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Numerical Investigation of Flow Through Annular Diffusing Duct

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International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 03 186

Numerical Investigation of flow through Annular Diffusing Duct

P. K. Sinha1, A.K.Das2, B. Majumdar3

Abstract In the present investigation the D Inlet diameter of the Diffuser

distribution of mean velocity, static pressure and L Centerline length of the
total pressure are experimentally studied on an ffuser
annular curved diffuser of 37.5° angle of turn
P Pressure sensed by five hole
with an area ratio of 1.273 at Reynolds number
1.85 x 105 based on inlet diameter and mass average obe
inlet velocity. The experimental results then were
Re Reynolds number
numerically validated with the help of Fluent and
then a series of parametric investigations are U Velocity of air
conducted with same centre line length and inlet
diameter but with different area ratios varying from  Density of air
1.25 to 2.0 with change in angle of turn from 30º to ∆β Angle of turn of the center line
75º.The velocity distribution shows high velocity
fluids shifted and accumulated at the concave wall m Density of manometric fluid
of the exit section due to the combined effect of ζ Coefficient of pressure loss
velocity diffusion and centrifugal action. It also
indicates the possible development of secondary Subscript
motions between the concave and convex walls of av Average
the test diffuser. The maximum values of the mass
average static pressure recovery and total pressure x,y,z Directions along the 3D Cartesian
loss are 27% and 18% compared to the predicted e Exit
results of 31% and 21% respectively, which shows a
good agreement between the experimental and S Static
predicted results. From the parametric investigation
it is observed that static pressure recovery increases T Total
up to an area ratio of 2 and pressure recovery
decreases steadily up to angle of turn 75º. The
coefficient of total pressure loss almost remains
constant with the change in area ratio and angle of
I. Introduction
turn for similar inlet conditions
Keywords: Annular curved diffuser, k-ε model, Diffusers are used in many engineering
Fluent solver, Five-hole probe application to decelerate the flow or to convert the
Nomenclature dynamic pressure into static pressure. Depending on
application, they have been designed in many
different shapes and sizes. The annular curved
Ar Area ratio diffuser is one of such design and is an essential
component in many fluid handling systems. Annular
As Aspect ratio diffusers are an integral component of the gas
turbine engines of high-speed aircraft. It facilitates
CC Concave or inward wall effective operation of the combustor by reducing the
Cpr Coefficient of pressure recovery total pressure loss. The performance characteristics
of these diffusers depend on their geometry and the
CV Convex or outward wall inlet conditions. Part turn or curved diffusers are

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used in wind tunnels, compressor crossover, air The relation between the shape of curvature and
conditioning and ventilation ducting systems, cross sectional area can be understood, if their
plumes, draft tubes, etc. The use of such diffusers effects are considered separately. In the early parts
mainly depends either on the specific design of the of 1980's researchers started working on how to
machine or on the space limitation where improve the performance by introducing vortex
compactness is desired or both. generator, fences etc. within the diffusers to change
The objective of the present study is to the magnitude and direction of the generated
investigate the flow characteristics within a circular secondary motion.
cross sectioned annular curved diffuser. The Vakili et al. [5] reported the experimental studies in
performance of an annular curved diffuser is an S-shaped diffusing duct of ∆β = 30°/30° having
characterizes by static pressure recovery and total circular cross-section and Ar =1.5. They observed
pressure loss coefficient and are defined as that there is a significant improvement in the exit
( P  PSi ) flow distribution and pressure recovery by
Cpr  Se 2 …. (1) introducing vortex generator at the inlet.
0.5U avi Yaras [6] experimentally investigated the flow
characteristics of 90° curved diffuser with strong
( PTi  PTe )
  …. (2) curvature having Ar =3.42 for different values of
0.5 U 2 avi inlet boundary layer thickness and turbulence
An exhaustive survey of the reported literatures intensity. Measurements were taken by the help of
on various types of diffusers seven-hole pressure probe. He observed that the
reveals that the studies on straight diffusers are performance parameters were almost independent
available in considerable numbers in open by the variations in the inlet boundary layer.
literatures. Literatures for curved diffusers, Reichert and Wendt [7] experimentally studied
specially, part turn diffusers are less in number and the effect of vortex on the flow field of a diffusing
detailed flow measurements methodologies for these S-duct with ∆ β = 30° /30° and Ar =1.5. The
diffusers are very limited in the open literatures. objective was to reduce flow distortion and improve
The earliest work on curved diffuser was total pressure recovery within the diffuser by using
reported by Stanitz [1]. He designed the diffuser the vortex generation at the inlet. They concluded
based on potential flow solution for two- that the mechanism responsible for improved
dimensional, inviscid, incompressible and aerodynamic performance is not boundary layer re-
irrotational flow. energization from shed axial vortices but rather the
The first systematic studies on 2-D curved subsonic suppression of detrimental secondary flows by
diffusers were carried out by Fox & Kline [2]. The redirecting the flow.
centerline of the diffuser was taken as circular with Majumder et al. [8] also studied the performance
a linearly varying area distribution normal to the characteristics of a 90° / 90° S-shaped diffuser of
centerline. They established a complete map of flow rectangular cross section with Ar = 2.0 and inlet As=
over a range of the L/D ratio and at different values 6.0 by using three-hole pressure probe. They
of ∆β. observed a detached flow at the inflexion point and
A qualitative measurement of the mean flow overall pressure recovery in comparison to a straight
quantities in a 40° curved diffuser of rectangular diffuser is low. Sonoda et al. [9] studied the flow
cross section with Ar =1.32 and inlet As =1.5 have characteristics within an annular S-shaped duct. The
been reported by McMillan [3]. The result clearly effect on the flow of a downstream passage is also
showed the development of strong counter rotating carried out. They observed that the total pressure
vortices between two parallel walls, which dominate loss near the hub is larger due to the instability of
the flow and performance characteristics. the flow, as compared with that near the casing, in
Seddon [4] has made extensive experimental the case of curved annular downstream passage. The
investigations to explain the self-generated swirl total pressure loss near the hub is greatly increased
within the S-shaped diffuser of rectangular to compared with the straight annular passage.
circular cross-section having Ar =1.338. He Mullick and Majumdar [10] studied the
attempted to improve the performance of S-shaped performance of a fully developed subsonic turbulent
diffusing ducts by introducing fences of 10 different flow in 22.5° / 22.5° circular cross section S-shaped
configurations within the first bend of the diffuser diffusing duct. The experiment was carried out with
and observed a significant improvement in the Re = 8.4 x l05 and measurements were taken with
performance and exit flow distribution. the help of a pre-calibrated five-hole pressure probe.

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The experimental results indicated the generation of the definite area ratio irrespective of the convergent
secondary flow in the form of a pair of contra angle.
rotating vortices in the first half, which changes its Kluß and Stoff [16] studied the numerical
senses of rotation in the second half and overall results of wake and secondary flow interaction in
static pressure recovery was 40%. diffuser flow fields and its comparison with the
Numerical Simulation of flow development experimental data suggests that the mixing effect of
through turbine diffusers was reported by Dominy et wakes and secondary flow pattern is responsible for
al. [11] they performed the experiment in an S- the reattachment.
shaped annular duct of inlet hub and core diameters
arc 0.286m and 0.421m respectively and Ar =1.5
with inlet Re = 3.9 x 105. They used 34 numbers
inlet swirl vanes. The results show that the influence II. Experimental facility
of wakes and swirl upon the flow has a significant
effect upon the development of flow. The numerical
simulations also give a good matching of the flow A test rig for the present investigation has been
development within this diffuser. constructed at Fluid Mechanics & Machinery
Fuji et al [12] studied the Curved Diffusing Laboratory of Power Engineering Department
Annulus Turbulent Boundary layer Development and Jadavpur University to investigate the flow
concluded a simplified but reliable method for characteristics within a circular cross sectioned
boundary layer calculation with acceptable annular curved diffuser. The geometry of the test
assumptions for special flow situations. diffuser is shown in Fig.1 with co-ordinate system
A numerical and experimental investigation of and measurement locations. The entire set up was
turbulent flows occurring in a 180° bend annular fabricated from mild steel sheet except the test
diffuser with an aperture in front of the bend was diffuser.
reported by Xia et al. [13] .They observed that the The test diffuser was designed with increase in
pressure recovery coefficient increases with area from inlet to exit and it distributed normal to
increasing blow of mass flow rate and inlet pressure the centerline as suggested by Fox and Kline [2].
but remains nearly constant if the inlet pressure is The test diffuser was designed based on an area
higher than about 10 bars. The numerical prediction ratio of 1.273 and centerline length of 225 mm. The
is compared with the experimental data and test diffuser is made of fiber glass reinforcement
excellent agreement is achieved. plastic. Centerline was turned at 37.5° from inlet to
Sing et al. [14] conducted investigation to select exit with inlet diameter of 78 mm.
the range of the inlet swirl intensity for the best In order to avoid the pressure losses and flow
performance of annular diffusers with different distortion at the inlet and exit, two constant area
geometries but having the same equivalent cone connectors were attached at the inlet and exit of the
angle. This is analyzed on the basis of the static test diffuser. A pre-calibrated five-hole pressure
pressure recovery and total pressure loss coefficients. probe was used to obtain detailed flow parameters
The results show that the parallel diverging hub and like mean velocity and its components, total and
casing annular diffuser produces the best static pressure and secondary motions along the
performance at high-swirl intensities entire length of the diffuser. Ambient air was used
The internal flow and the performance of as working fluid.
an annular diffuser composed of a cylindrical casing For measuring mean velocity and its components
and a conical hub have been examined and static and total pressure surveys along the entire
experimentally by Kanemoto et al [15]. It was cross section of curved diffuser, the test piece was
observed that when the flow has no whirl divided into five planes, one at Section H, at Central
component at the inlet, the optimum convergent horizontal plane, the Inlet section one diameter
angle of the hub, rendering the best pressure upstream of the test diffuser, two planes, Section A
recovery, is about 24 degrees. But with an increment and Section B at 12.5° and 25° turn along the length
of the whirl component, the flow roughly changes to of the diffusing passages and the fifth plane, Section
the free vortex pattern at the downstream passage C is at the mid point of the exit duct. The details of
independent of the initial flow pattern and the axial measured planes are shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2. For
velocity is faster near the hub side than near the measurement of flow parameters the five hole
casing side. When the whirl component becomes pressure probe was inserted through a 8 mm drilled
stronger, a reverse flow occurs along the hub wall at hole provided at eight locations, namely , 0°, 45°,

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90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270° and 315° angle as have been presented in the form of 2-D profiles. All
shown detail in Fig.1. the velocities and pressures were normalized with
The pre-calibrated five hole pressure probes was respect to the inlet mass average velocity and inlet
mounted in a traversing mechanism and the probe dynamic pressure respectively.
inserted into the flow field through 8 mm diameter
drilled hole provided at the wall. The probe was
placed within 1 mm of solid surface for the first
reading. The probe was then moved radially and III.1. Mean velocity contour
placed at the desired location as shown in Fig.1.
Instrumentation for the present study was chosen The normalized mean velocity distribution in the
such that the experimental errors are minimum and form of contour plots at various sections of the
also to have quick response to the flow parameters. curved diffuser has been discussed here and is
The pre-calibrated hemispherical tip five-hole shown in Fig.2.
pressure probe used for the present study. The probe Mean velocity at Section H as shown in Fig.2(a)
was calibrated and using non null technique was indicates that the high velocity fluid occupies the
used to measure the flow parameter. flow area close to convex wall (cv) as the flow
All the five sensing ports of the probe were proceeds from inlet to exit. Flow is also diffused in
connected to a variable inclined multi tube the downstream direction due to increase in cross-
manometer. The readings were recorded with sectional area. Low velocity fluid accumulates more
respect to atmospheric pressure. towards close to the concave wall (cc) indicating a
Resolving the velocity vector in the mutually complex flow development dominated by combined
perpendicular direction can be determined using the effected of flow diffusion and centrifugal force.
following equation. How ever a better understanding of the flow
2 development can be observed through contour plot
U  (P  P ) at Section A, Section B, and Section C as shown in
av  T S
Fig.2(c), (d) and (e).
2  gh …… (3) Fig.2(b) indicates that the flow is symmetrical in
U  m nature throughout the entire cross- sectional area.
av  The high velocity fluid occupies most of the cross-
section except close to the bottom surface indicating
no upstream effect on the flow due to the presence
U  U cos  cos  of the hub.
x av Fig.2(c), of Section A of the annular curved
U  U sin cos  diffuser depicts that the flow is flow is better
y av …… (4)
distributed though the high velocity core is located
U  U sin 
z av along the top portion of the plane connecting 45º-
225º planes. Marginal variation of flow velocity is
The mean velocity and components of mean observed in the lower portion between 45º-225º
velocity distribution have been drawn with the help planes. Further Fig.2.(c) indicates the overall
of SURFER software acceleration of flow compared to the inlet as the
The assessment of errors resulting from the effective flow of velocity is reduced due to the
readings of the present five hole pressure probe was insertion of the hub. The mean velocity distribution
made as a function of all incidence angles for all in Section B is shown in Fig2.(d). This figure shows
flow characteristics in all the probe sectors and that the overall diffusion takes place at this section
discussed in details[17], [18]. compared to the previous section. It is also
observed that the more or less uniform flow
occupies most of the cross-sectional area. The
curvature effect has more reduced due to the
III. Results and discussion presence of the hub, which restricts the movement
of the bulk of the flow to one side of the diffuser.
The flow characteristics have been evaluated by This phenomenon indicates the restriction of the
mass average mean velocity, between the curved development of the counter rotating flows between
walls, total pressure and static pressure of the flow the top and bottom surface mainly due to presence
at various cross sections. Measured flow quantities of the hub and hence a better uniform flow is seen.

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However along the central plane of the Section B FLUENT. Some of the validation figures are shown
diffusion is not much and flow is more or less in Fig 4 and Fig 5 (a), Fig 5 (b) and Fig 5 (c)
symmetrical in nature. However, the contour line at respectively.
the bottom surface indicates the generation of All three figures indicate that the mass averaged
secondary motion, which is limited to this only. mean velocity contours obtained by computational
The velocity distribution at Section C as shown and experimental investigations, which shows a
in Fig.2(e) clearly indicates the further diffusion of qualitative matching to each other.
flow along the centerline of the flow passage due to However a slight mismatch can be observed at
increase in cross sectional area. The figure also the 135º and 180º plane of Section A close to the
depicts that the high velocity core is shifted a little bottom and concave surface. This could be due to
towards concave wall though the diffused uniform the complicated nature of flow at those planes,
flow has occupied the more or less the whole cross which was not properly predicted by the process of
sectional area. The secondary motion, which computer simulation.
observed at previous sections, is not clearly seen at The mean velocity distribution at the Section B
this section indicating a better flow at the exit of the and Section C are shown in Fig 5 (b) and Fig 5(c)
annular curved diffuser. show a reasonably good agreement of the
computational investigation with the experimental
III.2. Pressure Recovery & loss Coefficient Fig.6 shows the comparison of performance
parameters like coefficient of static pressure
The variation of normalized mass averaged static recovery and coefficient of total pressure loss
pressure recovery and total pressure loss coefficients obtained through experimental and computational
based on the mass average pressure at different investigation. From the figure it has been observed
sections of the test diffuser are shown in Fig.3. It that coefficient of pressure recovery Cpr for the
was calculated based on the static pressure computational investigation was obtained as 31%
difference between the succeeding and preceding compared to the experimental investigation, which
sections. The figure shows that the coefficient of obtained as 27%. Similarly the coefficient of
pressure recovery decreases steadily up to the pressure loss is obtained as 21% in computation
Section A in annular curved diffuser and then the investigation compared to the 18% of experimental
increase takes place in rapidly up to the Section C. study. This shows very good matching of the
This is mainly due to the formation of secondary predicted results with the experimental one.
motions. The overall mass average pressure These agreements confirm that the CFD code
recovery coefficient is nearly 27% for this diffuser. using Standard k – ε model can predict the flow and
The mass average total pressure loss coefficient performance characteristics reasonably well for
increases in steadily in the test diffuser up to the similar geometries with same boundary conditions
Section A. Then the loss coefficients in curved
diffuser increases sharply up to Section C. The
overall mean value in mass average pressure loss
coefficient is nearly 17 % for this test diffuser. III.4. Parametric investigation.

To obtain a more insight of the performance

parameters an intense parametric study of pressure
III.3. Numerical Validation
recovery/loss coefficient for different area ratio
diffusers with the angle turn 30º, 40º, 50º, 60º, 70º
In the present study a preliminary investigation
and 75º. For this purpose area ratios 1.25, 1.5, 1.75,
was carried out using different turbulence models
and 2, with the angle of turn 30º, 40º, 50º, 60º, 70º
available in FLUENT. Based on the Intensive
and 75º annular curved diffusers have chosen. From
investigation it was found that Standard k – ε model
this investigation it is observed from Fig. 7 that for
of turbulence provides the best result and results
the increase in area ratio from 1.25 to 2, static
obtained from computational analysis match both in
pressure recovery increases sharply and it was
qualitatively and quantitatively with the
maximum at area ratio 2 with angle turn 30º. But
experimental results. It is to be noted here that the
with increase in angle turn pressure recovery
inlet profiles obtained during experiment are fed as
decreases steadily except in area ratio 1.25 where
an inlet condition during the validation with
with the increase in angle of turn from 30º to 40º

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pressure recovery increases then with the further References

increase of angle of turn it decreases steadily. The
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[3] O. J. Mcmillan, Mean Flow Measurements of the Flow
IV. Conclusion Diffusing Bend, NASA Contractor Report 3634, 1982.
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[7] B.A. Reichert and B.J. Wendt, Improving Curved
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loss are 27% and 18% respectively. [8] B. Majumdar, S.N. Singh, and D..P. Agrawal, Flow
iv. A comparison between the experimental and Characteristics in S-shaped Diffusing Duct, In Journal of
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values obtained as 27% and 18% [11] R.G. Dominy, D.A. Kirkham, and A.D. Smith, Flow
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Fig.1 Geometry of test diffuser and measuring locations

(a) Section H

(b) Inlet section (c) Section A

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(d) Section B (e ) Section C

Fig.2. Mean velocity Contour

Fig. 3. Variation of mass average pressure recovery and loss coefficients


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(a) Section H

Fig. 4. Comparison of normalized velocity distribution at Section H obtained through

Computational and Experimental investigation

(a) Section A

(b) Section B

(c) Section C
Experimental Computational

Fig. 5. Comparison of normalized velocity distribution at Section A, Section B and

Section C obtained through Computational and Experimental investigation

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Fig.6. Comparison of performance parameters obtained through

computational and experimental investigation

Fig.7. Variation of mass average pressure recovery and loss coefficients.

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Authors’ information
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Durgapur Institute of Advanced Technology & Mangt., Durgapur – 713 212, India.

Date of Birth:
Educational Qualification:
B.E. (Mechanical), National Institute of Technology,
Durgapur, India, 1984.
M.Tech (Mechanical Designs of Machines),
National Institute of Technology, India, Durgapur, 1991
PhD(Engg), Jadavpur University (submitted)
Field of Interest:
Experimental Fluid Dynamics and Aero dynamics, Machine Design and Non conventional Energy.
No of publication: 15 (Fifteen)
Mr. Sinha is a Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India)
And Life member of fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Durgapur Institute of Advanced Technology & Mangt., Durgapur – 713 212, India.

Date of Birth:
Educational Qualification:
B.E. (Chemical Engg.), Calcutta University,
Calcutta, India, 1984.
M.Tech (Chemical Engg),Calcutta University,1987
PhD(Tech.) Calcutta University 2006
Field of Interest:
Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Environmental
No of publication:17 (Seventeen)
Mr. Das Life Member of Institution of Engineers (India),
Life Member of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, India.

Department of Power Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata – 700 098. India

Date of Birth:
Educational Qualification:
Bachelor of Mechanical Engg., Jadavpur University, India, 1981
Master of Mechanical Engg., Jadavpur University, India, 1983
PhD, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 1995
Field of Interest: Experimental Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics, Hydro Power and wind power energy
No of publication: 52
Dr. Majumdar is a Life Member of Institution of Engineers (India)

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