4 Reservoir Fluids PDF
4 Reservoir Fluids PDF
4 Reservoir Fluids PDF
b. Source of Data
i. Drill holes and wells
1. Drilling recovery, well cuttings, drilling mud, core
2. Drill stem tests / fluid recovery
3. Directly drill-hole sampling
ii. Direct fluid sampling via wells
iii. Borehole Geophysical measurements
1. E.g. conductivity, resistivity
iv. Reservoir fluid analysis over production life of well
1. Changing dynamics as production wells are utilized
c. Fluid Distribution
i. Controlling Factors
1. Reservoir Porosity and Permeability
2. Stratigraphic and Structural Relationships
3. Density and Buoyancy Effects of Water, Oil, Gas
4. Anomalous Lensing Possible (e.g. gas trapped below oil)
ii. Layered Fluid Occurrence
1. Gas less dense (on top) ----- Oil ------ Water Most Dense (on bottom)
2. Oil-Water Table Contact vs. Gas-Water Table Contact
iii. Interstitial Water
1. Distribution of water in pore spaces throughout reservoir
a. Range 10 – 30 %, up to 50%
iv. Oil-Gas-Water Separation Process Necessary as part of well-head processing
b. Classification
i. Meteoric – shallower groundwater, circulated from atmosphere
1. Relatively low salinity
2. Oxygen isotope signature
3. High oxidizing potential and acidic
4. Dissolved carbon dioxide + humic acids in near surface environment
ii. Connate – long residence time, reservoir waters; “fossil water” removed from
atmospheric circulation
1. “Formation Waters”
2. Characterized by high salinity brine waters
a. Ionic sodium, postassium,chloride; bromine, calcium, magnesium (mobile
b. Sulfates, nitrates, and carbonates
c. Reducing and alkaline in general
iii. Mixed – mixed connate and meteoric water
1. Brines and salt common in oil
2. Water forms hydration sheath in pore openings, separating oil and gas from pore
c. Characterization
i. Water Saturation: percentage of effective reservoir pore space filled with water
1. Measured by laboratory analysis
ii. Salinity / total dissolved solids
1. Measured via borehole geophysics, conductivity, resistivity
iii. Depth Relations
1. Zone 1: 0-1 km depth, meteoric water, stable salinity, oxidizing
2. Zone 2: 1-3 km depth, salinity increasing with depth and residence time
3. Zone 3: >3 km, reducing environment, hydrocarbon development
4. Zone 4: depth > 5 km, incipient metamorphism, heat + pressure
Concentration - measurement of the quantity of solute in a given quantity of solvent (or solution)
Mass Percent = (mass solute / total mass solution) * 100% (percent = "parts per hundred" (%)
E.g. if 5 g of NaCl is dissolved in 95 g of water, what is the mass percent of sodium chloride in the solution?
(conversion factors for mass: 1 gram = 1000 mg, 1 kg = 1000 g, 1 gram = 1,000,000
Determine the concentration in ppt for a solution of 200 gram dissolved in 2 liters of water? Determine
the concentration in ppt for a solution of 2000 mg dissolved in 1 liter of water?
Parts per Million = milligrams of solute / liter of water
Determine the concentration in ppm for a solution 20 mg of salt per liter of water? What about 20 kg of
salt per liter of water?
Determine the concentration in ppb for a solution of 200 micrograms of salt dissolved in 3 liters of water?
Determine the concentration in ppb for a solution 200 grams of salt dissolved in 4 liters of water?
b. Measurement
i. Volume measurements:
1. barrels, tons, acre-feet
2. 1 barrel = 42 gallons (US); avg.wt. = 310 lbs
3. Abbreviation for “barrel” = bbl
ii. Oil recovery
1. Pumped from wells into separator tanks
2. Gas, oil, water separated
3. Pumping and storage rates regulated and gaged
c. Chemical Properties
i. Comprised of over 200 organic compounds
ii. Gas, oil, asphalt = primarily hydrocarbons, with minor sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen
iii. Molecular Composition – complex variety of over 200 organic compounds due to the
versatile nature of carbon bonding with 4 electrons in outermost valence shell
1. Hydrocarbon Compunds in Petroleum
b. Napthenes (cycloparaffins)
i. General formula: CnH2n
ii. Liquid at normal temperatures and pressures
iii. Branching ring-shape hydrocarbon molecules
iv. Comprise ~40% of crude oil composition
v. Common Examples in Petroleum
1. Cyclopentane C5H10
2. Cyclohexane C6H12
2. Mixed compounds / other constituents
a. Crude oil contains low percentages of oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, trace
b. Sulfur occurs as free S or dissolved hydrogen sulfide gas H2S
c. “sour crude”, degrades quality of petroleum for use
i. <0.5% low sulfur crude
ii. >0.5% high sufur crude
d. Nitrogen – low amounts in crude, inert constituent in natural gas
e. Oxygen – minor component
f. Organic matter, fossil materials, microscopic, mixed as solids in crude oil
3. Average Organic Composition of Crude Oil
Paraffins 25
Napthenes 50
Aromatics 17
Asphaltics 8
Total 100
2. Specific Weight = weight/volume = (mass)(g)/volume
a. g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/sec2
3. Specific Gravity = mass density of substance / mass density of water
a. Temperature dependent
b. Dimensionless ratio, units cancel
4. Volume a function of temperature: heat energy and kinetic molecular energy
a. > temp, > volume; directly proportional
5. American Petroleum Institute (API) Gravity Index Classification
a. High API gravity values = low specific gravity, Low API gravity values =
high specific gravity
b. API 10 = density of water, API values > 10 = floaters; API values < 10 =
Degrees API = 141.5 - 131.5 where S.G. = specific gravity of oil sample
S.G. at 60oF
Example, given an oil sample with a density of 900 kg/m3 and density of water of 1000 kg/m3 at a given
temperature, calculate the API gravity index for the oil sample.
iii. Viscosity
1. Measure of fluid resistance to flow
a. High viscosity – thick liquid, highly resistant to flow; vice versa
2. Range: Liquid oil and gas; Plastic petroleum compounds
a. Highly variable range in viscosities
b. Temperature dependent; > temp < viscosity, < temp > viscosity
c. > gas content < viscosity; < gas content > viscosity
d. Measurement using a rolling ball viscometer; relative index
i. Units: poise (p) and centipoises (cp)
ii. Viscosity ranges
1. Water = 0.894 cp
2. Motor oil 40W = 319 cp
3. Tar = 2.3 x 1011 cp
2. Refractive index
a. Measurement of refraction or bending of light as it passes through an oil
b. Measured as an index compared to transmission light through air; the
higher the density, the more angle of refraction, the higher the index of
c. Refractometer – petroleum R index average ~1.4 compared to air
v. Other Properties
1. Color, smell
2. Flash and boiling points – temperature at which petroleum vaporizes and flash-
3. Coefficient of expansion and volume change upon heating / cooling
4. Heat Content / Calorimeter Values
a. Heat Potential / Measurement
i. calorie – the heat required
r to ra
aise one gra
am of water, 1 degree
or food labels) = 1000 calories
ii. KiloCallorie (used fo
iii. British Thermal Unit – amount of heat nece essary to raise the
temperrature of 1 lb
b of water byy 1 degree Fahrenheit
1. 1 BTU = 25 52 calories = 0.252 Kcal
b. Cru ude Oil ~ 19 9,000 BTU per lb
i. Variable controlled by hydrocarbon compo osition and geology,
degree of thermal maturation
c. Bittuminous Co oal ~13,000 BTU per lb
i. Variable controlled by composiition and geo ology, degreee of coal
develop pment
a. C
Components and Classifiication
i. Low-b
boiling point hydrocarbon n gases
1. Range: sm mall percenta age dissolve ed in oil up to
o 100% of hyydrocarbon fluids
ii. Mode of Occurren nce
1. Free Gas (free producct)
a. Coommon to occcur as free gas g cap ove er oil, and waater
2. Gas Disso olved in Oil
a. Unnder subsurfa ace pressure es, gas dissolves in oil
b. Raange: a few cubic
c feet up o cubic feet per barrel of
p to 1000’s of o oil
c. Gaas exsolves from
f oil as itt reaches the
e surface
i. Gas-wa ater-oil sepa aration at weell head
ii. Flaring disposal vs. capture, de epending on n economics
3. Gas Disso olved in Wate er
a. Naatural gas disssolved in oiil field brine waters; up to 20 cu. ft / bbl of waterr
b. Low wer solubility in water, compared
c to oil (6% commparatively)
4. Liquified Gas
a. Higgh pressure conditions > 5000 psi
b. Liq
quified gas re esemble oil in liquid statte