ITI Documents
ITI Documents
ITI Documents
ITI Limited is the first public sector enterprise. It was established in 1948 just after
the independence. The unit was poised to revolutionariesed the national
telecommunication scenario by rolling 500000 lines of E10B type of electronic
system every year with modern equipment .Exchange is based on technology C-DOT
developed in India according to its environment. MANKAPUR earned the distinction
of Digital City because first system was manufactured by it. Also entered into non
communication field with its Note Counting Machine(NCN), Note Bundling
Machine, Fake Note Detector and Inverter etc. The latest undertaking of ITI limited is
BTS( base transceiver station) with technical collaboration with MIS CIT ALCATEA
of France. In 1979 it was renewed as it manufactures different types of products. In
this BTS manufacturing started from the year 2005. ITI Limited is also engaged in
installation commissioning operation and maintenance part of GSM network.
“ To be the leader in the domestic market and an important global player in voice and
data and image communication providing total solution to the customers to built on a
core competencies to enter new business area.”
This plant is also known as Electronic city plant. It was established in the year 1956.
It manufactures variety of communication equipment. This plant executes a ‘Turn Key
Project’ and it provides total tele services –
TEC approval
The Nainiunit of ITI was established in the year 1964 and has accreditation of ISO-
9001. It manufactures wireless local loop and transmission equipments. This plant
also provides TEC(Telecom Equipment Certification).
This unit has an accreditation of ISO-9002 and manufactures LIU and performs
assembling of telephone sets.
This unit was established in 1976 mainly for manufacturing of digital tank/trunk
automatic exchanges and medium lower digital exchange. It has started the
manufacturing of OCB-283 switching products.
It was established in the year 1982 in collaboration with CIT ALCATEL ( France) for
manufacturing of E10B electronic switching exchanges. Now it has started the
manufacturing of few parts of OCB-283 exchange. Some new devices are recently
manufactured such as
NCM (Note Counting Machine)
NBM (Note BundlingMachine)
Mankapur unit of the ITI Ltd. Is the sixth unit of ITI also known as “Digital city of
INDIA”. It was established in 1983. it started its production in April 1985. the first
product was E10B electronic telephone exchange under the technical collaboration
E10B exchange
CSN-MA exchange
C-DOT exchange
CSN-MM exchange
GSM (in process)
In brief
Established 1982
Starting of construction Feb 1983
Starting of production April 1985
Total area 352 acres
A.C. covered space 44,300 sq.m
(largest in ASIA)
factory covered area 77,500 sqm
We are usually unaware of the role played by standards in raising levels of quality,
safety, reliability, efficiency and interchangeability - as well as in providing such
benefits at an economical cost. Standards make an enormous contribution to most
aspects of our lives - although very often, that contribution is invisible.
For trade officials negotiating the emergence of regional and global markets,
International Standards create "a level playing field" for all competitors on those
markets. The existence of divergent national or regional standards can create technical
barriers to trade, even when there is political agreement to do away with restrictive
import quotas and the like. International Standards are the technical means by which
political trade agreements can be put into practice.
For everyone, International Standards can contribute to the quality of life in general
by ensuring that the transport, machinery and tools we use are safe.
ISO 9000:1994/2000
ISO 14000:1996
ISO 18000:199
25000 engineers
headquarter is in GENEVA
ISO -9000 series
S : specific
M : measurable
A : achievable
R: realistic
T: time
What is QMS?
Standardization of product
Defined product OR
To access the
Process approach
Understanding customer’s requirement
Objective measurement
Continual improvement
1. 8 – QM principles
2. Process approach
8 – QM principles
1. customer focus
2. leadership
3. involvement of people
4. process approach
8. continual improvement
P – plan
Establish objective
Establish process
Maturity Model:
ADHOC (coincidence)
Repeatable (processes are practicable)
For certification
ISO: 14000
ISO have made four international standards for invironment in the year 1999.
Type Of Pollution
Water pollution
Land pollution
Sound pollution
Air pollution
Odour pollution
System efficiency
Reducing waste
Pollution preservation
Improved performance
ISO : 14000
Process cycle
i. Core team
ii. MR
Step 3: Identification of……
Environmental aspects
Environmental impact
Step 7: EMS
Step 8: Implementation
ISO-core standards
family 10006/10007/10013/10014/10015
Technical specifications
Benefits of ISO
Business growth
Quality assurance
Self System
Six sigma Is a measure of quality that strives for mew perfection.
It is statistical measurement which tells us how good our products , services and
process really are. It helps us to establish our course and gauge our pace in the race
for total customer satisfaction.
Sigma is a statistical term that measures how for a given process deviates from
perfection. The central idea behind Six Sigma is that if you can measure how many
“defects” you have in a process, you can systematically figure out how to eliminate
them and get as close to “zero defects” as possible.
When we say a process is Six Sigma, we are saying it is best in class. Such a level of
capability will only yield about three instances of non-conformance out of every
million opportunities. With the improvement in process capability, defects gradually
go away.
As per our unit policy, we have launched SIX SIGMA INITIATIVE in our unit. SIX
SIGMA is basically data driven process based management system, in which the
senior management (also known as C –level management, CEO, CIO, CFO and
Peers) communicate and drive the over all objectives.
Training of senior management officials is also essential, which should cover six
sigma overview, real world examples of successful employment, specific application
to business/ industry, tools for successful implementation and the financial benefits of
its implementation etc .Depending on the availability of time and their desire to learn
details black belt training should also be provided to all the senior management
Chief executive
To provide leadership
( To lead the project teams, fully responsible for technicalities involved in a project,
General process control and improvement………..)
( project work, general process control for particular assigned project, head of the
project control team )
Customers need products / services on time, with zero defects, at the lowest cost .
To improve means we must be able to predict and prevent, not detect and react.
By combining the mean and standard deviation, the “sigma” of a process can be
Once basic competencies and deficiencies are known corrective action can be taken.
Corrective action leads to the reduction of defects, cycle-time and the cost.
The reduction of defects cycle-time and cost leads to improved customer satisfaction.
Its more than just a quality system like TQM or ISO. It’s the way of doing business. It
can be seen as a vision, a philosophy, a symbol, a metric, a goal, a methodology etc.
Six sigma philosophy is being practiced by many Fortune 500 companies and has
already become a way of life at GE, Motorola, Honeywell, Sony, Nokiya, Poloroid,
Hughes, Caparo Maruti, Escorts Hospita, Tata ssl, Whirlpool of India etc.
Most of the companies have netted multi million dollars savings by adopting six
sigma in all their business process and transaction. Some of the examples are :
1: GE saved $12 billion over five years and added $1 to its earning per share. It
produces annual benefits of over $2.5 billion across the organization from Six-Sigma.
It Has Virtually Become Religion At G.E.
2:Honeywell (Allied signal) recorded more than $800 million in savings in a year.
3: Motorola reduced manufacturing costs by $1.4 billion from 1987-1994. six Sigma
reportedly saved Motorola $1.5 Billion over the last 11 years.
4: Caterpillar Inc. a heavy equipment manufacturer reaped $500 million through Six
Sigma during the year 2002.
5: At Bharti teleLinks( mobile arm Air-tel) an organization – wide six sigma initiative
has saved arount Rs. 75 crores from mobile business during 2003-04. ( 130 Six-
Sigma Projects) . Revenue generated Rs. 5002 Crores, profit-619.46 Crores,
Subscriber base 6.5 million, against 7.2 million of Relience infocom Loss of Rs.400
Crores) and 5.2 million of BSNL.
At an average savings, with achieving Six-Sigma level, varies from 1.2% to 4.5%
of total revenue.
Six Sigma has changed the DNA of many organizations. It is now the way they work
in every thing they do and in every product they design. Six-Sigma methodology
demands that every process should be planned properly and executed consistently.
Companies operating at three to four Sigma level loose 10-15% of their revenues
annually towards the cost of poor quality.
Control Centralized
improvement automation
Symbolic representation of six sigma - 6σ
6 σ = √A2 + B2 + C2
D – define
M – measure
A – analysis
I – improve
C – control
Determine benchmarks
Set baseline
Collect data
Create data
Reduce expenses
Reduce scrap formation
Reduce rework
Reduce throughout at
Define Define
Measure Measure
Analysis Analysis
Improve Design
Control Verify
stake holder
Evolution of ERP
Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs) integrate (or attempt to integrate) all
data and processes of an organization into a single unified system. A typical ERP
system will use multiple components of computer software and hardware to achieve
the integration. A key ingredient of most ERP systems is the use of a single, unified
database to store data for the various system modules.
The term ERP originally implied systems designed to plan the utilization of
enterprise-wide resources. Although the acronym ERP originated in the
manufacturing environment, today's use of the term ERP systems has much broader
scope. ERP systems typically attempt to cover all basic functions of an organization,
regardless of the organization's business or charter. Business, not-for-profit
organizations, governments, and other large entities utilize ERP systems.
However; the term is typically reserved for larger, more broadbased applications. The
introduction of an ERP system to replace two or more independent applications
eliminates the need for interfaces previously required between systems, and provides
additional benefits that range from standardization and lower maintenance (one
system instead of two or more) to easier and/or greater reporting capabilities (as all
data is typically kept in one database).
Looking more closely at ERP systems, a key factor is the integration of data from all
aspects of an organization. To accomplish this, an ERP system typically runs on a
single database instance with multiple software modules providing the various
business functions of an organization.
some organizations choose to only implement portions of an ERP system and develop
an interface to other ERP or stand-alone systems for their other application needs. For
instance, the PeopleSoft HRMS and Financials systems are generally considered
better than SAP's HRMS solution. And SAP's manufacturing and CRM systems are
generally considered better than PeopleSoft's equivalents. So an organization large
enough to justify the purchase of an ERP system, may choose to purchase the
PeopleSoft HRMS and Financials modules from Oracle, and their remaining
applications from SAP.
ERPs are often incorrectly called back office systems indicating that customers and the
general public are not directly involved. This is contrasted with front office systems
like customer relationship management (CRM) systems that deal directly with the
customers, or the eBusiness systems such as eCommerce, eGovernment, eTelecom,
and eFinance, or supplier relationship management (SRM) systems.
.ERP II means open ERP architecture of components. The older, monolithic ERP
systems became component oriented.
EAS - Enterprise Application Suite is a new name for formerly developed ERP
systems which include (almost) all segments of business, using ordinary Internet
browsers as thin clients.
AFTER: ERP software, among other things, combined the data of formerly disparate
applications. This made the worry of keeping employee numbers in synchronization
across multiple systems disappear. It standardised and reduced the number of software
specialties required within larger organizations. It enabled reporting that spanned
multiple systems much easier. And it allowed for the development of higher level
analysis functions enabling larger organizations to identify trends with in the
organization and make appropriate adjustments more quickly.
After ERP
E- commerce
E- governance
Best Practices
Because of their wide scope of application within the firm, ERP software systems rely
on some of the largest bodies of software ever written. Implementing such a large and
complex software system in a company used to involve an army of analysts,
programmers, and users. This was, at least, until the development of the Internet
allowed outside consultants to gain access to company computers in order to install
standard updates. ERP implementation, without professional help, can be a very
expensive project for bigger companies, especially transnationals. Companies
specializing in ERP implementation, however, can expedite this process and can
complete the task in under six months with solid pilot testing.
Enterprise resource planning systems are often closely tied to supply chain
management and logistics automation systems. Supply chain management software
can extend the ERP system to include links with suppliers.
To implement ERP systems, companies often seek the help of an ERP vendor or of
third-party consulting companies. Consulting in ERP involves three levels, namely
top level systems architecture, business process consulting (primarily re-engineering)
and technical consulting (primarily programming and tool configuration activity). A
systems architect designs the overall dataflow for the enterprise including the future
dataflow plan. A business consultant studies an organization's current business
processes and matches them to the corresponding processes in the ERP system, thus
'configuring' the ERP system to the organization's needs. Technical consulting often
involves programming. Most ERP vendors allow modification of their software to suit
the business needs of their customer.
Customizing an ERP package can be very expensive and complicated, because many
ERP packages are not designed to support customization, so most businesses
implement the best practices embedded in the acquired ERP system. Some ERP
packages are very generic in their reports and inquiries, such that customization is
expected in every implementation. It is important to recognize that for these packages,
it makes more sense to buy third party reporting packages that interface well to
particular ERP, than to reinvent what tens of thousands of other clients of that same
ERP have needed to develop.
Today there are also web-based ERP systems. Companies would deploy web-based
ERP because it requires no client side installation, and is cross-platform and
maintained centrally. As long as you have an Internet connection, or a network
connection to a system installed on the LAN, you can access web-based ERPs through
typical web browsers.
In the absence of an ERP system, a large manufacturer may find itself with many
software applications that do not talk to each other and do not effectively interface.
Tasks that need to interface with one another may involve: design engineering (how
best to make the product); order tracking from acceptance through fulfillment; the
revenue cycle from invoice through cash receipt; managing interdependencies of
complex Bill of Materials; tracking the 3-way match between Purchase orders (what
was ordered), Inventory receipts (what arrived), and Costing (what the vendor
invoiced); and the Accounting for all of these tasks, tracking the Revenue, Cost and
Profit on a granular level.
Change how a product is made, in the engineering details, and that is how it will now
be made. Effectivity dates can be used to control when the switch over will occur
from an old version to the next one, both the date that some ingredients go into effect,
and date that some are discontinued. Part of the change can include labeling to
identify version numbers.
Computer security is included within an ERP, to protect against both outsider crime,
such as industrial espionage and insider crime, such as embezzlement. A data
tampering scenario might involve a terrorist altering a Bill of Materials so as to put
poison in food products, or other sabotage. ERP security helps to prevent abuse as
There are concepts of Front office (how the company interacts with customers), which
includes CRM or Customer relationship management; Back end (internal workings of
the company to fulfill customer needs), which includes quality control, to make sure
there are no problems not fixed, in the end products; Supply chain (interacting with
suppliers and transportation infrastructure). All of these can be integrated through an
ERP, although some systems have gaps in comprehensiveness and effectiveness.
Without an ERP that integrates all these, it can be quite complicated for a
manufacturer to manage.
Many of the problems that organizations have with ERP systems are due to the
inadequate level of investment in ongoing training for all personnel involved,
including those implementing and testing changes, as well as a lack of corporate
policies protecting the integrity of the data held in the ERP systems and how it is
Limitations of ERP include:
People soft
BaaN C4 Application
ITI Network
Supply Manufacturing
Chain Distribution
MRP -1
cture Project
Capacit- Configu
y Requi- -raion
Master Data
Common master data
Package master data
KEY Features
5. Product classification
6. Product configuration
8. Repetitive manufacturing
Baan Distribution
3. Multi-side capability
Baan Finance
1. Configurable process
2. Accounting and management tool
4. Drill down
5. Flexible currency handling
Baan Tools
B sheel
User UI DB Data
interface driver driver base
So if there are 4 users, there should be 6 physical links available. If the no. of users
are large then a huge physical connections are required which is extremely costly and
not practically possible. Solution to overcome this problem are exchanges. Exchange
is nothing but an interface between the caller and the receiver.
No mobility
Delay in new connection
Security hazard
Prone to failures
To overcome this limitation , mobile telephone system concept came into picture. The
basic concept behind the mobile communication is the cellular telephony, which is
developed by idea of cordless telephony.
In cordless telephony user can get mobility but within a certain range.
Communication between hand set and base4 set is through radio frequency link.
The base stations are called Base Transceiver Station(BTS). A single BTS may give
various frequency by Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA), no. of users can be
increased. But for a service provider, frequency limit is fixed. So there is a concept of
frequency reuse. Suppose a particular area is covered by a 7 BTS having
different frequencies and provider has limit of only these 7 frequencies. So to
interface the range of communication, if same frequencies is used again and again
with enough separation to their own used frequencies of communication can be
increased to any extent. This is called Frequency Reuse. And the BTS configuration is
like cell cluster, so this communication system is called to cellular telephony.
Phase I of the GSM specifications were published in 1990. Commercial service was
started in mid-1991, and by 1993 there were 36 GSM networks in 22 countries.
Although standardized in Europe, GSM is not only a European standard. Over 200
GSM networks (including DCS1800 and PCS1900) are operational in 110 countries
around the world. In the beginning of 1994, there were 1.3 million subscribers
worldwide, which had grown to more than 55 million by October 1997. With North
America making a delayed entry into the GSM field with a derivative of GSM called
PCS1900, GSM systems exist on every continent, and the acronym GSM now aptly
stands for Global System for Mobile communications. Low terminal and service cost
logo of GSM to identify compatibility of handsets and
From the beginning, the planners of GSM wanted ISDN compatibility in terms of the
services offered and the control signalling used. However, radio transmission
limitations, in terms of bandwidth and cost, do not allow the standard ISDN B-
channel bit rate of 64 kbps to be practically achieved.
Using the ITU-T definitions, telecommunication services can be divided into bearer
services, teleservices, and supplementary services. The most basic teleservice
supported by GSM is telephony. As with all other communications, speech is digitally
encoded and transmitted through the GSM network as a digital stream. A variety of
data services is offered. GSM users can send and receive data, at rates up to 9600 bps,
to users on POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), ISDN, Packet Switched Public Data
Networks, and Circuit Switched Public Data Networks using a variety of access
methods and protocols, such as X.25 or X.32. Since GSM is a digital network, a
modem is not required between the user and GSM network, although an audio modem
is required inside the GSM network to interwork with POTS.
1. Mobile Station
The mobile station (MS) consists of the mobile equipment (the terminal) and a smart
card called the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). The SIM provides personal
mobility, so that the user can have access to subscribed services irrespective of a
specific terminal. By inserting the SIM card into another GSM terminal, the user is
able to receive calls at that terminal, make calls from that terminal, and receive other
subscribed services.
BTS: The Base Transceiver Station houses the radio tranceivers that define a
cell and handles the radio-link protocols with the Mobile Station. In a large
urban area, there will potentially be a large number of BTSs deployed, thus the
requirements for a BTS are ruggedness, reliability, portability, and minimum
XIBM: it is an external alarm board and is used for alarm purpose, gives 2.6MHz
clock for SUMA
for BTS. It supplies 48 volt DC to BTS rack. It contain 6 switches, 1 for alarm and
5 for shelf.
SUMA: it is station unit module access. It is the most important and main
controlling card of BTS rack. It encodes 4 , 16 kbps (information+ signaling) to
1 , 64 kbps channel in reception to ABIS link. It decodes 64 kbps channels into 4,
16 kbps channels on transmission.
BSC:The Base Station Controller manages the radio resources for one or more
BTSs. It handles radio-channel setup, frequency hopping, and handovers. The
BSC is the connection between the mobile station and the Mobile service
Switching Center (MSC).
5. Network Subsystem
The central component of the Network Subsystem is the Mobile services Switching
Center (MSC). It acts like a normal switching node of the PSTN or ISDN, and
additionally provides all the functionality needed to handle a mobile subscriber, such
as registration, authentication, location updating, handovers, and call routing to a
roaming subscriber. These services are provided in conjuction with several functional
entities, which together form the Network Subsystem. The MSC provides the
connection to the fixed networks (such as the PSTN or ISDN). Signalling between
functional entities in the Network Subsystem uses Signalling System Number 7 (SS7),
used for trunk signalling in ISDN and widely used in current public networks.
The Home Location Register (HLR) and Visitor Location Register (VLR), together
with the MSC, provide the call-routing and roaming capabilities of GSM.
Home Location Register (HLR) : The HLR contains all the administrative
information of each subscriber registered in the corresponding GSM network,
along with the current location of the mobile. The location of the mobile is
typically in the form of the signalling address of the VLR associated with the
mobile station. The actual routing procedure will be described later. There is
logically one HLR per GSM network, although it may be implemented as a
distributed database.
The other two registers are used for authentication and security purposes. The
Equipment Identity Register (EIR) is a database that contains a list of all valid mobile
equipment on the network, where each mobile station is identified by its International
Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI). An IMEI is marked as invalid if it has been
reported stolen or is not type approved. The Authentication Center (AuC) is a
protected database that stores a copy of the secret key stored in each subscriber's SIM
card, which is used for authentication and encryption over the radio channel.
Channels are defined by the number and position of their corresponding burst periods.
All these definitions are cyclic, and the entire pattern repeats approximately every 3
hours. Channels can be divided into dedicated channels, which are allocated to a
mobile station, and common channels, which are used by mobile stations in idle
Traffic channels
A traffic channel (TCH) is used to carry speech and data traffic. Traffic channels are
defined using a 26-frame multiframe, or group of 26 TDMA frames. The length of a
26-frame multiframe is 120 ms, which is how the length of a burst period is defined
(120 ms divided by 26 frames divided by 8 burst periods per frame). Out of the 26
frames, 24 are used for traffic, 1 is used for the Slow Associated Control Channel
(SACCH) and 1 is currently unused (see Figure 2). TCHs for the uplink and downlink
are separated in time by 3 burst periods, so that the mobile station does not have to
transmit and receive simultaneously, thus simplifying the electronics.
In addition to these full-rate TCHs, there are also half-rate TCHs defined, although
they are not yet implemented. Half-rate TCHs will effectively double the capacity of a
system once half-rate speech coders are specified (i.e., speech coding at around 7
kbps, instead of 13 kbps). Eighth-rate TCHs are also specified, and are used for
signalling. In the recommendations, they are called Stand-alone Dedicated Control
Channels (SDCCH).
Figure 2. Organization of bursts, TDMA frames, and multiframes for speech and
Control channels
Common channels can be accessed both by idle mode and dedicated mode mobiles.
The common channels are used by idle mode mobiles to exchange the signalling
information required to change to dedicated mode. Mobiles already in dedicated mode
monitor the surrounding base stations for handover and other information. The
common channels are defined within a 51-frame multiframe, so that dedicated
mobiles using the 26-frame multiframe TCH structure can still monitor control
channels. The common channels include:
Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH)
Continually broadcasts, on the downlink, information including base station
identity, frequency allocations, and frequency-hopping sequences.
Frequency Correction Channel (FCCH) and Synchronisation Channel (SCH)
Used to synchronise the mobile to the time slot structure of a cell by defining
the boundaries of burst periods, and the time slot numbering. Every cell in a
GSM network broadcasts exactly one FCCH and one SCH, which are by
definition on time slot number 0 (within a TDMA frame).
Random Access Channel (RACH)
Slotted Aloha channel used by the mobile to request access to the network.
Paging Channel (PCH)
Used to alert the mobile station of an incoming call.
Access Grant Channel (AGCH)
Used to allocate an SDCCH to a mobile for signalling (in order to obtain a
dedicated channel), following a request on the RACH.
Speech coding
GSM is a digital system, so speech which is inherently analog, has to be digitized.
The method employed by ISDN, and by current telephone systems for multiplexing
voice lines over high speed trunks and optical fiber lines, is Pulse Coded Modulation
(PCM). The output stream from PCM is 64 kbps, too high a rate to be feasible over a
radio link. The 64 kbps signal, although simple to implement, contains much
redundancy. The GSM group studied several speech coding algorithms on the basis of
subjective speech quality and complexity (which is related to cost, processing delay,
and power consumption once implemented) before arriving at the choice of a Regular
Pulse Excited -- Linear Predictive Coder (RPE--LPC) with a Long Term Predictor
loop. Basically, information from previous samples, which does not change very
quickly, is used to predict the current sample. The coefficients of the linear
combination of the previous samples, plus an encoded form of the residual, the
difference between the predicted and actual sample, represent the signal. Speech is
divided into 20 millisecond samples, each of which is encoded as 260 bits, giving a
total bit rate of 13 kbps. This is the so-called Full-Rate speech coding. Recently, an
Enhanced Full-Rate (EFR) speech coding algorithm has been implemented by some
North American GSM1900 operators. This is said to provide improved speech quality
using the existing 13 kbps bit rate.
Recall that the speech codec produces a 260 bit block for every 20 ms speech sample.
From subjective testing, it was found that some bits of this block were more important
for perceived speech quality than others. The bits are thus divided into three classes:
Class Ia bits have a 3 bit Cyclic Redundancy Code added for error detection. If an
error is detected, the frame is judged too damaged to be comprehensible and it is
discarded. It is replaced by a slightly attenuated version of the previous correctly
received frame. These 53 bits, together with the 132 Class Ib bits and a 4 bit tail
sequence (a total of 189 bits), are input into a 1/2 rate convolutional encoder of
constraint length 4. Each input bit is encoded as two output bits, based on a
combination of the previous 4 input bits. The convolutional encoder thus outputs 378
bits, to which are added the 78 remaining Class II bits, which are unprotected. Thus
every 20 ms speech sample is encoded as 456 bits, giving a bit rate of 22.8 kbps.
To further protect against the burst errors common to the radio interface, each sample
is interleaved. The 456 bits output by the convolutional encoder are divided into 8
blocks of 57 bits, and these blocks are transmitted in eight consecutive time-slot
bursts. Since each time-slot burst can carry two 57 bit blocks, each burst carries traffic
from two different speech samples.
Recall that each time-slot burst is transmitted at a gross bit rate of 270.833 kbps. This
digital signal is modulated onto the analog carrier frequency using Gaussian-filtered
Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK). GMSK was selected over other modulation
schemes as a compromise between spectral efficiency, complexity of the transmitter,
and limited spurious emissions. The complexity of the transmitter is related to power
consumption, which should be minimized for the mobile station. The spurious radio
emissions, outside of the allotted bandwidth, must be strictly controlled so as to limit
adjacent channel interference, and allow for the co-existence of GSM and the older
analog systems (at least for the time being).
Multipath equalization
At the 900 MHz range, radio waves bounce off everything - buildings, hills, cars,
airplanes, etc. Thus many reflected signals, each with a different phase, can reach an
antenna. Equalization is used to extract the desired signal from the unwanted
reflections. It works by finding out how a known transmitted signal is modified by
multipath fading, and constructing an inverse filter to extract the rest of the desired
signal. This known signal is the 26-bit training sequence transmitted in the middle of
every time-slot burst. The actual implementation of the equalizer is not specified in
the GSM specifications.
Frequency hopping
The mobile station already has to be frequency agile, meaning it can move between a
transmit, receive, and monitor time slot within one TDMA frame, which normally are
on different frequencies. GSM makes use of this inherent frequency agility to
implement slow frequency hopping, where the mobile and BTS transmit each TDMA
frame on a different carrier frequency. The frequency hopping algorithm is broadcast
on the Broadcast Control Channel. Since multipath fading is dependent on carrier
frequency, slow frequency hopping helps alleviate the problem. In addition, co-
channel interference is in effect randomized.
Discontinuous transmission
Minimizing co-channel interference is a goal in any cellular system, since it allows
better service for a given cell size, or the use of smaller cells, thus increasing the
overall capacity of the system. Discontinuous transmission (DTX) is a method that
takes advantage of the fact that a person speaks less that 40 percent of the time in
normal conversation by turning the transmitter off during silence periods. An added
benefit of DTX is that power is conserved at the mobile unit.
The most important component of DTX is, of course, Voice Activity Detection. It
must distinguish between voice and noise inputs, a task that is not as trivial as it
appears, considering background noise. If a voice signal is misinterpreted as noise, the
transmitter is turned off and a very annoying effect called clipping is heard at the
receiving end. If, on the other hand, noise is misinterpreted as a voice signal too often,
the efficiency of
The signalling protocol in GSM is structured into three general layers depending on
the interface, as shown in Figure 3. Layer 1 is the physical layer, which uses the
channel structures discussed above over the air interface. Layer 2 is the data link
layer. Across the Um interface, the data link layer is a modified version of the LAPD
protocol used in ISDN, called LAPDm. Across the A interface, the Message Transfer
Part layer 2 of Signalling System Number 7 is used. Layer 3 of the GSM signalling
protocol is itself divided into 3 sublayers.
The location updating procedures, and subsequent call routing, use the MSC and two
location registers: the Home Location Register (HLR) and the Visitor Location
Register (VLR). When a mobile station is switched on in a new location area, or it
moves to a new location area or different operator's PLMN, it must register with the
network to indicate its current location. In the normal case, a location update message
is sent to the new MSC/VLR, which records the location area information, and then
sends the location information to the subscriber's HLR. The information sent to the
HLR is normally the SS7 address of the new VLR, although it may be a routing
number. The reason a routing number is not normally assigned, even though it would
reduce signalling, is that there is only a limited number of routing numbers available
in the new MSC/VLR and they are allocated on demand for incoming calls. If the
subscriber is entitled to service, the HLR sends a subset of the subscriber information,
needed for call control, to the new MSC/VLR, and sends a message to the old
MSC/VLR to cancel the old registration.
For reliability reasons, GSM also has a periodic location updating procedure. If an
HLR or MSC/VLR fails, to have each mobile register simultaneously to bring the
database up to date would cause overloading. Therefore, the database is updated as
location updating events occur. The enabling of periodic updating, and the time period
between periodic updates, is controlled by the operator, and is a trade-off between
signalling traffic and speed of recovery. If a mobile does not register after the
updating time period, it is deregistered.
A procedure related to location updating is the IMSI attach and detach. A detach lets
the network know that the mobile station is unreachable, and avoids having to
needlessly allocate channels and send paging messages. An attach is similar to a
location update, and informs the system that the mobile is reachable again. The
activation of IMSI attach/detach is up to the operator on an individual cell basis.
The same initial random number and subscriber key are also used to compute the
ciphering key using an algorithm called A8. This ciphering key, together with the
TDMA frame number, use the A5 algorithm to create a 114 bit sequence that is
XORed with the 114 bits of a burst (the two 57 bit blocks). Enciphering is an option
for the fairly paranoid, since the signal is already coded, interleaved, and transmitted
in a TDMA manner, thus providing protection from all but the most persistent and
dedicated eavesdroppers.
The terminal is allowed to connect to the network.
The terminal is under observation from the network for possible problems.
The terminal has either been reported stolen, or is not type approved (the
correct type of terminal for a GSM network). The terminal is not allowed to
connect to the network.
Communication management
The Communication Management layer (CM) is responsible for Call Control (CC),
supplementary service management, and short message service management. Each of
these may be considered as a separate sublayer within the CM layer. Call control
attempts to follow the ISDN procedures specified in Q.931, although routing to a
roaming mobile subscriber is obviously unique to GSM. Other functions of the CC
sublayer include call establishment, selection of the type of service (including
alternating between services during a call), and call release.
Call routing
Unlike routing in the fixed network, where a terminal is semi-permanently wired to a
central office, a GSM user can roam nationally and even internationally. The directory
number dialed to reach a mobile subscriber is called the Mobile Subscriber ISDN
(MSISDN), which is defined by the E.164 numbering plan.
Terminati- BSS
ng MSC
This number includes a country code and a National Destination Code which
identifies the subscriber's operator. The first few digits of the remaining subscriber
number may identify the subscriber's HLR within the home PLMN.
The routing information that is returned to the GMSC is the Mobile Station Roaming
Number (MSRN), which is also defined by the E.164 numbering plan. MSRNs are
related to the geographical numbering plan, and not assigned to subscribers, nor are
they visible to subscribers.
The most general routing procedure begins with the GMSC querying the called
subscriber's HLR for an MSRN. The HLR typically stores only the SS7 address of the
subscriber's current VLR, and does not have the MSRN (see the location updating
section). The HLR must therefore query the subscriber's current VLR, which will
temporarily allocate an MSRN from its pool for the call. This MSRN is returned to
the HLR and back to the GMSC, which can then route the call to the new MSC. At the
new MSC, the IMSI corresponding to the MSRN is looked up, and the mobile is
paged in its current location area (see Figure 4).
The connection between BTS and BSC is on ABIS interface . this is done by 2.048
physical layer which has 32 time slots of 64 kbps each. Time slot zero for such
synchronization, time slot 16 for signaling and removing time slots for speech. So one
TDMA frame can carry 30 speech signals.
T0 T1 T2. ……. T16 T17 …… T31
Synchronization signalling
Total time frame is of 125µsec. and each speech time slot is of 3.99 µsec. .
26 TDMA multiframe :
51 TDMA multiframe:
Super Frame:
corresponding to the smallest cycle for which the organization of all channels is
Hyper frame:
Burst structure
There are four different types of bursts used for transmission in GSM. The normal
burst is used to carry data and most signalling. It has a total length of 156.25 bits,
made up of two 57 bit information bits, a 26 bit training sequence used for
equalization, 1 stealing bit for each information block (used for FACCH), 3 tail bits at
each end, and an 8.25 bit guard sequence, as shown in Figure 2. The 156.25 bits are
transmitted in 0.577 ms, giving a gross bit rate of 270.833 kbps.
The F burst, used on the FCCH, and the S burst, used on the SCH, have the same
length as a normal burst, but a different internal structure, which differentiates them
from normal bursts (thus allowing synchronization). The access burst is shorter than
the normal burst, and is used only on the RACH.
Dummy burst
Normal Burst
Dummy Burst
Access Burst
Training information Extended guard bits
TB3 sequence 41 TB3 68.25 bits
bits 36 bits
Synchronization Burst
Channels BCCH
Channels SCH
uplink RACH
Dedicated slow SACCH
PCH(paging channel)
RACH( Random access channel)
Call barring is a GSM feature by which certain mobiles could be barred to access to
certain cells.
Every cell has a set parameter which defines access classes (programmed in SIM of a
mobile) are barred for particular cell. This parameter is broadcasted on BCCH.
2 Downlink band
3 Channel spacing 374
45 MHz
4 Total channel 95MHZ
5 Duplex spacing 8
6 Time slots
C-DOT, the Indian Telecom Technology Center, Relies on Data Connection for
Next Generation Software
Founded in 1981, Data Connection has developed portable routing and signaling
source code covering a wide range of technologies for over 20 years. The company
optionally provides its routing protocols tightly coupled with its packet and/or optical
MPLS software products to give an integrated control plane that significantly reduces
development time and costs for OEM system vendors. Backed by a self-funded, long-
standing corporation with world-renowned customer support, all of Data Connection's
products are architected for high availability and seamless portability to numerous
hardware and software environments. It can work in rural areas on high temperature
upto 50 ° c.
C-DOT switches have a distributed architecture. A Base Module(BM) has 512 ports
which can provide non-blocking connectivity and can accept concentrated subscriber
lines. The BM, capable of serving upto 2000 lines or 512 trunks, is used as the basic
building block. Each BM is housed in a single cabinet. By interconnecting upto 32
such BMs through a Central Module(CM), the switch can support upto 40,000 lines.
The system can support upto 4:1 concentration. Lines and trunks can be inter-mixed
in the same BM. .
The major function of CM is to provide voice switching between the BMs and enable
communication of control messages between different parts of the system. The AP
supports the global routing and translation functions.
The software is distributed across the 16-bit and 8-bit controllers of the system.
Majority of the software real time functions are handled at the BM level. Only
minimal real time functions are handled at AP. The BP handles call processing,
administration and mainetenance functions relating to the terminations connected to
that BM. Majority of the realtime software runs under a custom built real time
operating system called CDOS. The software is implemented as Modular
communicating processes using 'C' language.
Features of C-DOT:
C-DOT Exchange:
The maximum capacity as per subscriber is 40,000 subscriber lines for local
exchange configuration and 15000 for trunk automation.
Functions of BM:
Analog Terminal Unit (ATU): in this unit there are 16 line cards , each
can handle 8 subscriber. So this unit interfaces 128 analog terminal units.
Cards in ATU are as follows:
Both LCC & CCM cards interface to 8 subscribers and provide basic
BORSCHT functions for line card.
B - Battery O - Overloading
C - Circuit H - hybridization
R - Ringing T - testing
S - Synchronization
CSE is the Electronic subscriber concentrator to Interface the Subscribers. CSE could
be co-located CSEL) remoted (CSED).
The controller part of the exchange which has a Distributed Architecture with main
functions like Switching Network (CX), Marker (MQ), Call Processing (MR),
Charging (TX), Translation / Routing (TR) frequency sender / receiver (RTA),
Multiplex Connection (URM), standby charge recording unit (DSF) etc. These
controller parts control call handling routing and charging functions.
The operation and maintenance functions are by Control Unit (OC) which handles all
administration statistical and technical operations required to run the E10B
Exchanges. It shares two fundamental principles:
The E10B system has been developed for 30 channel PCM operation, but
it can also handle 24 channel PCM system, when the Platon exchange
went into service. E10B fitting centre can be divided in to three main
Wi – Fi
Wi-Fi stands for wireless fidelity and is meant to be used generically when referring
any type of 802.11 network whether 802.11b, 802.11a, dual band etc..The term is
promulgated by Wi-Fi alliance. A user with a Wi-Fi certified product can use any
brand ofaccess point with any brand of client hardware that is also certified. Typically
any Wi-Fi product using the same radio frequency (2.4GHz for 802.11b or 11g, 5GHz
for 802.11a) will work with any other, even if not Wi-Fi certified. Formerly, the term
"Wi-Fi" was used only in place of the 2.4GHz 802.11b standard, in the same way that
"Ethernet" is used in place of IEEE 802.3. The Alliance expanded the generic use of
the term in an attempt to stop confusion about wireless LAN interoperability.
802.11 : provides 1 or 2 Mbps transmission in the 2.4GHz band, uses either FHSS or
802.11b : provides 11Mbps transmission (with a fall back to 5.5, 2 & 1Mbps) in the
2.4 GHz band. It uses only DSSS
Wi-Fi in INDIA:
Chennai, Kolkata, Pune, airports are Wi-Fi enabled . Mysore became the first Wi-Fi
city in India
Wi-Fi net has set up hospitals in Mysore covering the computer city and few villages
near by.
With three tower, for transmission of signals, the entire city spread over 130 sqKm ,
has become wireless internet enable.
India has about 384 Wi-Fi hot spots. Karnataka-231, TN-83, MH-23, Delhi-1, WB-7,
Team fiber red wire achieved an unamplified 124.9 mile, 11- MB connections for
three hours. The team has shattered their previous world record of 55.1 miles and the
ground to ground amplified record of 82miles set in UTAH.
The two driving forces of modern Internet are broadband, and wireless. The WiMax
standard combines the two, delivering high-speed broadband Internet access over a
wireless connection. Because it can be used over relatively long distances, it is an
effective "last mile" solution for delivering broadband to the home, and for creating
wireless "hot spots" in places like airports, college campuses, and small communities.
Based on the IEEE 802.16 Air Interface Standard, WiMax delivers a point-to-
multipoint architecture, making it an ideal method for carriers to deliver broadband to
locations where wired connections would be difficult or costly. It may also provide a
useful solution for delivering broadband to rural areas where high-speed lines have
not yet become available. A WiMax connection can also be bridged or routed to a
standard wired or wireless Local Area Network (LAN).
The so-called "last mile" of broadband is the most expensive and most difficult for
broadband providers, and WiMax provides an easy solution. Although it is a wireless
technology, unlike some other wireless technologies, it doesn't require a direct line of
sight between the source and endpoint, and it has a service range of 50 kilometers. It
provides a shared data rate of up to 70Mbps, which is enough to service up to a
thousand homes with high-speed access.
WiMax offers some advantages over WiFi, a similar wireless technology, in that it
offers a greater range and is more bandwidth-efficient. Ultimately, WiMax may be
used to provide connectivity to entire cities, and may be incorporated into laptops to
give users an added measure of mobility.
WiMax requires a tower, similar to a cell phone tower, which is connected to the
Internet using a standard wired high-speed connection, such as a T3 line. But as
opposed to a traditional Internet Service Provider (ISP), which divides that bandwidth
among customers via wire, it uses a microwave link to establish a connection.
Because WiMax does not depend on cables to connect each endpoint, deploying
WiMax to an entire high-rise, community or campus can be done in a matter of a
couple days, saving significant amounts of manpower.
Study shows only half of all households in Europe, will have broadband access by
Spain plans to deploy Wi-Max mostly in rural areas where high speed capable
infrastructure is either poor or non existed.
Altitude of France use 50 Wi-Max base stations, offer data network services in three
regions of France. Alvarvion ill upgrade equipment to 802.16d speech.
Voice over Wi-Max in France being tried out altitude TELCOM- SA demonstrated
how it will use Wi-max technology to deliver telephone calls.
It was the beginning when Graham Bell invented telephone, since then in the world
of telecommunication the technology has increased by leaps and bounds. The training
in ITI limited mankapur is a view to some technology indeed.
I am very thankful to Mr. Atul Ahluwalia ( DGM HRD &TS) who graciously
accepted me as the summer trainee at the ITI Limited Mankapur.
I am also thankful to Mr. A.K.Mishra (Engr, PCB), Mr. D.K.Mishra(AE,SIT), Mr.
S.S.Das (Engr,MAX-L, C/T), Mr. R.S. Yadav(Engr, FT- BTS), Mr. N.K.Dixit (Engr,
FT-BTS), Mr. N.S.Yadav (AM, MP-CT), Mr. Pathak (AM, CMA-BTS), Mr.
O.P.Srivastava (AE, CMA-BTS), Mr. Kuldeep Sharma (AE, R&D) for helping me to
understand the working of various divisions and helped me a lot to the point of my
I want to give my special thanks to all the members of the department of the ITI Ltd.
Mankapur for their co-operation. And at last but not the least I want to thank to my
Industrial training plays an important role in the life of every student as it helps a lot
to get a clear picture of industrial environment. It also helps to understand what
actually happens in an industry and acquainted me with various industrial standards.
Here, during four weeks of my training period, I only come to know about how we
should work in a team and what are its benefits. How we should cope out with
difficult situations.
Beside knowledge about various manufacturing processes and products , we came to
know about some technologies such as GSM, OCB-283, SIX-SIGMA and some new
technologies i.e WI-Fi, Wi-Max, C-DOT, E10B etc. here I also experienced the
pressure of handlig the time bound assignments.
The last section of the report tells about some advanced technologies in the field of
electronics such as E10B, OCB-283, C-DOT, Wi-Fi, Wi-Max etc.
At last I would like to say that I have put my best efforts in bringing out this report in
the time bounded period. I am sure that this report will provide useful information to
the readers.
5. ISO
8. GSM
Component Division
Circuit Division
Hybrid Section