Qin, Et Al. 2022
Qin, Et Al. 2022
Qin, Et Al. 2022
Ischemic stroke is caused primarily by an interruption in cerebral blood flow, which induces severe neural injuries, and is one of the
leading causes of death and disability worldwide. Thus, it is of great necessity to further detailly elucidate the mechanisms of ischemic
stroke and find out new therapies against the disease. In recent years, efforts have been made to understand the pathophysiology of
ischemic stroke, including cellular excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, cell death processes, and neuroinflammation. In the meantime, a
plethora of signaling pathways, either detrimental or neuroprotective, are also highly involved in the forementioned pathophysiology.
These pathways are closely intertwined and form a complex signaling network. Also, these signaling pathways reveal therapeutic
potential, as targeting these signaling pathways could possibly serve as therapeutic approaches against ischemic stroke. In this review,
we describe the signaling pathways involved in ischemic stroke and categorize them based on the pathophysiological processes they
participate in. Therapeutic approaches targeting these signaling pathways, which are associated with the pathophysiology mentioned
above, are also discussed. Meanwhile, clinical trials regarding ischemic stroke, which potentially target the pathophysiology and the
signaling pathways involved, are summarized in details. Conclusively, this review elucidated potential molecular mechanisms and related
signaling pathways underlying ischemic stroke, and summarize the therapeutic approaches targeted various pathophysiology, with
particular reference to clinical trials and future prospects for treating ischemic stroke.
INTRODUCTION undergo morphological changes where the cell bodies and axons
Epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment for ischemic stroke disappear.6,7 Swelling of the cytoplasm and nucleolus disappear-
Ischemic stroke is caused by an interruption in cerebral blood ance are often seen in neurons as well as glial cells. While in the
flow, induced by thrombosis or embolism. It represents the penumbra, neurons, which are referred to as ‘ischemic neurons’
second leading cause of deaths worldwide, with 5.9 million deaths and relatively viable, usually experience several changes such as
and 102 million disability-adjusted life years lost.1,2 Several risk endoplasmic ribosomes and Nissl bodies disintegration.8 Besides
factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of ischemic neurons, glial cells, including microglia and astrocytes, also
stroke, including diabetes, cigarette smoking, hyperlipidemia, and experience morphological changes after ischemia. Ramified
hypertension.3 Based on the etiology, the cause of ischemic stroke microglia can transform into an “activated state”, characterized
can be traced to embolism from the heart, artery-to-artery by swollen ameboid-like cells, accompanied by the production of
embolism, and in situ small vessel disease.2,4 Typically, stroke pro-inflammatory substances, including cytokines, chemokines,
symptoms include sudden unilateral weakness, numbness, diplo- and reactive oxygen species (ROS),9 while astrocytes usually
pia, slurred speech, ataxia, and non-orthostatic vertigo.5 Various undergo gradual alterations both in molecular expression profiles
efforts have been made to improve outcome after stroke onset. and morphologies, which serves to protect neurons in the
Immediate clinical interventions, such as intravenous thrombolytic ischemic penumbra.10,11 After ischemia, increased blood-brain
treatment and mechanical thrombectomy, contribute to the barrier (BBB) permeability contributes to the infiltration of several
recanalization of cerebral blood vessels.5 While antithrombotic immune cells including leukocytes, monocytes, and macrophages,
therapies, including antiplatelet or anticoagulant agents, are into the ischemic lesions, which release a variety of neurotoxic or
recommended for nearly all patients with no contraindication,3 neurotrophic factors to exert either neuroprotective or detrimen-
pharmacological approaches against ischemic stroke remain tal effects on ischemic brain tissues.12–17
limited, suggesting the need for new treatments. The temporal and spatial alterations in ischemic stroke are
illustrated in Fig. 1.
Morphological changes in ischemic stroke
In the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke, various types of cells in the Experimental models of ischemic stroke
central nervous system experience different morphological Efforts have been made to elucidate the pathophysiological
alterations facing ischemic damages. In the ischemic core, neurons mechanisms and screen potential therapeutical targets of
Department of Neurology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China
Correspondence: Dai-Shi Tian (tiands@tjh.tjmu.edu.cn) or Wei Wang (wwang@tjh.tjmu.edu.cn)
These authors contributed equally: Chuan Qin, Sheng Yang.
Fig. 1 Spatial and temporal relationships of the pathophysiology in ischemic stroke. BBB Blood-brain barrier, DAMPs Damage-associated
molecular patterns, Th1 T-helper cell 1, Th2 T helper cell 2
ischemic stroke, and models both in vivo and in vitro are utilized oxygen is replaced by N2 and glucose in the medium is omitted.
to mimic ischemic circumstances. The most frequently used Often this model is combined with cell co-cultures to study
experimental ischemic stroke model is middle cerebral artery cellular interactions under ischemic circumstances.23 However, a
occlusion model (MCAO), in which a filament is utilized to block limitation still remains that the in vitro model should be combined
cerebral blood flow from the middle cerebral artery to induce a with in vivo studies to better comprehensively understand
transient occlusion.18,19 This model was mostly used for studying ischemic stroke.18
blood-brain barrier disruption and inflammatory response in
cerebral ischemia.20,21 Besides MCAO model, photothrombosis Pathophysiological mechanisms involved in ischemic stroke
model is also utilized to induce cerebral ischemia in both mice and As a hallmark of ischemic stroke, interrupted cerebral blood flow
rats. In this model, Rose Bengal, a photosensitive dye is injected depletes the brain of oxygen and glucose, which leads to
systematically into the animal, while a 532 nm wavelength laser is disrupted ATP synthesis and energy deficiency, as well as impaired
directly illuminated onto the skull and react with the photo- ion homeostasis and acid-base imbalance.24,25 All these dysfunc-
sensitive dye.22 Advantage of this model include the possibility to tions result in cerebral neuropathological changes, such as brain
select a specific cortical brain region for ischemia and the high edema, neuroinflammation, and neural cell death, eventually
reproducibility with very low mortality.18 Correspondingly, the underpinning severe neurological deficits.26 Progress has been
most frequently used in vitro model to mimic ischemic stroke is made in unveiling the pathogenesis and mechanisms of stroke,
the oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) model, in which including cellular excitotoxicity,27 mitochondrial dysfunctions,28
a b
Excessive Autophagy
glutamate release
Synaptic and icit dea
Extrasynaptic tox th
to Apoptosis
c d
N e u br
ti o n
ys e s s
r o ea
fl a
m e d
kd ma t i v ROS production
o w tio n a l
n O x i d d ri a
h o n ROS
M it o c
Immune cells
Ca2+ influx
Cytokines and chemokines
Fig. 2 A brief summary for the pathophysiology involved in ischemic stroke. a Excitotoxicity in ischemic stroke, in which excessive glutamate
are released and both synaptic and extra-synaptic NMDARs are involved; b Cell death signaling pathways, which mainly involves autophagy,
apoptosis and necroptosis in ischemic stroke; c Neuroinflammation and BBB breakdown in ischemic stroke. Here we've presented the
participation of various immune cells and chemokines and cytokines released, which thus contribute to blood-brain barrier breakdown;
d Oxidative stress, which is mainly characterized by ROS production and mitochondrial dysfunction that involves Ca2+ influx into
mitochondria and MPTP in ischemic stroke
cellular dysfunctions are termed excitotoxicity and involve downstream targets, including glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta
NMDARs, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (GSK3β), pro-apoptotic B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl2)-associated BAD,60
receptors, and kainite receptors.1,46 c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)/p38 activator ASK1,61 and apoptotic
Despite their involvement in ischemic stroke-related excitotoxi- p53.54 These effects not only exist in neurons, but also in other
city, NMDARs act as a double-edged sword. Functional and neural cell types, which are possibly related to the inhibition of
structural studies have revealed that activation of NMDARs synaptic excitotoxicity and thus exert neuroprotective effects in
containing the GluN2B subunit triggers excitotoxicity during ischemic stroke.
ischemic stroke and subsequent neuronal apoptosis, whereas
activation of NMDARs containing the GluN2A subunit exerts a Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and cAMP-response
neuroprotective effect.33,47 Similarly, it has been hypothesized that element-binding protein (CREB)-related gene products. Synaptic
synaptic NMDARs promote neuronal survival, whereas extra- NMDAR activation and Ca2+ influx activate the Ras/extracellular
synaptic NMDARs play detrimental roles in neuronal activity.48 signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling pathway and nuclear Ca2+/
The analogy between synaptic vs. extra-synaptic NMDARs and calmodulin-dependent protein kinases, which in turn phosphor-
GluN2A-containing NMDARs vs. GluN2B-containing NMDARs ylate and activate CREB.62,63 Together with NMDAR and BDNF,
demonstrates the dual effect of NMDARs and their regulation of CREB promotes the expression of numerous pro-neuronal survival
signaling pathways with neuroprotective or detrimental effects on genes.64–67 BDNF production in the brain relies on Ca2+ influx
ischemic stroke (Fig. 3). through NMDAR.64,68,69 Synaptic NMDARs promote BDNF gene
expression,70 whereas extra-synaptic NMDARs block CREB-
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-Akt signaling pathway. Stimu- mediated BDNF expression.71 In experimental ischemic stroke
lation of synaptic NMDARs activates the pro-survival PI3K/Akt models, BDNF is secreted into the brain and protects against
signaling pathway, thereby exerting a neuroprotective effect. PI3K ischemia-induced injury via neuronal GluN2A-NMDAR activa-
is an intracellular kinase classified into three categories (I, II, and III) tion.72,73 Together, these results show that BDNF and, to some
based on structure and substrate specificity. In neurons, activation extent, the upstream CREB signaling pathway contribute to the
of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway by NMDAR occurs via Ca2+ and neuroprotective effect associated with synaptic excitotoxicity in
calmodulin, which recruit phosphoinositide-dependent protein cerebral ischemia.
kinase 1. At the same time, Ca2+ triggers tyrosine phosphorylation
of insulin receptor substrate 1, reinforcing NMDAR-induced Akt Phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) signaling pathway. Extra-
activation.49–51 The protective effect of the PI3K/Akt signaling synaptic NMDARs are closely linked to signaling pathways
pathway on ischemic stroke has been reported both in in vitro associated with cell death and often contradict the effects
neurons during hypoxia52–54 and in vivo against ischemic triggered by synaptic NMDARs. Upon activation by Ca2+ influx
neuronal death,52,55–57, and PI3K/Akt signaling inhibition aggra- through NMDARs, PTEN is recruited to GluN2B-NMDARs. The
vates ischemia-induced neuronal death in experimental stroke direct interaction between PTEN and the GluN1 subunit of
animals.55,56,58,59 Mechanistically, the neuroprotective effect of Akt GluN2B-NMDARs enhances current flow through the channel,
is related to the phosphorylation and inactivation of various tightening the junctions between PTEN and the neuronal death
Trial number Trial name Current Status Study start Duration[y] Phase Sponsor No.of Type Dose Route Time form Description (Signaling
and participants stroke onset pathways)
end date
NCT00591084 Safety and Compl 2005–2006 1 2 Hospital 199 ginsenoside-Rd 10 or IV <72 h Ca2+channel blocker
Pharmacokinetic Study 20 mg/d
of Carbamylated
Erythropoietin (CEPO) to
Treat Patients With Acute
Ischemic Stroke
NCT00815763 Efficacy and Safety of Compl 2006–2008 2 3 Hospital 390 ginsenoside-Rd 20 mg/d IV <72 h Ca2+channel blocker
Ginsenoside-Rd for
Acute Ischemic Stroke
NCT02446977 Administration of Compl 2015–2015 1 2 Hospital 50 CBG000592 20 mg/d IV <3 h FMN,FAD
CBG000592 (Riboflavin/
Vitamin B2) in Patients
With Acute
Ischemic Stroke
NCT02930018 Safety and Efficacy of Compl 2017–2019 2 3 Industry 1105 NA-1 2.6 mg/kg IV <12 h GluN2B-PSD95–nNOS
Nerinetide (NA-1) in interaction
Subjects Undergoing
for Stroke
NCT04462536 Efficacy and Safety of Recru 2020–2022 2 3 Industry 1020 NA-1 2.6 mg/kg IV <12 h GluN2B-PSD95–nNOS
Nerinetide in interaction
Participants With Acute
Ischemic Stroke
Qin et al.
Signaling pathways involved in ischemic stroke: molecular mechanisms and. . .
Excluding Thrombolysis
NCT00728182 Evaluating Compl 2008–2011 3 2 Industry 185 NA-1 2.6 mg/kg IV <72 h GluN2B-PSD95–nNOS
Neuroprotection in interaction
Aneurysm Coiling
NCT02315443 Field Randomization of Recru 2015–2022 7 3 Industry 558 NA-1 2.6 mg/kg IV <3 h GluN2B-PSD95–nNOS
NA-1 Therapy in Early interaction
NCT02549846 AdminiStration of Statin Compl 2015–2017 2 4 University 270 Atorvastatin 20 mg/d PO <24 h HMG-CoA Reductase
On Acute Ischemic Pitavastain 4 mg/d Inhibitors
stRoke patienT Trial Rosuvastatin 5 mg/d
NCT04834388 Studying Anakinra to Not Recru 2021–2022 1 2 University Hospital 75 anakinra 100 or IV <8 h IL-1 system
Reduce Secondary Brain 500 mg
Damage After
Haemorrhagic Stroke
NCT03737344 BLOC-ICH: Interleukin-1 Compl 2019–2021 2 2 University/College 25 IL-1Ra Kineret® 100 mg SC <8 h IL-1 system
Receptor Antagonist in
NCT02002390 Efficacy and Safety of Compl 2012–2014 2 2 Hospital 22 Fingolimod 0.5 mg PO <72 h Inflammation
FTY720 for Acute Stroke
NCT04629872 Fingolimod in Recruiting 2020–2021 1 2 University Hospital 30 Fingolimod 0.5 mg PO <6–24 h Inflammation
Endovascular Treatment
of Ischemic Stroke
NCT04675762 Combinating Fingolimod Recruiting 2021–2022 1 2 University Hospital 118 Fingolimod 0.5 mg PO <24 h Inflammation
NCT04069546 The Efficacy of Remote Compl 2019–2020 1 Not applicable University 46 Remote Physical Physical strategy <48 h Inflammation
Ischemic Conditioning ischemic strategy
on Stroke-induced conditioning
NCT00376207 Physical Activity After Compl 2006–2007 1 Not applicable Hospital 200 Physical exercise / Physical strategy / Inflammation
Stroke: How Does it
Effect Chronical
Inflammation and Insulin
NCT02225834 Atorvastatin in Acute Compl 2011–2014 3 4 University 50 Atorvastatin 80 mg PO <48 h Inflammation
Stroke Treatment
NCT00097318 Safety Study of Compl 2004–2011 7 1 NIH Clinical center 60 rh IFN-Beta 1a 11 mcg/ PO <24 h Inflammation/BBB
Interferon Beta 1a to for 22 mcg/
Acute Stroke 44 mcg/
66 mcg/
88 mcg
NCT02878772 Vinpocetine Inhibits NF- Compl 2014–2015 1 2,3 University Hospital 60 Vinpocetine 30 mg PO <48 h Inflammation/NF-Kb
Table 2. continued
Trial number Trial name Current Status Study start Duration[y] Phase Sponsor No.of Type Dose Route Time form Description (Signaling
and participants stroke onset pathways)
end date
NCT01958957 A Safety Study of Compl 2013–2014 1 4 Industry 6300 Ginkgolides 25 mg/d IV 0.5–6 months Multiple mechanisms
Ginkgolides Meglumine Meglumine (traditional Chinese medicine)
Injection in the Injection
Treatment of Ischemic
NCT01919671 Tongxinluo Capsule in Compl 2014–2016 2 4 University Hospital 2007 Tongxinluo 12 PO <72 h Multiple mechanisms
Ischemic Stroke capsule granules/d (traditional Chinese medicine,
Patients (TISS) mainly vasodilator)
NCT04649398 Cerebral Nimodipine Recruiting 2020–2023 3 / University 30 Nimodipine 60 mg PO/IV / Neuroinflammation/BBB
Following Oral, Intra-
venous, and Intra-arterial
NCT04734548 Phase Ib/IIa Clinical Compl 2020–2022 2 1, 2 Ministry 151 ApTOLL 0.025 mg/ IV <6 h Neuroinflammation/TLR
Study of ApTOLL for the kg–0.2 mg/
Treatment of Acute kg
Ischemic Stroke
NCT04453800 The Efficacy and Safety Compl 2016–2018 2 2 University Hospital 236 Sofadil 500, 750 or IV <6 h NMDA
of Sofadil for Injection in 1500 mg
the Treatment of Acute
Ischemic Stroke
NCT04486430 Efficacy and Safety Study Compl 2017–2019 2 2 Hospital 236 Neu2000 500 mg/ IV <6 h NMDAR
of Neu2000KWL for 750 mg/
Acute Ischemic Stroke 1500 mg
Patients Within 6 h
Qin et al.
Signaling pathways involved in ischemic stroke: molecular mechanisms and. . .
of Onset
NCT04453800 The Efficacy and Safety Compl 2016–2018 2 2 Hospital 236 Neu2000 500 mg/ IV <6 h NMDAR
of Sofadil for Injection in 750 mg/
the Treatment of Acute 1501 mg
Ischemic Stroke
NCT00059332 Field Administration of Compl 2005–2013 8 3 Research Institute 1700 Magnesium 4g IV <2 h N-type Ca2+channel blocker
Stroke Therapy - sulfate
Magnesium (FAST-
MAG) Trial
NCT01502761 Intra-arterial Magnesium Termi 2012–2016 4 1,2 University 4 Magnesium 0.75 or 1.5 g IA N-type Ca2+channel blocker
Administration for sulfate
Acute Stroke
NCT02912663 Magnesium And Compl 2017–2020 3 1 University 10 Magnesium 1 g 10 mg IA N-type Ca2+channel blocker
Verapamil After sulfate
Recanalization in Verapamil
Ischemia of the
Cerebrum: a Clinical and
Translational Study.
NCT05032781 Intra-Arterial Recru 2021–2022 1 1 Industry 24 Magnesium 2 or 4 g 2, 4 IA N-type Ca2+channel blocker
Neuroprotective Agents sulfate or 6 mg/kg
and Cold Saline in Minocycline
Ischemic Stroke
NCT02505295 Selenium and Ischemic Compl 2015–2018 3 Not applicable University 44 Selenium 1000 mg PO <72 h Oxidative stress
Stroke Outcome
NCT03945526 Effect of Astaxanthin Compl Mar, 2010- 3 months(0.25) 1 University 24 Astaxanthine 2*8 mg PO <48 h Oxidative stress
Supplementation on Jun, 2010
Plasma Malondialdehyde
NCT03402204 Efficacy of High and Compl 2014–2015 1 3 University 64 Simvastatin 10 mg/ PO <24 h Oxidative stress
Low-Dose Simvastatin 40 mg
on Vascular Oxidative
Stress and Neurological
Outcome in Patients
With AIS
NCT04931628 Efficacy and Safety of Not Recru 2022–2023 1 Not applicable University Hospital 190 Salvianolic acid 100 mg IV <72 h Oxidative stress
Salvianolic Acid on AIS
NCT03539445 Efficacy and Safety of Recruiting 2018–2022 4 3 Hospital 1200 Butylphthalide 0.2 g IV / Oxidative stress
Butylphthalide for Acute
Ischemic Stroke Patients
Receiving Intravenous
Thrombolysis or
Endovascular Treatment
NCT02222714 Safety Evaluation of Compl 2014–2017 3 2 Industry 110 3K3A-APC 120, 240, IV <4.5 h PAR1
3K3A-APC in 360 or
Ischemic Stroke 540 ug/kg
NCT02963376 A Phase Ib/II in Patients Compl 2017–2018 1 1 University 24 DDFPe 0.05, 0.10 or IV <12 h Unknown(lactate)
With Acute 0.17 ml/kg
Ischemic Stroke
NCT00756249 Safety Study of Compl 2007–2008 1 1 Industry 16 Lu AA24493 0.005, 0.05, IV 12–48 h Unknown(SHH /Patched/
Carbamylated 0.5, 5 or Smoothened,Mash1,frataxin)
Erythropoietin (CEPO) to 50 mcg/kg
Treat Patients With Acute
Ischemic Stroke
NCT00870844 Safety and Compl 2009–2011 2 1 Industry 24 Lu AA24493 0.5, 5 or IV <48 h Unknown(SHH /Patched/
Pharmacokinetic Study 50 mcg/kg Smoothened,Mash1,frataxin)
of Carbamylated
Erythropoietin (CEPO) to
Treat Patients With Acute
Ischemic Stroke
NCT01678534 Reparative Therapy in Compl 2014–2017 3 2 Hospital 19 Allogenic 1 million IV 12 h Cell therapy
Acute Ischemic Stroke mesenchymal units/kg
With Allogenic stem cells from
Mesenchymal Stem Cells adipose tissue
From Adipose Tissue,
Safety Assessment, a
Randomised, Double
Blind Placebo Controlled
Single Center Pilot
Clinical Trial (AMASCIS-01)
NCT01501773 Intravenous Autologous Compl 2008–2011 3 2 Industry 120 Autologous 30–500 IV Sudden onset Cell therapy
Bone Marrow-derived bone marrow million
Stem Cells Therapy for stem cell
Patients With Acute
Ischemic Stroke
Signaling pathways involved in ischemic stroke: molecular mechanisms and. . .
Signaling pathways involved in ischemic stroke: molecular mechanisms and. . .
Qin et al.
signaling complex. Concurrently, the excitotoxic stimulation of
NMDARs initiates PTEN nuclear translocation, thus significantly
lowering the phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol-
Description (Signaling
Cell therapy
2.5 million
M2 macrophage Not
Genetic: IV
infusion of
Cell Transplantation in
Endothelial Progenitor
Stroke Patients
Fig. 3 Excitotoxicity and signaling pathways involved in ischemic stroke. NMDAR N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, PI3K Phosphatidylinositol 3
kinase, BDNF Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, CREB cAMP-response element-binding protein PTEN Phosphate and tension homology
deleted on chromosome ten, PIP3 plasma membrane intrinsic protein 3, DAPK1 Death-associated protein kinase 1, PSD95 Postsynaptic
density protein 95, nNOS Neuronal nitric oxide synthase
phosphorylation in the mitochondria.98 Considering the intimate deprivation.110 In summary, HIF signaling may be closely
link between ROS and mitochondrial metabolism, mitochondrial associated with oxidative stress. Although there is still debate
dysfunction is often related to oxidative stress pathologies. During whether HIF-1α signaling enhances oxidative stress or not,
ischemia, oxidative damage and excessive Ca2+ levels contribute activation of HIF-1α may be closely associated with production
to MPTP induction, which further promotes succinate release and of ROS and oxidative stress, which consequently affects cellular
mitochondrial damage-associated molecular patterns including redox equilibrium and biological activities.
the activation of downstream inflammatory responses.99–102
Consequently, all these damaging factors lead to neurotoxic and Nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) signaling pathway. Nrf2
cell death processes, in which a plethora of signaling pathways are regulates cellular redox homeostasis and counteracts oxidative
involved (Fig. 4). stress. Nrf2 activation protects individuals against cerebral
ischemic damage. In the resting state, Nrf2 is coupled to Keap1,
Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) signaling pathway. HIF-1, a key its specific cytoplasmic receptor. The structure of Keap1 changes
transcription factor activated during cerebral ischemia and upon electrophilic or oxidative stress. As Nrf2 is phosphorylated
hypoxia, comprises two subunits: HIF-1α and HIF-1β.103–105 HIF-1 through the protein kinase C pathway, it becomes uncoupled
enhances the expression of several glycolysis-associated genes from Keap1, leading to enhanced expression of various anti-
under hypoxic conditions, thus helping cells and tissues become inflammatory proteins, antioxidant enzymes, and growth fac-
accustomed to hypoxia.106 Also, HIF-1α expression strongly tors.111,112 In ischemic stroke, oxidative stress caused by elevated
correlates with ROS levels, with HIF-1α chains stabilized by the ROS levels induces Nrf2 accumulation in the nucleus, where it
large quantities of ROS generated under hypoxia.28,107 In a binds to antioxidant response elements (ARE) and maintains
positive feedback loop, lack of oxygen and glucose due to normal mitochondrial function.113 In contrast, insufficient Nrf2
ischemia may enhance HIF-1 expression, thereby causing oxida- contributes to neuronal mitochondrial depolarization, ATP deple-
tive stress and further stimulating HIF-1 activity. tion, and respiratory function impairment. suggested the bene-
Conversely, it has been reported by other studies that HIF-1α ficial role of Nrf2 in mitochondria.114
may also play protective roles in the regulation of energy A variety of downstream signaling pathways, including PI3K/
metabolism, especially in neurons. Consequently, HIF-1α depletion Akt, ERK/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and nuclear
in mouse embryo fibroblasts results in excessive ROS, reduced factor kappa beta (NF-κB), potentially mediate the antioxidant
glycolytic metabolism, and cell death.108 Besides controlling ROS effect of Nrf2 during ischemia. The neuroprotective PI3K/Akt
production, the activation of HIF-1α may benefit cellular home- pathway induces the nuclear translocation of Nrf2, which in turn
ostasis by maintaining the redox equilibrium.109 Knockout of HIF- stimulates the production of various antioxidants.115,116 Like-
1α has been shown to disrupt redox homeostasis and glucose wise, ERK/MAPK signaling pathway during ischemia is associated
metabolism, such as pentose phosphate pathway and glucose with a variety of neuroprotective biological processes, such as
transportation in SHSY5Y cell lines cultured under oxygen-glucose preventing apoptosis or enhancing Nrf2 phosphorylation and
Oxidative stress
IkBα IkBα
AIF Keap1
NF-kB NF-kB f2
Nr Keap1
Ca2+ influx
Mitochondria dysfunction
Fig. 4 Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunctions and signaling pathways involved in ischemic stroke. MPTP mitochondrial permeability
transition pore, ROS Reactive oxygen species, ATP Adenosine triphosphate, HIF-1 Hypoxia-induced factor, Nrf2 Nuclear factor E2-related factor
2, ARE Antioxidant response element, CK2 Casein kinase 2, PARP-1 Poly ADP-ribose polymerase 1, AIF Apoptosis-inducing factor, PINK1 PTEN
induced putative kinase 1, NF-kB Necrosis factor-kB
translocation.117,118 Also, NRF2 and NF-κB signaling pathways Notably, CK2 was shown to activate ROS-generating NADPH
closely interact with each other under a variety of circumstances. oxidase isoform 2 in an experimental ischemic stroke model, which
On the one hand, deletion of NRF2 results in increased induced AIF release into the mitochondria and subsequent DNA
inflammation, as well as high levels of NF-κB; on the other damage and apoptosis.128 Moreover, studies have shown that
hand, the elevated expression of NRF2 inhibits NF-κB-regulated cyclin dependent kinase 5 and AKT/GSK3β are activated by CK2 in
pro-inflammatory and immune responses.119 This show the ischemia/reperfusion injuries.129 Given that inhibition of cyclin
neuroprotective effects of NRF2 against NF-kB-induced inflam- dependent kinase 5 reportedly alleviates cerebral ischemic stroke-
matory responses in cerebral ischemia. induced damage, CK2 may do more harm than good.130,131 Taken
In summary, Nrf2 is a crucial player against oxidative stress and together, the CK2 signaling pathway and related molecules play
mitochondrial dysfunction in ischemic brain injuries, possibly via either protective or detrimental roles in ischemic stroke, especially
the regulation of various downstream signaling pathways. in relation to oxidative stress. Importantly, downstream effectors of
CK2 may function as potential targets against ischemic stroke.
Casein kinase 2 (CK2) signaling pathway. CK2, an important
oncogenic kinase, is crucial for counteracting ROS accumula- Mitophagy and related signaling pathways. Mitophagy describes
tion.120 First, it exerts a protective effect by inhibiting NADPH the process whereby mitochondrial content is taken up by
oxidase via regulating Rac1, a GTPase which significantly activate mitochondria-derived vesicles and then transferred to lysosomes
NADPH oxidase, possibly through interactions with other subunits or peroxisomes for degradation. Mitophagy is essential for
and link the cytosolic subunits with the cell membrane.121–123 maintaining cellular homeostasis and serves as a protective
Second, CK2 reportedly phosphorylates Janus kinase and signal strategy in various central nervous system diseases.132 Signaling
transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3), enabling ROS pathways, such as PTEN induced kinase 1 (PINK1)/Parkin, Bcl2-
detoxification by superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2).124,125 Third, CK2 interacting protein 3 (Bnip3), BNIP3-like, and FUN14 domain
activates HIF-1α and phosphorylates NF-κB to promote the release containing 1 pathways, are reportedly involved in mitophagy
of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiogenic during ischemia–reperfusion. In the reperfusion stage, the levels of
proteins under in vitro hypoxic conditions.126,127 Conversely, CK2 the free radical ONOO− are increased, which leads to dynamin
inhibition in the ischemic region contributes to poly (ADP-ribose) related protein 1 recruitment to the mitochondria and PINK1/
polymerase 1 accumulation, which leads to the release of Parkin-associated mitophagy.133 Meanwhile, elevated ROS levels
mitochondrial cytochrome c and apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), upregulate the levels of Parkin RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase,
with subsequent activation of downstream apoptotic events.120 which is recruited by PINK1, further exacerbating mitophagy.134
These findings reveal the protective effect of CK2 against oxidative Interestingly, PINK1-regulated mitophagy is mechanistically asso-
stress and inflammation, while promoting the release of ciated with MPTP opening, whereas Bnip3-induced mitophagy is
angiogenic factors under hypoxia. independent of MPTP.135,136
Fig. 5 Cell death signaling pathways involved in ischemic stroke. GSK3β Glycogen synthase kinase-3β; Bcl-2 B-cell lymphoma-2; ERK Ras/
extracellular signal-regulated kinase; CAMKs Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases; MAPK Mitogen-activated protein kinase; TNF Tumor
necrosis factor; mTOR mammalian target of rapamycin; AMPK 5′-AMP-activated protein kinase; FADD Fas-associating protein with a novel
death domain; TRADD TNFRSF1A Associated Via Death Domain; RIPK Receptor-interacting protein kinase; MLKL Mixed lineage kinase domain-
like protein; RIP1 Receptor interaction protein 1; RIP3 Receptor interaction protein 3; PGAM5 Phosphoglycerate Mutase Family Member 5;
MLKL mixed lineage kinase domain like pseudokinase; Atg5 Autophagy related 5; Atg12 Autophagy related 12; TFEB Transcription factor EB;
ULK1 Unc-51 Like Autophagy Activating Kinase 1; AMPK 5′-AMP-activated protein kinase; mTOR mammalian target of rapamycin; Apaf-1
Apoptotic peptidase activating factor 1
The activated mitophagy pathway may alleviate oxidative stress- long-lived proteins, misfolded and aggregated proteins, and
induced cell injuries by promoting the degradation of damaged damaged organelles to obtain energy or in response to cellular
mitochondria.137 Enhanced mitophagy has been shown to possibly stress.142 Subsequently, autolysosomes are newly formed to
ameliorate ROS accumulation in cerebral ischemic stroke.138 In cleave the cargo for subsequent recycling.143 Emerging evidence
conclusion, mitophagy is significantly involved in the pathophysiol- indicates that autophagy is activated in various cell types
ogy of ischemic stroke, along with the activation of various following ischemic stroke, including neurons, glial cells, and
signaling pathways. Targeting these signals could potentially endothelial cells. Autophagy can exert either beneficial or
ameliorate the pathological changes and symptoms of ischemic detrimental effects on cerebral ischemic injuries, as moderate
stroke; however, the mechanisms remain to be elucidated. autophagy may help degrade aggregated proteins,144–146
whereas inadequate or excessive autophagy may eventually lead
Cell death signaling pathways in ischemic stroke to cell death.147 The dual role of autophagy in ischemic stroke
Damage caused by excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and mitochon- may be explained by the involvement of multiple signaling
drial dysfunctions in ischemic stroke may induce a variety of cellular pathways, such as mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), 5′-
signaling cascades, which lead neural cells to undergo either AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), MAPK, NF-κB, p53, HIF-1,
programmed or unprogrammed death.139 Usually, programmed cell and Bcl2 pathways.148
death includes apoptosis and autophagy, which are normal cellular
functions,140 whereas unprogrammed cell death involves necrosis mTOR-related signaling pathways. mTOR is a serine/threonine
and is likely caused by external stimuli.141 Lack of oxygen and protein kinase that comes in two major forms: mTORC1 (rapamycin-
glucose in the ischemic core often leads to irreversible necrosis; in sensitive) and mTORC2 (rapamycin-insensitive). The former is
contrast, relatively minor damage in the penumbra is responsible for responsible for cell growth and cell cycle progression, whereas
reversible death processes, such as apoptosis and autophagy.40 A the latter contributes to cellular skeleton formation. mTOR is a key
variety of signaling pathways are highly involved in cell death, and regulator of the initial phase of autophagy, as it senses changes in
they could either enhance or inhibit the process (Fig. 5). signaling within the cell. Usually, mTOR limits autophagy by
inhibiting phosphorylation of the Atg1/ULK1 protease complex.149
Signaling pathways related to autophagy in stroke During ischemic stroke, mTOR interacts with multiple signaling
Autophagy is a self-protective pathway that maintains cell pathway components that regulate autophagy,150 including PI3K/
homeostasis and promotes cell survival by degrading circulating Akt, AMPK, and MAPK.
Beclin1/Bcl2 signaling pathway. Beclin1 plays a significant role in Apoptosis by the intrinsic/mitochondrial pathway. The intrinsic
the early stage of autophagy. Local cerebral ischemia can pathway, also called the mitochondrial pathway, is a receptor-
upregulate Beclin1 expression and induce autophagy-like cell independent signaling cascade that affects mitochondrial energy
death, suggesting the involvement of Beclin1/Bcl2 signaling in metabolism. Apoptotic stimuli, such as excessive Ca2+ accumula-
the regulation of autophagy in ischemic stroke.166 Qi et al. found tion and oxidative stress, mediate mitochondrial cell death.177,178
that Bcl2 phosphorylation after cerebral ischemia in rats perturbed Lack of ATP due to oxygen and glucose deficiency results in
the Beclin1-Bcl2 complex and triggered distal ischemic conditional cellular depolarization and excessive glutamate release, both of
autophagy, thereby alleviating mitochondrial damage.167 Moreover, which further enhance Ca2+ influx.179–183 Ca2+ overload triggers
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPAR-γ) expression calpain activation, which mediates the cleavage of Bcl2-
increases during experimental cerebral ischemic injury. Activated interacting BID into its truncated active form, together with
PPAR-γ inhibits Beclin1-mediated autophagy, possibly by upregu- caspase-8 in the death receptor pathway.177,184 Truncated BID
lating the expression of Bcl2/BclXL.168 Thus, either detrimental or interacts with pro-apoptotic Bcl2 family members, forming a
neuroprotective factors impact on Beclin1-Bcl2 signal activities, dimer and causing MPTP opening.185 These changes trigger the
subsequently affecting autophagy in ischemic stroke. release of various pro-apoptotic factors, including cytochrome c,
endonuclease G, and AIF,186 which ultimately lead to apopto-
Other autophagy-related pathways. Several other signaling path- some formation by binding to apoptotic protease activating
ways are also involved in autophagy during ischemic stroke. factor-1.187 Upon apoptosome formation, procaspase-9 becomes
Fig. 6 Neuroinflammation, BBB breakdown and related signaling pathways involved in ischemic stroke. DAMPs Damage-associated molecular
patterns; AQP4 Aquaporin 4; HMGB1 High-mobility group box protein 1, TLR2 Toll-like receptor 2; TLR4 Toll-like receptor 4; MAPK Mitogen-
activated protein kinase; NF-kB Necrosis factor-kB; NLRP3 Nod-like receptor protein-3; MCP-1 monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; MIP
Macrophage inflammatory protein; CCL2 Chemokine-chemokine ligand 2; IL-1β Interleukin-1β; IL-6 Interleukin-6; TNF Tumor necrosis factor;
BBB Blood-brain barrier; S1PRs Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor; VCAM Vascular cell adhesion molecule; LFA Lymphocyte Function-
associated Antigen; ICAM Intercellular cell adhesion molecule; DC Dendritic cells; MMP Matrix metalloproteinase
strongly associated with each other and determine the patho- studies have identified a polymorphism in the TNF gene, which
physiology of cerebral ischemia (Fig. 6). enhances stroke susceptibility, suggesting a pivotal role of TNF/
TNFR1 in the etiopathogenesis of stroke.232 Moreover, TNF levels
Cytokine- and chemokine-induced signaling pathways in are significantly upregulated upon cerebral ischemia, whereby
neuroinflammation they mediate neuronal plasticity.233 As previously mentioned, TNF
During ischemic stroke, microglia, which represent the main is secreted mainly by microglia, which protect against cerebral
resident immune cells in the brain, are the first cells recruited to ischemia. Specific myeloid cell-TNF-knockout mice have been
infarct lesions. They secrete both pro-inflammatory cytokines, such found to have larger infarct volumes and more severe neurolo-
as interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), gical deficits than control mice.227,234 Removal of solTNF in mice
and anti-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-1R antagonist (IL-1Ra) reportedly alleviates the symptoms and pathology of cerebral
and IL-10.15,226–228 Together, these cytokines form a complex ischemia, suggesting that elimination of solTNF and retention of
signaling network in ischemic stroke-induced neuroinflammation. tmTNF ameliorate cerebral ischemic injuries.235 Thus, different
forms of TNF impact ischemic stroke, corroborating the important
Cytokines. TNF is the most studied cytokine in ischemic stroke; it role of TNF in this disease.
comprises a secreted form (solTNF) and a transmembrane form The IL-1 family constitutes a huge and complex network of
(tmTNF).229 The signal from both types of TNF is transferred via pleiotropic pro-inflammatory cytokines closely involved in reg-
two different receptors, TNFR1 and TNFR2, respectively.230 The ulating immune cells and inflammatory processes.236 Among IL-1
solTNF-TNFR1 signal is deemed responsible for pro-inflammatory family members, IL-1α, IL-1β, and IL-1Rα have been studied in
effects of TNF, which trigger cell death signaling pathways. detail in relation to ischemic stroke. A polymorphism in the IL-1A
Instead, TNFR2 promotes cell growth and regeneration.204,230,231 gene has been associated with increased susceptibility to
Given the important regulatory role of TNF signals in inflammation stroke;237 conversely, a polymorphism in the IL-1B gene lowers
and other neurological processes, TNFs are likely involved in the stroke risk.238 IL-1α expression is significantly increased in cerebral
pathophysiology of ischemic stroke. Genome-wide association ischemia.228 Platelet-derived IL-1α contributes to neurovascular
Targeting the AKT signaling pathway. The iridoid glycoside Therapies targeting neuroinflammation-related signaling
geniposide has been reported to protect neurons from ischemic pathways
damage by activating the GluN2A/AKT/ERK signaling pathway.352 Chemokine-related signaling pathways. Therapeutic approaches
Accordingly, pseudoginsenoside-F11 prevents calpain1 activation regulating CCL2/CCR2 expression may alleviate the symptoms and
while promoting the GluN2A-mediated AKT/CREB pathway.353 pathologies of ischemic stroke. Whereas CCL2 gene disruption
Genes involved in the modulation of NMDAR expression along the reduced infarct volume, CCR2 deletion reduced infarct size, while
Akt/ERK pathway could also potentially serve as therapeutic also improving locomotor ability of mice in an experimental
targets. TRPM2 knockout mice showed significantly smaller ischemic stroke model.263,366 CCR knockout reduced infarct