IMC Simulation: June 15, 2009
IMC Simulation: June 15, 2009
IMC Simulation: June 15, 2009
Problem 1. For every 2 × 2 real matrix A. Show that it is possible to find a matrix B and a
symetrix matrix C for which A = B + C and det A = det B + det C, and det B ≥ 0 ≥ det C.
a b
Solution: Letting A = , we have
c d
(a + d)2 + (b − c)2 − (a − d)2 − (b + c)2
det A = ad − bc =
a+d 4 b−c a−d b+c
= det c−b 2 2 + det b+c 2 2 .
a+d d−a
2 2 2 2
From this it is evident that for n even f (n) (x) is always negative because all terms are
negative, while for n odd f (n) (x) is negative if an only if 1 − x < x, or x > 12 .
Solution: First assume x0 is chosen so that the sequence is well defined, i.e., xn 6= −1 for
all n. A simple induction argument on n yields
Solution: Consider the magic matrix A as the adjacency matrix of a weighted bipartite
graph G between two sets (”‘left” and ”‘right”) of n vertices: If the (i, j)th entry of A is
greater than 0, place an edge in G between the ith vertex on the left and the j th vertex on
the right and give the edge a weight equal to the (i, j)th entry of A. If the (i, j)th entry of
the A is 0, do not place an edge at all. The condition that the matrix A is a magic matrix
implies that total weight of all the edges emanating from any single vertex of G, left or right,
is equal to m.
Given a subset S of the left-hand vertices of G, let us compute the size of its neighbour-
hood (the collection of all vertices on the right which are joined by an edge to a vertex in
S). Remove from G all of the edges whose left-hand vertices are not in S. Then the total
weight of the remaining edges is exactly m|S|, and the neighbourhood of S is exactly the set
of right-hand vertices whose weight is still non-zero. (By the weight of a vertex, we mean the
weight of all the edges touching that vertex.) But each right-hand vertex has weight at most
m, so by the Pigeonhole Principle the number of right-hand vertices with non-zero weight
must be at least m|S|/m = |S|. That is, every subset on the left has a neighbourhood on the
right which is at least as big. Thus, the conditions of the Marriage Theorem are satisfied,
with the left-hand vertices as boys, the right-hand vertices as girls, and edges as acceptable
Theorem (Hall’s Marriage Theorem). Suppose there are n boys and n girls, and that
each boy knows precisely which (possibly more than one) of the girls he is willing to marry.
Suppose further that given any set S of boys, the total number of different girls that boys in
S are willing to marry is at least S. Then there exists a way of pairing all the boys with the
girls in such a way that each boy is willing to marry the girl to whom he is paired.
In our case, if the pairing obtained from the Marriage Theorem pairs the vertex i on the
left with the vertex σi on the right, then we know that the (i, σi )th entry of A is positive. Let
A0 be the matrix whose (i, σi )th entry is 1 for all i and whose other entries are all 0. Then
A0 is a magic matrix of order 1 and A − A0 is a magic matrix of order m − 1, and the result
follows by induction.
Problem 6. Let f be a function from the plane R2 to the reals. Given a polygon P in the
plane, let f (P) denote the sum of the values of f at each of the vertices of P. Suppose there
exists a convex polygon Q in the plane such that for every polygon P similar to Q, we find
that f (P) = 0. Show that f is identically zero.
Solution: Let v1 , · · · , vk denote the vertices of Q. Given any x ∈ R2 and integer n, the
polygon with vertices x + n · v1 , · · · , x + n · vk is similar to Q, and so by hypothesis we have
f (x + n · vi ) = 0.
is identically zero. Thus, f is in the kernel of each of the operators Pn = ki=1 Tin . (Recall
that the kernel of an operator is just another name for the things which are mapped to zero
by the opreator.)
Define S1 = T1 + · · · + Tk . Next S2 = T1 · T2 + T1 · T3 + · · · + Tk−1 · Tk , so that S2 is the
sum of the composition of pairs of distinct Ti s. (Note that the T − i’s all commute with one
anither, so this definition makes sense.) Continuing, for n ≤ k, let Sn be the operator which
is the sum of the composition of all n−tuples of distinct Ti s; inother words,
and, in particular,
Sk = T1 · · · Tk .
It is standard result that the Sn ’s may all be written as polynomials in terms of the Pn0 s.
For example, S1 = P1 , and 2S2 = P12 − P2 . To prove this result, for example, observe that
the result follows immediately by induction from the identity
(Here, S0 denotes the identity operator.) The identity follows by careful bookkeeping after
sbstituting inthe definitions, in terms of the Ti ’s, for the Pi Si ’s.
Since our function f is in the kernel of each Pn , it is in the kernel of any polynomial in
the Pn ’s, and specifically f is mapped to 0 by the Sn ’s. In particular, for any x,