Lesson 6
Lesson 6
Lesson 6
Positional Cloning: An
Introduction to Genomics
• Before we examine the techniques of genomic research, let us consider o
ne of the important uses of genomic information: positional cloning, whi
ch is one method for the discovery of the genes involved in genetic traits.
In humans, this frequently involves the identification of genes that gover
n genetic diseases. We will begin by considering an example of positiona
l cloning that was done before the genomic era: finding the gene whose
malfunction causes Huntington disease in humans. We will see that much
of the effort went into narrowing down the region in which to look for th
e faulty gene. One reason for all this effort was to avoid having to sequen
ce a huge chunk of DNA. Nowadays, that is not a problem because the se
quencing has already been done. Nevertheless, this example serves as a g
ood introduction to genomics for several reasons: It illustrates the princip
le of positional cloning, which is still a major use of genomic information
; it shows how difficult positional cloning was in the absence of genomic
information; and it is a heroic story that still deserves to be told.
Classical Tools of Positional Cloning
• Geneticists seeking the genes responsible for human genetic disor
ders frequently face a problem: They do not know the identity of t
he defective protein, so they are looking for a gene without knowi
ng its function. Thus, they have to identify the gene by fi nding its
position on the human genetic map, and this process therefore has
come to be called positional cloning. The strategy of positional clo
ning begins with the study of a family or families afflicted with th
e disorder, with the goal of finding one or more markers that are ti
ghtly linked to the “disease gene,” that is, the gene which, when m
utated, causes the disease. Frequently, these markers are not genes
, but stretches of DNA whose pattern of cleavage by restriction en
zymes or other physical attributes vary from one individual to ano
• Because the position of the marker is known, the disease gene can b
e pinned down to a relatively small region of the genome. However,
that “relatively small” region usually contains about a million base
pairs, so the job is not over. The next step is to search through the m
illion or so base pairs to find a gene that is the likely culprit. Severa
l tools have traditionally been used in the search, and we will descri
be two here. These are: (1) finding exons with exon traps; and (2) l
ocating the CpG islands that tend to be associated with genes. We w
ill see how these tools have been used as we discuss our example in
the next section of this chapter. First, let us examine a favorite meth
od to map a gene to a fairly small region of the genome.
Restriction Fragment Length
• In the late twentieth century, we knew the locations of relatively few
human genes, so the likelihood of finding one of these close to a ne
w gene we were trying to map was small. Another approach, which
does not depend on finding linkage with a known gene, is to establis
h linkage with an “anonymous” stretch of DNA that may not even co
ntain any genes. We can recognize such a piece of DNA by its patter
n of cleavage by restriction enzymes. Because each person differs ge
netically from every other, the sequences of their DNAs will differ a
little bit, as will the pattern of cutting by restriction enzymes. Consid
er the restriction enzyme HindIII, which recognizes the sequence A
AGCTT. One individual may have three such sites separated by 4 an
d 2 kb, respectively, in a given region of a chromosome
• Detecting a RFLP. Two individuals are polymorphic with respect to a HindIII restriction site (r
ed).The first individual contains the site, so cutting the DNA with HindIII yields two fragment
s, 2 and 4 kb long, that can hybridize with the probe, whose extent is shown at top. The second
individual lacks this site, so cutting that DNA with HindIII yields only one fragment, 6 kb lon
g, which can hybridize with the probe. The results from electrophoresis of these fragments, fol
lowed by blotting, hybridization to the radioactive probe, and autoradiography, are shown at ri
ght. The fragments at either end, represented by dashed lines, do not show up because they ca
nnot hybridize to the probe.
• Another individual may lack the middle site but have the o
ther two, which are 6 kb apart. This means that if we cut th
e first person’s DNA with HindIII, we will produce two fra
gments, 2 kb and 4 kb long, respectively. The second perso
n’s DNA will yield a 6-kb fragment instead. In other words
, we are dealing with a restriction fragment length polymor
phism (RFLP). Polymorphism means that a genetic locus h
as different forms, or alleles (Chapter 1), so this clumsy ter
m simply means that cutting the DNA from any two indivi
duals with a restriction enzyme may yield fragments of dif
ferent lengths. The abbreviated term, RFLP, is usually pron
ounced “rifflip.”
• How do we go about looking for a RFLP? Clearly, we cannot analyze
the whole human genome at once. It contains approximately a million
cleavage sites for a typical restriction enzyme, so each time we cut the
whole genome with such an enzyme, we release about a million fragm
ents. No one would relish sorting through that morass for subtle differ
ences between individuals. Fortunately, there is an easier way. With a
Southern blot one can highlight small portions of the total genome wit
h various probes, so any differences are easy to see. However, there is
a catch. Because each labeled probe hybridizes only to a small fractio
n of the total human DNA, the chances are very poor that any given o
ne will reveal a RFLP linked to the gene of interest. We may have to s
creen many thousands of probes before we find the right one. As labor
ious as it is, this procedure at least provides a starting point, and it has
been a key to finding the genes responsible for several genetic disease
Exon Traps
• I just lead you into the door of Molecular biology, more work
s are needed for you to mine in the ocean of knowledge.