Statement of Problem and Definition of Key Words
Statement of Problem and Definition of Key Words
Statement of Problem and Definition of Key Words
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Definition of the Terms
1.4 Objectives of the Study
1.5 Variables of the Study
1.5.1 Name, Nature, Level and Name of Level of
1.6 Hypothesis of the Study
1.7 Area of Research
1.8 Limitations of the Study
1.9 Importance of the Study
1.10 Layout of next chapters
Chapter 1
Statement of Problem and Definition of key words
1.1 Introduction:
presumed to be a sign of weakness, so all deny its existence and attempt
to avoid it. It encompasses tension, nervousness, fear and worry. In this
age of competition the Secondary School Students feel fear, tension,
nervousness and stress. The examination anxiety is a very serious
problem as many cases of suicide found in the newspapers during the
period of examination. The symptoms of examination anxiety mainly
refer to feeling of tension, nervousness and worry as well as trembling,
heart palpitations and the throat being dry.
There are four main areas which can contribute to examination anxiety.
- Lifestyle issues
- Information needs
- Studying styles
- Psychological factors
- Inadequate rest
- Poor nutrition
- Too many stimulants
- Insufficient exercise
- Not scheduling available time
- Not prioritizing commitments
Studying styles are:
- Social changes: social withdrawal, avoidance of friends and family,
research must specify the main problem. The researcher must also take
into account issues such as novelty and utility of the research problem,
his capacity and interest to pursue further research on the problem. The
researcher decided to study the examination anxiety among the
Secondary school students.
Carter V. Good:
- Dictionary Meaning:
- G.C. Rosenwald:
- Sigmund Freud:
- May:
- Logical Meaning:
Examination Anxiety:
- M. Zeidner:
- M. Zeidner:
“Test anxiety is a combination of perceived physiological
over arousal, feelings of worries and dread, self depreciating
thoughts, tension and somatic symptoms that occur during test
5. To compare their examination anxiety in the context of their area.
6. To compare their examination anxiety in the context of their
educational achievement.
7. To compare their examination anxiety in the context of interaction
among gender, standard, area and educational achievement.
1. Dependant Variable:
- Examination Anxiety Level
2. Independent Variable:
A. Gender
A1 Male
A2 Female
B. Standard
B1 std-9
B2 std-10
C. Area
C1 Urban
C2 Rural
D. Educational Achievement
D1 High Achievement
D2 Low Achievement
Name, Nature, Level and Name of Level of Variables of the study are
presented in Table-1.5.1.
A Variable A2 Female
B Variable B2 Std-10
C Variable C2 Rural
D D2 Low
5 Examination Dependent - -
1.6 Hypothesis of the Study:
It is Null hypothesis:
Ho8 There will be no significant difference between the mean scores of
interaction between standard and area on the examination anxiety
1.7 Area of Research:
Any problem of the study belongs to one or more than one areas of
research. Areas of research are Educational Philosophy, Educational
Psychology, Educational Technology, Educational Administration,
Educational Sociology, Educational Economics, History of Education,
Guidance and Counseling, Psychological Testing, Measurement and
Evaluation, Curriculum and Textbook, Examination, Teacher Education,
Levels of Formal Education, Educational Problems, Value Education,
Yoga Education, etc.
- Reassessment
- Analysis of question paper
- Planning of evaluation
- Administration of examination
- Analysis of the results of examination
- Limitations of the system of examination
- Concept of open book examination
- Examination anxiety
- Continue and Comprehensive Evaluation
- Online Examination
- Question Bank for Examination
- Grading System
The problem of this research also belongs to area of Educational
Psychology. Educational Psychology is the important branch of
Psychology. Educational Psychology helps to understand the process of
learning, mental ability and behavior of students, and educational
problems psychologically. The sub areas of this area are as follow:
- Personality development
- Adjustment
- Attitude
- Motivation
- Intelligence
- Creativity
- Interest
- Memory
- Aptitude
- Anxiety
With the help of this research, the secondary school students have
become aware of their examination anxiety. The researcher got different
kinds of information about the examination anxiety of the students. With
the help of this information suggestions can be given to teachers, parents
and principles. Suggestions and ways can be provided to students which
can help them in overcoming anxiety. Guidance to teachers and parents
can be given which can help students in overcoming anxiety. Then,
parents will become able to understand their children in better way.
Layout of next chapters of this research is as follows:
Chapter 2:
End Note
8. Ibid, p.20.