Do The Link Analysis For Single Channel Point To Point System and WDM Channel System?
Do The Link Analysis For Single Channel Point To Point System and WDM Channel System?
Do The Link Analysis For Single Channel Point To Point System and WDM Channel System?
Do the link analysis for single channel point to point system and
WDM channel system?
Point to point system :
Point to point fiber optic lines are the simplest transmission line. This type of link
places the least demand on optical fiber technology and thus sets the basis for examine
more complex system architecture. A simple point to point link is shown in the following
(3) Repeater
Link analysis:
Two types of analysis are usually carried out to ensure the required system
performance is achieved:
– Rise-Time Budget
αf (dB/km): fiber loss coefficient, lc (dB): connector insertion loss, lsp (dB): splice loss
PT = Ps − Pr
Rise-time budget :
The dispersion analysis in digital systems is equivalent to assessing the rise time of
the link.
In the power budget we neglect the dispersion effect, which is the same as
consider the bandwidth of the system to be large enough to be able to transmit the
required bit rate 𝞽. The dispersion reduces the available bandwidth which may limit
not only the transmission rate, but also the sensitivity of the receiver and consequently
the power budget due to inter-symbol interference.
Where, ttx- transmitter rise-time
Link Analysis: