Political Communication
Political Communication
Political Communication
Political Communication
ofknowledge, values
Political communication relates to the communication
participation and recruitment are
and attitudes. The processes of socialization, individual is determined by
dependant upon it as the political activity of thewords of Althoff and Rush.
In the
the process of political communication. ofpolitically relevant information
"Politicalcommunication is the transmission
another and between the social and the
from one part of the political system to
"it is the dynamic element
political system". According to Karl W.Deutsch,
of a political system. growing importance in
Thestudy of political communication has acquired
political systems is examined
recent years. The effectiveness of the different
of political communication.
through a comparative analysis of the performance development of other
"Communication performance can hinder or enhance the
articulation is the opportunity
kinds ofsystem activity. Thus, underlying interest
which greatly enhances the likelihood
for individuals to exchange thoughts freely
demands upon the political system.
of their forming groups and making or television about conditions in the
Information obtained from newspapers
leaders may determine the types
political system or about actions of political
demands initiated".
of support rendered and
interactions antong
Communication system is fundamental to all kinds of
mass media like radio and television
the human beings. In amodern society thecommunication structures. However,
are the most specialised and differentiated into five categories:
communication structures are classified
informal face to face contacts,
religious group rela
traditional socialstructures relating tofamily or
tionship, interest groups, pressure groups,
political output structures such as
trade unions and political parties,
Introduction to P'oltlcal
political output structurcs, such as lcgislaturcs burcaucracies
the mass media.
Acommunication system would comprise the sourcc of thc mcssage or
infornation, the message itsclf, andthe channcl through which it has to pass
tothe recipient of theinformation. This alsoincludes a process known as 'feed
back by which the positions of he source and audience may be reverscd in
the form of areaction to the message. Intthis connection theexample of aperson
who contests for a political office may be cited as one, who acts as the sourCC.
The series of policy proposals which are made by him would| be considered as
him would be his chan.
his message.A television or radio broadcast made by audience who watch e
and the members of his electorate would constitute feed-back' or audi
broadcast over the radio and the television. The
reaction will be assessed from the approval or isapproval of his proposals
Political communication and its various elements are not necessarily
elements in the svstem
structural part of the political system. The role of these another. For examnls
situation to
isalso not continuous and may vary from one of the message in one
it may so happen that an individual whois the source
another situation
situation, may become the audience in another and in still communicated.
message is
he may be the channel through which the sources may be classified as
In the process of political communcation, the
specific and diffused. A political leader is an exampleof the specific socicty
In every
while the electorate furnishes the example of a diffused source.
co-related to the complex
there is acomplex net-work of communcation
of sources,
character of the political system as evidenced through variety as well as
audiences and channels. Political communication is both
cach individual and
horizontal. There is a known communication network for
cach group of individuals in the political system. channels of :
Despite the differences between the political systems, the office
information for most individuals are generally similar. For a political
diverse and complex.
holder the sources, audiences and channels will be more
For this source of information, he has to depend upon his close colleagues,
adminstrative office-holders who are associated with his office and his
including both supporters and opponents, interest groups, pressure groups a
the mass media. He has to maintain his contact with the clectorate
electoral campaigns, periodic visits to the constituency and delivery of putbl
channels ol
speeches. These factors are bound to make his audience and hand. forthe
communication accordingly composed and diverse. On the other andchannels
people who are not politically very active, the sources, audiencesCommunication
are bound to be morelimited and, the whole process ofpolitical
more intermittent. variancein
Political systems vary from one another and with that there is general
the nature and degree of political control over the mass media, The
Poltcad Ommunicaion 67