Faulk 1980
Faulk 1980
Faulk 1980
healthy granulation tissue seen after 5 days of amnion compatible donor lymphocytes in graft-versus-host reac-
application. tions.22 Since human extra-embryonic membranes share
structural and functional properties with certain tumour
Discussion cells,23,24 the effects we observed may be due to amnion
angiogenic factors acting on the capillary endothelium.
Mammalian embryos come to lie within a fluid-filled Could these factors be isolated for use as therapeutic
sac that arises from extra-embryonic tissues. The sac is agents in wound healing?
composed of two principal layers." The chorion (cyto- Other possible features that might promote the effec-
trophoblast) which forms the outer aspect of the sac is tiveness of amnion as a biological dressing are its
in contact with maternal cells without being rejected.l8 reported bacteriostatic properties,25 a feedback regula-
The inner aspect, that tissue used in our present studies, tion of procollagen synthesis by collagen products in the
explanted amnion,26 and an as yet undefined contribu-
tory function of the intermediary culture step we use.
The usefulness of amnion as a biological dressing for
burns" and chronic leg ulcers12 suggests that it may
have a broader application.
This work was supported in part by the Medical Research Council,
the South East Thames Regional Health Authority, British Petroleum,
and the East Grinstead Research Trust. We are grateful to the Obstet-
rics Departments of Pembury and Crawley Hospitals for providing the
amniotic membranes.
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