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Unit 6 Vocabulary: Transport

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Unit 6 Vocabulary

2 Match the definitions with the words in the box.

aeroplane cruise ship motorbike
1 Underline the correct options. sailing boat train tram

1 It’s a long vehicle and you catch it at a station.

I go to school by (1) ferry / car
You can use it for short or long journeys.
because it’s too far to walk. My mum
usually drives me.
2 It’s like a hotel in the middle of the sea. It travels
long distances and it stops in interesting places.
Last year, my parents gave me a 3 It’s a small vehicle with two wheels. You ride on
(2) scooter / helicopter. I love it! It’s it on the road. It can be noisy and dangerous.
very quick – when there’s lots of __________________
traffic, I can ride around the cars.
4 It’s very large and it’s got two wings. It’s often
the quickest way to travel to another country.
We went to the Greek islands on 5 It travels on rails but also on the road. Not all
holiday last year. We flew to Mykonos cities have this form of transport.
and then we took a (3) ferry / bus __________________
across the sea to Santorini. It was 6 It travels on water. You use it for sport.
beautiful! __________________

Prepositions of movement
When I was young, I wanted to fly a
3 Complete the prepositions.
(4) car / helicopter. I travelled in one
for the first time last month. It was
really loud and scary. I’m not sure I
want to be a pilot any more!

1 u______ the hill 2 o______ the houses

My uncle is a long distance
(5) lorry / scooter driver. He delivers
products to factories and shops and
he drives hundreds of kilometres
every year.
3 u______ the bridge 4 a______ the road

I live in London and I travel to school

on the (6) scooter / underground.
It’s a boring journey because you
can’t see out of the window. But it’s
quicker than the (7) bus / lorry 5 a______ the fountain 6 t______ the jungle
because there’s always lots of traffic
in the morning.

7 d______ the hill 8 i______ the lift

Unit 6 Grammar
Past continuous Past simple and past continuous
1 Write sentences. Use the past continuous 4 Complete the sentences. Use the past
affirmative and negative. continuous of the verbs in the box.
1 I / have / a party.
 do not drive not listen wait watch
2 We / not watch / TV / at nine o’clock.
_______________________________________ 1 We _________________ for a bus when it
3 Jenny / swim / very well. started to rain.
_______________________________________ 2 I _________________ a DVD when the
4 Tim / not wear / a coat. TV broke.
_______________________________________ 3 I _________________ when the accident
5 Sam and Tina / write / emails. happened.
_______________________________________ 4 They _________________ their homework
6 I / not make / a cup of tea. when I called.
_______________________________________ 5 I _________________ to the teacher when he
asked me a question.
2 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1 as
questions. Then complete the short answers. 5 Correct the mistakes. Change the bold words.
1 _______________________ a party? 1 We were listening to the radio when we were
_________ , I _________ . hearing our favourite song.
2 _______________________ TV at nine o’clock? _______________________________________
_________ , we _________ . 2 Jake ate his lunch when he heard the fire alarm.
3 _______________________ very well? _______________________________________
_________ , she _________ . 3 Alicia walked to school when she got a text
4 _______________________ a coat? message from Joshua.
_________ , he _________ . _______________________________________
5 _______________________ emails?
6 Complete the text. Use the past simple or the
_________ , they _________ .
past continuous.
6 _______________________ a cup of tea?
It was only half past nine in the morning and Jack
_________ , I _________ .
(1) _________________ (have) a bad day. At half
3 Correct the mistakes in the past continuous past eight, he (2) _________________ (wake up)
sentences. Change the bold words. late. Then someone (3) _________________
1 I was writting a letter when you phoned. (phone) him when he (4) _________________
_______________________________________ (have) a shower. He (5) _________________ (go)
2 Tom didn’t playing football last night. to answer the phone but there were some clothes
_______________________________________ on the floor and he (6) _________________ (fall)
3 We wasn’t doing our homework at eight o’clock. over. Now he (7) _________________ (travel) to
_______________________________________ hospital and his right arm (8) _________________
4 You were talking on your mobile phone? (be) broken.
5 Ed wasn’t siting down when the teacher arrived.

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