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Optimization of Combustion in Pulverized Coal Fired Boiler

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Tharayil James Joseph, 2Prof. B. A. Shah, 3Mr. D.M. Jethva
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Institute of Technology, Nirma University
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Institute of Technology, Nirma University
Executive Engineer , GSECL, WTPS
Email:113mmet21@nirmauni.ac.in, 2balkrushna.shah@nirmauni.ac.in, 3dinkar.jet@gmail.com

Abstract— The demand of electricity is existing power plants. Coal is the major fossil
increasing nowadays and has raised the fuel in India and continues to play a prime role in
necessity of improved power generation the energy sector. The coal combustion process
technologies, especially in developing produces many pollutants, and in turn leads to
countries like India. Reduction of emissions acid rain and climate change like global
of greenhouse gases is the need of hour and it warming. Operating a boiler that is not
could be achieved considerably by improving optimized further leads to increased levels of
the efficiency of existing coal fired plants. unburnt carbon, increased excess air
Operation of non-optimized boiler can lead to requirements, incorrect primary and secondary
reduced boiler efficiency, increased excess air air to fuel ratios, reduced boiler efficiency and
requirements, delayed combustion, increased increased slagging etc. Hence it is necessary for
heat loss, high CO and NOx emissions and
all thermal power plants to optimize the
many other. Optimization of combustion in
combustion. In this paper, combustion is
pulverized coal fired boiler is very important
optimized by the use of secondary air damper
today for every thermal power plant. The aim
of the paper is to optimize combustion using which reduces heat loss and increases boiler
secondary air damper which leads to efficiency.
improved boiler efficiency with reduced heat II. SECONDARY AIR DAMPER CONTROL (SADC)
losses. The secondary air which is handled by the FD
Index Terms— Optimization, combustion, fan passes through the air heater and to the
greenhouse gases, secondary air damper windbox connecting duct which supplies the
I. INTRODUCTION secondary air to a pair of windboxes. The
India is a seventh largest country and has a very secondary air is divided into two parts, namely,
large population. To maintain growth rate, rapid fuel air and auxiliary air. Fuel air is that air
growth in energy sector is needed. About 70.6% which immediately surrounds the fuel nozzles.
Since this air provides a covering for the fuel
of power generation comes from thermal power
nozzles it is also called mantle air. Auxiliary air
plants, in which 61.5% generation comes from
is admitted through compartments above and
using coal as fuel [1]. The demand of electricity below the fuel nozzles. Dampers are provided in
is increasing day by day and has raised the the windbox compartments so that the correct
necessity of improved power generation quantities of air to the individual compartments
technologies or to improve the performance of can be modulated to achieve the better
combustion in the furnace.


hence it helps to optimize combustion and boiler

Ji Zheng Chu et. al. [5] proposed their study on
new constrained procedure using artificial neural
network as models for target processes.
Information analysis based on random search,
fuzzy c-mean clustering and minimization of
information energy is performed iteratively in
proposed procedure. ANN offer an alternative
approach to model process behaviour. It is based
on extracting imbedded pattern from data that
describes the relationship between input and
Fig 1. Damper Arrangement[2] output in any process phenomena. Also, we
The secondary air dampers are named after the came to know that there exists a best air ratio at
elevation on the boiler as follows: which thermal efficiency achieves maximum for
Dampers A, B, C, D, E and F are provided at given fuel.
four corner of the furnace. These are also called Risto V Filkoski et. al [6] applied a method for
fuel air dampers. handling two phase reacting flow for prediction
Dampers AB, CD and EF are placed between of pulverised coal combustion in large scale
A and B elevation, C and D elevation, E and F boiler furnace and to assess ability of model to
elevation respectively. predict existing power plant data. This paper
Dampers AA, BC, DE, FF are auxiliary air presents principal steps and results of numerical
dampers and placed between B and C elevation, modeling of furnace. The CFD/CTA approach
C and D elevation and at bottom and top of was utilised for creation of three dimensional
furnace which provide the additional air required model, including platen super heater in upper
for combustion. part of furnace. Standard k epsilon model was
III. LITERATURE REVIEW employed for description of turbulent flow.
A method is presented by Benyuan Huang et. Radiation heat transfer is computed by means of
al.[3] to optimize coal combustion based on simplified P-N model. Simulation results
flame image processing technique and concept concerning furnace walls, thermal efficiency and
of introducing RES into combustion control combustion efficiency shows good results
circuit of coal fired power plant. It showed that corresponding with plant data.
by optimal control strategy, we can ensure
stability of load and main steam pressure by IV. DIFFERENT LOSSES ASSOCIATED
adjusting secondary air for optimized A/F flow WITH EXCESS AIR
rate and thereby strengthened ad stabilized In practice, if a fuel is burned with only the
combustion conditions can be achieved in theoretical amount of excess air present, then the
furnace. Also boiler efficiency increased and combustion will be very poor due to incomplete
NOx emissions reduced at optimized operating mixing of the air with the fuel. Hence it is
conditions. necessary to supply more air than theoretical air
Ren Jianxing et.al. [4] studied a 300 MW Coal required and this is known as excess air [2]. If
fired unit using three kinds of mixed coal A, B the amount of air supplied is higher than
and C. Under the rated load conditions required, it will result into increase in dry flue
characteristics of coal and burning gas loss, boiler efficiency reduction, erosion of
characteristics were studied. The objective was heat transfer surface due to high gas velocity etc.
to optimize combustion and enhance boiler If the amount of air supplied is lower than
efficiency by undergoing experimental analysis required, it will result into incomplete
based on parameters such as burning status, combustion, increase in unburnt carbon losses
flame transparency, unburned combustible in and soot formation.
flue gas and exhaust gas temperature. Based on The different losses mainly influenced by excess
results of experiments, the results showed that air are as follows:
mixed coal A was found better than mixed coal A. Dry flue gas loss.
B and C on above mentioned parameter and B. Incomplete combustion loss.


If above mentioned losses are added, then it optimal value of excess air than incomplete
results into combined heat loss. This loss combustion loss increases very sharply.
decreases as excess air increases, reaches
minimum and then increases as still more excess
air is added. Thus there is only one quantity of Figure 4 shows result of combined heat losses.
excess air which will give the lowest loss for the This loss is minimum when the amount of excess
combustion of a particular fuel. air supplied is 15% as shown in figure. With
V. ANALYSIS OF OPTIMUM EXCESS AIR increase or decrease of the optimum value of
The analysis for finding an optimum air supply is excess air, heat losses increases. Thus after
found out at full load. By determining the analysis, it is found that the optimum value of
percentage change in heat loss with percentage excess air at which heat losses are minimum and
change in excess air, optimum quality of excess efficiency is maximum is 15%.
air supply is to be found. At optimal value of
excess air, heat losses are minimum and
efficiency is maximum. To find out the air
supplied at which heat losses are minimum,
design parameters of boiler were considered.
This loss basically depends upon the mass
supplied and the flue gas temperature. Figure 2
shows that as the amount of air supplied Fig. 4 Combined Heat Loss vs Excess Air
increases, the amount of mass supplied and the
outlet flue gas temperature increases in other
words dry flue gas loss increases.
Using Coal analysis and operating parameters,
the boiler efficiency and heat losses in boiler
were calculated by “heat loss method” as per
Bureau of energy efficiency booklet.
Table-I shows heat losses in boiler and boiler
efficiency calculated according to “Heat Loss
Method” before correcting damper position.
I. HL & efficiency in boiler before correcting
Fig. 2 Dry Flue Gas vs Excess Air
Incomplete combustion loss is formation of Calculated Parameters
carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide
Theoretical air required (kg/kg of
during combustion. 5.82
Actual air supplied (kg/kg of fuel) 7.14
% Excess air 22.8
% Heat loss due to dry flue gas 7.34
% Heat loss due to evaporation of
water formed due to H2 in fuel
% Heat loss due to evaporation of
moisture present in fuel
Fig. 3 Incomplete Combustion Loss vs Excess
Air % Heat loss due to moisture present
As shown in Figure 3, when the amount of air in air
supplied is higher than the optimal value of % Heat loss due to unburnt in fly ash 0.46
excess air, the incomplete combustion loss is % Heat loss due to unburnt in
very less and reduces at constant rate but when bottom ash
the amount of air supplied is lower than the % Heat loss due to radiation 0.5


Boiler efficiency 84.52 VIII. CONCLUSION

The effect of decreasing excess air to optimum
As per analysis of optimum value of excess air value resulted into reduction in heat losses and
done previously, it is known that to improve the improved boiler efficiency. Hence, using
efficiency and reduce the heat losses, secondary secondary air dampers, optimization in
air dampers are needed to be set for 15% excess combustion was carried out.
air. Since the excess air before correcting REFERENCES
damper position is above 15% excess air, it is [1]MinistryofPower(https://powermin.nic.in/p
needed to close the dampers till optimum value ower sector glance all india).
is reached by keeping in view the amount of O2 [2] BHEL Manual for WTPS.
in flue gas outlet in DCS system. As we know
[3] Benyuan Huang, Zixue Luo and Huaichun
the relation between percent of O2 in flue gas at
Zhou., Optimization of combustion based
exit and excess air, we monitor the correction
on introducing Radiant Energy Signal
accordingly by gradually closing the dampers.
(RES) in pulverized coal fired boiler, Fuel
Processing Technology 91 (2010),
Table-II shows heat losses in boiler and boiler
efficiency calculated according to “Heat Loss
[4] REN Jianxing, Li Fangqin, Zhu Qunzhi,
Method” after correcting damper position.
WU Jiang, Research of Multi Fuel burning
stability in 300 MW Coal fired utility
II. HL & efficiency in boiler after correcting
boiler, Energy Procedia 17 (2102),
Calculated Parameters
[5] Ji-Zheng Chu, Shyan Shu, Shieh, Shi-
Theoretical air required (kg/kg of Shang Jang, Constrained optimization of
fuel) combustion in simulated coal fired boiler
Actual air supplied (kg/kg of fuel) 6.69 using artificial neural network model and
% Excess air 15 information analysis, Fuel 92 (2003),
% Heat loss due to dry flue gas 6.52 693-703.
% Heat loss due to evaporation of
2.02 [6] Risto V Filkoski, Ilija J Petrovski &
water formed due to H2 in fuel
% Heat loss due to evaporation of Piotrkaras, Optimization of PC
4.52 combustion by means of CFD/CTA
moisture present in fuel
% Heat loss due to moisture present modelling, Volume 10 (2006), 161-179.
in air
% Heat loss due to unburnt in fly ash 0.48
% Heat loss due to unburnt in
bottom ash
% Heat loss due to radiation 0.5
Boiler efficiency 85.43


After correcting the damper position up to
optimum value of excess air, it was found that
total percent heat loss in the boiler reduced from
15.47% to 14.56% and boiler efficiency
improved from 84.52% to 85.43%.


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