Sunday 19th September 2010
Sunday 19th September 2010
Sunday 19th September 2010
19th September
Sunday’s Service:
16th Sunday after Trinity
10.00 am Prayer.
10.30 am Morning Prayer & Baptism.
Reading: Luke 16: 1-13 (p1050)
Readers: David Sanderson.
Intercessors: John Dracup.
Wednesday’s Service
Trinity 16
10.00 am BCP Communion.
Readings: Ephesians 3: 13-21 (p1175)
Luke 7: 11-17 (p1035)
Reader: Revd R Aitchinson.
Lord of Creation,
Whose glory is around and within us:
Open our eyes to your wonders,
That we may serve you with reverence
And know your peace at our lives’ end,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Parish Weekend
Pakistan appeal
Visit of the Pope
Youth workers
Pakistan Appeal We will be sending £1,000 via the DEF to Pakistan.
The Well The Well Coffee Morning next Friday 24th September
10.00 am - 1.00 pm will be a police drop in session. Please pop in
for a coffee and a chat with our local Normanton policing team. Any
queries please have a word with Jenny.
Reading Rota The rota is being updated for reading in church if you
would like to do readings in services at church please speak to Dawn
or Don.
Parish Weekend 8th - 10th October, booking forms are very slow at
coming in. It is now only three weeks so let’s have your completed
forms now which are available on the welcome desk. Please put
your booking and deposit in the box provided, book now to avoid
disappointment. Paul Alexander and his wife Carol, principal of
Mattersey Bible college and renowned conference speaker will lead
our studies. The college is also intending to staff our kids groups.
Only three weeks to go!
Bible Study Are you interested in joining a Bible study group? From
Tuesday 14th September at 7.30 pm we’ll be meeting weekly to
study the Parables of Jesus. If you are interested please see either
Andy or Sandy Vanstan or Pat
Hartley. Alternatively call Andy & Sandy on 01924 899951 for
Rotas The service rotas for October are in the pigeon holes.
Invitation Michael Lawrence Addy and Shirley Tate invite the church
family to join in our special day when we exchange wedding vows
on Saturday October 23rd at 11.00 am. Coffee/tea and cake will be
served following the service. Will volunteers to serve tea/coffee
please see Chrissie Steels.
Worship Rotas
Next Sunday
10.30 am Communion.
Readers: Emma Parkinson,Denise Burgess.
Intercessor: Virginia Hashimi.
Welcome/Coffee: Rose Young, Lindsay Kerton, Stephanie and
Michael Woodhead.
Counting: Sally Dinsdale, Mike Child, Gerry Newton.
Weekly Action
Tues 7.00 pm The Aftershock in Parish Rooms
Phil Atkinson 01924 223507
John Dracup
Church Office