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Profitability and Marketability of the Top

55 U.S. Commercial Banks

Lawrence M. Seiford • Joe Zhu
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Amherst,
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
Department of Management, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609
seiford@ecs.umass.edu • jzhu@wpi.edu

U tilizing recent developments in data envelopment analysis (DEA), this paper examines
the performance of the top 55 U.S. commercial banks via a two-stage production process
that separates profitability and marketability. Substantial performance inefficiency is uncov-
ered in both dimensions. Relatively large banks exhibit better performance on profitability,
whereas smaller banks tend to perform better with respect to marketability. New context-
dependent performance measures are defined for profitability and marketability which
employ a DEA stratification model and a DEA attractiveness measure. When combined with
the original DEA measure, the context-dependent performance measure better characterizes
the profitability and marketability of 55 U.S. commercial banks. The new approach identifies
areas for improved bank performance over the two-stage production process. The effect of
acquisition on efficiency and attractiveness is also examined.
(Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA); Profitability; Marketability; Efficiency; Banks)

1. Introduction puts, has proven itself as a metric for measuring bank

Performance analysis of financial institutions, partic- performance. Numerous applications of DEA have
ularly commercial banks, has received increased atten- appeared in the bank performance literature. For
tion over the past several years. As a result, the focus example, Sherman and Gold (1985) use DEA to eval-
has moved from attempts to characterize performance uate the performance of branches of a U.S. savings
in terms of simple ratios (ROA or ROI) to a multidi- bank. Other studies on bank branch efficiency include
mensional systems perspective. Although accounting Vassiloglou and Giokas (1990), Oral and Yolalan
and financial ratios provide important and useful (1990), and Sherman and Ladino (1995), who evaluate
information for benchmarking a bank’s financial per- bank branch efficiency in Greece, Turkey, and the
formance, there are, in fact, many factors relative to United States, respectively. Other DEA studies have
bank performance, e.g., assets, revenue, profit, market compared performance among different banks. For
value, number of employees, investments, and cus- example, Charnes et al. (1990) provide an illustrative
tomer satisfaction, etc., and, obviously, a better under- application of DEA to U.S. commercial banks in the
standing of the relationship among these various time period 1980 –1985, and Barr et al. (1993, 1994)
factors would provide the key for improving bank examine U.S. bank failures over the period 1984 –1988.
productivity. Also, the quality, profitability, and productivity of
Data envelopment analysis (DEA), a mathematical banking services have been studied (Grifell-Tatje and
programming approach for characterizing the rela- Lovell 1999, Soteriou and Zenios 1999) and models
tionships among multiple inputs and multiple out- proposed for assessing the market and cost efficiency

Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999 Copyright © 1999, Institute for Operations Research
pp. 1270 –1288 and the Management Sciences
Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

of large-scale bank branch networks (Athanassopou- benchmark itself against its competitors; (ii) the mea-
los 1998). Berger and Humphrey (1997) provide a surement of the relative attractiveness in profitability
review on 130 studies of financial institution including and marketability of each bank against the back-
banks, bank branches, savings and loans, credit ground of a group of banks operating at a different
unions, and insurance companies. Finally, see Harker efficiency level; and (iii) the further study of the effect
and Zenios (1999) for recent studies on efficiency of of bank acquisitions on the performance of other
financial institutions. banks.
Most bank performance studies employ labor, inter- The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
est (non-interest) expenses, office space, and number Section 2 defines the bank production process and its
of accounts as inputs, and number of transactions, corresponding production factors (inputs and out-
interest (non-interest) income, total loans, and depos- puts). Section 3 describes the DEA tools employed and
its as outputs. While these inputs and outputs can the resulting empirical findings for the 55 banks. Our
characterize a bank’s operational performance, they do conclusions appear in § 4 along with suggestions for
not reflect the market valuation or performance of a future investigation.
bank’s stock. To evaluate stock marketability, one may
include such additional factors as market value, earn- 2. Bank Production Process
ings per share, and return to investors in a DEA Fifty-five U.S. commercial banks appear in the Fortune
analysis. By incorporating some new factors in a 1000 (Fortune April 29, 1996). 1 Obviously, ranking by
two-stage approach, the current paper explores prof- revenue while necessary for inclusion in the Fortune
itability and (stock) marketability of 55 U.S. commer- 1000 does not adequately characterize the perfor-
cial banks in 1995. mance of these banks. Fortune also provides other
A two-stage production process is defined that factors: e.g., number of employees (employees), assets,
generates profit in the first stage, and market value in stockholders’ equity (equity), market value (MV), total
the second stage. The effect of bank size on profitabil- return to investors (TRI), and earning per share (EPS)
ity and marketability is revealed by evaluating both to further characterize the performance of the top
technical and scale efficiencies. Increasing returns to companies. 2 As pointed out by Zhu (1999), any single
scale (IRS) are found among relatively small banks— performance measure based on these eight factors will
banks with less than $2,000 million in assets in our be unsatisfactory in its performance characterization;
data set—and decreasing returns to scale (DRS) with several measures one gets conflicting reports and
among the larger banks. However, some of the larger it is difficult to determine which company exhibits a
banks exhibit IRS in profitability. An examination of better overall.
input congestion indicates that a reduction in current While Fortune’s analysis is based on each single
input levels may actually increase revenue and profit
levels. Several bank acquisitions occurred in early 1
The banks are available from the authors or from Fortune April 29,
1996. This allows a performance study on the effect of 1996.
bank acquisition on profitability and marketability. It Revenues are interest and non-interest revenues and are for the
fiscal year ended on or before January 31, 1996. Profits are after
is shown that marketability is, at most, slightly af-
taxes, after extraordinary credits or charges, and after cumulative
fected by bank acquisition. The present study also effects of accounting charges. Assets are the company’s year-end
indicates serious inefficiencies in both profitability total. Equity is the sum of all capital stock, paid-in capital, and
and marketability and offers a procedure to improve retained earnings at the company’s year-end. MV is obtained by
the bank production process by focusing on profitabil- multiplying the number of common shares outstanding by the price
per common share as of March 15, 1996. EPS for each company is the
ity and scale efficiency. In addition to a standard DEA
primary earnings per share that appear on the income statement.
analysis, the paper also measures context-dependent TRI includes both price appreciation and dividend yield to an
bank performance for different efficiency levels. This investor in the company’s stock. For more detailed explanations, see
context-dependent DEA model allows (i) a bank to Fortune April 29, 1996.

Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999 1271

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

Figure 1 Bank Production Process

measure, the current study illustrates the value of a provide data on these factors. Therefore, we restrict
performance measure that operates simultaneously our analysis to the eight Fortune factors as described in
with multiple dimensions. To fully reconcile these Figure 1. These are sufficient to illustrate our approach
eight factors and have a more complete portrayal of to explaining bank performance while attempting to
the performance of these 55 banks utilizing these disentangle marketability from profitability. Valuable
different factors, Figure 1 describes a bank production insights result from such a change in perspective.
process based on these eight factors.
The process is divided into two stages and the eight
3. Measuring Profitability and
factors are expressed as inputs and outputs in each
stage. The first stage (Stage 1) measures profitability, Marketability of Commercial
i.e., a bank’s ability to generate the revenue and profit Banks
in terms of its current labor, assets, and capital stock. In this section, we analyze the profitability and mar-
The second stage (Stage 2) measures (stock) market- ketability of 55 U.S. commercial banks. To actually
ability, i.e., a bank’s performance in the stock market characterize the performance of these 55 banks, it is
by the revenue and profit it generates. It can be seen necessary to extend the basic DEA methodology. For
that revenue and profit serve as intermediate factors in an introduction to the basic DEA models and theoret-
the sense that they are outputs from the first stage and ical extensions, readers are referred to Ali and Seiford
inputs to the second stage. (1993b) or Charnes et al. (1994).
The DEA inputs and outputs selected are based on
3.1 Characterization of Bank Performance
Fortune’s original choice of factors for performance The output-oriented (CCR) DEA model is employed
characterization. However, we will note that other to measure efficiency in profitability and marketability
factors, e.g., market value to book value, price to (Charnes et al. 1978).

冉冘 冊
earnings ratio, turnover ratio (ratio of traded value to

year-end market value), etc., may also be used to m s
⫺ ⫹
capture marketability. Unfortunately, Fortune does not max ␾ ⫹ ␧t
o s ⫹
i r t ⫽ 1, 2
i⫽1 r⫽1

1272 Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

whereas most of the CCR-efficient DMUs for the Stage

冘 ␭x ⫹s

s.t. j ij i ⫽ x io i ⫽ 1, 2, . . . , m; 2 marketability model are among the last 16 banks.
j⫽1 The average CCR scores for the first 30 banks and the
remaining 25 banks are respectively 1.28 and 1.46 in
冘 ␭y
profitability versus 1.69 and 1.34 in marketability. This
j rj ⫺ s⫹
r ⫽ ␾ o y ro
r ⫽ 1, 2, . . . , s;
may indicate that larger banks are better at generating
profits, while the smaller banks are more accurately
␭ j, s ⫺ ⫹
i , s r ⭓ 0, (1) valued.
where x ij and y rj are the amount of the ith input Overall, only 11% of the banks were efficiently
consumed and the amount of the rth output produced operating under profitability and marketability. Fig-
by the jth DMU (or bank), respectively. In Stage 1 (t ure 2a– b give the distributions of CCR efficiency
⫽ 1), we have n ⫽ 55 DMUs (banks), i ⫽ 3 inputs scores for Stage 1 and Stage 2, respectively. Potential
⫺ employees, assets and equity, and r ⫽ 2 outputs improvements of 20% to 60% in revenue and profit are
⫺ revenue and profit. In Stage 2 (t ⫽ 2), we have n indicated for nearly 71% of the banks, and a range of
⫽ 54 DMUs (banks), i ⫽ 2, inputs ⫺ revenue and 20% to 60% improvement in MV, TRI, and EPS is
profit, and r ⫽ 3 outputs ⫺ MV, TRI, and EPS. 3 expected for approximately 45% of the banks. On
Let ␾ o1* and ␾ o2* be the optimal values for Stage 1 and average, banks had a relatively better performance
Stage 2 models respectively. If ␾ o1* ⫽ 1 and all with respect to profitability.
input/output slacks are zero, then a bank is said to be Scale efficiency has long been recognized in the
CCR-efficient in profitability. If ␾ o2* ⫽ 1 and all input/ banking literature as an important issue. However, the
output slacks are zero, then a bank is said to be CCR Model (1) assumes constant returns to scale
CCR-efficient in marketability. (CRS). In order to determine the scale efficiency of
Table 1 reports the CCR efficiency scores. Only six these 55 banks, we employ the output-oriented BCC
banks, namely, DMU1 (Citicorp), DMU5 (J. P. Morgan DEA model which allows variable returns to scale
& Co.), DMU10 (Bankers Trust New York Corp.), (VRS) (Banker et al. 1984).
DMU16 (Wells Fargo & Co.), DMU17 (Bank of New
York Co.), and DMU30 (MBNA), are CCR-efficient in
profitability. Six banks, namely, DMU10, DMU13
(PNC Bank Corp.), DMU40 (Fifth Third Bancorp),
max ␥ ot ⫹ ␧ 冉 冘s ⫹冘s




r 冊 t ⫽ 1, 2

DMU48 (First Security Corp.), DMU52 (First Empire

冘 ␭x ⫹s
State Corp.), and DMU54 (BayBanks), are CCR- ⫺
s.t. j ij i ⫽ x io i ⫽ 1, 2, . . . , m;
efficient in marketability. A single bank, DMU10 ex- j⫽1
hibits best practice in both dimensions. Since the

冘 ␭y
DMUs are sorted by revenue, the first 31 banks are n

among the Fortune 500 with assets greater than $2,000 j rj ⫺ s⫹

r ⫽ ␥ o y ro
r ⫽ 1, 2, . . . , s;
million (with one exception—DMU30 –MBNA). It can j⫽1

be seen that all CCR-efficient DMUs for the Stage 1

冘 ␭ ⫽1
profitability model are among the first 30 banks,
EPS data for one bank (Bank 34, Southern National Corp.) was
negative. Therefore this bank was excluded from the DEA analysis
␭ j, s ⫺ ⫹
i , s r ⭓ 0. (2)
of Stage 2 resulting in 55 DMUs in Stage 1 and 54 DMUs in Stage 2.
Although one could invoke the translation invariance property of
DEA (Ali and Seiford 1990) to allow negative values, such use is
Let ␥ o1* and ␥ o2* be the optimal values for (2) in Stage
restricted to the convex case, and some properties, e.g., returns to 1 and Stage 2, respectively. Define a scale efficiency
scale (RTS), are not translation invariant. measure by

Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999 1273

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

Table 1 Efficiency Results

Profitability Marketability Adjusted


1 Citicorp 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 2.22629 1.00000 DRS 1.96759

2 BankAmerica Corp. 1.46572 1.19242 DRS 2.02745 1.00000 DRS 2.67492
3 NationsBank Corp. 1.25852 1.23178 DRS 2.01639 1.04762 DRS 2.24049
4 Chemical Banking Corp. 1.14565 1.07208 DRS 2.22441 1.17976 DRS 2.24530
5 J. P. Morgan & Co. 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 1.88763 1.07401 DRS 1.62636
6 Chase Manhattan Corp. 1.19998 1.18324 IRS 1.97889 1.16520 DRS 2.13593
7 First Chicago NBD Corp. 1.26820 1.26812 IRS 1.99399 1.24469 DRS 2.22424
8 First Union Corp. 1.34203 1.26789 DRS 1.74746 1.01410 DRS 2.10488
9 Banc One Corp. 1.42400 1.17498 DRS 1.75796 1.05878 DRS 2.24649
10 Bankers Trust New York Corp. 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 1.00000
11 Fleet Financial Group 1.34885 1.34882 IRS 1.35231 1.09968 DRS 2.09335
12 Norwest Corp. 1.41056 1.13822 DRS 1.62002 1.09350 DRS 2.15575
13 PNC Bank Corp. 1.46868 1.44546 IRS 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 2.50310
14 KeyCorp 1.40077 1.33349 DRS 1.95201 1.40564 DRS 2.43276
15 Bank of Boston Corp. 1.13527 1.09816 IRS 2.04048 1.19025 DRS 2.06496
16 Wells Fargo & Co. 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 1.53265 1.00000 DRS 1.33729
17 Bank of New York Co. 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 1.79339 1.23352 DRS 1.54366
18 First Interstate Bancorp 1.24357 1.17181 DRS 1.39599 1.00000 DRS 1.50272
19 Mellon Bank Corp. 1.33620 1.13285 DRS 1.82595 1.24302 DRS 2.14184
20 Wachovia Corp. 1.32595 1.31020 IRS 1.58118 1.23491 DRS 1.82137
21 SunTrust Banks 1.52661 1.52475 DRS 1.42458 1.15455 DRS 1.89208
22 Barnett Banks 1.48538 1.42508 DRS 1.81902 1.44995 DRS 2.34092
23 National City Corp. 1.55531 1.43373 DRS 1.92081 1.66344 DRS 2.63457
24 First Bank System 1.14793 1.10864 IRS 1.35522 1.06841 DRS 1.33801
25 Comerica 1.35078 1.35024 DRS 1.75552 1.33088 DRS 1.93687
26 Boatmen’s Bancshares 1.57613 1.56623 IRS 1.66734 1.39892 DRS 2.29205
27 U.S. Bancorp 1.52131 1.46983 IRS 1.36872 1.20952 DRS 1.77726
28 CoreStates Financial Corp. 1.29265 1.28448 IRS 1.55757 1.33732 DRS 1.74606
29 Republic New York Corp. 1.21513 1.00000 IRS 1.79015 1.69502 DRS 1.82236
30 MBNA 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 1.10393 1.03421 DRS 1.00000
31 State Street Boston Corp. 1.26003 1.25722 IRS 1.28135 1.26093 DRS 1.39079
32 First of America Bank Corp. 1.62366 1.61784 DRS 1.55994 1.49311 DRS 2.01993
33 Northern Trust Corp. 1.28003 1.09901 IRS 1.34935 1.28464 DRS 1.31137
34 Southern National Corp. 1.49424 1.31987 IRS
35 Firstar Corp. 1.51298 1.43026 IRS 1.29746 1.29659 IRS 1.07937
36 Huntington Bancshares 1.36592 1.19881 IRS 1.41447 1.37485 DRS 1.58138
37 SouthTrust Corp. 1.45287 1.33217 IRS 1.56641 1.56620 DRS 1.74594
38 Crestar Financial Corp. 1.51322 1.30351 IRS 1.33815 1.33491 DRS 1.44925
39 Amsouth Bancorp. 1.41893 1.17595 IRS 1.36419 1.33486 DRS 1.34549
40 Fifth Third Bancorp 1.18494 1.00000 IRS 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 1.00467
41 Mercantile Bancorp. 1.41364 1.21397 IRS 1.56240 1.50667 DRS 1.72484
42 Meridian Bancorp 1.38069 1.14637 IRS 1.03884 1.01601 DRS 1.00000
43 Marshall & Ilsley Corp. 1.61165 1.45907 IRS 1.51110 1.49380 IRS 1.38028
44 First Tennessee National Corp. 1.33328 1.00000 IRS 1.37990 1.37936 IRS 1.00167
45 Banponce Corp. 1.67449 1.51418 IRS 1.67664 1.66202 IRS 1.36842
46 UJB Financial 1.51301 1.23857 IRS 1.43904 1.43747 IRS 1.06925
47 Integra Financial 1.50398 1.19804 IRS 1.03590 1.00000 IRS 1.00000
48 First Security Corp. 1.65955 1.43364 IRS 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 1.19419
49 Regions Financial 1.51619 1.19075 IRS 1.50995 1.46555 IRS 1.34299
50 Signet Banking Corp. 1.28587 1.00000 IRS 1.52596 1.00000 IRS 1.64113
51 Old Kent Financial Corp. 1.42787 1.04675 IRS 1.36141 1.23668 IRS 1.23456
52 First Empire State Corp. 1.36812 1.00000 IRS 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 1.00000
53 Bancorp Hawaii 1.52981 1.00000 IRS 1.43523 1.00000 IRS 1.26220
54 BayBanks 1.60314 1.21369 IRS 1.00000 1.00000 CRS 1.00000
55 Union Planters Corp. 1.51155 1.01584 IRS 1.50077 1.00000 IRS 1.00000

1274 Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

Figure 2a CCR Efficiency Distribution in Stage 1 Figure 2b CCR Efficiency Distribution in Stage 2

Figure 2c BCC Efficiency Distribution in Stage 1 Figure 2d BCC Efficiency Distribution in Stage 2

␾ ot* ing returns to scale (IRS or DRS) is the primary cause

␲ ot ⫽ , for t ⫽ 1, 2
␥ ot* of scale inefficiency. As shown in Banker (1984), the
optimal solution for ␭ *j ( j ⫽ 1, . . . , n) in (1), i.e., the
Obviously, ␲ ot 肁 1. If ␲ ot ⫽ 1, a bank is called magnitude of ¥ j⫽1 n
␭ *j , contains the information for RTS
scale-efficient; otherwise, if ␲ ot ⬎ 1, a bank is called classification. However, because of the possibility of
scale-inefficient. Table 1 gives ␥ ot* for each bank when multiple optimal lambda solutions for (1), DMUs may
we employ (2) to measure profitability and market- be misclassified with respect to RTS by ¥ j⫽1 n
␭ *j (see
ability. Twelve and thirteen DMUs were BCC-efficient Banker and Thrall 1992). To avoid the misclassifica-
in Stage 1 and Stage 2, respectively. Figures 2c–d give tion, we use the recent result of Zhu and Shen (1995)
the distribution of the BCC scores ( ␥ ot* ) for each stage. to determine the RTS classification. 4 That is, let DMU o
Note that ␲ ot ⫽ 1 if and only if ␥ ot* ⫽ ␾ ot* . In our case, be a bank under evaluation and ␭ *j be an optimal
within the 55 banks, only those banks that were CCR solution to (1) associated with ␾ ot* , then CRS prevail
efficient are scale-efficient. A paired-difference t-test for DMU o if and only if ␥ ot* ⫽ ␾ ot* , i.e., ␲ ot ⫽ 1;
was applied to CCR and BCC scores in each stage. The otherwise, if ␥ ot* ⫽ ␾ ot* , i.e., ␲ ot ⬎ 1, then IRS prevail for
results of the t-test were significant, indicating that a
serious scale inefficiency was present for the 55 com- 4
An alternative approach is to use Banker and Thrall’s (1992) RTS
mercial banks in both profitability and marketability.
interval obtained by calculating two auxiliary BCC-dual-like linear
(For profitability and marketability, t values are equal programming problems. However, the two methods are equivalent
to 7.6 and 6.8, respectively.) and our approach is easier. See Seiford and Zhu (1999a) for the
We next determine whether increasing or decreas- discussion on alternative RTS approaches.

Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999 1275

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

DMU o if and only if ¥ j⫽1 n

␭ *j ⬍ 1, and DRS prevail for larger banks. However, the recent study of MacAllis-
DMU o if and only if ¥ j⫽1 ␭ *j ⬎ 1. Using this method,
ter and MacManus (1993) demonstrates that these
one does not have to worry about possible misclassi- previous results were biased by problems in the
fication errors from multiple optimal solutions for ␭ *j , statistical techniques employed and by the fact that
and the RTS classifications are readily obtained from the models ignored an important input—financial
the optimal solutions to (1) and (2). capital. Our current study shows that for profitability,
Table 1 indicates that, for profitability, the BCC- some relatively large banks with assets greater than
efficient but not scale-efficient banks were operating on $2,000 million exhibited IRS, whereas for marketabil-
an IRS frontier. For marketability, four BCC-efficient ity, all of these large banks were in the DRS region.
banks were operating on each of the IRS and DRS
frontiers, respectively. Of the BCC-inefficient banks, 64% 3.2 Input Congestion in Profitability and
and 20% were in the IRS region in Stage 1 and Stage 2, Marketability
respectively. As economists have long recognized, an Input congestion, an economic concept that originated in
IRS frontier firm would generally be in a more favorable the areas of transportation and agriculture, refers to the
position for expansion, compared to a firm operating in situation where reductions in the usage of a proper
a CRS or DRS region. Furthermore, on the basis of Stigler subset of inputs, holding the usage of other inputs
(1966), U.S. commercial banks were more economically constant, generate an increase in one or more outputs.
viable in profitability than marketability. For example, “too much fertilizer applied to a given plot
Note that the concept of RTS may be ambiguous could easily reduce overall output” (Byrnes et al. 1984).
unless a bank is on the BCC-efficient frontier, since we After an inefficient bank is projected onto the frontier by
classified RTS for inefficient banks by their output- a proportional (radial) increase of outputs or a propor-
oriented BCC projections. Thus, a different RTS clas- tional decrease in inputs, the input congestion measure
sification may be obtained for a different orientation, provides information about the effect on output im-
since the input-oriented and the output-oriented BCC provement of further individual input reduction.
models can yield different projection points on the In DEA, input congestion is usually investigated
VRS frontier. Thus, it is necessary to explore the under assumptions of strong and weak input dispos-
robustness of the RTS classification under the input- abilities. However, as shown in Ray et al. (1998), input
oriented DEA method. congestion can be measured by nonzero input slacks
Note that an IRS DMU (under the output-oriented when all frontier DMUs are extreme-efficient. 5 Since
DEA method) must be termed as IRS by the input- the CCR Model (1) and BCC Model (2) respectively
oriented DEA method (see Appendix A for the proof). yield unique optimal solutions for efficient DMUs, all
Therefore, one only needs to check the CRS and DRS of the CCR and BCC frontier banks are extreme-
banks in the current study. Using Zhu and Shen’s (1995) efficient. Thus, input congestion can be determined by
input-oriented approach, we discover that only three the following linear programming problem. 6
DRS banks in profitability (DMUs 21, 25 and 32) and

twelve DRS banks in marketability (DMUs 23, 26, 28, 29, c
max i
31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 41) are termed as IRS DMUs
for the input-oriented RTS method. These results indi-
cate that (i) in general, the RTS classification under
profitability is independent of the orientation of DEA
s.t. 冘 ␭x ⫹s ⫽␪ x
j ij
io i ⫽ 1, . . . , m;

model; and (ii) there are serious output deficiencies in

marketability at the current revenue and profit levels. 5
A complete classification of efficient and inefficient DMUs is
The findings from most previous empirical research defined in Charnes et al. (1991).
on scale efficiency in banking indicate that IRS occurs 6
See Cooper et al. (1999) for the situation when some frontier DMUs
only among relatively small banks, and DRS among are weakly efficient.

1276 Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

冘 ␭y
j rj ⭓ y ro r ⫽ 1, . . . , s; mance with Plan (b), then it may no longer be efficient
in Stage 1 profitability. In addition, a bank may not
have direct control over all Stage 2 outputs, i.e., its
␭ j ⭓ 0, j 僆 E, (3) performance in the stock market. Thus, to improve
where E is the set of all CCR-extreme-efficient banks performance over Stage 1 and Stage 2, we focus on
and ␪ t* represents the optimal value for the input- maximizing revenue and profit. However, increases in
oriented CCR model (or, equivalently, the reciprocal revenue and profit may affect the scale efficiency in
of the optimal value ␾ ot* in (1)). If the optimal value to Stage 2. Figures 3a– b illustrate this with employees
(3) is equal to zero, input is not congested; otherwise, (input) and profit (output) in Stage 1, and profit
if the optimal value to (3) is not equal to zero, input (input) and market value (output) in Stage 2.
congestion is present. Furthermore, if a specific s ic*o If maximizing profit is a major goal, then a bank will
⫽ 0, then the i o th input is a cause of input congestion increase its current profit level to point S (Figure 3a). As
and s ic*o gives the amount of congestion. mentioned earlier, being positioned in an IRS region is
Model (3) measures input congestion for a CRS ideal for economic viability. Therefore, one should avoid
technology. If one appends the additional constraint, the situation (illustrated in Figure 3) that a profit increase
¥ j僆E ␭ j ⫽ 1, to (3), an input congestion measure for a (AS) in Stage 1 would move the bank into a DRS region
VRS technology is obtained. In this case, ␪ t* should be in Stage 2, i.e., AS should not be greater than UV. If AS
replaced by the optimal value to the input-oriented ⬎ UV, then one may wish to investigate alternative
BCC model and E should represent the set of all approaches to performance improvement in Stage 1. For
BCC-extreme-efficient banks. example, one may move the bank onto the best practice
Table 2 reports the nonzero input slacks, s ic* . It is point G by increasing the profit to P and then by
obvious from Table 2 that a serious input congestion reducing the number of employees to G.
exists in profitability. Between a third to a half of the We formalize this preference for maintaining viabil-
banks exhibited input congestion under CRS and VRS ity while improving a bank’s profitability as:
technologies. The input employee was not a factor in Process Improvement Rule: The increase in revenue
causing input congestion for the CRS technology. and profit for Stage 1 improvement should not move
Thus, labor does not appear to be overutilized under a an IRS bank in Stage 2 into a DRS region.
CRS assumption. However, for a VRS technology, the It can be seen that to implement the process im-
amount of employee congestion is 18.36% of the provement rule, we must determine an IRS stability
corresponding employee input level. region which preserves the IRS positioning of a bank.
In marketability, a very different picture is portrayed. As in Seiford and Zhu (1999b), we formulate the
With the exception of revenue congestion for four large following linear programming problem for an IRS
banks, input congestion is essentially absent. bank, DMU o , in Stage 2

冘 ␭˜

3.3 Process Improvement 共 ␶ *o 兲 ⫺1 ⫽ max j

The analyses of the previous section indicated which j⫽1

banks were efficient and which were inefficient. For

冘 ␭˜ x ⭐ x
each stage, inefficient banks are able to improve their s.t. j ij io i ⫽ 1, 2, . . . , m;
performance and the DEA projections provide a pre- j⫽1

冘 ␭˜ y
scription for improvement. For example, DMU1 (Citi-
corp) was CCR-inefficient in Stage 2; however, it can j rj ⭓ ␾ o2* y ro r ⫽ 1, 2, . . . , s;
move its performance to best-practice by either (a)
increasing its MV, TRI, and EPS (proportionally by ␭˜ j ⭓ 0. (4)
123%), or (b) decreasing its revenue and profit (pro-
portionally by 55% and some additional nonzero where ␾ o2* is the optimal value to (1) for DMU o in
profit slack). If Citicorp chooses to improve its perfor- Stage 2.

Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999 1277

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

Table 2 Input Congestion in Profitability and Marketability

Profitability (Stage 1) Marketability (Stage 2)

Employees Assets Equity Revenue Profit


2 BankAmerica Corp. 13721.28 203.77 1961.03

3 NationsBank Corp. 121.40 599.93 17239.53 1425.96
4 Chemical Banking Corp. 5587.14 666.65
5 J. P. Morgan & Co. 3089.34
6 Chase Manhattan Corp. 369.55 387.67 1043.07
7 First Chicago NBD Corp. 6580.5 2431.26
8 First Union Corp. 1626.79 5363.77 12454.39
9 Banc One Corp. 10760.95 892.05
12 Norwest Corp. 15138.72 9931.92 4881.1
13 PNC Bank Corp. 55.83 47.15
14 KeyCorp 499.50 2017.48
15 Bank of Boston Corp. 49.93 41.47
16 Wells Fargo & Co. 50.14
18 First Interstate Bancorp 4746.91 8021.54 5964.45
19 Mellon Bank Corp. 4089.54 322.81 655.12
22 Barnett Banks 559.73 946.44
23 National City Corp. 755.2 1660.45
25 Comerica 486.12
27 U.S. Bancorp 39.33 31.72
28 CoreStates Financial Corp. 630.92
29 Republic New York Corp. 303.88
31 State Street Boston Corp. 3622.47 4908.75
32 First of America Bank Corp. 732.86
33 Northern Trust Corp. 703.57
34 Southern National Corp. 52.19 50.53
35 Firstar Corp. 648.81
37 SouthTrust Corp. 2032.32 2239.8
40 Fifth Third Bancorp 259.82
42 Meridian Bancorp 60.96 26.61
43 Marshall & Ilsley Corp. 1683.31 75.26
44 First Tennessee National Corp. 1907.96
45 Banponce Corp. 612.87 182.83
46 UJB Financial 265.04
47 Integra Financial 27.11 1.32
48 First Security Corp. 1324.28
49 Regions Financial 11.95
50 Signet Banking Corp. 12.29
51 Old Kent Financial Corp. 2.26
52 First Empire State Corp. 805.11
53 Bancorp Hawaii 4.54
55 Union Planters Corp. 40.20

Because DMU o exhibits IRS in Stage 2, the optimal tion continues to hold for ␩ 僆 { ␩ : 1 聿 ␩ ⬍ ␶ *o }, where
value to (4) must be less than one, i.e., ␶ *o ⬎ 1. As ␩ represents the proportional increase of all inputs, x̂ io
shown in Seiford and Zhu (1999b), the IRS classifica- ⫽ ␩ x io (i ⫽ 1, . . . , m) and ␶ *o is defined by (4). (See

1278 Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

Figure 3 Process Improvement

Appendix A for the proof.) Table 3 reports the value of Table 3 RTS Sensitivity Results for IRS Banks in Stage 2
␶ *o for the 11 IRS banks in Stage 2.
DMU No. Bank Name Change Rate
By this sensitivity analysis of RTS classification, we
can implement the process improvement rule as follows. 35 Firstar Corp. 1.01630
Step 1. For an IRS bank, DMU o , in Stage 2 which is 43 Marshall & Ilsley Corp. 1.12606
CCR-inefficient in Stage 1, calculate (4). First Tennessee National
(i) If ␾ o1* 聿 ␶ *o , improve profitability performance by 44 Corp. 1.00675
45 Banponce Corp. 1.15406
46 UJB Financial 1.01941

Employees Stage1 ⫽ employees ⫺ s employees 47 Integra Financial 1.36827
Assets Stage1 ⫽ assets ⫺ s assets 49 Regions Financial 1.14642
⫺* 50 Signet Banking Corp. 1.51128
Stage 1 Equity Stage1
⫽ equity ⫺ s equity
⫹* 51 Old Kent Financial Corp. 1.25299
Revenue Stage1
⫽ ␾ o revenue ⫹ s revenue
53 Bancorp Hawaii 1.29549
Profit Stage1
⫽ ␾ o profit ⫹ s profit
55 Union Planters Corp. 1.03753

where (*) represents the optimal value in (1);

(ii) If ␾ o1* ⬎ ␶ *o , then improve the profitability
performance by computing the following input-

冘 ␭ Assets ⫹ s
oriented CCR model 55

⫽ ␪ o Assets o
␪ *o ⫽ min ␪ o
j j assets

冘 ␭ Employees ⫹ s 冘 ␭ Equity ⫹ s
55 55

s.t. j j employees ⫽ ␪ o Employees o j j

equity ⫽ ␪ o Equity o
j⫽1 j⫽1

Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999 1279

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

聿 ␶ *o (1.28587 ⬍ 1.51128) is only satisfied by DMU50

冘 ␭ Revenue ⫺ s

j j revenue ⫽ ␶ *o Revenue o in 11 IRS banks. Therefore, we apply (ii) in Step 1 to
j⫽1 the remaining 10 IRS banks and apply (i) to DMU50
and all other banks. The last column of Table 1 reports

冘 ␭ Profit ⫺ s

the adjusted CCR scores in Stage 2 after all banks
j j profit ⫽ ␶ *o Profit o
become CCR-efficient in Stage 1.
Table 4 reports the adjusted efficient input-output
␭ j ⭓ 0, j ⫽ 1, . . . , 55. levels for three selected banks. DMU2 is a DRS bank in
Stage 2, therefore we use the original CCR results to
In effect, we first increase DMU o ’s current output project the current levels of employees, assets, equity,
levels by ␶ *o (moving the bank onto point P as in Figure revenue, and profit in Stage 1. Then, in Stage 2, we use
3a), then decrease the three input levels by an input- the new CCR results to adjust the levels of MV, TRI, and
oriented CCR model (moving the bank onto point G in EPS. Because no input slack is detected during CCR
Figure 3a). analysis in Stage 2, the adjusted revenue and profit levels
Finally, we obtain an efficient input-output level in in Stage 2 are the same as those in Stage 1.
Stage 1 by setting DMU35 is an IRS bank in Stage 2, and the sensi-
tivity analysis of RTS classification indicates that the

Employees Stage1 ⫽ ␪ *o employees ⫺ s employees
⫺* original CCR score is greater than ␶ *o (1.51298
Assets Stage1
⫽ ␪ *o assets ⫺ s assets
Equity Stage1 ⫽ ␪ *o equity ⫺ s equity ⬎ 0.01630). Therefore the levels of revenue and
Stage 1
Revenue Stage1 ⫹*
⫽ ␶ *o revenue ⫹ s revenue profit are increased proportionally by 0.01630, and
Profit Stage1 ⫹*
⫽ ␶ *o profit ⫹ s profit we use the input-oriented CCR model to move
DMU35 onto the best-practice frontier in Stage 1.
Step 2. Apply case (i) to other banks and obtain the Finally, we move this Stage 1 frontier bank onto the
corresponding efficient input-output levels. best-practice frontier in Stage 2.
Step 3. Calculate (1) again with the new Revenue Stage1 DMU50 is an IRS bank in Stage 2 with ␾ o1* ⬍ ␶ *o .
and Profit Stage1 levels obtained from Steps 1 and 2 as Therefore we apply the same procedure as for
new input levels in Stage 2. We then obtain the DMU2.
following efficient input-output levels for DMU o in
3.4 The Effect of Acquisition on Profitability and
Stage 2:

MV Stage2 ⫽ ␾ o2* MV ⫹ s MV Chase Manhattan Corp. (DMU6) and First Interstate
TRI Stage2
⫽ ␾ o TRI ⫹ s TRI
Bancorp (DMU18) were acquired by Chemical Banking
Stage 2 EPS Stage2
⫽ ␾ o EPS ⫹ s EPS
Corp. (DMU4) (March 31, 1996) and Wells Fargo & Co.
Revenue Stage2
⫽ Revenue Stage1
⫺ s revenue (DMU16) (April 1, 1996), respectively.7 Employing vari-
Profit Stage2
⫽ Profit Stage1
⫺ s profit ous expense ratios, Rhoades (1993) shows that during
The above steps improve the profitability and 1981–1986, horizontal bank mergers did not yield effi-
marketability and satisfy the process improvement ciency gains. For our current empirical study, we exam-
rule. Note that the only difference between the ine the potential effect of acquisitions on these banks’
Revenue Stage1 (Profit Stage1 ) and Revenue Stage2 (Profit Stage2 ) performance over profitability and marketability.
is possible nonzero input slacks in Stage 2. How- Two hypothetical DMUs, namely Bank A (DMU4
ever, on the basis of complementary slackness, only ⫹ DMU6) and Bank B (DMU16 ⫹ DMU18), are
one of revenue and profit has a possible nonzero 7
NBD Bancorp acquired First Chicago Corp. and changed its name
slack for each bank in Stage 2. From our empirical
to First Chicago NBD Corp. Also, First Union Corp., Fleet Financial
application, only a nonzero revenue slack of $53 Group, and PNC Bank Corp. acquired First Fidelity Bancorp,
million was found for DMU13 (PNC Bank Corp.). Shawmut National Corp., and Midlantic Corp., respectively. How-
From Table 3, we observe that the condition of ␾ o1* ever, data before acquisition are not available for the current study.

1280 Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

Table 4 Adjusted Efficiency Levels for Selected Banks respectively. For example, the number of employees in
Bank A (72443) is the summation of number of em-
Adjusted Level
ployees in DMU4 (39078) and DMU6 (33365). TRI and
DMU2 BankAmerica Corp. Original Level Stage 1 Stage 2 EPS are relative numbers. To obtain an aggregated
number for TRI or EPS, we need information on total
DRS in investment and profit after taxes. Unfortunately, the
Stage current study does not have access to data on total
2 Employees 95288.00 95288.00
investment. Therefore, we use the profit levels to
Assets ($ millions) 232446.00 229124.67
Equity ($ millions) 20222.00 19923.33
combine the TRIs and EPSs respectively.
Revenue ($ millions) 20386.00 29880.00 29880.00
Profit ($ millions) 2664.00 3904.68 3904.68
TRI acquisition
j ⫽ ␮ 1j TRI j1 ⫹ ␮ 2j TRI j2 , j ⫽ A and B.
Market Value ($ millions) 27148.60 72620.33
Total Returns to Investors (%) 69.40 190.48 where ␮ 1j ⫽ (Profit j1/Profit j1 ⫹ Profit j2) and ␮ 2j ⫽ (Profit j2/
Earning per share ($) 6.49 17.36 Profit j1 ⫹ Profit j2). Specifically, we consider the convex
combination of the levels of TRIs for the acquired banks.
Adjusted Level
In this case, we have ␮ 1A ⫽ 0.61, ␮ 2A ⫽ 0.39, and ␮ 1B ⫽ 0.54,
DMU35 Firstar Corp. Original Level Stage 1 Stage 2 ␮2B ⫽ 0.46. Note that the profit levels are “profits after
taxes.” Thus, we may derive the EPS for banks A and B
IRS in by
2 Employees 9263.00 6222.16 Profit j1 ⫹ Profit j2
Assets ($ millions) 19168.30 12875.76 EPS acquisition
j ⫽ , j ⫽ A and B
Profit j1 Profit j2
Equity ($ millions) 1524.80 1024.24 ⫹
Revenue ($ millions) 1740.00 1768.36 1768.36 EPS j1 EPS j2
Profit ($ millions) 228.90 232.63 232.63
Market Value ($ millions) 3393.4 3662.74
Table 5 provides the input and output data on the
Total Returns to Investors (%) 53.50 57.75 two hypothetical banks.
Earning per share ($) 3.00 3.24 We examine the effect of acquisition on profitability
and marketability for two cases. (Note that DMU16 is
Adjusted Level
a CCR-efficient bank in Stage 1.) In Case I, we keep the
DMU50 Signet Banking Corp. Original Level Stage 1 Stage 2
original CCR-frontier fixed, i.e., we keep the CCR-
efficient DMUs (including DMU16) in the reference
IRS in set. In Case II, we exclude DMU16 from the reference
Stage set. This affects the CCR-frontier in Stage 1 but not in
2 Employees 4485.00 4485.00 Stage 2, since DMU16 is a CCR-inefficient DMU in
Assets ($ millions) 11012.90 11012.90
Stage 2. Thus, for marketability, we only need to
Equity ($ millions) 886.70 870.90
Revenue ($ millions) 1145.30 1472.71 1472.71 consider Case I. Table 5 reports the results. In Case I,
Profit ($ millions) 114.30 169.85 169.85 the CCR scores of the two hypothetical banks are
Market Value ($ millions) 1454.50 2387.02 almost the same. In both stages, no obvious efficiency
Total Returns to Investors (%) 31.00 50.88 gain results from the acquisition. (Note DMU16 is one
Earning per share ($) 0.53 1.80
of the referent banks.)
In Case II, removal of DMU16 results in better profit-
ability for both banks A and B. In both cases, DMU30 is
created to represent the result of the two acquisitions.
in the reference set for the evaluation of Banks A and B.
Additivity is assumed in acquisition, i.e., the input
and output levels in Bank A and Bank B are the 3.5 Context-Dependent Performance
summations of the associated input and output levels We have identified best-practice/performance for
for DMU4 and DMU6, and DMU16 and DMU18, profitability and marketability and examined/pre-

Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999 1281

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

Table 5 The Effect of Acquisition on Performance

Case I Case II
BANK Chemical Banking Corp.
A (plus) Chase Manhattan Corp. New Level Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 1

Employees 72443.00
Assets ($ millions) 304099.00 CCR Efficiency CCR Efficiency CCR Efficiency
Equity ($ millions) 21046.00 ⫽ 1.19712 ⫽ 2.12843 ⫽ 1.18188

Revenue ($ millions) 26220.00 Referent banks Referent banks Referent banks

Profit ($ millions) 2970.00 Bank 5 (1.41) Bank 13 (2.55) Bank 5 (1.34)

Market Value ($ millions) 29587.70 Bank 16 (0.33) Bank 40 (6.70) Bank 17 (0.34)
Total Returns to Investors (%) 75.17 Bank 30 (3.94) Bank 30 (4.12)
Earning per share ($) 4.38

Case I Case II
BANK Wells Fargo & Co. (plus) First
B Interstate Bancorp New Level Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 1

Employees 46900.00
Assets ($ millions) 108387.00 CCR Efficiency CCR Efficiency CCR Efficiency
Equity ($ millions) 8209.00 ⫽ 1.19137 ⫽ 1.58192 ⫽ 1.09935

Revenue ($ millions) 10236.50 Referent banks Referent banks Referent banks

Profit ($ millions) 1917.10 Bank 16 (1.96) Bank 13 (0.06) Bank 17 (1.51)

Market Value ($ millions) 23480.50 Bank 30 (0.75) Bank 40 (6.42) Bank 30 (2.05)
Total Returns to Investors (%) 78.52 Bank 52 (0.35)
Earning per share ($) 14.64

Note. The numbers in parentheses represent optimal lambda values.

scribed improvements for individual banks. Our sug- pared to bank y depends on the presence or absence of
gestions for improvement addressed the radial dis- a third option, say bank z (or a group of banks).
tance from an inefficient bank to the best-practice Relative attractiveness is dependent upon the back-
frontier. However, we have not examined the influ- grounds constructed from alternative options (banks).
ence of similar or closely performing banks. Research- We first develop the following DEA technique to
ers of consumer choice theory point out that consumer construct these different backgrounds for measuring
choice is often influenced by context. For example, a the attractiveness of a particular bank.
circle appears large when surrounded by small circles Define J 1 ⫽ {DMU j , j ⫽ 1, . . . , n} (the set of all n
and small when surrounded by larger ones. Similarly DMUs (banks)) and interactively define J l⫹1 ⫽ J l ⫺ E l
a product may appear attractive against a background where E l ⫽ {DMU k 僆 J l 兩 ␾ *(l, k) ⫽ 1, and all slacks on
of less attractive alternatives and unattractive when inputs and outputs are zero}, where ␾ *(l, k) is the
compared to more attractive alternatives (Tversky and optimal value to the following linear programming
Simonson 1993). Considering this influence within the problem:
framework of the current study, one would ask “what
is the relative attractiveness of a particular bank when ␾ *共l, k兲 ⫽ max ␾ 共l, k兲
␭ j , ␾ ,共l,k兲
compared to others in terms of profitability and mar-
ketability?” As in Tversky and Simonson (1993), one
agrees that the relative attractiveness of bank x , com-
s.t. 冘
j僆f共J l 兲
␭ j y rj ⭓ ␾ 共l, k兲y rk r ⫽ 1, . . . , s;

1282 Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

j僆f共J l 兲
␭ j x ij ⭐ x ik i ⫽ 1, . . . , m; in E l⬘ , where l⬘ ⬍ l. The attractiveness score of a
specific DMU q ⫽ ( x q , y q ) in a specific level E l o , l o
僆 {1, . . . , L ⫺ 1} is defined as the optimal value to the
␭j ⭓ 0 j 僆 f共J l 兲, (5)
following linear programming problem
where x ik and y rk represent the amounts of the ith
⍀ qlo共 ␣ 兲 ⫽ max ⍀ q 共 ␣ 兲 ␣ ⫽ 1, . . . , L ⫺ l o
input and the ith output of DMU k , and j 僆 f(J l ) means ␭ j ,⍀ q 共 ␣ 兲

DMU j 僆 J l , i.e., f⵺ represents the correspondence
from a DMU set to the corresponding subscript index s.t. ␭ j y rj ⭓ ⍀ q 共 ␣ 兲y rq r ⫽ 1, . . . , s;
j僆f共E l o⫹ ␣ 兲
When l ⫽ 1, Model (5) becomes the original output-
oriented CCR model and E 1 consists of all the efficient

j僆f共E l o⫹ ␣ 兲
␭ j x ij ⭐ x iq i ⫽ 1, . . . , m;

DMUs. When l ⫽ 2, Model (1) gives E 2 the set of

␭j ⭓ 0 j 僆 f共E l o⫹ ␣ 兲, (6)
efficient DMUs after exclusion of the original efficient
DMUs. And so on. We call E l the level-/best-practice where the integer ␣ gives the degree of attractiveness.
frontier (BPF). In this manner, we identify several The optimal value ⍀ qlo (␣) is called the (output-oriented)
levels of BPFs. 8 The following algorithm accomplishes ␣-degree attractiveness of DMUq. Obviously, the smaller
the identification of these BPFs by Model (5). the value of ⍀ qlo (␣), the more attractive DMU q is relative
Step 1. Set l ⫽ 1. Evaluate the entire set of DMUs, J 1 to the other DMUs. (See Seiford and Zhu 1996 for a more
by (1) to obtain the Level 1 efficient DMUs, set E 1 (the complete discussion of the properties on ⍀ qlo (␣).) 9 Note
Level 1 BPF). that ⍀ qlo (␣) depends on the particular evaluation back-
Step 2. Exclude the efficient DMUs from future DEA grounds E lo ⫹␣, and Model (6) provides a measure of
runs. J l⫹1 ⫽ J l ⫺ E l . context-dependent performance.10
Step 3. Evaluate the new subset of “inefficient” Tables 6a– 6b report the different levels of BPF and
DMUs, J l⫹1 , by (1) to obtain a new set of efficient the first-degree attractiveness scores (␣ ⫽ 1) for prof-
DMUs E l⫹1 (the new BPF). itability and marketability. First-degree attractiveness
Step 4. Go to step 2. evaluates how distinctive a bank’s performance is
Stopping Rule. J l⫹1 ⫽ A, the algorithm stops. compared to banks in the next lower efficiency level.
Thus employing Model (5) iteratively gives a strat- For example, first-degree attractiveness for the banks
ification of the entire set of DMUs. From the algo- in E 1 is determined in the context of the banks in E 2.
rithm, it is obvious that l goes from 1 to L, where L is There are six and ten levels of BPFs for profitability
determined by the stopping rule, i.e., J L⫹1 ⫽ A. It is and marketability respectively.
easy to show that the set of n DMUs has the following Nine banks (DMUs 2, 34, 38, 45, 46, 47, 53, 54, and
properties: 55) are in the last BPF level for profitability. How-
Property 1. J 1 ⫽ 艛 L
l⫽1 E l and E l 艚 E l⬘ ⫽ A for l ever, the original CCR scores for these last-level
⫽ l⬘; banks are not all among the worst. For example,

Property 2. The DMUs in E l⬘ are enveloped by the 9

Model (6) can be regarded as a CCR model in which the particular
DMUs in E l if l⬘ ⬎ l; DMU under evaluation is excluded from the reference set. This is
frequently referred to as the superefficiency DEA model. As a result,
Property 3. Each DMU in set E l is efficient with either ⍀ qlo ( ␣ ) ⬍ 1 or (6) is infeasible. However, as shown in Zhu
reference to the DMUs in set E l⫹l⬘ for all 0 ⬍ l⬘ 聿 l (1996a) and Seiford and Zhu (1999c), (6) is always feasible.
⫺ L. 10
It can be seen that (6) is different from the model used in ranking
As described in Seiford and Zhu (1996), the sets E l efficient DMUs in (Andersen and Petersen 1993). Model (6) mea-
serve as evaluation backgrounds (contexts) for DMUs sures attractiveness of the efficient DMUs against inefficient DMUs,
whereas the Andersen and Petersen model for ranking efficient
DMUs measures an efficient DMU against all other DMUs including
The larger the value of l, the lower the efficiency level. the remaining efficient DMUs.

Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999 1283

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

Table 6a Context-Dependent Performance on Profitability

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Bank Score Bank Score Bank Score Bank Score Bank Score

1 0.84150 4 0.78011 3 0.96562 8 0.88833 13 0.95788

5 0.65790 15 0.88827 6 0.80313 9 0.88447 21 0.95007
10 0.67591 18 0.89194 7 0.90253 11 0.90669 26 0.96626
16 0.81779 19 0.88524 12 0.86922 14 0.93219 27 0.9516
17 0.80435 24 0.82672 20 0.87435 22 0.93993 32 0.92688
30 0.58251 29 0.58218 28 0.84498 23 0.94184 35 0.93535
31 0.89216 43 0.93006 25 0.90558 37 0.90979
40 0.81706 50 0.91427 33 0.87066 39 0.91815
44 0.94487 36 0.87859 42 0.93191
41 0.90757 48 0.92328
52 0.9195 49 0.92211
51 0.9523
Average 0.72999 0.83428 0.88802 0.90685 0.93713

Table 6b Context-Dependent Performance on Marketability

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9

Bank Score Bank Score Bank Score Bank Score Bank Score Bank Score Bank Score Bank Score Bank Score

10 0.75259 16 0.87268 11 0.86496 21 0.92260 12 0.92975 17 0.87346 5 0.93545 6 0.61235 2 0.61271

13 0.76095 18 0.87263 24 0.84421 27 0.92055 20 0.89468 22 0.67554 8 0.89467 14 0.55573 3 0.52007
40 0.66196 30 0.80994 31 0.90959 33 0.99889 28 0.88067 25 0.75769 9 0.86775 23 0.48203 4 0.44036
48 0.76172 42 0.73030 35 0.93232 36 0.93673 29 0.61548 26 0.88301 15 0.46555 7 0.43889
52 0.19053 47 0.75900 38 0.78661 41 0.73560 32 0.59321 19 0.52931
54 0.48098 55 0.74557 39 0.89101 44 0.87010 37 0.52722
45 0.64466 46 0.85899 43 0.72346
49 0.85018 50 0.76527
51 0.82074
53 0.75326
Average 0.60146 0.79835 0.82975 0.89192 0.74122 0.79743 0.73855 0.55004 0.50301

DMU48, with a CCR score of 1.65955, is in Level 5, tiveness score for DMU29 indicates a large difference
whereas, DMU2, with a CCR score of 1.46572, is in relative to the other banks in Level 2 BPF.
the last level. We observe that CCR scores alone do Similarly, for marketability, DMU52, DMU42,
not entirely characterize the performance of these DMU45, DMU41, DMU37, DMU22, DMU15, DMU23,
banks. The stratification which results from DEA and DMU7 are the most attractive banks in each of the
Model (5) provides a better indication of the struc- first 9 levels of BPF. Among the original CCR-efficient
ture of the set of banks. DMUs, DMU52 has the lowest first-degree attractiveness
For profitability, DMU30, DMU29, DMU6, DMU33, score—almost one third of the average. Relative to the
and DMU37 are the most attractive banks for each of the banks in the Level 2 BPF (evaluation background),
first 5 levels of BPF. However, the first-degree attractive- DMU52 exhibits distinctive performance on marketabil-
ness scores for the banks in Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5 ity, compared to the other CCR-efficient banks.
BPFs are very similar. In contrast, the first-degree attrac- The average first-degree attractiveness scores in

1284 Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

Table 7a Effect of Acquisition on Attractiveness Measure for Profitability

1st-Degree Attractiveness With Acquisition 1st-Degree Attractiveness Without Acquisition

Level 1 Change
Bank Score Referent Banks Score Referent Banks (%)

1 0.81261 A (0.01), 15 (4.00), 29 (0.52), 40 (1.69) 0.84150 18 (0.54), 24 (0.18) ⫺0.0343

5 0.65790 29 (3.18) 0.65790 18 (1.16) 0
10 0.65976 A (0.01), 15 (0.46), 29 (1.00) 0.67591 15 (0.11), 18 (0.33), 19 (0.06) ⫺0.0239
17 0.80435 29 (0.38), 40 (2.18) 0.80435 4 (0.03), 24 (0.74) 0
30 0.58251 15 (0.08), 19 (0.23) 0.58251 4 (0.03), 24 (0.72) 0
Average 0.70343 0.71243

Notes. 1. Bank 24 becomes the new CCR efficient DMU due to the removal of Bank 16. The 1st-degree attractiveness score for Bank 24 is 0.86337.
2. The banks in level 2 BPF (with acquisition) are DMUs A, B, 15, 19, 28, 29, 31, 40, and 44.
3. The numbers in parentheses represent the optimal lambda values in the attractiveness measure (6).
Table 7b Effect of Acquisition on Attractiveness Measure for Marketability

2nd-Degree Attractiveness With Acquisition 2nd-Degree Attractiveness Without Acquisition

Level 1 Change
Bank Score Referent Banks Score Referent Banks (%)

10 0.67681 11 (0.21), 31 (0.35) 0.67681 11 (0.21), 31 (0.35) 0

13 0.68671 11 (0.49), 31 (0.44) 0.68671 11 (0.49), 31 (0.44) 0
40 0.55193 B (0.06), 35 (0.49) 0.60281 24 (0.33), 51 (0.33) ⫺0.0844
48 0.59269 53 (0.98) 0.59269 53 (0.99) 0
52 0.16317 49 (0.15), 53 (0.87) 0.18788 45 (0.84) ⫺0.1315
54 0.43956 49 (0.52), 53 (0.39) 0.44063 45 (0.09), 49 (0.36), 51 (0.44) ⫺0.0024
Average 0.53426 0.54938

Notes. 1. The banks in Level 3 BPF (with acquisition) are DMUs B, 11, 21, 31, 35, 38, 39, 41, 49, 51, and 53.
2. The numbers in parentheses represent the optimal lambda values in the attractiveness measure (6).

each level may be used as a measure of average radial BPF is chosen as evaluation background, we obtain the
distance between successive BPFs. For example, the opposite result on DMUs 5 and 30, i.e., DMU30 is the
average value of 0.72999 for Level 1 in Table 6a most attractive bank, and then DMU5. This indicates
indicates that on average, the two output levels (rev- that different evaluation backgrounds may yield dif-
enue and profit) may be decreased approximately by ferent results on context-dependent performance.
73% before the Level 1 BPF reaches the Level 2 BPF. Note that in Model (1), deleting or adding some
Thus the averages in Tables 6a and 6b portray average inefficient DMUs does not alter the efficiencies of the
performance differences of profitability and market- existing DMUs. However, such actions will obviously
ability between successive BPFs. affect the results from the attractiveness measure (6).
If we consider the second-degree attractiveness for In § 3.3, we examined the effect of acquisition on the
banks in Level 1 BPF (Stage 1), i.e., we set l 0 ⫽ 1 and performance of the banks involved in the acquisition.
␣ ⫽ 2, then we have the optimal values to (5), 0.77653 Now, by (6), one is able to study the effect of acquisi-
(DMU1), 0.38302 (DMU5), 0.55309 (DMU10), 0.67744 tion on the relative attractiveness of the other banks.
(DMU16), 0.65317 (DMU17), and 0.54656 (DMU30). As described in § 3.3, Banks 4 and 6, and Banks 16
Therefore, if Level 3 BPF is chosen as evaluation and 18, are respectively replaced by two hypothetical
background, DMU5 is the most attractive one in banks, A and B. From Model (5), we obtain that, in
profitability, and then DMU30. Whereas if the Level 2 Stage 1, A and B are two new members in the Level 2

Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999 1285

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

BPF. The second and third columns in Table 7a market level, the current study develops a procedure
respectively report the first-degree attractiveness to improve a bank’s profitability and marketability,
scores and the referent banks in the Level 2 BPF for the moving it onto the best-practice frontier while main-
banks in Level 1 BPF after the acquisition. For conve- taining a viable IRS positioning across both stages.
nience, Table 7a also reports the corresponding infor- Our newly developed context-dependent DEA model
mation in Columns 4 and 5 when there is no acquisi- allows one to measure the attractiveness of a bank
tion. The last column in Table 7a gives the change in against the background of its competitors. Finally, our
the attractiveness scores. It can be seen that the attrac- examination of bank acquisition for the data set indi-
tiveness scores for DMUs 5, 10, and 30 remain un- cates that such activity did not affect the performance
changed, while scores for DMUs 1 and 17 are slightly of the banks involved in the acquisition, but did affect
decreased. Note also that the difference between
the attractiveness of other banks.
DMU1’s and DMU17’s scores becomes smaller after
The current study does not attempt to incorporate
the acquisitions. The acquisitions alter the context and
judgment as was done in Charnes et al. (1990). The
cause the performances of DMUs 1 and 17 to be less
incorporation of value judgment, e.g., introduction of
distinct from each other.
weight bounds into the dual of (1), will sharpen DEA
In Stage 2, Model (5) concludes that Bank A belongs
scores and rule out possibly unreasonable values.
to the Level 3 BPF. Therefore we use (6) to measure the
second-degree attractiveness of the banks in the Level Since the current study did not have access to such a
1 BPF, i.e., the banks in the Level 3 BPF serve as the priori information and the number of efficient banks is
referent set. Table 7b reports the results. It can be seen very small (only six out of fifty-five), we did not
that the second-degree attractiveness scores for DMUs employ a cone ratio or assurance region approach.
10, 13, and 48 remain unchanged while the scores for However, with the appropriate information, such an
DMUs 40, 52, and 54 are decreased. Our interpretation approach would be possible. For example, one would
is that the acquisition of Bank 18 by Bank 16 resulted employ the DEA/preference structure model of Zhu
in an increase in the attractiveness of these banks in (1996b) for the two-stage bank production process
terms of marketability. improvement procedure if a preference structure over
Finally, we point out that because of the acquisition, various production factors is available. This method
i.e., deleting and adding of DMUs, the structure of the has improved flexibility for target setting since it
BPFs is changed. For example, in Stage 2, DMUs 24 allows increases on inputs and decreases on outputs.
and 45, which were originally in Level 3 BPF, are now As an alternative approach to performance evalua-
members of the Level 2 BPF. As a result, the first- tion, the current paper employs DEA to analyze the
degree attractiveness score for DMUs 40, 52, and 54 financial performance for the Fortune 1000 (banking)
decreases, i.e., these banks become more attractive data as published by Fortune magazine. The current
compared to the other banks in the Level 1 BPF. study did not have access to such additional factors as
asset quality, capital adequacy, and liquidity which
4. Conclusions and Future Research could provide additional insight into the financial
The paper analyzes the profitability and (stock) mar- performance of commercial banks. The relationships
ketability of the top 55 U.S. commercial banks in 1995 of these dimensions to the profitability and market-
using an innovative two-stage DEA model. Close to ability of banks deserves to be further studied.
90% of the banks were inefficient in both profitability In addition, at the time of this study, data for
and marketability. Further, most large banks exhibited succeeding years had not been published and the data
DRS in marketability, while some of them exhibited for prior years are incomplete. However, in future
IRS in profitability. This suggests that bank size may studies, we do expect to examine performance over
have a negative effect on marketability. Having exam- time with window analysis and the Malmquist pro-
ined performance at both the institutional level and ductivity change index techniques. Such an approach

1286 Management Science/Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1999

Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks

would allow a dynamic view of the banks’ profitabil- oriented DEA method, then DMU o exhibits DRS under output-
ity and marketability over time. 11 oriented DEA method.

Theorem 2. (RTS sensitivity analysis for output-oriented DEA meth-

The authors appreciate the helpful comments and suggestions od.) The IRS classification continues to hold for ␩ 僆 { ␩ : 1 聿 ␩ ⬍ ␶ *o },
provided by two anonymous referees. This research was partly where ␩ represents the proportional increase of all inputs, x̂ io ⫽ ␩ x io (i
supported by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. ⫽ 1, . . . , m) and ␶ *o is defined in (4).

Proof. Suppose DMU o ⫽ ( ␩ x o , y o ) and DMU o exhibits CRS or

Appendix A: Proofs ៮ ⫽ 共 ␩ x , ␩y ) must also exhibit CRS or DRS
DRS. Then DMU o o o

Theorem 1. (Relationship between the output-oriented and input- under an output-oriented DEA method.
oriented RTS classifications.) Suppose DMU o exhibits IRS under an Furthermore, we have
output-oriented DEA method. Then DMU o exhibits IRS under an

input-oriented DEA method.
␭ *j x ij ⭐ ␩ x io i ⫽ 1, 2, . . . , m;
Proof. Since DMU o exhibits IRS under an output-oriented DEA j⫽1

method, for any optimal solution ␭ *j and ␾* to the following

output-oriented CCR model (B.1), we have ¥ j⫽1 ␭ *j ⬍ 1.

n n

␭ *j y rj ⭓ ␾ * ␩ y ro r ⫽ 1, 2, . . . , s;
max ␾ j⫽1

冘 冘

s.t. ␭ jx j ⭐ x o ␭ *j ⭓ 1,

៮ .

n where ␾* is the optimal value of ␾ ot in (B.1) when evaluating DMU o

␭ jy j ⭓ ␾ y o Obviously, ( ␭ *j / ␩ ) is a feasible solution to (4). Thus (¥ j⫽1 ␭ *j / ␩ )


j⫽1 肁 (1/ ␩ ) ⬎ (1/ ␶ *o ) violating the optimality of (4).

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Accepted by Stavros A. Zenios; received April 1997. This paper has been with the authors for 2 revisions.

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