A Systematic Methodology For Analysing Disruption PDF
A Systematic Methodology For Analysing Disruption PDF
A Systematic Methodology For Analysing Disruption PDF
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The uncertainty, complexity, multiparty and dynamic environment that typify modern
construction have led to many projects encountering various problems. The Egan
report (Egan 1998) bears testimony to this, stating that recent studies in UK, US and
Scandinavian countries suggest that up to 30% of construction is rework, labour is
used at only 40-60 % of potential efficiency, accidents can account for 3-6 % of total
project costs and at least 10% of materials are wasted. One of the most frequently
encountered problems is disruption to contractors’ progress, which causes
inefficiencies or loss in productivity. Various studies have decried the high incidence
of this problem in recent times (Horner et al. 1987; Semple et al. 1994; Thomas and
Oloufa 1995).
The UK’s Society of Construction Law protocol on delay and disruption has defined
disruption (as distinct from delay) as disturbance or interruption to a contractor’s
normal working methods resulting in lower efficiency or lost productivity (SCL 2002:
31). A common cause of disruption is therefore changes (or variations), which are
often ordered by employers. The negative impacts of changes on labour productivity
are well documented in many studies (e.g. Thomas and Napolitan 1995; Ibbs 1997;
Hanna et al. 1999a; Hanna et al. 1999b). The impacts include stop-and-go operations,
out-of-sequence work, loss in productive rhythm, demotivation of work force, loss in
learning curve, unbalanced crews, excessive labour fluctuations, overtime, and
working in adverse weather conditions (Hanna and Heale 1994; Schwartzkopf 1995).
Braimah, N, Ndekugri, I and Gameson, R (2007) A systematic methodology for analysing disruption
claims. In: Boyd, D (Ed) Procs 23rd Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2007, Belfast, UK,
Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 137-146.
Braimah, Ndekugri and Gameson
The occurrence of these events, if caused by the employer, may give rise to a right to
compensation under either an express term of the contract or as a breach of contract.
Analysing project disruptions to ensure that the responsible party compensates the
claimant for the damages done, is however often recognized as a difficult undertaking
at its best (Schwartzkopf 1995; Ibbs 1997). A major cause of the difficulty is the fact
that productivity losses are often attributable to multiple events and project
participants (Leonard et al. 1988; Hanna and Heale 1994), where the events may
occur simultaneously. This makes it difficult to unravel and sort out clearly what is
often a tangled web or ‘spaghetti’ of interrelated issues and problems into their
individual causes and effects. The situation is further exacerbated when the
contractor’s claim includes the unforeseeable impacts or ‘ripple’ effects of multiple
change orders on work not covered by the change instruction. The cumulative
(synergistic) impacts of these changes are particularly troublesome to resolve as
described by a Construction Industry Institute report (Hester et al. 1991) - “when
there are multiple changes on a project and they act in sequence or concurrently there
is a compounding effect – this is the most damaging consequence for a project and the
most difficult to understand and manage. The net effect of the individual effect of the
individual changes is much greater than a sum of the individual parts”.
Yet the standard of proof required for contractors to succeed with disruption claims
must meet demanding objectives (Shea 1989; Klanac and Nelson 2004). These include
presenting the claims using the best evidence available to prove cause and effect
relationships of actions or inactions of the parties and making it clear and simple
enough for the understanding of all parties involved (Gavin et al. 2001: 82). Sadly,
each of the existing methodologies for analysing disruption is found to be
unsatisfactory from a number of different aspects, particularly in proving cause and
effect relationships (Schwartzkopf 1995; Klanac and Nelson 2004). As a contribution
to aid practitioners overcome this problem, this paper reports on an on-going research
aimed at developing a framework for improving the analysis of disruption claims.
Based on review of the literature a systematic methodology is proposed for
performing the analysis in detailed, clear and equitable manner. The next stage of the
study will focus on its validation and issues of its acceptability and usability in
Disruption claims
The first element is relatively easy to prove than the last two (Klanac and Nelson
2004). The proposed methodology thus focuses on these two challenging elements and
does not address the legal aspects required to prove liability. To clearly satisfy the
required proofs, the methodology considers two somewhat separate phases - causation
and quantum phases. Figure 1 shows a flow chart representing the content of these
The causation phase mainly involves the use of detailed project records and
cause/effect matrix to establish the causal link between all disruption events and
impacts giving rise to extra cost. The quantum phase, however, involve the use of
critical path method (CPM) software with the capability of linking activities defined in
the programme with their cost. This requires the use of activity-based approach to job
costing in order to facilitate cost recordings against activities defined in the
programme. The project cost codes should therefore cover all elements of the work in
appropriate detail with distinction between operations that exhibit different
productivities. Detail discussions of the procedures involved are provided below.
Braimah, Ndekugri and Gameson
Disruption claims
Primary causes
Late informations/instruction
Underestimating of labour
Differing site conditions
Defective plans and specifications
Parties causing
the problems
Braimah, Ndekugri and Gameson
Disruption claims
Braimah, Ndekugri and Gameson
the graphics can simplify complicated issues and grabs the reader’s attention or focus
to the claimant’s argument.
The construction industry is generally aware of the significant cost associated with
disruptions and/or delays to contractor’s progress. However, it is often recognized that
proving these cost by contractors for their recovery in claims is an extremely difficult
undertaking at its best. Whilst a number of methodologies are available for analysing
disruptions claims, each method is found to be unsatisfactory from a number of
different aspects. As a contribution to address this problem, this paper reports on an
on-going research aimed at developing a framework for improving the analysis of
disruption claims. Based on review of the literature, a systematic methodology is
proposed which seeks to perform the analysis in fair and objective manner. The
strengths of this methodology are:
• It performs the analysis in a detailed, clear and equitable manner. It is not biased
in favour of either the employer or the contractor as all impacts caused by these
parties are considered.
Disruption claims
• It attempts to recreate the status of the project at the time of the disruptions and
uses that to analyse their effects. This enables impacts to be directly related to
changes experienced in working conditions.
• In addition to proving disruption, the methodology can be used to analyse delays
at the same time. Existing methods lack such power because they tend to
generally analyse delays and/or disruptions in isolation.
• The method can be used to determine the likely impacts of delay and/or
disruption events in both time and money when negotiating a variation order.
This is also useful in providing early warning indicators, which is necessary for
the implementation of corrective actions in mitigating damages.
In spite of these advantages, there are a number of potential limitations, which should
be addressed, to ensure that the proposed methodology realizes its full potential in
practice. Subsequent stages of the research have therefore been earmarked to focus on
addressing these limitations.
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Braimah, Ndekugri and Gameson