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Stroke is one of the major causes of death and disability, including ischemic stroke, which
accounts for 85 - 87 % of cases. Currently, there are few treatment options available for
minimizing tissue death following a stroke. Emerging data suggest that biomarkers may help
improve current clinical outcome of stroke. As such, there is a pressing need to understand the
pathophysiology and to explore effective biomarkers following an ischemic brain event. The
pathophysiology of ischemic stroke is complex, and majorly involves excitotoxicity, oxidative
stress, inflammation, blood-brain barrier dysfunction, apoptosis, etc. Several of the biomarkers
are related to these pathophysiologic mechanisms and they may have applications in stroke
prediction, diagnosis, assessment, prognosis or treatment. In this review, we summarized the
pathophysiology of ischemic stroke and some related biomarkers are examined.
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microglia to produce proinflammatory cytokines recoverable for some time after the onset of
like interleukin-1 (1L-1), tumor necrosis factor- stroke.
1(TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (1L-1β), as well as
neuroprotective factors, such as erythropoietin, Caspase-dependent mechanism is important
TGFb1, and metallothionein-2 [16]. Most of for activation of apoptosis. It includes the
these cytokines can induce the production of intrinsic pathway, initiated by release of
some adhesion molecules such as selectins (P- cytochrome C from mitochondria and resulted
selectin, E-selectin), immunoglobulin in activating caspase-3; and the extrinsic
superfamily (intercellular adhesion molecule-1, pathway, triggered by activation of cell surface
vascular endothelial adhesion molecule-1) and death receptors and resulted in activating
integrins. Meanwhile interleukin-8 (1L-8), caspase-8[25]. Additionally, Caspase-
monocyte adhesion protein chemistry -1 (MCP- independent mechanism also plays a vital
1) and other chemokines play an important role significant role in apoptosis through PARP/AIF
in the migration of inflammatory cells. With the pathway [25,26]. This is a complex program
help of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), the that received much attention in recent years.
extracellular matrix is broken down, and
inflammatory cells infiltrate the brain BIOMARKERS IN ACUTE ISCHEMIC
parenchyma. 4-6 h after ischemia onset, STROKE
circulating leukocytes reach the penumbra.
Neutrophils are thought to be the first leukocyte In ischemic stroke, ideal biomarkers should
subtypes involved in inflammation [17]. exhibit characteristics that include sufficient
specificity and sensitivity, early and stable
Blood-brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction release shortly after infarction, predictable
clearance, potential for risk assessment and
Blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption in acute guidance of therapies, and the ability to be
ischemic stroke varies considerably from15 to quantitatively and rapidly measured by cost-
66 % [18]. Free reactive radicals and effective methodologies [3,27].Many of the
inflammation are major reasons that contribute novel biomarkers of cerebral injury are related
to the damage of the BBB in acute ischemia to the pathophysiology reviewed above, and in
and reperfusion injury. As important proteases clinical scenarios, they may have applications
in brain tissue, MMPs and serine proteases are in stroke prediction, diagnosis, assessment,
essential in the breakdown of the extracellular prognosis or treatment.
matrix around cerebral blood vessels and
neurons, and their action leads to the Coagulation/thrombosis biomarkers
destruction of BBB, brain edema, hemorrhage,
and cell death. So, MMPs are thought to be In most cases, the cause of acute ischemic
direct factors leading to BBB damage [19]. In stroke is atherothrombosis of large cervical or
ischemic stroke, besides pro-inflammation intracranial arteries, or embolism from the heart
reaction, free radicals could also affect the or cerebropetal arteries [28]. In this way,
activities of MMPs both directly and indirectly. molecules involved in coagulation or
thrombosis are associated with ischemic
BBB damage is reported to be biphasic in stroke, including fibrinogen, D-dimer and von
ischemic stroke [20]. 2 hours after the onset of Willebrand factor (vWF), which are most
ischemia, BBB gets a transient opening, which reported in recent years.
may results from oxidative stress that trigger
activation of MMP-9[21] and MMP-2 [22]. This In terms of risk prediction value, fibrinogen was
initial opening is followed 1 to 2 days later by a reported both by Fibrinogen Studies
second, more severe opening which is more Collaboration that plasma fibrinogen level was
complicated and last for several days [18,22]. significantly associated with coronary heart
disease (CHD), stroke, and other causes of
Apoptosis vascular and nonvascular mortality [29], and by
community-based study in Taiwan that a 72%
There are two forms of cell death, necrosis and increase (hazard ratio, 1.72; 1.02 to 2.90) in
apoptosis. In ischemic injury, many brain cells ischemic stroke risk was observed for
undergo apoptosis, which in contrast to individuals with fibrinogen ≥8.79 µmol/L
necrosis, is a relatively orderly process that compared with those <7.03µmol/L, suggested
allows cells to die with minimal damage and fibrinogen is independently predicted future
disruption to neighboring cells [23]. In this way, ischemic risk [30]. Also, D-dimer and vWF are
there is little inflammation or release of genetic reported to be associated with increased risk of
material [2,24] and they are potentially stroke in older men., and these associations
were independent of inflammation, especially way to protect neural cells from oxidative
for D-dimer, it is a significant predictor of stroke stress. Clinical researches showed that CAT
in hypertensive men [31]. and GPX activity were significantly higher in
ischemic patients compared to the controls
As a novel biomarker for diagnosing stroke, [38,39], and CAT can be considered as
vWF can present a high sensitivity and adequate marker for positive outcome [39].
specificity when combined with other markers. However, others found GPX activity to be
Lynch et al. [32] analyzed twenty-six significantly lower in stroke patients compared
biomarkers with relation to the ischemic with controls [40,41]. This debate may result
cascade, from which a panel of four (S100B, from the degree of damage by ROS, since
vWF, MMP9, and VCAM) were able to
antioxidant enzymes might be induced by
separate ischemic stroke from controls with
oxidative stress (and therefore their activity
90% sensitivity and specificity. Similarly,
Laskowitz et al [33] reported a panel of five /levels may increase) or else consumed (thus
biomarkers (S100B, vWF, MMP9, B-type NGF decreasing their activity and levels) [42].
and MCP-1) can diagnose stroke with 92 %
sensitivity and 93 % specificity. D-dimer can be SOD, the most studied antioxidant enzyme in
used to distinguish cardioembolic stroke from stroke, whose changes of activity/concentration
other subtypes of ischemic stroke [34]. When in blood were also strongly disputed. Studies
D-dimer was combined with D-dimer/fibrinogen have found the patients’ SOD activity in plasma
ratio, CRP and erythrocyte sedimentation, it [39,40], serum [43] and red blood cells [41] to
can separate large vessel from cardioembolic be significantly lower than the control group,
stroke [35]. Additionally, it is reported that while others found a contrary result of SOD
plasma D-dimer level on admission is activity in red blood cells [44]. Similarly, blood
significantly related to infarction volume and concentration of SOD in stroke patients is
functional outcome in cardioembolic stroke in controversial. This debate may because of the
non-valvular atrial fibrillation patients [36]. three different isoforms of superoxide
dismutase (CuZnSOD, MnSOD and EC-SOD),
Furthermore, Hasan et al [37] found that D- and the different analysis methods [40]. Most
dimer and fibrinogen have prognostic value with studies indicate that SOD concentration and
the results that D-dimer predicted in-hospital activity has a significant correlation with
death (MD 0.67 µgml-1, 95% CI 0.35, 1.00; p = neurological deficit and infarct size.
0.0001), and high fibrinogen levels were
associated with poor outcome at 3 months (MD Stroke patients have been found to have lower
47.90 µgml-1, 95% CI 14.88, 80.93; p = 0.004) levels of retinol, ascorbic acid, uric acid, a-
following ischemic stroke. tocopherol and carotenoids [45,46], but many
studies have demonstrated some inconsistent or
Biomarkers in oxidative stress negative results [47]. While, despite some
different result in certain non-enzymatic
Since direct measurement of reactive free antioxidants, the total antioxidant capacity was
radical (ROS) in the brain is difficult in humans immediately reduced in acute ischemic stroke
because of their transient nature and limitation [48,49]. And some of them have been shown to
of measurements, endogenous antioxidants as have prognosticating value [48,49].
well as several biological substances whose
chemical structure has been modified by free Biomarkers of oxidative products
radicals have been investigated as potential
indirect biomarkers in oxidative stress. ROS can damage lipids, DNA and proteins.
Many metabolites produced during these
Endogenous antioxidants processes can be measured in the serum.
There is a lack of studies on biomarkers of Central nervous system (CNS) tissue injury
protein oxidation in ischemic stroke in humans. biomarkers
However, a study on patients with Alzheimer’s
disease and vascular dementia has shown that Ischemic brain injury always cause CNS
measuring the protein carbonyl and the damage, leading to a release of neurons or glia
dityrosine contents of immunoglobulins G (IgG) specific biomarkers such as acidic calcium-
can be feasible not only for its increase binding protein (S100β), glial fibrillary acidic
compared to controls [61], but also for its protein (GFAP), myelin basic protein (MBP),
sensitivity to dietary antioxidant supplementation neuron-specific enolase (NSE).
[62] and a relatively long half-life of 15 days
which making IgG a good short-term marker of Previous studies have agreed that NSE and
oxidative stress [42]. S100β were thought to be of great value for the
Trop J Pharm Res, December 2013;12 (6):1101
Guo et al
severity of cerebral infarction and prognosis multiple mechanisms, in this way, the detection
estimation in ischemic stroke. Under normal of stroke by use of markers may require multiple
circumstances, content of NSE and S100β is markers to capture simultaneously all processes
very low, while when there is an ischemic injury, underlying the ongoing ischemic event [80].
they are released into the cerebrospinal fluid Clearly there is much work needed before
(CSF) and the blood through the damaged BBB, promising biomarker candidates can be
resulting in an increased levels of NSE and introduced into the clinical practice.
S100β [74]. They are closely correlated with
severity, infarct size and outcome [75,76]. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
GFAP is a structural protein that is only present This work was supported, in part, by Innovation
in astrocytes, and to a lesser degree, in Team Development Program of Beijing
ependymal cells of the brain. It is released when University of Chinese Medicine (nos. 2011-
cells are disintegrated and the cytoskeletons are CXTD-13 and JYBZZ-JS021).
degraded and its overexpression is specific for
neurological injury [77]. MBP is a hydrophilic REFERENCES
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