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for Responding
to a
Chemical Weapons

Revision 1 August 2003


The findings in this report are not to be construed as

an official Department of the Army position unless so
designated by other authorizing documents.

The use of trade names or manufacturers' names in

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of any commercial product. This report may not be
cited for purposes of advertisement.
Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident


This “Guidelines for Responding to a Chemical

Weapons Incident” document has been developed
by the Domestic Preparedness Program (DPP).
Through the U.S. Army Soldier and Biological
Chemical Command (SBCCOM), Chemical
Weapons Improved Response Program (CWIRP),
members of the Law Enforcement, Health and Safety,
and the Emergency Response Functional Groups
designed these guidelines with the intent to give
assistance to all response personnel in dealing with
critical incident management decisions consistent
with an actual chemical weapons (CW) emergency

These guidelines are neither mandated nor required

procedures for response to the scene of a chemical
terrorism incident. Rather, they are presented to
provide technical and operational guidance for those
agencies wishing to improve their response and
related operations should a CW incident occur in
their community. The focus of these guidelines was
to validate the procedures and recommendations

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

developed through the series of emergency response

technical reports that have already been published by
the CWIRP. That validation process was conducted
via a forum consisting of representatives from the
fire, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), police, and
health and safety communities.

We encourage all agencies and jurisdictions to review

the data, understand the implementations, and
determine if your agency and jurisdiction will use
these guidelines as part of your decision-making
process during a CW incident. Once you have made
the decision that is best for your community, you
should establish plans, policies, and training for your
personnel in all aspects against the threat of a CW

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Table Of Contents

Preface....................................................... iii
Table of Contents .....................................................v
9-1-1 Operators .................................................... 1-1
Dispatch Notifications.......................................... 2-1
Actions On Arrival............................................... 3-1
Fire Department................................................... 4-1
Incident Command .............................................. 5-1
Fire Department Sector Assignments................. 6-1
Casualty Rescue ................................................... 7-1
Decontamination .................................................. 8-1
Technical Decontamination................................. 9-1
HAZMAT Team................................................. 10-1
Emergency Medical Services............................. 11-1
Patient Segregation ............................................ 12-1
Hospital Notification.......................................... 13-1
Off-Site Triage, Treatment, and Transportation
Center.................................................................. 14-1

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Fatality Recovery and Management ................ 15-1

Law Enforcement............................................... 16-1
Law Enforcement Roles .................................... 17-1
Patrol................................................................... 18-1
Bomb Squad ....................................................... 19-1
Special Weapons and Tactics Team ................. 20-1
Intelligence.......................................................... 21-1
Investigation ....................................................... 22-1
Emergency Management................................... 23-1
On-Scene Communications ............................... 24-1
Media .................................................................. 25-1

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

9-1-1 Operators

The 9-1-1 Communications Center presents the first

opportunity to identify that a potential chemical
incident exists. A chemical terrorist attack will most
likely yield an abundance of calls for assistance.
Through close scrutiny of the information provided
and rapid cross-checking of the numerous reports, a
well-trained operator should be alerted to the
possibility that the incident is not routine in nature.
Identifying the incident and relaying this potential
threat information and precautionary measures to all
of the responding units may be the key to saving the
lives of many of the first responders on the scene.

Indicators of a Possible Chemical Weapons


• Explosion with little or no structural damage

• Reports of a device that dispersed a mist or vapor
• Multiple casualties exhibiting similar symptoms

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Mass casualties with no apparent reason or

• Reports of unusual odors, liquids, spray devices,
or cylinders
• Dead animals
• Discarded personal protective equipment (PPE)

Questions for the Caller

• What is your name and address and the phone

number you are calling from?
• What is the location of the incident?
• Was there a fire or explosion?
• Did you hear any hissing or spraying?
• Was there any mist or liquid dispersed?
• Is anyone injured or sick?
− How many?
− What are their symptoms and complaints?
• Is the incident inside or outside of a building?

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• What is the type of structure where the incident

• Did you see anyone or anything suspicious?
• Did you see anyone wearing protective clothing
(e.g., mask, gloves, chemical suits)?
• Can you describe the perpetrator or a getaway

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Dispatch Notifications


• Fire

• Police and shift supervisor

• Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

• Hazardous materials (HAZMAT)

Update Responding Units

• Provide responding units of any new information

• Provide special response routes of travel


• Provide special instructions or precautions (e.g.,

use of PPE, report to staging areas)

• Provide weather updates, wind direction, and


Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Provide any description of perpetrators and

getaway vehicles (e.g., warn of potential
contamination, additional devices on

• Provide number of victims, their signs, and



• Local Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

office – weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

• Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

• Notify local health department; give information

− Agent information
− Patient signs and symptoms
− Number of casualties
− Notify hospitals, clinics, and healthcare

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

− Consider establishment of off-site treatment

• Notify local Environmental Protection Agency

• Department of Public Works and Highways

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Actions on Arrival

Whether pre-warned of a potential chemical incident

or by recognizing it on arrival at the incident scene,
responders should take several immediate steps to
protect themselves. With proper precautions and
protective equipment, responders are able to
effectively perform rescue operations and scene
management safely.

• Approach upwind and upgrade of the incident

• Stop at a distance and collect information
• Alert follow-on responders
• Direct all personnel to use full PPE and self-
contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)
− At a minimum, respiratory protection
• Be aware of possible secondary devices
• Consider that the perpetrator may still be on the
• This is a crime scene
− Restrict entry
Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

− Preserve evidence
• Avoid contact with liquids
• Request
− HAZMAT, EMS, rescue, police, bomb
squad, mutual aid, and other resources

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Fire Department

On arrival, fire department units will immediately be

faced with mass casualties (e.g., trauma, chemically
contaminated, and psychosomatic) as well as major
scene and command and control challenges. The fire
response and Incident Command System (ICS) will
be severely tested by the magnitude of the incident.
Rapid employment of the elements of a chemical
incident response is essential to protect life.

• Establish Incident Command

• Establish communications
• Secure, isolate, and deny entry to area
• Establish safety zones
• Establish water supply, hose lines, and
suppression duties
• Identify if live victims remain in the area of
• Rescue live victims
• Establish casualty collection points (CCPs)

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Perform mass decontamination, triage, and

treatment of victims
• Monitor and maintain water runoff

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Incident Command
The decisions that the Incident Commander (IC)
makes during the first 10 to 15 minutes of the
response are the key to both protecting responders
and saving lives of the victims of the attack. The
ability to recognize critical needs and prioritize the
limited resources available to perform them requires
a thorough knowledge of chemical incident response
procedures and the threats and dangers of the
potential agents. It is also critical to the safety of
everyone on the incident and overall success of the
incident response that all agencies operate as a
Unified Command, not a series of individual agency
command posts.

• Establish command post upwind and upgrade

away from direct involvement with victims,
responders, or emergency response vehicles

• Give detailed situation report of:

− Estimated number of casualties

− Location of hot, warm, and cold zones
− Recommendations for PPE
Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Request additional resources immediately

• Establish a dedicated radio channel or direct

telephone line with the Emergency Dispatch and
Communications Center

• Consider the threat of secondary devices

• Establish a decontamination area for civilian

victims and another for technical decontami-
nation of responders, equipment, and evidence

• Request communications and dispatch to notify

hospitals of mass casualties and the possibility of
contaminated victims who have left the scene
showing up at their facilities

• Establish accountability of all responders on


• Request that a supervisor or senior ranking law

enforcement officer report to the command post

• Alert all personnel that the incident is a crime

scene and to use caution to preserve suspected
evidence, if possible

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Coordinate rescue operations with law


• Ensure law enforcement advises on activities

being conducted in the immediate area:

− Search for secondary devices

− Evaluate and perform render-safe
procedures (RSPs) on devices
− Investigation requirements

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Fire Department Sector Assignments

• Safety
• EMS and triage
• Water
• Public Information Officer (PIO)
• Decontamination
• Accountability
• Rehabilitation
• Staging
• Operations
• Police liaison

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Casualty Rescue
The threat of cross-contamination of victims through
contact with liquid agent or residue continues even
after the initial agent release. The rapid removal of
casualties from the contamination, triage, and
decontamination areas is essential to reducing
additional agent-related injuries. ICs must make
rapid decisions on casualty rescue based on
protective equipment available and an evaluation of
the contamination threat. As many ambulatory
casualties as possible should be removed from the
area without rescuers entering the incident site. It
should be expected, though, that live, nonambulatory
casualties will be present at any chemical incident.

* Additional information on guidelines for rescue

operations is available in “Risk Assessment of Using
Firefighter Protective Ensemble with Self-
Contained Breathing Apparatus for Rescue
Operations During a Terrorist Chemical Agent
Incident.” A copy of this report can be obtained at
the following Web site:

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Use bull horns and vehicle public address (PA)

system to give directions

• Be alert for secondary devices

• Establish communications with command post

• Determine if there are live victims in the

contaminated area

• Use PPE options for rescue:

− Level-A HAZMAT suit with SCBA
− Tyvek suit underneath firefighter turnout
gear; all cuffs and closures with SCBA
− Firefighter turnout gear with SCBA

*The IC evaluates the chemical threat,

potential to save lives, risk to responders,
and time constraints to achieve each level of
responder protection before determining
what level of PPE to use to perform rescue

• Decide to rescue or wait for HAZMAT to arrive

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Notify command post, emergency management,

and health department with estimated number of

• Avoid contact with liquids

*Responders need to be aware that the

closer they are to the point of dissemination
of the agent the more likely they are to
expose themselves to liquid contamination.
Additionally, responders should avoid
contact with any deceased based on the
threat of liquid contamination and the fact
that they are part of the crime scene.

• Assist and direct all victims to decontamination

and triage area

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident


For decontamination to be beneficial to the exposed

victims of a chemical incident, it must be performed
within minutes of the agent exposure; however,
decontamination after the initial exposure is
necessary to reduce the possibility of agents on the
clothing or skin. This is essential to protect
responders and other victims from cross-
contamination. Studies have been done looking at
the advantages of using soaps, detergents, and bleach
in the decontamination process; however, the only
decontaminant expected to be immediately available
to the first responder is water. The theories and
procedures referred to by the Chemical Weapons
Improved Response Program (CWIRP) are based on
decontaminating victims using large volumes of
* Additional information may be found in the
“Guidelines for Mass Casualty Decontamination
During a Terrorist Chemical Agent Incident.” A
copy of this report can be obtained at the SBCCOM
Web site:

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Establish decontamination locations upwind and

upgrade of the incident

• Decontamination personnel must wear

− Firefighters recommended turnout gear with
− EMS recommended turnout gear with SCBA
or Level C
− Police recommended Level C

*Level C protection recommended for

decontamination consists of full-face,
negative pressure respirator with Clean
Water Act (CWA) filters, full body
chemical protection suit (e.g., tyvek or
similar [not charcoal lined] military style
due to potential to exposure to water) with
integral hood and foot covers, butyl rubber
gloves, and overboots.

• Be alert for secondary devices, weapons, and


Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Request police for security of personnel, victims,

personal property, and collection and
preservation of evidence

• Avoid contact with unknown liquids

• Decontaminate (immediately) casualties with

liquid contamination on their skin or clothing

• Clothing removal is decontamination.

Encourage victims to remove clothing at least
down to their undergarments
− Bag and tag personal belongings
• Prioritize asymptomatic, symptomatic, and
nonambulatory casualties

• Coordinate decontamination with EMS triage


• Establish separate technical decontamination for

responders away from mass-casualty

Concerns of Mass Decontamination

• Requires large volumes of water

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Containment of contaminated water runoff

− Saving lives takes priority

− Attempts to control runoff and
environmental damage should be made as
control of the situation is gained
− Notify health department and EPA
• Weather and wind conditions

• Decontamination corridors are ideal targets for

secondary devices

• Perpetrators may be among victims

• Victim identification and tracking

• Prioritization for decontamination based on

medical conditions and likelihood of

• Factors that determine the highest priority for

ambulatory victim decontamination

− Casualties closest to the point of release

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

− Casualties reporting exposure to vapor or

− Casualties with evidence of liquid
deposition on clothing or skin
− Casualties with serious medical symptoms
(shortness of breath, chest tightness etc.)
− Casualties with conventional injuries
• Security of personal property and clothing

• Security of sensitive equipment (e.g., police

officers’ weapons)

• Separation of male and female victims

• Determine method of water application

− Must provide large quantity of water

− Handheld hose lines
− Aerial towers
− Ladder Pipe Decontamination System (LDS)
− Emergency Decontamination Corridor
System (EDCS)

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Ladder Pipe Decontamination System

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Emergency Decontamination Corridor System

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Types of Decontamination
• Passive (clothing removal)

• Dry agents

− Dirt − Flour
− Baking powder − Sawdust
− Charcoal − Silica gel
• Wet agents

− Soap and water

− Water (only)
− Bleach (equipment decontamination)
• Air decontamination (positive pressure
ventilation [PPV]/portable fans)

Decontamination Resource Needs

• Engine companies to establish, maintain, and
apply water

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Truck companies for ladder pipe and ventilation


• Ambulances and EMS personnel for treatment

and transport of victims after decontamination

• Police for security and control

• Tracking of victims and personal property

• Dry clothing and blankets

• Department of Public Works (DPW) and

highways for traffic control devices, sand bags,
and equipment

• Alternate transportation methods for victims

− Only casualties who have undergone gross

decontamination on site
− Mass transit vehicles used
− Triage green only
− Transport to alternative care facility (ACF)
− Medical personnel to accompany each

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

− Drivers with Level C PPE

*Level C PPE recommended for transport

drivers consists of full-face, negative
pressure respirator, full body chemical suit
(tyvek or charcoal lined), chemical, and/or
biological protective gloves

• Relief crews for all emergency personnel

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Technical Decontamination

Technical decontamination refers to the detailed

decontamination (e.g., wash, rinse, underlying
procedures) used by specialized teams, most notably
HAZMAT. It is recommended that at least one
technical decontamination area be set up to support
the special response teams that operate in the hot and
warm zones. This includes law enforcement
response and investigative teams.

• Established separate from victim


• Firefighters

• EMS providers

• HAZMAT technicians

• Bomb squad

• Law enforcement

• Civilian workers

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Evidence

• Equipment

• Vehicles

• Be prepared to provide decontamination support

during recovery operations

*The establishment of technical

decontamination stations can become both a
confusing and space absorbing process. Many
organizations with technical decontamination
capabilities insist on using their own
decontamination assets rather than using
already established technical decontamination
corridors manned by local HAZMAT
responders. The IC should be aware of this
and plan accordingly. As multiple mutual-aid
and state and federal response teams converge
on the incident scene, technical
decontamination can become a space use
nightmare. Best practices involve use of
personnel and specialized equipment from
responding agencies on an already established
technical decontamination corridor.

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident


Missions performed by HAZMAT teams on a

chemical incident will predominantly be the same as
a normal HAZMAT response. However a deliberate
chemical attack will most likely yield many more
casualties, occur in a densely populated area or a
large gathering, and be a criminal act. HAZMAT
operations must be closely coordinated with law

• Approach upwind and upgrade of the incident


• Identify the chemical agent using test detection

equipment and patient symptoms

• Collect samples for laboratory analysis

• Avoid contact with liquids

• Be alert for secondary devices

• Consider perpetrator may still be on scene

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Establish

− Communications with command post

− Safety, hot, warm, and cold zones
− Casualty holding area
− Technical decontamination for responders,
evidence, equipment, and apparatus
• Provide area monitoring during response

• Provide equipment monitoring during recovery


Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Emergency Medical Services

The greatest challenges facing EMS on a chemical

incident will be the number of actual casualties (e.g.,
trauma and agent exposure)—segregating these
casualties from nonexposed victims and performing
triage and possibly minor medical intervention while
in a contaminated environment.

Determine proper level of PPE and respiratory

protection needed for EMS personnel in their
assigned work area.

*PPE recommended for EMS operating in

warm zone consists of either turnout gear
with SCBA or Level C consisting of tyvek
style overgarment with hood and foot cover,
full-face, negative pressure respirator, butyl
rubber gloves, and overboots. PPE for
operating in cold zone Level C, as described

• Be alert for secondary devices and perpetrators

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Avoid contact with liquids

• Rapid prioritization of number of patients

• Triage victims based on medical necessity

− Mass-casualty incident (MCI) protocols

− Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment
(START) system
− Segregate victims and coordinate
decontamination prioritization with fire
department and HAZMAT based on:
Triage categorization
Likelihood of agent exposure
• Establish patient identification and tracking

• Collect victim personal property

• Turn personal property over to law enforcement

for security

• Establish

− Communications with command post and


Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

− Staging for EMS personnel, ambulances,

supplies, and resources
− Transportation area
• Direct walking wounded to a designated on-site

• Transport yellow and red-tagged triage patients

to medical treatment facility using emergency
medical transports

• Transport green-tagged triage patients to ACF

using mass transit assets

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Patient Segregation

Unlike most MCIs, victims of a chemical incident

need to be evaluated not just on their medical
condition (standard MCI triage protocols), but their
likelihood of contamination must be considered in
determining priority for decontamination.

• Ambulatory casualties: Able to understand

directions, talk, and walk unassisted

• Nonambulatory casualties: are unconscious,

unresponsive, or unable to move unassisted

• All patients need to be tracked by identification

and documentation and be tagged or marked
prior to decontamination

Decontamination Prioritization
• Casualties closest to the point of release

• Casualties with reported exposure to vapor or


Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Casualties with liquid agent contamination to

clothing or skin

• Casualties with serious medical symptoms (e.g.,

shortness of breath and chest tightness)

• Casualties with conventional injuries

• Casualties with no visible signs or symptoms of

agent exposure and no conventional injuries

Decontamination for final category is more

for psychological than medical reasons.

* Additional information may be found in the

“Guidelines for Mass Casualty Decontamination
During a Terrorist Chemical Agent Incident.” A
copy of this report can be obtained at the following
Web site:

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Hospital Notification

Community medical systems are faced with

managing two principal populations when responding
to a chemical incident: those transported from the
incident scene and those who self-refer. In the case
of the Tokyo subway sarin attack, the majority of the
people seeking medical attention were self-referred.
Timely notification of the incident and subsequent
updates on the suspected and known agent as well as
treatment protocols are essential to hospital safety
and patient care.

• Notify

− Staff
− Doctors
− Nurses
− Security
− Emergency department (ED)
− Maintenance department
• Estimate number of casualties
Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Alert hospital of possible self-referrals

• Suggest hospitals establish decontamination

procedures for walk in-patients using hospital

• Give suspected agent information

• Advise of treatment protocols

• Caution hospital staff to use protective measures

* PPE recommended for hospital personnel

performing decontamination operations
and casualty care and triage prior to
decontamination should be Level C
protection consisting of tyvek type suit with
integrated hood (not charcoal lined suits)
and foot covers, full-face, negative pressure
respirator, butyl rubber gloves, and

Casualty Processing
• Patient identification and tracking

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Observe/report victim symptoms of agent


• Patient transport

• Determine if number of casualties exceeds the

capabilities of existing healthcare systems

− Off-Site Triage, Treatment, and

transportation Center (OST3C) needs to be
• Identify needs for long-term patient tracking

• Establish critical incident stress debriefing

(CISD) team for victims

Hospital Actions
• Lock down the hospital to avoid contamination
and subsequent hospital shutdown

• Establish single entry and egress point

• Establish ICS

• Establish a triage area outside of the facility

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Provide a decontamination station outside the

facility with fire hose/stand pipe

• Integrate local EMS tag and triage system into

the hospital method for catastrophic care

• Wear the appropriate level of PPE

• Identify accurate bed availability

• Use pre-established medical treatment protocols

for chemical WMD

• Initiate patient evacuation plans; relocate patients

to other areas inside the hospital or to other
rehabilitation hospitals

• Establish and maintain communications with the

health department and Emergency Operations
Center (EOC)

− Share casualty information

− Mitigate effects of the incident
− Exchange update information

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Off-Site Triage, Treatment, and

Transportation Center

There may be a large number of people at a chemical

incident who are not exposed to the agent and who
will still seek some form of treatment. To allow the
existing medical system to provide care for those
who need it most, communities should consider
establishing an alternative treatment center for the
less serious and “worried well” population. An
evaluation of the impact of the casualties on the
medical system and the decision to open an
alternative treatment center should be made between
the IC, public health officer, and the emergency

* Additional information on guidelines for

establishing an OST3C is available in the CWIRP
Report “Alternative Health Care Facility: Concept
of Operations for the Off-Site Triage, Treatment,
and Transportation Center (OST3C)”. A copy of
this report can be obtained at the following Web site:

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Activate OST3C
• Determine facility and location

• Appoint staffing

− Administrative
− Operational
− Support
• Equipment, supply, and antidote caches

• Security

• Establish warm and cold zones

• Coordinate ambulances and alternate


• Establish a temporary morgue

OST3C Facility Requirements

• Tables, chairs, beds, televisions, PA systems,
and chalk and dry erase boards
• Bathrooms

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Cafeteria
• Auditorium and large open room area for
• Locker rooms; showers for males and females
• Parking facilities and large fields
• Good access roads
• Telephones and electricity
• Heat and air-conditioning

OST3C Patient Flow

• Perimeter security
• Initial triage
• Gross decontamination required (if not
decontaminated at the incident site)
• Registration
• Detailed decontamination
• Redress and secondary triage
• Treatment

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Data collection and law enforcement

• Replenishment area and cafeteria
• Victim assistance

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Fatality Recovery and Management

Residual contamination and difficulty in verifying

that a body is completely decontaminated require
special considerations in both body recovery and
decisions on returning remains to the family

*Additional information is available in a report titled

“Guidelines for Mass Fatality Management During
Terrorist Incidents Involving Chemical Agents,” A
copy of this report can be obtained at the following
Web site:

• Establish communications and coordination

between command post, law enforcement,
medical examiner (ME), and public health

• Deceased victims are evidence of the crime


• Deceased victims remain in place until released

by lead law enforcement agency and the ME
Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Personnel processing deceased need appropriate

PPE based on contamination threat

* PPE recommendation for body recovery

operations should be made based on results
of HAZMAT monitoring conducted at the
incident scene. If law enforcement and ME
personnel enter the area prior to HAZMAT
determining the type and concentration of
agent, Level A PPE should be worn.

• Be alert for secondary devices and booby traps

• Establish decontamination area for deceased

• Identify, tag, and track deceased and their

personal property

• Establish a temporary morgue

• Request Disaster Mortuary Operational

Response Team (DMORT) clergy, and CISD

• Prepare information for funeral homes regarding

agent and dangers of handling the bodies

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Determine if bodies can be released to families

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Law Enforcement

A chemical weapons attack will pose unique

challenges to each level of the law enforcement
response. Even though the FBI has jurisdiction over
domestic WMD incidents, the initial response falls on
the local police departments. The size of the initial
scene perimeter (due to vapor hazards), operating in
personal protective clothing and evaluating and
processing a contaminated crime scene are only some
of the key challenges facing law enforcement.

• Establish police command

• Establish communications between fire

department IC and police commander

• Establish personnel and equipment staging area

• Be alert for secondary devices, weapons, and


• Ensure appropriate PPE is worn based on

mission, hazard zone of operation, and the
likelihood of contamination

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

* PPE recommended for law enforcement

officers operating on the perimeter of a
chemical incident consists of Level C, tyvek
type, or charcoal lined full body chemical
suit, full-face negative pressure respirator,
overboots, and butyl gloves with police gear
worn over the chemical protective suit.

Officers operating in the decontamination

corridor should wear the above minus the
option of a charcoal lined suit.

• Police commander assigns additional duties for


• Begin investigation

*Additional information regarding PPE

recommendations for officers is available in a report
titled “Guidelines for Use of Personal Protective
Equipment by Law Enforcement Personnel During
A Terrorist Chemical Agent Incident,” A copy of
this report can be obtained at the following Web site:

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

* Identification of law enforcement officers

in PPE is an issue of concern. Using vests
and writing department names on suit with
markers can be readily duplicated by
perpetrators seeking to gain access to, or
escape from, the incident scene. Careful
consideration must be given to officer
identification in PPE.

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Law Enforcement Roles

Basically, the roles that law enforcement will

perform on a chemical incident are the same as for
any crime scene. However, due to the nature of the
event, level of training, availability of protective
equipment, and special equipment requirements, local
departments may not be able to perform several tasks.
It is imperative that officers always operate within
their level of training and protective equipment when
dealing with a chemical incident, response, and

• Traffic and crowd control outer perimeter

• Crowd control in decontamination area

• Security

− Site access
− Responders and victims
− Victim’s personal belongings
− Law enforcement sensitive equipment

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

− Evidence
• Crime scene processing

• Evidence collection and decontamination

• Witness interviews

• Multiagency communications

• Suspect detention

• Long-term site security

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident


The first key element to a successful response to a

chemical incident and to providing for officers’
safety is rapid identification of the hazard and
immediately gaining control over the responding
units. The normal tendency to rush onto the scene to
assist victims must be controlled. It is possible that
officers on scene at the time of an attack, or the first
arriving officers, could become casualties. A call to
assist an officer in distress must be handled
differently in a chemical incident or a large part of
the immediate response force may be lost.

*Additional information will be available in a report

titled “Guidelines for Use of Personal Protective
Equipment by Law Enforcement Officers During A
Terrorist Chemical Agent Incident,” A copy of this
report can be obtained at the following Web site:

• Senior officer will assume on-scene command

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Notify command and responding units of


• Designate areas for responding patrols to report

to staging area

− Verify levels of PPE before responding to

• Establish liaison with Incident Command and
command post

• Identify manpower requirements

• Establish scene control

• Control additional responding units

• Get advice from fire department on contaminated

zones, safe zones, and PPE requirements

• Do not enter the contaminated area

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Bomb Squad

Bomb technicians routinely operate in a highly

dangerous environment with sophisticated equip-
ment; however, none of this standard equipment
provides protection from chemical agent hazards.
Protective suits and specialized equipment for bomb
technicians are limited; however, a chemical incident
is likely to require them to operate in a contaminated
environment and dispose of devices that may contain
chemical agents. Police and fire commanders, bomb
squads, and HAZMAT teams need to work together
to formulate and rehearse plans for dealing with these
types of problems.

• Establish communications with fire command,

HAZMAT, and police command

− Ensure actions are coordinated with each

level of command
• Establish bomb squad staging area

• Identify appropriate PPE needed for agent hazard

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

− Reconnaissance may be conducted in

chemical or biological (C/B) protective
clothing only
In areas where HAZMAT has not been
determined, agent type and
concentration Level A protection (fully
encapsulating suit and SCBA) is
If HAZMAT has identified agent and
concentration, coordinate PPE levels
with them
At a minimum, Level C PPE should be
• Have fire and HAZMAT teams establish
technical decontamination area for personnel,
evidence, and equipment

• Be alert for perpetrators who may still be on the


• Request Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)

team (as needed) to secure perimeters

• Conduct search, disarmament, and detonation of

suspected devices

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Special Weapons and Tactics Team

SWAT teams represent the law enforcement agency

with the most training and diversity, operating in
various specialized equipment under a variety of
circumstances. As such, they are the most probable
unit to perform specialized operations at a chemical
incident, including operations inside the
contaminated zones. Mission necessity, equipment,
and training must always be considered prior to
committing a team for operations in a contaminated

• Establish communications with IC and police


• Liaison with command post

• Assist with security

• Staging area for equipment

• Be alert for secondary devices

• Suspect detention and apprehension

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Coordinate for decontamination support if

conducting mission inside warm and hot zones

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident


Prior to the occurrence of a chemical incident,

intelligence networks should be established between
local, state, and federal agencies, including adjoining
departments. WMD should become a standard
element of their information gathering and intelligence

• Identify possible “theme” for attack

• Identify group(s) that may be responsible for


• Identify related events and other possible targets

• Determine if threat warrants notification and

security for other related targets

• Conduct regional notifications of incident

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident


It can be expected that a deliberate chemical attack

will be directed at a high-profile event involving a
large number of people. As such, the number of
potential witnesses can be in the hundreds or
thousands. Identifying and locating everyone from
the scene will be an enormous task for investigators.

• Witness interviews

• Suspect interrogations

• Identify locations where witnesses have been


− Alternative treatment centers

− Hospitals
• Public announcement to reach witnesses who
departed area

• Establish hotline and tip line

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

Emergency Management

Not unlike a major natural disaster, a chemical

incident will challenge all of the local and regional
resources and involve a large state and federal
response. Emergency managers are well prepared to
deal with those disasters common to their area (e.g.,
tornados, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes), but a
chemical incident presents its own unique challenges.

• Notify local, city, and county officials

• Coordinate with fire department and health

department to establish a single point of contact
(POC) for public release of information

• Establish Joint Operations Center (JOC) and

Joint Information Center (JIC)

• Determine if incident exceeds local jurisdiction


• Notify state Emergency Management Agency


Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Make available resources, as needed

• Start compiling data for replenishment of losses

and reimbursement of funds

• Work with EPA on environmental site cleanup

• Maintain communications with the Incident

Command Post (ICP)

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

On-Scene Communications

• Need spare and replacement radios, batteries,

chargers, and supplies

• Mutual-aid radios and frequencies for ability to

communicate with multiple agencies and

• Hard wired telephones to relieve use of radios

• Wireless cellular telephones as an alternate to

radio overload

• Hard wired or wireless fax machines:

− Free up airtime use of radios

− Send and receive information and resource
list without being monitored or heard by
• Vehicle or handheld computers

• Private and business owned two-way radios may be

used to relieve overloaded emergency radios

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Message runners in the event of loss of radio


Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident


Public Information Officer (PIO)

• Establish a PIO for the incident

• Establish a media staging and briefing area

• Maintain single contact person for release of


• Schedule regular press releases

• Include key agency representatives in press

releases to answer specific questions

• Use media for public service announcements

Pertinent Information for PIO

• Information on chemical agent

• Symptoms

• Number of people affected

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Size of the contaminated area

• Treatment for the agent

• Threat of spreading the contamination

• Directions that people who were not treated at

the scene should follow

• Prognosis of the exposed victims

Media Arrival
• Local, national, and international

− Radio stations
− Television stations
− Newspapers
− Other news agencies
− Tabloids

Public Notification
• Establish a single POC

• Release brief statement of the event

Guidelines for Responding to a
Chemical Weapons Incident

• Request the public not visit the area of the

incident scene

• Provide the public information on:

− Self-decontamination
− Information on and directions to alternative
treatment centers
− Chronology of the event
− Public safety information
− Instructions for the victims
− Locations that the public needs to avoid
• Give regular media and public updates


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