Product Innovation
Product Innovation
Product Innovation
Studies have shown that application of innovation in products and marketing as strategy is
important to the survival of a firm. However, only few companies are adopting this concept as a
major strategy due to their obliviousness to its imminent contribution to the corporate goal.
Many of the early adopters of this concept are also failing to achieve the most from it due to their
lack of proper understanding of its fundamental and benefits. This study analyzed empirically the
a case study. Identified hypothesis concerning the relationship between product innovation and
the company corporate goal were tested with the use of telephone interviews and questionnaire to
stimulate responses from staff of the firm and the consumer of its products.
Analyzing of the responses obtained from the field study showed adoption of product
innovation can lead to increase in sales volume of a firm’s product. The finding of this research
work will be useful to the firm used as a case study in regards to better development of its
innovation funnel with feedback from market trends and consumer dynamic needs. Although,
this research work used a single company for analysis, however the result of the findings can be
adequately applied to other firms especially firms within the same industry.
Technological oriented companies have begun to recognize that a blend of innovation and
marketing in their overall strategy is vitally important to the achievement of the corporate goal of
the firm. The corporate goal of a company could be multifarious but the most common one that
cut across many firms in a competitive market is SURVIVAL, which is achieved partly through
profits. To achieve this goal, the blend of product innovation and marketing concept philosophy
Product innovation on the other hand involves the introduction of a new good or service that
( 1) line extensions,
Line extensions are products still familiar to the business organization but new to the
market. Me-too products are considered new to the business organization but familiar to the
market; that is, imitations of competitors’ products. New-to-the-world products are considered
withstand the strong competition from competing products and to suit the changing desires of the
customers that consumes the product. As it is widely recognized, needs changes over time and
companies must reflect these changes in their products if they are to achieve the economic
However, it should be noted that product innovation is not only carried out at the
declining stage of a product, it can also be done to a totally novel product at the introductory
The above formula means that the planned products may either increase or reduce the
goal, new product and services should be chosen to maximize resource utilization.
• to examine critically the impact of product innovation as a tool to increase sales volume
of consumers’ goods.
• the blend of product innovation and marketing is vital to the achievement of the corporate
The scope of this study is strictly within the framework of the stated objectives. It is an effort
to study the impact which product innovation has on the on Sales Volumes of SALZER’S
products. The respondents are therefore the company personnel and it must also be emphasized
that this is not a general survey; attention will be focused on the all product group.
The output of this project will be of great value to companies that are involved with
technological products, not only consumer electronics. Firms will be able to apply market
performance knowledge of innovation products in designing their innovation funnel and not
inhibit their innovative capacity by using fixed rules and standard to all products. The analysis
from market trend can help to decide on the type of innovation strategy to embark upon, how to
The output of this study will also be to the following categories of people:
1) The organization takes as case study: The result and recommendations from this research
work will help product managers to see product innovation as part of their task by bringing them
out of the shell of just rolling out products without monitoring its life cycle.
2) To the industry of which the case studies belong: This will also assist in fashioning the
business model to maximize profit and consumer satisfaction, re-tailoring their product to meet
a. Investigating how lack of innovation will likely affect salzer Electronics profit and her
consumer satisfaction.
c. Identifying the likely impact of consumers’ taste in bringing about product innovation.
d. Evaluating the extent to which product innovations have impact on consumer’s buying
a. Are the existing products produced by salzer Electronics unable to meet the needs of
the consumers?
b. Can the lack of innovation by the firm likely affect the organization’s profit?
e. To what extent does inadequate research about the needs of consumers before
offered by company officials due to non-disclosure agreements and company executives might
not be willing to divulge vital information due to the fear of the their competitors
Having been around the world and serving premier institutions for over 20 years, it was my
ambition to bring world class products to India and thus came Salzer in 1985.
Employees and all other agencies, to continuously build the Organization from a humble
We look forward to the same co-operation and confidence to optimize the business
• A Full-fledged In-house Research and Development facilities Recognized by
Government of India.
Salzer Electronics Limited, was established in 1985 to design and manufacture of world-class
Cam Operated Rotary Switches in Technical Collaboration with M/s. Saelzer Schaltgerate
Fabrik, GmbH., Germany. The Company has a consistent track record for the last 20 years in
Salzer manufactures Load Break Switches, Proximity Switches, Wiring Ducts and Terminal
Connectors with CSA-NRTL/C approval. Besides Modular Wiring Accessories And Allied
Specialty Products With international approval and innovative designs the market share for these
The Company has entered into technical and financial collaboration with M/s. Plitron
Manufacturing Inc., Canada, in 1995 for manufacturing Toraidal Transformers With 50% Buy-
Back Specialty.
The Prestigious ISO 9001 Certification by NQA-UK has been obtained for Design,
Development, Manufacture and Supply of CAM Operated Rotary Switches and Allied Products.
The Company has a strong R&D facility with the full-fledged laboratory to upgrade the products
and set new market trends. Our In-house R&D has been recognized by Ministry of Science and
Technology, Department of Science and Industrial Research, Government of India. Today, we
M/s. Larsen & Turbo Limited, the Indian Industrial Giant in Engineering has been marketing
In keeping with the policy of working to satisfy our Customers Overseas, came into existence
this new Manufacturing and Trading Unit to export Salzer Group Products all over the World
The Quality Systems of the Company are in accordance with the guidelines of ISO 9001 to
ensure quality in our Products and Service for both the Manufactured and Traded products.
Country, continuously works with Salzer in marketing Salzer Products in the International
are obtained jointly
Pneumatic Controls
Well known for the high quality and reliability of its Products, Pneumatic Controls was
established in 1985.
The Company is involved in the manufacture of Limit Switches, Foot Switches, Precision
Limit Switches and Micro Adjustable Limit Switches. The factory is situated admits the
This chapter brings together the views, ideas and opinion of different authors and
professionals in the field of marketing and innovation in respect of the research topic. The
various information in this chapter are therefore collected from secondary sources like recitation,
quotations and personal reviews of magazines, journals, seminar papers and textbooks.
Survival is the major objectives of every business organization. A viable business will be
able to survive the various unfavorable business conditions. This is mostly achieved when there
company will be able to make a reasonable amount of profit if all its efforts are channeled
The satisfaction of the consumers has now become one of the means through which an
organization could survive. The consumers who are regarded as “Kings” are now governing the
business environment. In essence, we are now in the consumers’ or buyers’ market and a
company with intention of making profits will have to include customer satisfaction as part of its
• Profit enables a firm to grow and even provide many satisfactions to customers
“One goal of business firm is to make profit, for without profits the business will eventually fail”
Product, like any normal human being has a life cycle, which dictates the strategy to be
adopted by the product developers or managers. Omotunde, Ayozie and Asolo in [5], said that;
“product life cycle is a model that describes a product’s sales, profits, customers, competition
and marketing effort from it introduction to its removal from the market” It can also be described
as a graphical portrayal of the sales history of a product. Product life cycle has four major stages,
1) Introduction: This is the period during which a new product is introduced into the market.
The product is newly launched or just fully commercialized. This stage in the product life cycle
is usually over burdened with high production cost as well as other marketing costs. In addition,
this stage is usually accompanied by heavy promotional activities because of the need to inform
potential buyers of the existence, uses, application and advantages of the new product. For highly
innovating products, price are usually high to cover cost of production and marketing, profits, if
any, are small in this phase of the life cycle. This stage is characterized with the risk because the
2) Growth: If a product survives the introductory stage, it moves into the growth stage of the life
cycle. This stage starts with the acceptance of the product in the market. The first symptom of
the appearance of the growth stage is therefore a rapid increase in the sales volume. Due to the
improvement in sales volume, some of the cost will now be absorbed and so there will be the
emergence of profit. This is equally noted by competing firms, who will quickly come up
this stage of product innovation will be necessary at this stage of product’s life cycle. The
innovation could be partial innovation or total innovation. This is because consumers always
want “new” products because they feel the quality of the “new” product will be better than the
3) Maturity: The emergency of this stage is usually accompanied by an increase in both sales
and profit but at a decreasing rate. Most products that exist today are in the maturity stage.
Normally, this is the longest stage of the cycle, competitive activities are now at its tightest, and
many rival companies are now seriously competing for the market. Some emulators may be
coming up with an inferior version of the product to enable them penetrate into the market.
Promotional activities are very moderate since the brand is already established in the market.
Advertising efforts will be directed towards reminding the consumers about the existence and
4) Decline: A continuous decrease in profits and sales are the two major symptoms of the
appearance of this stage in the product life cycle. Since the product is making minimal or no
contribution to profit, weak competing firms will be forced to leave the market. Therefore, very
few firms will be left in the market. The rate of decline is governed by how rapidly consumers’
taste change and/or substitute products are adopted. The rapid decrease in sales will push cost up,
thereby eliminating profits either entirely or into the very low level. It is of great importance to
note here that not all products face an inevitable death as they move along the life cycle.
Sometimes they can be given new life through repositioning, product modification or product
Figure 2.1 Sales Volume Curve and profit Curve in Relation to a Product’s life cycle
The word innovation has now become a popular vocabulary among managers “the
watchword for management now is innovate or die”. This in essence means that a company
Product innovation encompasses all the efforts put into a product from conception to
development and commercialization to meet the needs and expectations of customers and all
stakeholders. This concept has also become an essential strategic approach for creating
It has become a common belief that a business enterprise has only two basic functions:
Marketing and Innovating. Product innovation has become a powerful tool for keeping the
company aligned with changing market conditions. Companies develop new products to meet
shifting consumer demands, to capitalize on new technologies and to keep ahead of competition.
Being innovative is seen as a necessary strategy for the modern day businesses.
Generally, a product cannot continue to satisfy target market or consumers and contribute
firm just has to modify its existing products or introduce new ones. This is known as
introduction of Post-it-Note and Sony’s introduction of the Walkman, Gillet Shave etc..
b) Replacements for existing products that are significantly different from the existing goods
(line /product extension).An example is 3M’s extension of its original 1-in by 1-in post it note
c) Imitating products that are new to a particular company but not new to the market (me-too
The word “new” could mean minor changes in the quality, size, packaging, price or any
other attributes of the product. A product may be a failure in the market probably because it’s
bad packaging or quality. Hence, a good product manager will just have to make necessary
corrections if the product is to gain market acceptance. The necessary corrections which is
innovation will make the product to be appear seemingly new to the consumers
6) Creating the new product and executing the new-product development (NPD)
The social and economic justification for the existence of a business is its ability to satisfy its
customers. A company meets its basic responsibility to the society through its product. Unless it
fulfils this mission, a firm should not exist. In actual sense, the competing forces in our socio-
In addition, the company’s profit can also be increase through the innovation of product.
This can be done when the cost of a product is reviewed with the intention of reducing the cost
Phillip Kotler in his own contributions to the impact of product innovation has this to say ,
“Under modern condition of competition, it is risky for a company to rely only on its
existing product(s) customers want and expect a stream of new and improve products.
Competition will do its best to meet this desire. A company’s programme that induce searching
The companies shy away from product innovation because of the cost involved in carrying
out innovations. The cost of carrying out this activity varies from one company to another
depending on
• the company may stand the risk of having to lose its hold of the present market share to
In a situation where partial innovation is done on a product, the cost may be minimal since
such innovations will not require much time, skill and money. The risk involved in the
Cost of the product also involves the type of Innovations to be made. The following
New product and Existing Existing product and market
T New product and market Existing product and New
2. VALUE ADDITIONS: Certain value additions should be made along with the USP’s
products to that of the final products should also be regularly supervised. For eg: the
construction cost increases with the increase in the cost of bricks, cement, steel cost etc…
• the type of product innovation that is carried out on the product and the marketing
• the performance of the old product and the market reputation of the product
• the subsequent reactions from the competitors.
In a situation where the consumers view the price as being exorbitant, they will
look for other brands with better prices. On the other hand, if the price is fair enough, the
product is surely going to enjoy and win the loyalty of the consumers.
In addition, the quality of the product also determines the success of failure of the
product. A product of high quality will definitely enjoy repeat purchases while poor or
badly produced product will scare the consumer away from the first trial.
The Investment pattern is another important factor to be taken care since innovation
requires investment of funds.. The sources of funds for innovation Could be obtained from
• Retained Earnings
Along with the source of funds repayment capabilities of the company is also important for
This section of the study shall adequately take care of the research procedure as much as
possible bearing in mind that research findings should be valid and reliable. It will explain the
researcher procedure used to arrive at various conclusions in the study such that if any other
researcher should carry out work on the same topic, he would be able to arrive at the same result
bearing in mind that the same process and procedure is followed. It is the preliminary sketch of
the research work to be done. The population of study, of data, sample size sampling techniques
method of data collection instrument and method of data presentation analysis and data
a. Are the existing products produced by salzer Electronics unable to meet the needs of
the consumers?
b. Can the lack of innovation by the firm likely affect the organization’s profit and
consumer satisfaction?
The sources of data for research work will come from the two main source of statistical data
collection method, which are often used by marketing researcher. These are primary and
PRIMARY DATA: These are sourced by the researcher newly and primarily from the
respondents to solve the project at hand. This is normally carried out with the use of
questionnaire. Questionnaire will be used to obtain the primary data from the employees of
salzer Electronics.
information within or outside the organization for solving the project at hand other than the
current investigation. The use of questionnaire is the only specific approach used in collecting
The sample is a representative fraction of the larger population. For the purpose of this
research work, a sample size of 100 subjects will be used due to constraint on logistics and the
sample shall be made up of individuals from the population of study in the appropriate
However, the stratified random sampling technique will be used to select the sample of the
staff of Salzer Electronics with the staff strength being the classification criterion. Each stratum
will be selected based on their importance in the population. Simple random sampling technique
will also be used to select the appropriate individuals to which the questionnaire shall be
There are cases where certain problems occur in case of Random sampling because of, in
simple terms difference of opinion. In such cases Multiple sampling Technique is followed so as
The data collection instrument to be used in this study shall be questionnaire, which will be
administered to the respondents. The choice of questionnaire is that it guarantees a higher level
of anonymity of the individual, which most respondents will prefer. It also enhances the use of
standardized question
Data collection consists of presenting stimuli to a respondent and recording his/her response.
The stimuli may be verbal questions, clearly identified tasks in the laboratory, complex activities
in the market place or modifications of the situations. Thus, the aim of data procedures is to get
worthwhile data for the problem as defined. For the study, both primary and secondary data will
be used. Primary data are drawn from their original source for the purpose of the study at hand,
while, secondary data are taken from journals, textbooks, officials compilations, newspapers,
The completed questionnaire will be collected serialized coded and analysis sequentially
done according to the research question. Simple percentage means, standard deviation and
Hypothesis testing involves specification of two conflicting theories are expected to be are
mutually exclusive and exhaustive i.e. if one is true, the other must be false . These hypotheses
are termed the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (H1). Hypothesis is a value
Hypothesis test is prone to two types of errors, namely Type I and Type II Errors, Type I errors
(the "false positive") is the error of rejecting an hypothesis that should have been accepted while
Type II errors (the "false negative") is the error of accepting an hypothesis that should have been
rejected. Alpha (α) is the probability of Type I Error, which is defined as P (Rejecting Ho when
Level of Significance
The level of significance set will correspond to the probability that we are willing to be wrong in
our conclusion if a type 1 error was committed. α is a predetermined value by convention usually
0.05 which corresponds to a 95% confidence level will be used for this research work. With this
setting, we are accepting the risk that out of 100 samples, we would reject a true null hypothesis
five times.
Test Statistic
Applications of χ 2 -test
E = Expected frequency
and 2α
The following steps should be followed for an effective new product development or
product innovation
6. PRODUCT DESING – includes Design tools, product development and testing, arrival of
The objective of this chapter is to describe and interpret the result of the survey and use them
The data collected from the respondents through the questionnaires were analyzed
using the percentage, the CHI SQUARE distribution. For easy analysis, the information
obtained from the respondents was quantified with numerical scores and converted to
The analysis of Section A which was directed to the staff of Salzer Electronics in
Does the company engage in product innovation?
Options No. of Respondents Percentage
1 YES 100 100
2 NO 0 0
Total 100 100.0
The above table shows the distribution of respondents on the basis of question that
the company was engage in product innovation. It is evident from the obtained result that 100%
the respondents marked yes. So majority of the respondents are marked yes.
The above table shows the distribution of respondents on the basis of question
that why company was engage in product innovation. It is evident from the obtained result that
12% the respondents marked to improve profit, 8% marked to attract customer, 80% marked due
to competition. So majority of the respondents are marked the option due to competition.
S. No Option No. of Respondents Percentage
The above table shows that 80% of the respondents marked that the product innovation
can be introduced depend on the circumstance, and remaining 20% of the respondents’ opinion is
at introduction stage
The above table shows that 80% of the respondents marked that the product
innovation is to improve the sales, and remaining 20% of the respondents’ opinion is survival of
The above table shows the distribution of respondents on the basis of question
that the product innovation help in reducing production cost. It is evident from the obtained
result that 100% the respondents marked yes. So majority of the respondents are marked yes.
Has the product innovation help the company in maximization of its profit
Total 100 100.0
The above table shows that 60% of the respondents marked that the product innovation is
to improve the profit, and 37% of the respondents’ marked profit remain same, and rest of the
Next innovation of the product will be in
1 1 year 80 80.0
2 2 year 20 20.0
3 3 year 0 0.0
Total 100 100.0
Source: Primary Data
The above table shows that 80% of the respondents marked that next product innovation
will be in 1 year, and 20% of the respondents’ marked next product innovation will be in 2 year.
The above table shows the distribution of respondents on the basis of question that the
reason for the product innovation is competitors. It is evident from the obtained result that 100%
the respondents marked yes. So majority of the respondents are marked yes.
Tools: Percentage Analysis
The above table shows the distribution of respondents on the basis of question that the
product obsolescence responsible for product innovation. It is evident from the obtained result
that 100% the respondents marked yes. So majority of the respondents are marked yes.
There is significant difference between the product innovation and the company engage in salzer
electronic limited
12 12 0 0
0 8 -8 64 8
0 0 0 0 0
80 0 80 6400 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Degree of Freedom = (R – 1) X (C – 1)
= (4 – 1) X (2 – 1)
= 3
INTERPRETATION:The calculated value is not less than the table value so that there is no
significant relationship between the two variables, so the null hypothesis is rejected.
There is no significant difference between the product innovation and the product obsolescence
There is significant difference between the product innovation and the Product Obsolescence
CELL O E O–E (O – E)2 (O – E)2/E
R1 C1 20 20 0 0 0.00
R1 C2 0 0 0 0 0
R2 C1 0 0 0 0 0
R2 C2 0 80 -80 6400 80
R3 C1 0 0 0 0 0.00
R3 C2 80 0 80 6400 0
R4 C1 0 0 0 0 0
R4 C2 0 0 0 0 0
R5 C1 0 0 0 0 0
R5 C2 0 0 0 0 0
Degree of Freedom = (R – 1) X (C – 1)
= (5 – 1) X (2 – 1)
= 4
Calculated Value = 80
The calculated value is not less than the table value so that there is no significant
There is no significant difference between the product innovation and the company engage in
There is significant difference between the product innovation and the company engage in salzer
electronic limited
Profit Maximized 50 5 5 60
Profit Minimized 1 1 1 3
TOTAL 68 20 12 100
O E O–E (O – E)2 (O – E)2/E
To Calculate the Tabulated Chi – Square Value:
Degree of Freedom = (R – 1) X (C – 1)
= (3 – 1) X (3 – 1)
= 4
The calculated value is not less than the table value so that there is no significant
• 100% of the employees of salzer given their opinion that salzer has engage in product
• 80% of employees of salzer given their opinion that the company engage in product
• 100% of employees of salzer given their opinion that this product innovation helps the
• 80% of employees of salzer given their opinion that product innovation helps the
• 60% of employees of salzer given their opinion that product innovation helps the
This research brings to light some of the benefits of product innovation, which can be
where product is improved upon to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers. An “old”
product can be placed as a “new” product in the market after making some minor changes .On
the other hand, an entirely new product can also be introduced into the market as a result of
research findings. Most technology based company innovations are mostly technology-driven
like any other living beings undergo a normal lifecycle and at every stage of the life cycle, the
products experience some changes in the demand for them. Product innovation can be also being
carried out on product already in the market. This study was based on some hypotheses, which
1) That lack of product innovation can affect a firm’s profit and consumer satisfaction;
2) That product obsolescence is responsible for product innovation;
satisfying them.
In this research paper, the impact of product innovation on consumer’s goods was examined.
The background has revealed that most product die prematurely due to lack of proper planning
before the product is launched. In some cases, the product is not properly defined, that is, the
needs of consumers are not properly met through the product hence, they don’t enjoy repeat
innovation at regular intervals because of the dynamic nature of consumer’s needs and wants that
The idea behind product innovation does not end in the satisfaction of changing taste of
the consumers, it also helps in reducing the cost of producing the goods, and thus, selling it to the
consumer at reduced prices. This aspect of product innovation helps company to have an edge
Thus product innovation is very much essential to survive in the current competitive
goods, it is deemed necessary to give some useful suggestion and recommendation, which would
help in improving the quality of consumer goods, hence, improving the standard of living of the
Salzer electronics and other companies that produce consumer goods will find these
• Companies should engage in extensive research, to find out the actual needs of the
• In addition, companies should carry our research on the changing taste of the consumers
periodically .
• Since product innovation helps in reducing cost, companies should engage in it regular
interval so as to cut down through value analysis strategy which is segment of product
• Companies should ensure that Research and Development Department as well as other
sources where new product ideas could be easily explored are not neglected.
• Focus should be on increasing the market share than reducing the costs.
• Finally, in carrying out product innovation, producers should ensure that the “new”