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Deterioration of Close Family Ties A Unique Filipino Trait

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Deterioration of Close Family Ties

A Unique Filipino Trait

I. Introduction

A typical Filipino family is composed of the grandparents, the

mother, the father, and their children. One of the unique values
of a Filipino family that distinguishes it from all other
families of different nationalities is the value of close family
ties. It is a situation where the children continue to live with
their parents and grandparents even after being married. The
value reflects the Filipinos love and care for their families
and also reflects the closeness of the family as a simple unit
of the society. Living with one another strengthens the family’s
bond and indeed creates a strong relationship between the
members. The sense of trust and dependency between each member
of the family is the foundation of this value, wherein a family
member deeply depends his goals and aspirations from his family
and view his or her family as a source of strength and
inspiration. Those were the days when “family comes first” for
every Filipino family member, and when we say family, it is
composed of the spouses and their children, the grandparents
and other immediate family members. Over the years, this value
seems to deteriorate or fade out of the Filipino family picture.
Years or decades from now, as we approach towards a country with
full productivity, this value might be completely out of the
scene because of the idea of nuclear family. Nuclear family is
composed of the parents and their children, contrary to our old
practice of the extended family. The modern families of today
tends to isolate themselves from other immediate members of
their family (e.g. grandparents) so the closeness and the bond
between the nuclear family members and their relatives (not
within the nuclear family) is not strong enough unlike when
close family ties is being practiced.
A. Objectives of the Study

As the generation became more and more influenced by cultures

from different nationalities, the practice of close family ties
among Filipino families slowly declines as shown in previous
studies. This study intended to know whether there really is a
deterioration and to dig or see through the possible cause of
such decline of the practice. This study will focus on the
insights of the millennials about the idea of close family ties,
for they are the one who will pass it out to future generations.
It will focus also on the positive and negative effects of close
family ties.

B. Review of Related Literature and Studies

According to an article by Sania Siddiqui published in dawn.com,

“With times changing, parents are becoming more and more
occupied, failing to keep the family unit financially strong
and socially uplifted, and children are often left to fend for
themselves. Weakening of family ties results in the patriarch
losing his/her position of pre-eminence in the family. The
family becomes a group of disparate individuals without an
opportunity to imbibe traditional, social norms and mores.
Children today are left to be taken care of by institutions
alone, where they tend to grow self-centered and egocentric.’’.
This article sights a possible cause of deterioration or decline
in the practice of close family ties among Filipino families
that results to children being independent and having them be
adopted by the society when it is their family that is
responsible for their growth and development.
According to a blog posted in wordpress.com by aadenish09
(August 31, 2011), “Close family ties among Filipinos are
considered a boon to society because they bring about the spirit
of sama-sama, salo-salo, tayo-tayo at bayanihan. Because of
close family ties, relatives are able to help each other on
moral, physical, financial and spiritual needs. Relatives also
help out needy ones to start a small business by being a
guarantor or extending a personal loan. Filipinos also seek the
help, mostly monetary, of relatives during emergencies. A
relative is always there to smooth life’s complexities. The act
of helping others is not just common among kin, fictive kin,
but especially between friends. Filipino families indeed extend
their charity and generosity beyond their family. Oppositely,
close family ties create dependency. It creates a feeling of
dependency that makes some unproductive. All over, adults still
dependent on their parents.”. Some members abuse kindness.
According to Dennis Acop, an Overseas Filipino Worker, “We give
them our hand, they want the best we have and won’t stop asking
until nothing is left to us. Out of 9 kindnesses you bestowed
to them, with 1 mistake or failure to extend our help, they
will burst their anger and call us selfish and proud, forgotten
those times we have helped them and fed them. Makes us feel
that they own everything we have coz’ they are members of the
family.” The blog post talks about the negative effects of close
family ties and how it negatively affects the well-being of a
family member and how it became a way for some member to abuse
the generosity and kindness of the other.
II. Methodology

A. Theoretical Framework

Millennial's Opinion
about the Negative
and Positive effects
of Close Family Ties
among Filipino

of Close
Family Ties

The theoretical framework shows the independent variable

that will be addressed by the research and how it affects
the issue of the deterioration of close family ties.
B. Types of Data

The dependent variable in the research is the issue of the

deterioration of close family ties among Filipino families
and the dependent variable is the millennials’ opinion and
insights about the issue.

C. Techniques of Gathering Data

The researchers will gather the data needed by handing

forms to the respondents that includes statements
containing positive and negative effects of practicing
close family ties.

D. Choice of Sample

There will be 50 respondents, composed of random students

belonging to the millennial generation. The sample is
chosen based on their direct connection to the issue. The
chosen respondents are millennials because they are the
ones responsible to preserve our values and traits.
Millennial’s insights reflect how they wanted the near
future to be, their ideas will be the future of our nation.
III. Data Gathering

The respondents will give weight to each statements, five (5)

being the highest weight and one (1) being the lowest, and
the sum of the statements’ weight will then be totaled to
analyze the resulting data as to which statements best
reflects the current standing of the issue and which
statements are least likely to do so.

IV. Data Analysis

Positive Statements Negative Statements

Rank Description Rank Description
1 It is a good trait. 1 It is inconvenient.
2 It helps a member be 2 It is impractical.
more confident.
3 It makes us more of a 3 It is burdensome
Filipino. because some family
members are abusive of
the shared resources.
4 It makes us unique. 4 It does not help in
motivating members to
do better because some
members are toxic.
5 It strengthens the bond 5 It is a root of
between family members. conflict within the
6 It gives a sense of 6 It is a menace to
security to the society because it has
members. many disadvantages.
7 It leads to a happier 7 It is toxic because
family relationship. problems of one
members affect all
other members.
8 It is part of our 8 It is a source of shame
culture and we should because a bad attitude
preserve it. of a member reflects
all other members.
9 It helps in building a 9 It should not be
person’s well-being. practiced anymore
because we need to live
10 It motivates a person 10 It makes us less of a
in achieving his or her Filipino.

According to the data table above, the major factors that

contributes to the deterioration of close family ties is that: it
is inconvenient, impractical, it is burdensome, it is de-
motivating, and it is a root of conflict between family members.
On the other hand, the major factors that contributes to the trait
being continually practiced by some are: it is a good trait, it
helps a member be more confident, it makes a member be more of a
Filipino, it makes us unique, and it strengthens the bond between
family members.

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