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Table of Contents
Master Multiplication
Addition Facts *
Making Multiplication Sentences *
Football Multiplication #1 *
Football Multiplication #2 *
Football Multiplication #3 *
Football Multiplication #4 *
Football Multiplication #5 *
Find the Multiplication Facts *
Umbrella Math *
Apple Tree Math *
Mammoth Multiplication Problems *
Double Digit Multiplication *
Greater Than or Less Than? #1 *
Greater Than or Less Than? #2 *
Classroom Math: Multiplication Word Problems *
Merchandise Multiplication *
Wild Word Problems: Multiplication *
Family Vacation Multiplication *
Finding Factors *
Multiply Three Numbers *

Certificate of Completion
Answer Sheets

* Has an Answer Sheet

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Addition Facts
& Multiplication problems can also be expressed with addition. Write the addition
facts that go with each multiplication sentence. The first one is done for you.

3x7= 3+3+3+3+3+3+3


10 x 5 =
Look at the pictures below.

Write the addition fact:

Write the multiplication sentence:

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Math Making Multiplication Sentences
Look at each picture below. Write both the addition and multiplication facts that illustrate
each picture. The first one is done for you.



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Find The Multiplication Facts
Calculation Multiplication is the reverse of division.

Example: If the division sentence is 12 ÷ 6 = 2,

Then the related multiplication facts are 6 x 2 = 12 and 2 x 6 = 12.

Look at these division sentences, and write down the two related multiplication facts.

10 ÷ 5 = 2 35 ÷ 7 = 5

96 ÷ 8 = 12

... 120 ÷ 12 = 10
44 ÷ 11 = 4
76 ÷ 2 = 38
81 ÷ 9 = 9 ...... . . . . . . ......
999 ÷ 3 = 333
75 ÷ 25 = 3

.. .. ...
. . . ....
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Umbrella Math

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Complete each math problem and color the page!

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Apple Tree Math

Note: More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheets

Complete each math problem and color the page!

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77777 77 77777 777 7 7777

77 777 7777777 7777

77!! 777"# 7  7777

77 777# 7777777 7777!

77# 777 7! 7777"!

77 777 7777777 7777

77 777  7 7777#

77 777 7777777# 7777!

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Copyright 2011-2012 Education.com www.education.com/worksheet
Double Digit

123 45 63 73
11811139 118113A1 118117A 11181122

19B 53 7B B9
11811144 11811A3 1181197 1181177

4B 2C AA 56
118111AC 111811BA 11181166 11181134

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Copyright 2011-2012 Education.com www.education.com/worksheet

Directions: Solve the equations then write down the symbol that best
compares each answer. Then write the answer in word form.
Ex. (232x32) > (22x150) Seven thousand, four hundred and
7424 3300 twenty-four is greater than three
thousand, three hundred.

1. 89 134
x 63 x 24

2. 346 45
x 3 x 23

3. 142 71
x 10 x 20

4. 232 560
x 85 x 42

5. 843 235
x 27 x 94

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Directions: Solve the equations then write down the symbol that best
compares each answer. Then write the answer in word form.
Ex. (232x32) > (22x150) Seven thousand, four hundred and
7424 3300 twenty-four is greater than three
thousand, three hundred.

1. 539 133
x 223 x 624

2. 439 244
x173 x 324

3. 453 1223
x513 x 154

4. 745 394
x 16 x 85

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Classroom Math:
Multiplication Word Problems
Math isn't just for math class. It is All of the students have a vocabulary
used to solve problems in every subject. assignment every week with 13 new words.
Help Mr. Hammond's class figure out If the school year is 40 weeks long, how
their problems using math. Show your many new words will they learn?

Henry wants to see how many different

colored crayons are in the crayon box. If
there here are 4 rows of 19 crayons, how
many different colors are there?

Jeremy is building a toothpick skyscraper.

Look at the picture below of the first
floor. How many tooth picks will it take to
build 12 stories? How many marshmallows
will it take to build 12 stories?
Mikey is typing in the computer lab and typing
at 23 words per minute. If he types for 11
minutes, how many words does he type?

It‛s the day before Valentine‛s Day and

Shelley needs to get Valentine cards for all
of her classmates. The desks are arranged
in a rectangle 7 rows wide and 5 rows long.
If there are 3 desks that are empty, how
many students are in the class?

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Copyright 2008-2009 Education.com www.education.com/worksheets
Merchandise Multiplication
Use multiplication to solve the following
problems. Show your work.
The Nguyen family gets movies from Mov-
ieMail home video delivery service. They
get 3 movies at the beginning of the week
and return them at the end of each week.
If they continue this pattern, how many
movies will they see in one year? (1 year =
52 weeks)
Mr. Hayes is having friends over to watch
basketball and needs to buy snacks. He
buys 5 boxes of crackers. In each box
there are 3 sleeves of 24 crackers. How
many crackers did he buy all together?
This is a two step problem. Try multiplying
the numbers in different orders. Do you
get the same answer?

Look at the diagram of a portion of the

local grocery store's parking lot. If there
are 15 rows of parking spaces in the lot
like this one, how many cars can the park-
ing lot fit in total?

Mr. Chang is comparing television screen

sizes. Screen #1 is 18 by 23 inches and
screen #2 is 19 by 22 inches. Which tele-
vision has the larger screen?

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Wild Word Problems: Multiplication
Math in the animal kingdom! Use multipli- Josefina’s cat, Whiskers, climbed into a tree
cation to solve the following problems. and was too scared to come down. Her dad
Add or subtract when necessary. Show climbed up a ladder to bring down Whiskers.
your work. If Josefina’s dad had to climb up 15 ladder
steps and the steps are 32 centimeters
Mario walks his dog every day. The walk path apart, how high up did Whiskers go?
makes a giant loop that is 279 feet long. If
Mario and his dog make 3 laps around the
loop, how far do they walk?

Julie is teaching her parrot, Romeo, how to

say new words. If she teaches him 11 words
Racquel buys a small aquarium for her fish each month. How many words will Romeo
collection. The fish tank is 27 inches wide, learn in a year?
13 inches tall, and 13 inches deep. What is
the maximum volume of water can the
aquarium hold? This is problem requires two
multiplication steps, does the order of
operations matter?
Volume = Length x Width x Height.

13 in

13 in

27 in

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Copyright 2008-2009 Education.com www.education.com/worksheets
Family Vacation Multiplication

The Smiths are going on a family The Smiths board the airplane to head back
vacation. Use multiplication, addi- home. The flight attendant wants to count
tion, and subtraction to solve the how many passengers are on board. Every
row consists of 2, 3, and 2 seats each (see
following problems. Perform other
picture below). If there are 51 horizontal
operations as needed to help find rows, and 13 seats are empty, how many
the answers. Show your work. passengers are on board?
Driving to the airport, the Smiths needed to fill
up on gasoline. Gasoline costs 3 dollars for one
gallon. If their tank holds 16 gallons, and they
already have 3 gallons filled, how much money
will it cost to fill the car’s tank completely?

In total, the Smiths were flying in an air-

The Smiths want to visit a museum and must plane for 14 hours. If the airplane cruises
pay to park. They are going to be gone for 4 at approximately 512 miles per hour, about
hours. The price of parking is as follows: how many miles did they travel all
1 Quarter = 15 minutes together?
1 Dime = 5 minutes
1 Nickel = 2 minutes
The Smiths have 8 quarters, 12 dimes and 14
nickels. Do they have enough to park for 4
hours? (Remember: 60 minutes = 1 hour)

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Finding Factors

Factors are numbers that you multiply together to get another number.
For example, 2 multiplied by 4 equals 8. So 2 and 4 are the factors of 8.

Find the factors of the numbers below. See the example.

10 = 2 x 5 18 =

24 = 30 =

32 = 39 =

Find the missing factors.

15 = 3 x 21 = 3 x

45 = 9 x 42 = 7 x

36 = 2 x 2 x3 x * When the factor is a prime

number, it is called
a prime factor.

60 = 2 x 3 x2 x

75 = 5 x 3 x

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Math Multiply Three Numbers
Here’s a trick! First, multiply the first number by the second one. Then multiply
the product of the first two numbers by the third number. Find the product of these
multiplication sentences. The first one is done for you.

3 x 6 x2 5 x 4 x3

3 x 6 x2 3 x 6 x3

2 x 4 x6 3 x 5 x3

3 x 6 x6 3 x 6 x3

4 x 3 x2x2 6 x 5 x4x3

3 x 6 x2x2 3 x 6 x4x3

3x6 x2 3x6 x3

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1 Point
7,957 3,861 4,462 6,384
Multiplication | Difficulty:
1 Point

Find a friend and practice your

multiplication skills. Find two coins
or game pieces and place them 143 152 141 137
on the square labeled START.
Choose one of the problems to 1,694 x 27 x 42 x 33 x 63 1,610
solve and move your game piece
clockwise around the board to
that problem’s answer.
Keep track of the number of 172 194 115 104
corners you go around on each
move. For each one, give yourself
x 51 x 23 x 14 x 85
2,916 3,021
a point. The player with the most
points at the end is the winner.
Keep score with the table below.
154 170 139 158
Pla Pla
ye y 4,653 x 11 x 58 x 24 x 59 8,840
r 1 er 2

Round 1

Round 2 129 109 108 159

Round 3 x 11 x 73 x 27 x 19
9,860 8,772
Round 4

Round 5

Round 6
+ 1 Point
1 Point

Round 7 3,336 8,631 9,332 1,419

Round 8

Copyright 2010-2011 Education.com www.education.com/worksheets created by:
Great job!
is an Education.com math superstar
Answer Sheets
Master Multiplication
Addition Facts
Making Multiplication Sentences
Football Multiplication #1
Football Multiplication #2
Football Multiplication #3
Football Multiplication #4
Football Multiplication #5
Find the Multiplication Facts
Umbrella Math
Apple Tree Math
Mammoth Multiplication Problems
Double Digit Multiplication
Greater Than or Less Than? #1
Greater Than or Less Than? #2
Classroom Math: Multiplication Word Problems
Merchandise Multiplication
Wild Word Problems: Multiplication
Family Vacation Multiplication
Finding Factors
Multiply Three Numbers

Want more workbooks? Join Education.com Plus to save time and money.

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Answer Sheet

Addition Facts
%%%%%%%%%+ Multiplication problems can also be expressed with addition. Write the addition
facts that go with each multiplication sentence. The first one is done for you.

3x7= 3+3+3+3+3+3+3

5x4= 5+5+5+5

6x2= 6+6

10 x 5 = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10

7x7= 7 + 7 + 7+ 7 + 7 + 7+ 7

9x4= 9 + 9 + 9+ 9

Look at the pictures below.

Write the addition fact:


Write the multiplication sentence:

Copyright © 2010-2011 by Education.com More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheets
Answer Sheet

Making Multiplication Sentences
Look at each picture below. Write both the addition and multiplication facts that illustrate
each picture. The first one is done for you.

2+2+2 1 + 1 +1 +1

2x3=6 1x4=4

3 + 3 +3 5+5+5+5

3x3=9 5 x 4 = 20


4 x 6 = 24
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Answer Sheet

24 24 21 18

12 25 14 16

5 9 8 10
Answer Sheet

24 14 15 8

9 16 21 8

24 20 12 9
Answer Sheet

18 9 5 24

10 21 4 7

12 16 25 18
Answer Sheet

10 18 4 16

20 14 8 12

24 16 15 12
Answer Sheet

10 24 18 0

24 9 18 8

21 12 9 25
Answer Sheet

Find The Multiplication Facts
Multiplication is the reverse of division.

Example: If the division sentence is 12 ÷ 6 = 2,
Then the related multiplication facts are 6 x 2 = 12 and 2 x 6 = 12.

Look at these division sentences, and write down the two related multiplication facts.

10 ÷ 5 = 2 35 ÷ 7 = 5
5 x 2 = 10 7 x 5 = 35
2 x 5 = 10 5 x 7 = 35
96 ÷ 8 = 12
12 x 8 = 96
... 120 ÷ 12 = 10 8 x 12 = 96
. . . . .12
. . .x. .10 = 120
44 ÷ 11 = 4 10 x 12 = 120
76 ÷ 2 = 38
11 x 4 = 44 38 x 2 = 76 ...
4 x 11 = 44 ..
2 x 38 = 76 .
...... . . . . . . ......
81 ÷ 9 = 9
999 ÷ 3 = 333
9 x 9 = 81
75 ÷ 25 = 3 3 x 333 = 999
9 x 9 = 81 25 x 3 = 75 333 x 3 = 999
3 x 25 = 75

.. ...
... ....
....... ..
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Answer Sheet






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Answer Sheet

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Answer Sheet

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Answer Sheet

Double Digit
(answer sheet)

123 45 63 73
11811139 118113A1 118117A 11181122
111174B 11179C 111755 111113A
1172C 127A 11163 1113A
11792B 12A4C 1177A5 1113CA

19C 53 7C C9
11811144 11811A3 1181197 1181177
11126A 11122C 7C C9
126A 17C5 1115B 111C9
1327A 1AB7C 11157C 111479

4C 2B AA 56
118111AB 111811CA 11181166 11181134
BB CB 111765 111CA2
179A 175B 1765 129C
179AB 175CB 1A745 13752
Created by :
Copyright 2011-2012 Education.com www.education.com/worksheet
Answer Sheet



Directions: Solve the equations then write down the symbol that best
compares each answer. Then write the answer in word form.
Ex. (232x32) > (22x150) Seven thousand, four hundred and
7424 3300 twenty-four is greater than three
thousand, three hundred.

1. 89 134 Five thousand, six hundred and seven is

x 63 > x 24
greater than three thousand, two hundred
5607 3216
and sixteen.

2. 346 45 One thousand and thirty-eight is greater than

x 3
> x 23 one thousand and thirty-five.
1038 1035

One thousand, four hundred and twenty is

3. 142
x 10
= 71
x 20 equal to one thousand, four hundred and
1420 1420

Nineteen thousand, seven hundred and

4. 232
x 85
< 560
x 42 twenty is less than twenty-three thousand,
19720 23520
five hundred and twenty.

Twenty-two thousand, seven hundred and

5. 843
x 27
> 235
x 94 sixty-one is greater than twenty two thousand
22761 22090
and ninety.

Copyright © 2011-2012 by Education.com More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheets

Answer Sheet



Directions: Solve the equations then write down the symbol that best
compares each answer. Then write the answer in word form.
Ex. (232x32) > (22x150) Seven thousand, four hundred and
7424 3300 twenty-four is greater than three
thousand, three hundred.

1. 539 133 One hundred twenty thousand, one hundred

x 223 > x 624
and ninety-seven is greater than eighty-two
120,197 82,992
thousand, nine hundred and ninety-two.

2. 439 244 Seventy-five thousand, nine hundred forty-

x173 < x 324 seven is less than seventy-nine thousand, and
75,947 79,056

3. 453 1223 Two hundred, thirty-two thousand, three

x513 > x 154
hundred and eighty-nine is greater than one
232,389 188,342
hundred eighty-eight thousand, three hundred
and forty-two.

4. 745 394 Eleven thousand, nine hundred and twenty

x 16 < x 85
is less than thirty-three thousand, four hundred
11,920 33,490
and ninety.

Copyright © 2011-2012 by Education.com More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheets

Answer Sheet

Answer th
Classroom Math: Sheet
Multiplication Word Problems
Math isn't just for math class. It is All of the students have a vocabulary
used to solve problems in every subject. assignment every week with 13 new words.
Help Mr. Hammond's class figure out If the school year is 40 weeks long, how
their problems using math. Show your many new words will they learn?
work 40
x 13
Henry wants to see how many different
colored crayons are in the crayon box. If + 400
there here are 4 rows of 19 crayons, how
many different colors are there? 520

520 words
x 4 Jeremy is building a toothpick skyscraper.
76 Look at the picture below of the first
floor. How many tooth picks will it take to
build 12 stories? How many marshmallows
76 crayons will it take to build 12 stories?
Mikey is typing in the computer lab and typing 40
x 12 480 toothpicks
at 23 words per minute. If he types for 11
minutes, how many words does he type?
+ 400
23 480
x 11 16
x 12
+ 230 32
+ 160
253 192 192 marshmallows
It‛s the day before Valentine‛s Day and
Shelley needs to get Valentine cards for all
of her classmates. The desks are arranged
253 words in a rectangle 7 rows wide and 5 rows long.
If there are 3 desks that are empty, how
many students are in the class?
x 5
35 - 3 = 32

32 students

created by:
Copyright 2008-2009 Education.com www.education.com/worksheets
Answer Sheet

Merchandise Multiplication
Answer Sheet Grade
Use multiplication to solve the following
problems. Show your work.
The Nguyen family gets movies from Mov-
ieMail home video delivery service. They
get 3 movies at the beginning of the week
and return them at the end of each week.
If they continue this pattern, how many
movies will they see in one year? (1 year =
52 weeks)
Mr. Hayes is having friends over to watch
basketball and needs to buy snacks. He
3 x 52 = 156 buys 5 boxes of crackers. In each box
there are 3 sleeves of 24 crackers. How
many crackers did he buy all together?
This is a two step problem. Try multiplying
the numbers in different orders. Do you
156 movies get the same answer? * You can find this answer by
multiplying the numbers in
any order.
Look at the diagram of a portion of the
local grocery store's parking lot. If there
are 15 rows of parking spaces in the lot
24 x 3 = 72
like this one, how many cars can the park- 72 x 5 = 360
ing lot fit in total?
x 15 360 crackers
60 Mr. Chang is comparing television screen
+ 120 sizes. Screen #1 is 18 by 23 inches and
180 screen #2 is 19 by 22 inches. Which tele-
vision has the larger screen?
18 19
x 23 x 22
54 38
+ 360 + 380
414 418
180 cars Screen #2

created by:
Copyright 2008-2009 Education.com www.education.com/worksheets
Answer Sheet

?&*-%?.9-%@9.:*()1A%!2*#&3*&5"#&.' H9"-(
!"#$%&'%#$(%"'&)"*%+&',-.)/%01(%)2*#&3*&4 !"#$%&'(Ô#)*(+,)-.&#/$0#,)*1&23$4)&'+")()+0$$)
5"#&.'%#.%1.*6(%#$(%7.**.8&',%39.:*()1;% ('4)5(#)+"")#*(0$4)+")*"2$)4"5'6)7$0)4(4)
<--%.9%12:#9"5#%8$('%'(5(11"9=;%>$.8% *1&23$4)89)()1(44$0)+")30&':)4"5')-.&#/$0#6)
=.29%8.9+;% ;%)!"#$%&'(Ô#)4(4).(4)+")*1&23)89)<=)1(44$0)
C(0&")5(1/#).&#)4":)$D$0B)4(B6)E.$)5(1/)9(+.) (9(0+,)."5).&:.)89)4&4)-.&#/$0#):"@
1""9,)."5)%(0)4")+.$B)5(1/@ 15 x 32 = 480
Whiskers went up 480 cms.
279 x 3 = 837
They walk 837 feet long.
A(*H8$1)38B#)()#2(11)(H8(0&82)%"0).$0)%&#.) $(*.)2"'+.6)7"5)2('B)5"04#)5&11)A"2$")
*"11$*+&"'6)E.$)%&#.)+('/)&#)?F)&'*.$#)5&4$,) 1$(0')&')()B$(0@
281+&91&*(+&"')#+$9#,)4"$#)+.$)"04$0)"%) 11 x 12 = 132
"9$0(+&"'#)2(++$0@) Romeo will learn 132 words in a year.

Volume = 27 x 13 x 13
= 4,563 cubic inches
Order of operation does not matter.




created by:
Copyright 2008-2009 Education.com www.education.com/worksheets
Answer Sheet
Family Vacation Multiplication

The Smiths are going on a family The Smiths board the airplane to head back
vacation. Use multiplication, addi- home. The flight attendant wants to count
tion, and subtraction to solve the how many passengers are on board. Every
row consists of 2, 3, and 2 seats each (see
following problems. Perform other
picture below). If there are 51 horizontal
operations as needed to help find rows, and 13 seats are empty, how many
the answers. Show your work. passengers are on board?
Driving to the airport, the Smiths needed to fill 51 rows x 7 seats = 357 seats total
up on gasoline. Gasoline costs 3 dollars for one 357 - 13 = 344
gallon. If their tank holds 16 gallons, and they
already have 3 gallons filled, how much money T
will it cost to fill the car’s tank completely?
(16 gallons - 3 gallons) = 13 gallons ROW 1

13 x $3 per gallon = $39

In total, the Smiths were flying in an air-
The Smiths want to visit a museum and must plane for 14 hours. If the airplane cruises
pay to park. They are going to be gone for 4 at approximately 512 miles per hour, about
hours. The price of parking is as follows: how many miles did they travel all
1 Quarter = 15 minutes together?
1 Dime = 5 minutes 14 hours x 512 miles = 7,168
1 Nickel = 2 minutes
The Smiths have 8 quarters, 12 dimes and 14
nickels. Do they have enough to park for 4
hours? (Remember: 60 minutes = 1 hour) T
15 min. x 8 quarters = 120 min.
5 min. x 12 dimes = 60 min.
2 min. x 14 nickels = 28 min.
120 + 60 + 128 = 3 hours & 28 min.


Copyright © 2009-2010 by Education.com More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheets

Answer Sheet

Finding Factors Answer


Factors are numbers that you multiply together to get another number.
For example, 2 multiplied by 4 equals 8. So 2 and 4 are the factors of 8.

Find the factors of the numbers below. See the example.

10 = 2 x 5 18 = 3x6

24 = 4x6 30 = 5x6

32 = 4x8 39 = 3 x 13

Find the missing factors.

15 = 3 x 5 21 = 3 x 7

45 = 9 x 5 42 = 7 x 6

36 = 2 x 2 x3 x 3 * When the factor is a prime

number, it is called
a prime factor.

60 = 2 x 3 x2 x 5

75 = 5 x 3 x 5

Copyright © 2010-2011 by Education.com More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheets

Answer Sheet

Math Multiply Three Numbers

Here’s a trick! First, multiply the first number by the second one. Then multiply
the product of the first two numbers by the third number. Find the product of these
multiplication sentences. The first one is done for you.

3 x 6 x2 5 x 4 x3

3 x 6 x2 20
3 x 6 x3

2 x 4 x6 3 x 5 x3

38x 6 x 6 15
3 x 6 x3

48 45
4 x 3 x2x2 6 x 5 x4x3

3 x 6 x2x2 30
3 x 6 x4x3

x6 x2 3x6
120 x3

48 360
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