Biodegradation of Polyester Polyurethane by Aspergillus Tubingensis
Biodegradation of Polyester Polyurethane by Aspergillus Tubingensis
Biodegradation of Polyester Polyurethane by Aspergillus Tubingensis
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Article history: The xenobiotic nature and lack of degradability of polymeric materials has resulted in vast levels of
Received 5 January 2017 environmental pollution and numerous health hazards. Different strategies have been developed and
Received in revised form still more research is being in progress to reduce the impact of these polymeric materials. This work
4 March 2017
aimed to isolate and characterize polyester polyurethane (PU) degrading fungi from the soil of a general
Accepted 5 March 2017
city waste disposal site in Islamabad, Pakistan. A novel PU degrading fungus was isolated from soil and
Available online xxx
identified as Aspergillus tubingensis on the basis of colony morphology, macro- and micro-morphology,
molecular and phylogenetic analyses. The PU degrading ability of the fungus was tested in three
different ways in the presence of 2% glucose: (a) on SDA agar plate, (b) in liquid MSM, and (c) after burial
Esterase in soil. Our results indicated that this strain of A. tubingensis was capable of degrading PU. Using scanning
Lipase electron microscopy (SEM), we were able to visually confirm that the mycelium of A. tubingensis colo-
Polyurethane nized the PU material, causing surface degradation and scarring. The formation or breakage of chemical
ATR-FTIR bonds during the biodegradation process of PU was confirmed using Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier
Scanning electron microscopy Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. The biodegradation of PU was higher when plate culture
method was employed, followed by the liquid culture method and soil burial technique. Notably, after
two months in liquid medium, the PU film was totally degraded into smaller pieces. Based on a
comprehensive literature search, it can be stated that this is the first report showing A. tubingensis
capable of degrading PU. This work provides insight into the role of A. tubingensis towards solving the
dilemma of PU wastes through biodegradation.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0269-7491/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Khan, S., et al., Biodegradation of polyester polyurethane by Aspergillus tubingensis, Environmental Pollution
2 S. Khan et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (2017) 1e12
refrigerator insulation etc. all of which lack degradability. 2. Materials and methods
The estimated annual production of PU around the world is
approximately 8 million tons (Mt) which tends to increase by 4e5% 2.1. Sample collection
every year (Matsumura et al., 2006). According to Caudron (2003),
the PU foam waste generated in Europe is about 100,00 t/year, and Soil samples were collected in sterilized polyethylene bags from
Cregut et al., 2013 estimated that the total PU waste generated per the dumping area, in Sector H-10, Islamabad, Pakistan. The pebbles,
year in Europe ranges from 2.1 to 3.6 Mt. The non-degradable na- plastics, and wood pieces were removed and the clean soil samples
ture and high persistence of these materials lead to increase in soil were shifted to big pots (sterilized) and kept at room temperature
surface littering, smothering of water resources and dirtying the in dark.
landfills (Zafar et al., 2013; Alvarez-Barrag n et al., 2016). Poly-
urethane is synthesized from two monomers, a diol and a highly 2.2. Preparation of polyurethane films
toxic and reactive diisocyanate, derived from a toxic substance
phosgene, in the presence of some additives. The resulting ure- Polyester polyurethane beads (Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc.
thane polymer is generally resistant to biodegradation (Tokiwa, USA) (1 g) were dissolved in 100 ml of tetrahydrofuran (Pan-
2002; Howard, 2002). On the other hand, reprocessing of PU pro- reacQuimica, SA) and sonicated for 30 m in 250 ml flask. The PU
duces toxic residues such as aldehydes, ammonia, cyanide, iso- solution was then poured into four Petri dishes and allowed to
cyanates, nitrogen oxides and vinyl chloride which are proven solidify for 48 h in a desiccator at room temperature. Dried PU
hazardous for human health, and responsible for disruption in layers were carefully removed from Petri dishes and stored at room
ecological processes and environmental pollution. Hence, there is a temperature (RT).
need to search new alternative means to solve the problems posed
by PU waste accumulation. 2.3. Isolation of polyurethane degrading fungus
Numerous studies have reported that PUs are vulnerable to
fungal attack (Barratt et al., 2003; Krasowska et al., 2012; Mathur Five films of polyurethane were buried about 4e6 inches deep
and Prasad, 2012; Zafar et al., 2013, 2014). These and other vertically in the soil pot and kept at RT in dark. About 2 g of glucose
studies have mentioned that the polyester polyurethanes (PUs) was mixed in 200 ml of mineral salt medium (MSM) consisting of
were more vulnerable to fungal biodegradation than any other K2HPO4 (0.5 g), KH2PO4 (0.04 g), NaCl (0.1 g), CaCl2$2H2O (0.002 g),
type, while the polyether polyurethanes were not vulnerable to (NH4)2SO4 (0.2 g), MgSO4$7H2O (0.02 g), FeSO4 (0.001 g), auto-
fungal attacks. The structure, type and position of different chem- claved and after cooling added into the soil pot. After one-month
ical groups, cross linkers and the molecular orientations of different time interval, one of the PU film buried in soil was washed gently
types of PU determine their degree of degradation by fungus (Kim with sterilized dH2O water and shifted to SDA containing Petri dish
and Kim, 1998; Umare and Chandure, 2008). The involvement of and incubated at 37 C for one week. The fungi which can colonize
soil fungal community in the biodetrioration of PU has been re- the PU surface were re-cultured on a separate SDA plate, incubated
ported by Cosgrove et al. (2007). The results of the Impranil treated at 37 C for 20 days (Fig. 1-A). The plates and PU sheets were
PU buried in soil showed that very few species have the ability to observed through SEM and ATR-FTIR.
grow on the surface of PU. PU was highly vulnerable to degradation
by losing its tensile strength up to 100%, and the PU degrading 2.4. Identification of polyurethane degrading fungus
fungal communities were found to be severely influenced by the
soil type. Geomyces pannorum was identified to be the most The fungal strain purified on agar plate was identified on the
abundant organism from the surface of PU buried in acidic soil, basis of microscopic and macroscopic examination, colony
while a Phoma sp. was detected to be the major colonizing species morphology and phylogenetic analyses (White et al., 1990;
in neutral soils (Cosgrove et al., 2007). Similarly, the pH, tempera- Thompson et al., 1997; Swofford, 2004). The microscopic exami-
ture, carbon source availability and composition could also affect nation for the structure of conidia, hyphae, conidial head, and co-
the growth of fungus on the surface of PU. nidiophores were done using a Nikon 80i compound microscope
Although various fungi and bacteria responsible for the with a Canon camera mounted on the top. To observe the surface
biodegradation of PU have been identified, but the actual mecha- features of spores at higher magnification pieces of the culture were
nisim underlying the degradation is not clearly known. Various cut out and mounted for cryomicroscopy in the SEM. Biospin
studies have revealed that some enzymatic mechanisms are Fungus Genomic DNA Extraction Kit-BSC14S1 (BioFlux, P.R. China)
involved in microbial degradation of PU (Loredo-Trevin ~ o et al., was used to extract DNA from fresh mycelium of the fungus. The
2012; Mahajan and Gupta, 2015). Enzymes such as esterase and PCR was carried out using the primers (ITS4: 50 TCCTCCGCTTATT-
urethane hydrolase have been isolated from the fungi Aspergillus GATATGC 30 ), and (ITS5: 50 GGAAGTAAAAGTCGTAACAAGG 30 )
terreus and Chaetomium globosum (Boubendir, 1993). An extracel- following White et al. (1990). The sequences for each strain were
lular and membrane bounded lipase has been characterized for the aligned using ClustalX (Thompson et al., 1997) and to get maximum
urethane bond hydrolysis by many researchers (Cregut et al., 2013). sequence similarity the alignment was manually adjusted. The gaps
It is concluded from the above discussion, that there are a vast between nucleotides were considered as missing data and using
number of fungi could have the ability to colonize the surface of PU, PAUP* 4.0b10, phylogenetic analyses were performed (Swofford,
but remains undiscovered. Therefore, a thorough search for PU 2004). Phylograms were figured in FigTree v. 1.4 and edited in
degrading fungi, testing for degradation in different ways, and Microsoft power point (2007) and Adobe illustrator CS3 (Adobe
determining their enzymatic activities would present an inter- Systems Inc., USA).
esting insight into PU waste management.
The aim of this work was: a) isolation and identification of a PU 2.5. Polyurethane biodegradation tests
degrading fungi from soil, b) biodegradation test of PU on SDA
culture plate, in liquid MSM, and in soil burial and c) determina- 2.5.1. Biodegradation test in the soil
tion of the effect of pH, temperature, surfactants, and extra carbon The films of polyurethane buried vertically in the soil pots in
sources on PU degrading enzymes (esterases and lipases) dark at room temperature were maintained for four-month interval
activities. of time. After four-month, one of the polyurethane film buried in
Please cite this article in press as: Khan, S., et al., Biodegradation of polyester polyurethane by Aspergillus tubingensis, Environmental Pollution
S. Khan et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (2017) 1e12 3
the soil was washed with sterilized distilled water gently, and the were inoculated with 1% (v/v) spore suspension (1 105 spores/
colonies (fungal) developed on the PU surface were photographed ml) of A. tubingensis, except the control. All the flasks were incu-
and stored for ATR-FTIR and SEM analysis at room temperature. bated at 37 C at 150 rpm for a period of one month. Five milliliter
(5 ml) of samples were collected as a crude enzyme, at zero time
2.6. Aspergillus tubingensis biodegradation tests and after every week for testing enzyme activity (lipase and
2.6.1. Culture plate technique
The fungus Aspergillus tubingensis was tested for biodegradation 2.7.2. Effect of extra carbon source
on SDA Petri plate. The plate was inoculated with A. tubingensis and Four PU films were added to each flask containing 200 ml liquid
covered by a sterilized PU film. The plate was placed in an incubator MSM with two grams of various carbon sources such as glucose,
at 37 C for four days. After four days of incubation, when the fungal fructose, galactose, maltose, and glycerol. The flasks were incubated
growth appeared on the surface of PU film, it was shifted to MSM at 37 C (150 rpm) for a period of one month after inoculation with
agar Petri plate and incubated at 37 C. Photographs were taken 2 ml spore suspension (A. tubingensis) of concentration of 1 105
from the test samples. Moreover, SEM and ATR-FTIR analyses of the spores/ml, except the control. To determine lipase and esterase
test samples and control were performed. enzyme activities, 5 ml of the samples were collected at the zero
time, and after every week, for a period of one month.
2.6.2. Biodegradation in liquid medium
Two percent (4g) glucose was added to 200 ml mineral salt 2.7.3. Effect of surfactants
medium (MSM) in 500 ml flask having polyurethane films previ- Four milliliter (2% v/v) surfactants (Tween 20 and Tween 80)
ously sterilized. The flask was incubated at 37 C in shaker incu- were added to 250 ml flasks, having 200 ml MSM with pH 7.
bator at 150 rpm for three weeks after inoculation with 2 ml spore Sterilized PU films (0.25 g) were added to the flasks. Another flask
suspension of concentration of 1 105 spores/ml. After 20 days of having the same composition with no surfactants was used as
incubation, the films were washed with sterilized distilled water control. All the flasks were inoculated with (1% v/v) spore sus-
and analyzed for degradative changes by ATR-FTIR and SEM as well pension of concentration of 1 105 spore/ml and incubated at 37 C
as photographs. The remaining test sample was maintained for two at 150 rpm for a period of one month. Five milliliter (5 ml) of
months on room temperature in the same flask. The loss of tensile samples were collected at zero time and then after every week to
strength and the degradation were also photographed. test the activity of enzymes.
Fig. 1. Aspergillus tubingensis (a) culture on MEA after 20 days, SEM images of (b) hyphae, stalk and sporangium (c) Immature sporophores on sporangium, (d) Conidia and
sporangium with bilayer structure, (e) Conidial chains (cantente) on sporangium, (f) Conidia showing lobatereticulate ornamentation and equatorial furrow flanked by lobate crests,
(g) a single conidium. Scale bars: A ¼ 70 mm culture plate, B ¼ 2 mm, C ¼ 10 mm, D ¼ 3 mm, E ¼ 3 mm, F ¼ 1 mm, and G ¼ 1 mm.
Please cite this article in press as: Khan, S., et al., Biodegradation of polyester polyurethane by Aspergillus tubingensis, Environmental Pollution
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used to detect the activities of the hydrolytic enzymes (lipases and 3.2. Biodegradation of PU on MSM agar plate
Lipase and esterase activities were determined as previously Aspergillus tubingensis was grown on SDA plate and a sterilized
described (Lesuisse et al., 1993). The p-nitrophenyl laurate and p- PU film was placed over it as shown in Fig. 3-A. It was incubated for
nitrophenyl acetate were used as a substrate and the quantity of p- four days until the fungal growth appeared on the surface of PU
nitrophenol production was used as enzyme activity (U/ml) for films and were then shifted to MSM agar plates (Fig. 3-B). The
lipase and esterase, respectively. About 880 mL of reaction mixture fungal growth on the surface of PU film was observed and the
(0.1M potassium phosphate buffer pH 8.0, 0.2% sodium deoxy- inoculated area of the PU film was totally degraded making large
cholate, 0.1% gum Arabic) was taken in a small tube, added 20 ml holes in that areas (Fig. 3-C & D). The visible changes (erosions,
crude enzyme extract and incubated for three minute at 37 C. The blackening, and holes) on the surface of PU film were observed
reaction was started by adding 100 ml (8 mM) substrate (8.0 mMp- (Fig. 3-G & H) showing biodegradation. The results of SEM showed
nitrophenyl laurate (lipase) or 8.0 mMp-nitrophenyl acetate roughness on the surface of PU film with pores and crakes in some
(esterase) solubilized in isopropanol) and terminated by adding areas were due to the hyphal penetration and growth (Fig. 3-G &
0.5 ml (3 M) hydrochloric acid. The suspension formed was H). In contrast, there were no surface degradations on the control
centrifuged for ten min at 10,000 rpm. Supernatant (333 ml) was PU films as seen in Fig. 3-E & F.
taken in a separate tube and 1 ml (2 M) NaOH was added. Using ATR-FTIR analysis of the fungus treated PU films on MSM agar
spectrophotometer, the light absorbance was measured at wave plate showed few changes in the spectra as compared to control.
length of 420 nm. Using know concentrations of p-nitrophenol the The band in the test spectrum at 3271.9 cm1 was shifted to
standard curve was prepared. The unit of activity was defined as the 3325.4 cm1 in control spectrum and the test spectrum band was
amount of enzyme that hydrolyzes 1 mM substrate in 1 min. broader than control spectrum (Fig. S1). Another band at
2919.3 cm1 in test spectrum was shifted to 2954.2 cm1 in control
spectrum. The disappearance of sharp band in the test spectrum at
3. Results
1725.8 cm1 was observed in control spectrum. The appearance of
characteristic band at 1632.0 cm1 was present in test spectrum
3.1. Identification of PU degrading fungus
which was absent in control spectrum (Fig. S1). The appearance and
disappearance of new bands are a sign of biodegradation.
The fungal strain was identified as Aspergillus tubingensis on the
basis of colony morphology (Fig. 1-A), macroscopic and microscopic
3.3. Biodegradation in liquid medium
examination (Fig. 1BeD), and phylogenetic analyses (White et al.,
1990; Lesuisse et al., 1993; Swofford, 2004) (Fig. 2).
The ability of A. tubingensis to degrade PU films (Fig. 4-A) was
Thirty-three ITS sequences of the genus Aspergillus section Nigri
checked in liquid MSM having 2% glucose. The fungus was found to
were retrieved from GenBank. The sequence set composed of six
adhere to the surface of PU films (Fig. 4-D) and folded the PU films
A. tubingensis sequences, 27 sequences of Aspergillus in section
(Fig. 4-B & C) by having high growth over the surface. The hyphae
Nigri, and the sequence of our isolate HKAS No. 93727 (GeneBank
became penetrated in the surface of the film resulting in crakes
accession No. KX165340). The Maximum Parsimony analyses
(Fig. 4-D). The SEM results showed that there was a thick hyphal
showed our isolate was positioned among the group of
mass covered the surface of the PU film after one month of incu-
A. tubingensis with 100% bootstrap support (Fig. 2), which indi-
bation in liquid MSM flask. The pores and cracks in the surface of PU
cating it is a strain of A. tubingensis.
film were clearly visible Fig. 4-D). After two months of incubation in
the MSM along with 2% glucose, the PU film was degraded into
3.1.1. Taxonomy small pieces (Fig. 4-E). This result was very interesting with almost
Aspergillus tubingensis Mosseray, La Cellule 43: 245 (1934) 90% degradation of the PU film. The PU film was observed to dis-
(Fig. 1AeD). solved in the MSM (Fig. 4-E).). ATR-FTIR analysis of the microbial
Synonymy:≡Aspergillus niger var. tubingensis (Mosseray) Kozak., treated samples of PU film after one month of incubation in liquid
Mycol. Pap. 161: 112 (1989) MSM showed few changes in the spectrum as compared to the
Colonies (Fig. 1-A) attaining a diameter of 35 mm at 37 C after control (no exposure to microorganisms) (Fig. S2). The band in the
20 days on malt extract agar (MEA); generally, densely covered spectrum for hydrogen bonded NH was at 3321.3 cm-1 in the
with conidial heads; grayish brown (8G3; Kornerup and Wanscher, sample spectrum, while the same band was at 3327.3 cm-1 in the
1978) or between grayish brown and dark brown (8G4); reverse control spectrum. Similarly, another band was observed in the test
white to cream. Sexual morph Ascocarps produced within stro- spectrum on the shoulder of the band at 3321cm-1, which was
mata, globose to ellipsoidal but often straight sided where adjacent absent in the control spectrum, which indicated the formation of
to other ascocarps. Asci globose to broadly ellipsoidal, containing some new product due to biodegradation. The absorption band for
eight inordinately arranged ascospores, 18.5e23.5 mm aliphatic CH was observed at 2954.8 cm-1 in the test spectrum
high, 14.5e19.5 mm diam.(n ¼ 50). Ascospores (Fig. 1-E) oblate, while that was at 2954.0 cm-1 in the control spectrum. Similarly, a
lobate reticulate with an equatorial furrow flanked by lobate crests, small band was observed on shoulder of band at 2954.8 cm-1 in the
hyaline to pale brown, globose to subglobose in face view, sample spectrum, while it was absent in the control spectrum. It is
6.5e8.5 5.5e7.5 mm (n ¼ 50). Asexual morph Stipes assumed that it was because of the formation of new aliphatic CH
500e2400 mm high, 10e20 mm diam. near vesicle, light brown, bond which may beoccur due to hydrogenation of double bond in
smooth (Fig. 1B). Conidial heads biseriate, rarely uniseriate, radiate, the chain. The band at 1726 cm-1 for urethane carbonyl group
commonly splitting into columns, up to 700 mm (Fig. 1CeE). Conidia (C¼O) persisted in both the test and control spectra. The strong
3.2e4.3 mm, globose to subglobose, tuberculate to aculeate with band at 1218 cm-1, assigned to C-O-C alsowas observed in the
ridges (Fig. 1-F and G). control as well as in the test spectrum. It can be concluded that a
Material examined: Pakistan, Islamabad Capital of Pakistan, rupture of C-O-C does not take place at that point. A characteristic
Islamabad City, UTM-N 3,734,759.34, UTM-E 322,552.71; alt. 604 band of medium intensity at 1643.6 cm-1 assigned for NH defor-
m; 6 March, 2008; from the soil of plastics waste disposal area; mation appeared in the test spectrum which was not present in
Sehroon Khan (HMAS: 93727). control spectrum (Fig. 5). These changes showed that the PU film
Please cite this article in press as: Khan, S., et al., Biodegradation of polyester polyurethane by Aspergillus tubingensis, Environmental Pollution
S. Khan et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (2017) 1e12 5
Fig. 2. The MP tree obtained based on phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequence data of Aspergillus section Nigri. Numbers above branches are bootstrap values. Only values above 70%
are indicated. Type strains and our strain are in bold.
was degraded by the fungal enzymes through the breakdown of on the surface while observed under SEM. After four months of soil
some bonds and formation of others. This breakdown and forma- burial, the biofilm formation was visible on the surface of PU film
tion of bonds could be a sign of degradation. along with the discoloration and other structural changes (Fig. 5-C).
Its SEM results gave us the clear picture of the cracked and bio-
3.4. Soil burial biodegradation test of PU films degraded PU film. The small holes, erosion, cracks, loss of tensile
strength, and the roughness of the surface were clearly observed
PU films buried in the soil for four months were recovered every (Fig. 5-D).
month each and were stored for SEM and ATR-FTIR analysis at room PU films were analyzed by ATR-FTIR spectra after four-months
temperature in dark. PU films buried in soil for two months (Fig. 5- soil burial. The results showed that in case of control spectrum,
B) was found eroded and the biofilm formation was also observed the band at 1725 cm1 was absent which was present in the sample
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6 S. Khan et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (2017) 1e12
Fig. 3. Growth of Aspergillus tubingensis on the surface of PU, (A) SDA plate inoculated with A. tubingensis and covered by PU sterilized films, (B) the PU films shifted to MSM agar
plate after 4 days of incubation, and (C) PU film recovered from MSM agar plate after three weeks, (D) degraded PU film incubated on SDA plate for two weeks, (E) control to the
degraded PU film D, (F) SEM of the control E, (G and H) SEM of the test D.
spectrum which attributed to incompletely hydrogen bonded urea was enhanced when sucrose was used as the substrate (Fig. 6).
carbonyl (Fig. S3). Similarly, the band at 2917 cm-1 shifted to Among the surfactants, increased esterase production was
2955.2 cm1 in the sample spectrum, which showed the formation observed in the presence of Tween 80 while in case of lipase,
of C-H bonds (Fig. S3). increased enzyme production was observed in the presence of
Tween 80 (Fig. 7).
The optimum pH required for maximum activity of esterase and
3.5. Esterase and lipase optimization
lipase is shown in the Fig. 8. Maximum esterase activity was
recorded at pH 7 while lipase showed maximum activity at pH 5.
Effect of various environmental factors on the activities of the
(Fig. 8). At pH 9 after 8 days of incubation, the enzyme activities
enzymes esterase and lipase produced by A.tubingenesis was
started to decrease (Fig. 8). The optimum temperature for both the
studied. Enzymes production in relation to various carbon sources
enzymes produced by A.tubingenesis was 37 C. Above and below
was studied by adding different carbon sources (2% w/v) to MSM
this temperature, the enzymes production was low (Fig. 9).
along with PU films. Results indicated that enzymes production
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S. Khan et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (2017) 1e12 7
Fig. 4. Aspergillus tubingensis on the surface of PU incubated in liquid MSM (2% glucose) for three weeks. (A) sterilized PU film, (B & C) PU film after 21 days of incubation in liquid
MSM with 2% glucose, (D) growth of Aspergillus tubingensis on the surface of PU film, and (E) the dissolved PU film in the MSM medium after two months.
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8 S. Khan et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (2017) 1e12
Fig. 5. Scanning Electron Micrographs of Polyurethane films buried in soil for four months: (A) SEM of control PU film, (B) SEM of PU film buried in soil for one month, (C)
photograph of PU film buried in soil for four months, (D) SEM of polyurethane film buried in soil for four months.
bacterial or fungal spore to the surface of PU. Bos et al. (1999) penetration of hyphae into the holes in the PU and the cracks were
showed that a hydrophobic interaction is responsible for the observed (Fig. 5-D). The results of this study coincide to the pre-
adhesion of microorganisms to the surface of buried PU which vious finding as reviewed in Howard (2002). Similar physical and
could be influenced by environmental conditions (Smits et al., chemical changes were observed in the PU film exposed to
2003). This demonstrated that the environmental condition such A. tubingensis on SDA plate within a time period of four days (Fig. 3
as temperature, humidity, carbon source availability in the soil etc. and Fig S1). SEM analysis of PU films showed the physical changes
are of the preliminary importance in the biodegradation of PU. In such as pits, holes, and erosions (Fig. 3). Similar physical and
the present study, the efficiency of biodegradations was higher on chemical changes in the PU film were observed in liquid MSM
SDA agar plate than in liquid MSM. Where the carbon/nitrogen experiment (Figs. 4 and 6). The hyphal growth over the surface of
sources for the growth of fungus was limited or more possibly the PU film, with cracks and penetration of the hyphae in pores reveal
growth of the fungus in liquid medium is slower because of the biodegradation of the PU film (Fig. 3-G & H). The tensile strength
osmotic pressure of the MSM on the hyphae of the fungus. Simi- and transparency of the PU film were different from that of control.
larly, the growth of the fungus on the surface of PU film in liquid The rate of tensile strength, discoloration, and biofilm formation on
MSM was higher at 37 C and the degradation was slower at tem- the PU was directly proportional to the time of burial in the soil
peratures below or above 37 C (Figs. 4 and 9). This shows that with 2% glucose containing MSM. Previous studies have reported
temperature of the environment where the process of degradation similar modifications on the surface after the colonization of mi-
takes place plays an important role in biodegradation. croorganisms on the low-density polyethylene films (Matsunaga
The second step in the biodegradation of PU is the growth of and Whitney, 2000; Bonhomme et al., 2003). When the PU films
mycelia on the surface of PU film followed by the third step of were buried for four months, the color of the PU films were
secretion of enzymes. The growth of A. tubingensis (Fig. 3-D, G and changed to brown with many dots and became brittle. According to
H, Fig. 4 C, D, and E) can be clearly seen and during their growth on Woods (1990), soil burial of PU films for longer time resulted in loss
the surface of PU, the fungus secreted different types of enzymes to of tensile strength (60%), and the PU films became very brittle due
degrade the PU films. The action of enzymes along with the me- to microbial degradation. In our study, the loss of tensile strength of
chanical force of the hyphae resulted in the biodegradation of PU the PU film can be seen in the SEM of soil burial (Fig. 5-C & D), in
films. This degradation can be accessed both physically and liquid MSM (Fig. 4-D & E), and on the SDA plate (Fig. 3-G & H). More
chemically. In our present work we have accessed the physically interestingly, after two months of incubation in liquid MSM the PU
with the help of SEM and ordinary camera photographs while to completely lost the tensile strength and were dissolved into small
access the chemical changes such as bond formation or cleavage, pieces (Fig. 4-E). The third step after attachment of the fungus to
we used ATR-FTIR analysis. According to Dale and Squirrell (1990), the surface of PU film is the secretion of different enzymes to hy-
the discoloration, loss of tensile strength and cracking detected in drolyze various bonds. To access those chemical changes, we used
PU buried in soil are the characteristic signs of biodegradation of PU ATR- FTIR spectrophotometry, a common technique used to follow
due to soil burial. In this study, on the surface of the PU film, there chemical changes (in their functional groups) during polymer
were discoloration, spots, and cracking (Fig. 5-B, C & D). The cracks degradation. This technique was used previously by a number
appeared on the surface of PU is due to soil burial which allows the studies to determine chemical changes in the test sample as
dispersion of fungal mycelium into the plastic. In our study, the compared to control (Gonon et al., 2001; Bokria and Schlick, 2002;
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S. Khan et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (2017) 1e12 9
Fig. 6. Effect of different carbon source on production of: A) Esterase and B) Lipase by Aspergillus tubingensis.
Fig. 7. Effect of Tween 20 and Tween 80 on the production of: A) esterase and B) lipase by Aspergillus tubingensis.
Mailhot et al., 2005). In the present study, the ATR-FTIR analysis of S2, S3). This shifting or absence of the band in the test spectra
the PU film, incubated with A. tubingensis on MSM agar plate, in implies the enzymatic hydrolysis of groups that brought about
liquid MSM as well as PU film buried in soil showed several changes changes in the chemical structure of PU. The disappearance of
in the spectra of the test as compared to control spectrum (Figs. S1, urethane carbonyl group (C¼O) was a clear evidence of
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10 S. Khan et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (2017) 1e12
Fig. 9. Effect of temperature on the production on the production of: A) lipase and B) esterase by A. tubingensis.
biodegradation. Similarly, the disappearance of (CH2)n band humidity (Franzluebbers et al., 2001; Urgun-Demirtas et al., 2007).
(1164.4 cm-1 and 1136.3 cm-1) in the test spectrum declared the After temperature, the second abiotic factor that can affect
rupture of the polymeric chain. A characteristic band of medium biodegradation is the pH of the medium/environment. Therefore,
intensity at 1643.6 cm-1 assigned for NH deformation appeared in on the optimum temperature of 37 C, the enzymes activities at
the test spectrum which was not present in control spectrum different pH were determined. The result showed that at pH 9, the
(Fig. 5). Another striking feature observed in the test spectra was esterase activity increases for the first ten days, then decreased
the presence of characteristic C-O-C band at 1218 cm-1 that showed gradually until the end of the month. Whereas, the lipase activities
that ester bonds were not hydrolyzed. A small band at the shoulder were maximum at pH 5 up to the first two weeks and then
of band at 2954.8 cm-1 indicated the hydrogenation of double bond decreased gradually (Fig. 8-A & B). Similarly, in another study the
in the chain. Loredo-Trevin ~ o et al. (2012) have presented similar supplementation of glucose, arabinose and fructose lowered the
results previously whereby, the decrement in the carbonyl signals degradation level and no affect was observed in case of lactose
at 1540 and 1260 cm-1 were observed. In another experiment, the supplementation into the medium (Manna and Paul, 2000).
decrease in carbonyl signal and C-N-H signal at 1729 cm-1 and 1540 Therefore, in the present study, we assessed the effect of five
and 1261 cm-1 respectively, observed in the FTIR spectrum were different carbon sources such as galactose, glucose, glycerol,
attributed to the fungal enzymatic hydrolysis of the urethane maltose, and sucrose on the production of esterase and lipase
groups (Alvarez-Barrag n et al., 2016).
a during degradation of PU by A. tubingensis. Lipase activities in the
Increase in growth of fungus and some structural changes were presence of glycerol and polyurethane was maximum (1.14 mM/
observed in the case of treated PE ( min). Whereas, in the presence of galactose, glucose and sucrose
offices/ufro/sinnag/jaeintf.htm). FTIR spectroscopy was used to increased esterase activities were observed (Fig. 6-A & B).
confirm that the mechanism of PU biodegradation or the hydrolysis Maximum enzyme activities were observed in the presence of su-
of the ester bond in PU. Nakajima et al. (1995) and Howard et al. crose (Fig. 6-A & B).
(1999) previously did similar work and the results indicated that Although, Tween 80 (2%) has earlier been reported to increase
polyurethane biodegradation was due to hydrolysis of ester bonds. the production of lipase from Bacillus sp. (Handelsman and
Kay et al. (1991) reported that the PU degradation was caused by Shoham, 1994). Hence, the effect of surfactants (Tween 20 and
the hydrolysis of ester bond while the PU breakdown products Tween 80) on the biodegradation of polyurethane was tested and
were analyzed by FTIR. lipase activities in the presence of Tween 20 and Tween 80 were
The fourth important step in biodegradation is the amount of observed to increase till the end of 2nd week and then gradually
enzymes produced by the microbe that are responsible for the decreased by the end of the month. Whereas, the esterase activities
degradation of PU films. It depends on a number of factors such as increased in the presence of Tween 20 and Tween 80 in the 1st
pH of the medium, carbon source availabilitynature of substrate, week of incubation, and then the activities were observed to
the microorganism its capacity to produce hydrolyzing enzymes, decrease in case of Tween 20, whereas, increased in case of Tween
the temperature of the environment, humidity etc. Abou Zeid 80 in the 3rd week (Fig. 7-A and B). The decrease in the enzyme
(2001) demonstrated that the nature of polymer, degrading production is assumed to the tendency of the species to produce
microorganism and the environmental condition (e.g. nutrient the highest concentration and then gradually decreases with time.
supply, temperature and pH) effect the rate of biodegradation. This could be also explained in other way as the surfactants may
Therefore, in the present study, we tested different temperature, have repression effect on the gene responsible for the enzyme
pH, carbon source and surfactants for esterase and lipases enzymes production. In our studies, the esterase and lipase optimization
activities in MSM inoculated A. tubingensis. Previously a number of studies helped to determine the optimal environmental conditions
studies have characterized hydrolyzing enzymes with PU degrad- for A. tubingensis to better understand its PU degrading ability. Our
ing abilities (Akutsu et al. 1998; Nomura et al., 1998; Howard and results suggests that similar conditions could be optimized for
Blake, 1999; Howard, 2002; Howard et al., 2001). large-scale biodegradation of polymer wastes in damping sites.
In the present study, the optimum temperature of the enzymes
produced by A. tubingensis was found to be 37 C. Studies have 5. Conclusions
mentioned that at high depths the biodegradability activities of
microorganisms decrease due to low temperature and low levels of In the present study, we isolated and identified Aspergillus
Please cite this article in press as: Khan, S., et al., Biodegradation of polyester polyurethane by Aspergillus tubingensis, Environmental Pollution
S. Khan et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (2017) 1e12 11
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