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CABEIHM Thesis Proposal Format

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A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of
College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and
International Hospitality Management
Batangas State University
Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in ______________________
Major in _________ (if with major)


Surname, First Name M.

Surname, First Name M.
Surname, First Name M.
(note: order of names shall be upon the agreement of researchers)

Month Year


LETTERS prepared and submitted by First Name M. Surname, First Name M.
Surname and First Name M. Surname in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree Bachelor of Science in _______________ Major in ___________ (if
with major), has been examined and is recommended for acceptance for oral



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ______





Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree Bachelor of Science in _____________ Major in ________ (if with major)



TITLE PAGE................................................................................................. i
APPROVAL SHEET..................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................... v


Introduction....................................................................................... 1
Background of the Study.................................................................. 3
Statement of the Problem................................................................. 5
Theoretical Framework..................................................................... 6
Conceptual Framework.................................................................... 8
Hypothesis of the Study................................................................... 10
Scope and Limitations of the Study................................................. 10
Significance of the Study................................................................. 11
Definition of Terms........................................................................... 12


Conceptual Literature....................................................................... 15
Research Literature.......................................................................... 37
Synthesis.......................................................................................... 47


Research Design.............................................................................. 49
Respondents of the Study................................................................ 50
Sampling Design.............................................................................. 50
Data Gathering Instrument............................................................... 51
Data Gathering Procedure............................................................... 52
Statistical Treatment of the Data...................................................... 53

Chapter I

This chapter deals with the presentation of the problem. Specifically, this

presents an introduction, the background of the study, statement of the problem,

theoretical framework, conceptual framework, hypothesis of the study, scope and

limitations of the study, significance of the study, and definition of terms.

(Or any similar introduction of the chapter)


Briefly introduce your research problem in not more than two pages. This

usually starts with the global or general perspectives down to local or more

particular perspectives.

At the last paragraph of this introduction, clearly and briefly state your

specific research problem.

Background of the Study

This is about existing or current issues, concerns, conditions, situations, or

scenario in your particular area, subject or locale of study.

At the last paragraph of this background, clearly state the rationale or

main reason/s why there is a need for the conduct of your study. This is different

from your objectives of the study, but of course, related or connected.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to … . Specifically, this seeks answers for the following:

(this is just an example)

1. What is the profile … in terms of:

1.1. profile variable one;

1.2. profile variable two;

1.3. profile variable three; and

1.4. last profile variable?

2. How do … with regard to:

2.1. test variable one;

2.2. test variable two;

2.3. test variable three; and

2.4. last test variable?

3. Is there a significant difference on … ?

4. What strategies may be proposed to … ?

Theoretical Framework

Present here the theoretical basis/bases of your study; cite the reference/s

using APA Style 6th edition (Author-Year format). If the theoretical basis has a

figure or diagram concerning the theory or variables you adopted, present this

without modifying or changing. Otherwise, do not present any figure or do not

make your own figure for this section.

This should also contain a brief discussion of each variable (test variable)

you will be using base only on the theory you adopted. (The detailed discussion

of the said variables, including concepts from other theories, should be in

Chapter II, specifically, the section for Conceptual Literature.)

Conceptual Framework

This section contains your own framework or design for your own study.

You need to present your conceptual paradigm and discuss the contents of such
figure/model. The figure and discussion should contain the variables (profile and

test variables) you included in the statement of the problem and your own

assumptions regarding the relationships of such variables.

Hypothesis of the Study

The hypothesis given below will be tested in the study:

Ho: There is no significant difference on … when grouped according to … .

(or if there are two or more hypotheses)

The following hypotheses will be tested in the study:

Ho1: There is no significant difference on … when grouped according to … .

Ho2: There is no significant relationship between … .

Ho3: There is no significant … .

Scope and Limitations of the Study

In this section, you need to include the discussion on the following: what is

the study all about, what are the objectives of the study and what are the

variables used; why is there a need to conduct the study; who will be your

respondents; when and where will the study be conducted; how will you conduct

your study; and what are the perceived limitations or weaknesses of the study

(the unavoidable cases or circumstances that will make the study or the results of

the study “weaker”).

Significance of the Study

Introductory statement (refer to previous theses for example).

To first beneficiary (state the first and foremost beneficiary, in bold

letters), this study will … ;

To second beneficiary, this study will … ;

To third beneficiary, this study will … ;

… ; and

To future researchers, this study will … .

Definition of Terms

Introductory statement (refer to previous theses for example).

First Term. (bold letters, capitalize first letter of major words in the term,

with period after the term) State the conceptual definition, one sentence only,

then at the end of sentence, before the period, indicate the reference (book,

journal article and other reliable source; do not use thesis, dictionary and

unreliable web article as reference), in author-year format (Author, year). State a

one-sentence operational definition, usually starting with “In this study,”.

Second Term. Conceptual definition (Author, year). In this study, … .

Third Term. Conceptual definition (Author, year). In this study, … .

Last Term. Conceptual definition (Author, year). In this study, … .

Note: The terms should be arranged alphabetically. Only important terms should
be defined here, usually, but not limited to, the terms included in the title and in
the main research question or statement of the problem.
Chapter II

This chapter deals with the review of related concepts and studies found

in previous literature. It also presents a synthesis of reviewed research literature.

(Or any similar introduction of the chapter)

Conceptual Literature

Provide an introductory statement for this section. Then present a review

of conceptual literature related to your present study in topical presentation and

in an order starting with more general topics then the specific topics, particularly

the variables used (test variables) in the same order as in the statement of the

problem. Provide at least five literature reviews for each topic and use more

recent literature whenever available. Old literature or references (i.e., older than

10 years ago) are still allowed for conceptual literature depending on the level of

its importance or significance to the present study. Conceptual literature include

books, other reliable general references, laws and issuances, and articles

published in research journals (provided that in case of articles only concepts

and theories should be included in the review of conceptual literature and the

empirical findings or results of study are to included in the review of research


General Topic One

Present here the review of concepts and theories related to your first

general topic. Do not just copy the literature. You need to rephrase or paraphrase

the literature you read but still properly cite the reference using APA Style 6 th

edition (Author-Year format).

General Topic Two (if there is)

Present here the review of concepts and theories related to your second

general topic.

Variable One (the order is according to Statement of the Problem)

Present here the review of concepts and theories related to your first


Variable Two

Present here the review of concepts and theories related to your second


Until the Last Variable

Present here the review of concepts and theories related to your last


Topic about Respondent/Subject of the Study

Present here the review of concepts and theories related to your

respondent or subject of the study.

Research Literature

Present here the review of related studies or researches at one-study-one-

paragraph presentation (except in few cases where more than one paragraph per

study may be allowed, provided that the citation is clear). The presentation

should be from the most related study to the least related. Research literature

include theses, dissertations, case studies, feasibility studies, capstone projects

and the like from local and foreign higher education institutions and research

articles published in journals, whether print or online (provided that, in case of

published articles, the empirical findings or results of study, and not merely the

concepts or theories, shall be presented here). At least 10 related researches

shall be reviewed and presented here. Do not include degree-requirement

researches (theses, dissertations and the like) than are older than 10 years ago.

Published researches older than 10 years ago are acceptable depending upon its

importance or significance to the present study.

The written review of related researches shall include the following

(whenever available in the research reviewed and useful for the present study):

main topic and objectives of the study with the variables used, research design

and data gathering instrument used, sampling design and respondents of the

study, and salient findings or results of the study.


Present a synthesis of reviewed researches, that is, combining two or

more generally related studies in one paragraph and discuss their similarities and

differences to your present study. The synthesis should include all the researches

reviewed and usually presented in not more than two pages, usually 2 - 4

Chapter III

This chapter deals with the research methods used in the study. It

includes discussion on research design, respondents of the study, sampling

design, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical

treatment of data.

(Or any similar introduction of the chapter)

Research Design

State here the research design to be used and provide a brief discussion

regarding such design. You may include a definition or description of the

research design from a reliable reference, usually a book on research methods.

Include also a justification on the use of such design or why the design is the

most appropriate design for your present study.

This section usually consists of only two or three paragraphs.

Respondents of the Study

State and describe here your target respondents and why they should be

the respondents. If already available, include the number of respondents and

explain how did you arrive at such number or how have you determined your

sample size. (If not yet available, just state that you will base the computation of

sample size on the population that will still be determined and that you will

consult with a statistician regarding such.) If your target respondents are all

members of the population, clearly state it here with explanations why you need

to conduct a census on the whole population instead of sampling (and in this

case, there is no need for the next section – Sampling Design).

Sampling Design

State the sampling design to be used and discuss how it will be actually

used or conducted (there is no need to define and explain the sampling design

as found in books). As much as possible and applicable, you should use random

or probability sampling, in order to have valid inferences.

Data Gathering Instrument

State the data gathering instrument to be used. If the data gathering

instrument is a survey questionnaire to be made or constructed by you as

researchers, you need to present here the following: how the questionnaire was

constructed, who validated it and how it was validated, the conduct of dry run –

when, where and who are the respondents for the dry run, the reliability analysis

and its result, the content of the questionnaire, and the scoring used for the

questionnaire. You should also briefly state how you will administer the

questionnaire but the detailed discussion on this should be in the next section –

Data Gathering Procedure. (Reminder: Do not use the term “self-constructed

questionnaire”. Take note that “the questionnaire cannot construct itself”! Instead,

you may use “researcher-made questionnaire” or simply, “survey questionnaire”.)

If you will be using a standardized questionnaire, make sure that the

questionnaire is for public use, or if not, you need to seek approval from the

author or copyright owner of the questionnaire before using it. In this case, you

only need to discuss the content of the questionnaire, including its reliability,

scoring and interpretation used by the original author and how you will administer

the questionnaire.
Data Gathering Procedure

Discuss here the actual data gathering procedure, for example, how you

will be distributing, administering and retrieving your data gathering instrument (if

using a survey questionnaire).

Do not include here how you will be doing your library works; this is not

the data gathering that is mentioned here. The data that need to be discussed

here how it will be gathered are those data to be subjected for statistical analysis.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This section contains the statistical tools to be used corresponding to the

research questions in the statement of the problem. There is no need to define or

explain the statistical tools. There is also no need to state the formula if using

statistical software. Just state the statistical tool and its particular use.

(The following is an example.)

Statistical Treatment of Data

The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) will be used in the

statistical analysis of data. The following are the specific statistical tools that will

be used: (Sample only: See if these are applicable for your study.)

Frequency and Percentage. This will be used to determine the profile …

in terms of … .

Mean. This will be use to assess the … with regard to … .

Independent Samples T-Test. This will be used to determine if there is

significant difference on … when grouped according to … .

Analysis of Variance. This will be used to determine if there is significant

difference on … when grouped according to … .

Pearson’s Correlation. This will be used to determine if there is

significant relationship between … .


A. Books

Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Book in Italic. Place of Publication: Name of


Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Book in Italic. Place of Publication: Name of

Publisher. Retrieved from: URL

Surname1, F. M. & Surname2, F. M. (year). Title of Book in Italic. Place of

Publication: Name of Publisher.

Surname1, F. M., Surname2, F. M. & Surname3, F. M. (year). Title of Book in

Italic. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Surname1, F. M., Surname2, F. M., Surname3, F. M., Surname4, F. M.,

Surname5, F. M., Surname6, F. M., & Surname7, F. M. (year). Title of
Book in Italic. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Surname1, F. M., Surname2, F. M., Surname3, F. M., Surname4, F. M.,

Surname5, F. M., Surname6, F. M., … SurnameLastAuthor, F. M. (year).
Title of Book in Italic. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

B. Journals

Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Article in a Research Journal. Title or Name of

Journal in Italic, VolumeNumber(IssueNumber.), pagenumber-

Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Article in a Research Journal. Title or Name of

Journal in Italic, VolumeNumber(IssueNumber.), pagenumber-
pagenumber. DOI: Number

Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Article in a Research Journal. Title or Name of

Journal in Italic, VolumeNumber(IssueNumber.), pagenumber-
pagenumber. Retrieved from: URL

C. Theses and Dissertations

Surname1, F. M., Surname2, F. M. & Surname3, F. M. (year). Title of Thesis or

Dissertation in Italic. Name of College or University, Location.

Surname1, F. M., Surname2, F. M. & Surname3, F. M. (year). Title of Thesis or

Dissertation in Italic. Name of College or University, Place. Retrieved from:
D. Electronic References

Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Web Article. Retrieved from: URL

Name of Organization as Author. (year). Title of Web Article. Retrieved from: URL

E. Other References

Name of Agency. (year). Memorandum Order or Issuance No. ___, Title of Order
or Issuance.

Republic Act No. ___, (year).

Surname, F. M. (year, month day). Title of Article. Name of Newspaper or

Magazine. p. pagenumber.

Surname, F. M. (year, month day). Title of Article. Name of Newspaper or

Magazine. Retrieved from: URL

Title of Article. (year, month day). Name of Newspaper or Magazine. Retrieved

from: URL

Some Notes on Thesis Manuscript Preparation

General Format (unless otherwise specified in particular parts of the thesis):

Margin: Left – 1.5”; Right, Top and Bottom – 1” each

Font type and size: Arial 12

Alignment: Justified (except main titles, which are centered)

Indentation (first line of each paragraph): 0.5”

Spacing: Before – 0 pt; After – 0 pt; Line spacing – Double space (except for
titles of Chapters, Sections, Tables and Figures and contents of Tables, which
should be single spaced)

Pagination (for the main body of the paper): Upper right, in Arabic numeral; page
number at the start of each chapter should be hidden

Pagination (for preliminary pages): Bottom center, in small Roman numeral; page
number for Title Page and Approval Sheet should be hidden

Chapter Number and Chapter Title (below the Chapter Number): bold letters,
single space; only C should be capitalized in the word “Chapter”, big Roman
numeral for the chapter number; chapter title should be in all bold capital letters

Section Title: bold letters; capitalize the first letter of major words

Table: Open Table (no vertical lines on left and right); No “cutting” of tables
(except, when the table cannot be fitted on a single page)

Table Number and Table Title (below the Table Number): Place above the table,
single spaced and centered; capitalize the first letter of major words in the title

Figure Number and Figure Title (below the Figure Number): Place below the
figure, single spaced and centered; capitalize the first letter of major words in the

Numbering of Tables and Figures: Tables and figures should be numbered

consecutively from Chapter I to Chapter V as Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc. (for
tables) and Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc. (for figures).

Citation and Referencing: APA Style 6th edition

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