Sunday 22nd May 2011: Sunday's Service: 5th Sunday of Easter
Sunday 22nd May 2011: Sunday's Service: 5th Sunday of Easter
Sunday 22nd May 2011: Sunday's Service: 5th Sunday of Easter
Sunday’s Service:
5th Sunday of Easter
10.00 am - Prayer.
10.30 am - Communion.
Readings - Acts 7: 55-end (p1100) & John 14: 1-14 (p1082)
Readers - Shirley Addy, Phil Atkinson.
Intercessor - Denise Burgess.
Wednesday’s Service
Easter 4
Risen Christ,
your wounds declare your love for the world
and the wonder of your risen life:
give us compassion and courage
to risk ourselves for those we serve,
to the glory of God the Father.
Lighthouse Group Centre Manager I am delighted to announce that
Gav Budby has been appointed our alternative education Centre
Manager (Head teacher) after a rigorous interview process. This, at
the moment, is a half time post. The other half he will be continuing
his youth work and school mentoring. The centre will be based in
the parish rooms Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons
from October this year.
Thank you so much for all the support and prayers received
regarding our Reaching Communities Application. After a 50 minute
interview! our application will now go forward for a final panel
decision to be made in July. We should receive a decision in the last
week of July.
Rotas The service rotas for June are in the pigeon holes.
Asda Run During June the mini bus will be running to Asda every
Thursday morning at and will be at Asda for approximately
one hour. If you know anyone who could benefit from this service
please ring the church office on 01924 220868.
Going for Gold 2012 The Olympics what will the church be doing?
If you would like to know more or get involved please speak to John
Dracup or Roger Wills. More details in the coming weeks.
Worship Rotas
Sunday 29th May
10.30 am Celebration.
Readers: Dawn Gilkes, Ann Preston.
Intercessor: Lauren Wills.
Welcome/Coffee: Ann Bucktrout, Christine Steels, Janet Robinson,
Judith Townsend.
Counting: Bob Burgess, David Sanderson, Ann Preston.
Weekly Action
Tues 7.00 pm The Aftershock in Parish Rooms
Wed 10.00 am Traditional Communion in church
1.00 pm Mums, Dads and Tots in Parish Rooms
6.00 pm Rock Solid High in Parish Rooms
7.30 pm Freedom in Christ Youth in Parish Rooms
Thurs 4.00 pm Rock Solid Junior in Parish Rooms
7.30 pm Youthy in Well@Woodhouse
Sunday Morning Kid’s Groups
1st Sunday Service of Thanksgiving-please sit with your family
2nd Sunday Meet in Church and sit together with activities in Side Chapel
3rd Sunday Meet in Parish Rooms from 10.00 am for Breakfast Club
4th Sunday Meet in Church and sit together with activities in Side Chapel
A Crèche for under 4’s is available at every service
under the East Window.
Phil Atkinson 01924 223507
John Dracup 07753 987668
Church Office