Mother Touch in Periodontal Therapy: Chorion Membrane
Mother Touch in Periodontal Therapy: Chorion Membrane
Mother Touch in Periodontal Therapy: Chorion Membrane
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Periodontal regeneration is an old idea that is of the amniotic sac. The amnion is separated from the
evolving because to the adoption of more modern and decidua and the maternal uterus by the chorionic membrane,
altered barrier membranes to get better clinical results. which is joined to the exterior of the amniotic membrane.3-4
The placental amnion and chorion membranes are
examples of these membranes. Its biocompatibility and Throughout pregnancy, amniotic fluid, which is
capacity to speed up wound healing led to its initial contained in the sac created by the foetal membranes,
use.As part of guided tissue regeneration and guided surrounds the human foetus. It's crucial to remember that the
bone regeneration, the membrane has been utilised in chorion and amnion are both entirely composed of foetal
periodontology to reduce probing pocket depth, raise tissue. It is very likely that some amniotic fluid is transferred
clinical attachment levels, and encourage bone directly from the foetus through its membranes to the uterus
formation. Since these membranes are biologic, they can or placenta. A relatively recent development in dentistry,
be broken down by the body and work with tissue.It has placenta allografts saw the release of their first commercial
also been utilised to treat intrabony abnormalities, product in 2008. The distinct inherent biologic properties of
guided bone regeneration, and root covering therapies. placenta allografts facilitate wound healing and may spread
The special characteristics of this membrane that make regeneration.
it ideal for periodontal surgery, together with the clinical
repercussions and literature evaluation. II. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
Keywords:- Periodontitis, Periodontal Therapy, Biologic For almost 70 years, human foetal membranes have
Membrane, Chorion Membrane, Periodontal Regeneration. been employed successfully in a variety of applications. In
1910, Davis reported the first use of foetal membrane in skin
I. INTRODUCTION transplantation.Stern described the use of human foetal
membrane to restore wounded and ulcerated skin surfaces in
Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the 1913.5De Rith was the first to report on the usage of foetal
supporting tissues of the teeth produced by individual germs membranes in the ocular surface in 1940. He treated
or groups of microbes that causes progressive destruction of conjunctival diseases with fresh aminion and chorion as a
the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone, resulting in biological dressing material. Kim and Tseng (1995)
periodontal pockets, gingival recession, or both.1 identified the most effective method for retaining the
Periodontal therapy can restore inflamed gingiva to near- biologic features of membranes. The prominence of the
normal condition. Surgical and non-surgical treatment foetal membrane has been attributed to a number of causes.
options are available based on the severity of the periodontal For starters, it lowers scarring and inflammation while also
disease. In cases of severe periodontitis and a few cases of speeding up wound healing. Second, its antibacterial
intermediate periodontitis that do not respond to non- properties function as scaffold for cell proliferation and
surgical treatment, surgical intervention is used. Periodontal differentiation. Third, the extracellular matrix and its
therapy's primary purpose is to repair, regenerate, or restore components, such as growth factors, imply that it is a
damaged tissues.2Regeneration is the process through which biomaterial that is well-suited for use as a native scaffold in
the body's architecture is naturally renewed through the tissue engineering. Finally, it is simple to obtain, process,
proliferation and differentiation of newly formed cells and and transport.
intercellular molecules. The repair only replaces the
original. The restoration simply replaces the wounded root III. THE STRUCTURE OF THE CHORION
surface's natural sulcus at the same level as the periodontal
pocket. Because the periodontal apparatus is produced by The amnion on the inside and the maternal decidua on
regeneration via selective cell repopulation, it is desirable to the outside are in contact with the chorion, the outermost of
repair it.1 the two foetal membranes. While "outer" refers to the area
or layer closest to the myometrium, "inner" refers to the
The amnion, the innermost of the two human foetal region or layer closest to the amniotic cavity. The placenta is
membranes, comes into contact with the amniotic fluid, the made of chorion, which is composed of hypertrophied
foetus, and the umbilical cord as well as other components chorion frondosum villi. In histological sections, the