Extended Definition Margaretlocrevised
Extended Definition Margaretlocrevised
Extended Definition Margaretlocrevised
Margaret Loc
English 301
Public Health 2
community and globally. This is done by educating individuals about the quality of living a
healthier life and reaching a more spiritual enlightenment. Public health can also be seen as the
roots of a tree, or foundation, to many different careers and responsibilities that grow from there.
Public health embodies a wide array of principles that branches out to help promote better living.
In addition to health care in a community scale, public health outreaches across the globe.
The public health’s objective is to aim towards a better living quality life including more
research and studies to create a solid foundation. Public health is considered a science, therefore,
creating markers and indicators for a variety of illnesses, injuries, and diseases for people
nationally and internationally to use. Some health indicators can be seen as characteristics an
illness may carry or how genetics and hereditary features can play some significant factors.
Screenings and preventative measures are then taken to prevent further impairment. Public health
not only deals with health of an individual but plays a vital role in the environment as well.
Pollution in regard to air and water also play into the public health categories.
Public Health 3
1. Etymology
2. Background
3. Levels of prevention
3.1 Primary Level
3.2 Secondary Level
3.3 Tertiary Level
4. Modern Public Health
4.1 Impact
5. References
The term health has multiple roots, one of which from the Proto-Germanic hailitho,
meaning “whole, uninjured, of good omen”. Public is derived from the Latin word publicus “of
the people; of the state; done for the state,” also “common, general, public; ordinary, vulgar”.
Sanitation plays a huge role in public health, due to the spread of bacteria and contact,
people in history have suffered due to the lack of knowledge. Public health prevents diseases and
promotes health on a community and global level. Using technology to indicate and manage
different cases, professionals are able to keep track of the past public health case studies. There
are three levels of prevention that were created to indicate the issue. These markers are used to
indicate the different risk stages an individual can be in and are used to create interventions and
preventions. Beginning at the primary level, the secondary level, and the tertiary level. These
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levels of prevention and used universally to determine the amount of care needed for an
Levels of Prevention
Primary Level
The primary level of prevention
Primary level of prevention is used to deter an illness by educating the public and promoting a
healthier life style. Washing your hands frequently decreases an individual’s chances of
Inflammatory Markers and Cardiovascular Disease: Applications to Clinical and Public Health
Practice” a meeting was gathered to address the issues regarding the markers or indicators for
early onset heart disease. Many believed that there was not enough viable evidence to determine
1. Examining all possible sources of scientific data between “several inflammatory markers,
serum amyloid A, white blood cell count, fibrinogen, and cardio vascular disease” [3]
2. Identifying which is the best way to examine a person most at risk [3]
3. Identify persisting questions in order to create new research on inflammatory markers and
4. Recommending the tests needed to patients to be able to identify these markets [3]
Public Health 5
5. Applying and exploring these findings to the public and being able to associate the
evidence [3]
Secondary Level
The secondary level of prevention is classified as a second line of defense. Individuals who
have this illness or disease but being able to catch it in its earliest stages to minimize the severity
of it. Most screenings are considered a secondary intervention. A screening is a method to search
an individual’s body to see what is going inside of them. It is usually done through a medical
instrument that allows a health professional to look into a patient’s body without surgery. For
example, mammograms, cholesterol screenings, and heart screenings are preventative measures
Tertiary Level
The tertiary level of prevention is taken action when an individual is already disabled,
impaired, and dependent on others. Individual’s that show significant signs of distress or
symptoms of a disease are considered high risk. For example, having cancer that is hard to treat
because of the stage you are in. Some preventative measures taken at this stage is through
physical therapy and other rehabilitation methods to aid the individual from further impairment.
Public health uses medicine and research in preventing diseases. Some preventative measures
that have been taken were the campaigns to wash your hands to prevent the spread of different
illnesses, the dangers of secondhand smoking, raising awareness about suicide, and getting
regular checkups for sexually transmitted diseases. These initiatives have been to ensure the
Public Health
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providing an outreach for individuals with a disease or illness. Additionally, public health is not
just limited to disease or illnesses spread by humans, but illness that are spread through the
environment. More developed countries have the advantage by geographical locations and the
money to supply. Developing countries are struggling for aid, and public health researchers are
there to focus on reducing environmental risk factors and prevent diseases there.
Air pollution, according to WHO, “results in 4.2 million deaths every year. Additionally,
3.8 million deaths are caused by household exposure to smoke from stoves and fuels, and 91% of
the world’s population lives in a place where air quality exceeds WHO guideline limits” [1].
WHO, the World Health Organization is an organization embodied by the UN (United Nations)
to play a role in helping communities environmentally and physically around the world. WHO’s
main functions are to combat infectious diseases that have the potential to spread around the
world and cause pandemics and began its research of the origins of diseases to enable them to
understand and combat it. Their roles involve leadership duties as well as creating policies to
help better communities. Promoting an implementing those policies are also a part of their jobs.
Public health servants are here to uphold and create policies for the better of the community and
this amount of work requires a variety of subcategories with different individuals with a
specialty. Idealistically, all with the same goals and intentions to promote individual wellness
Public health impacts the world in a variety of ways, like creating vaccines for illnesses,
creating a cleaner environment for humans to live in, and promoting self-care and mental health.
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Organizations like the World Health Organization, helps people across the globe and is
supported by the United Nations. On April 7, 1948, WHO entered the force in the efforts of
controlling diseases and over time, their agendas evolved into “shaping the research agenda and
stimulating the generation, translation, and dissemination of valuable knowledge” [9]. Learning
from mistakes and studying them, they were able to address these illnesses and other
environmental factors in a scientific way. WHO was able to spread their knowledge and research
extremely hazardous. An outbreak of a deadly virus must be contained. Public health servants
developed indicators and resolutions to health situations such as these. Situations that are
harmful to the individual and the entire population. Controlling an outbreak is one of the first
steps to preventing the spread of a harmful disease. Additionally, preventing an illness is also as
significant as it impairs the illness from spreading and reduces the likelihood of another
outbreak. Public health is part of science that is mainly to serve for the humans and protect the
1. Air pollution. (2018, August 29). Retrieved from http://www.who.int/airpollution/en/
from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24336131
https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/01.CIR.0000052939.59093.45 [Accessed
14 Sep. 2018].
6. McDowell, I., & University of Ottawa. (n.d.). Concepts: Prevention. Retrieved from
7. Pearson, T., Mensah, G., Wayne Alexander, R., Anderson, J., Cannon, R., Criqui, M.,
Fadi, Y., Fortmann, S., Hong, Y., Myers, G., Rifai, N., Smith, S., Taubert, K., Tracy, R.
9. The Five Essential Public Health Law Services Project. (n.d.). Retrieved from
10. What are the main functions of the World Health Organization? (n.d.). Retrieved from
Public Health 9
11. Writers, S. (n.d.). Public Health Careers - Explore Your Options. Retrieved from
Public Health 10
Using Markel’s one-sentence definition, I integrated the term “Public Health” in a more
general audience definition. Public health is a phrase that people often know and understand, but
difficult to put into your own words. So, I put it into a category, which was an interdisciplinary
study, and added a characteristic of it. I believe that a communal engagement, preventative
disease, and promoting health embodies what public health is. Using an analogy, I compared
public health as the roots of a tree that help others grow and other categories have branched out
from there, it can be found at the first paragraph of my definition on page 3. Additionally, I
partitioned the different types of levels of prevention in my paper to help define what it is under