rollercoaster report to test understand of energy transfer
Did students need more time on their reports?
Are you approachable- not intimidating to students?
Did you need more extra activities for students that had finished their reports?
Do students reports exhibit good understanding?