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3 20
l . 1 No.

Asking Your Audiologist About Preventing and Identifying Hearing Loss

Through Audiologic Screening and Audiology Services

t is estimated that more than 28 million

I individuals in the United States have a
Who should
hearing loss or deafness. Many people ignore receive
the early warning signs (ringing in the ears,
turning up the television louder) because audiologic
hearing loss often occurs slowly and painlessly screenings?
until difficulty with speech understanding
begins, interfering with work and social lives. Everyone throughout their life span!!!
Prevention and early detection of hearing
disorders can reduce the prevalence of hearing
loss and the associated disability when hearing
loss interferes with daily communication and What is an audiologic screening
quality of life.
The American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association (ASHA) and its audiologist An audiologic screening program supervised
members are committed to the goals of by an audiologist consists of 3 simple, fast
prevention and early detection of hearing loss procedures to determine if a person may have
and related disorders. In keeping with Healthy or is at risk for hearing loss:
People 2010, the U.S. Public Health Services
health objectives for the nation initiative,1
Healthy People 2010, ASHA promotes the early
1 screening for hearing loss
detection, identification and treatment of
children and adults with hearing loss by
2 screening for ear disorder

qualified professionals, ASHA-certified

audiologists (CCC-A). 3 screening for hearing-related

This fact sheet gives you important

information about preventing and detecting Most children over age 5 years
hearing loss through audiologic screening for in school settings and most
you, your family, and friends. adults, perhaps in association
with a physical examination or
an employment-related health
screening, have had a hearing
screening. This type of hearing screening is to
detect for hearing loss (impairment), across

Reproduction and distribution of this material is encouraged for public education and public policy purposes. This material is not intended for resale. © ASHA
frequencies important for understanding
speech. This type of procedure should be
performed in a very quiet or sound-treated Infants, and
environment. Individuals being screened are
asked to respond by raising a hand, or for Toddlers Can Be
example, young children can put a block in a Screened, Too!
bucket whenever they hear a tone or a beep.
This is a very important component of an In the United States, each day approximately
audiologic screening program, but it is only 33 (3–6 per 1000) babies are born with
one aspect of hearing. significant hearing loss. In 1999, the Newborn
Infant Hearing Screening and Intervention Act
Individuals should also be screened for ear
was funded for states to establish early hearing
disorder and hearing disability.
detection and intervention (EHDI) programs.
In screening for ear disorder an As of Summer 2000, 33 states have adopted
audiologist obtains a history of early hearing detection and intervention bills.
noise exposure, medical With the development of new hearing
conditions, and any symptoms screening technology, it is possible to perform
of hearing loss; visually reliable hearing screenings on a newborn
inspects the ears with an during the first 24 hours of life. This same
otoscope; and uses a procedure called technology is very useful with small children
tympanometry to check outer and middle ear until they begin to reliably respond to
(ear canal, eardrum, ossicles) function. audiologic techniques
that produce observable
Screening for hearing
responses to sound at 6–7
disability uses standardized months and, later, to play
self-assessment or examiner- screening techniques at
administered questionnaires approximately 2 to 3
that ask specific questions years of age.
about the impact of a hearing
loss on communication in daily work life and Research shows that the earlier a hearing loss
social situations. is identified and treatment begun, the greater
the likelihood of preventing or reducing any
For an adult, the entire audiologic screening disabling effects on development. Particularly
process doesn’t usually take much longer than for children, a hearing loss can interfere with
10 minutes. When these three components of the development of speech and language skills,
an audiologic screening program are and can affect social, emotional, cognitive, and
completed, individuals are identified as either later academic development.
having normal hearing or being at risk for or
suspected of having a hearing loss, and
referred for comprehensive audiologic
evaluation. Ten minutes is a small
investment of time and energy to help
protect your ears and possibly your future
communication ability!!

© ASHA Reproduction and distribution of this material is encouraged for public education and public policy purposes. This material is not intended for resale.
How often should What steps may be
a child have an recommended following an
audiologic audiologic screening?
screening? For infants and children up to 5 years of age
who fail their screening and rescreening or for
Until children reach school age the frequency those with risk factors, an audiologic
of audiologic screening is based on many assessment should be performed by a certified
factors, such as chronic ear infections or a (CCC-A) audiologist within 1 month but no
family history of hearing loss that places them later than within 3 months after the initial
at risk for hearing loss or ear disorders. screening. Children with risk factors should
From 5 through 18 years of age, children receive regular audiologic monitoring.
should receive hearing screenings on initial Similarly, school-age children (5–18 years of
entry to school and annually in kindergarten age) should receive an audiologic assessment
through 3rd grade, as well as in 7th and 11th within 1 to 3 months from the initial screening.
grades. Children in middle and high schools Audiologic screening for school-age children
often are exposed to loud music at concerts or may result in a referral for further evaluations
via headsets or noise in recreational sports that by an audiologist, speech-language pathologist,
affects their hearing permanently. Children in early intervention specialist, physician or
this age range who have other hearing loss- health care practitioner, local education agency,
related risk factors should receive hearing and/or other professionals, based on family
screenings in other years, too. preferences.
Identifying and treating school-age children Adults who do not
with hearing loss offsets the possible adverse pass screening are
effects of a hearing loss. Research shows that counseled regarding
one-third of children with mild hearing loss fail hearing loss, and
one grade and children with hearing loss only may receive a
in one ear are also vulnerable to academic recommendation for
problems. a comprehensive
How often should adults have assessment by a
certified audiologist.
an audiologic screening? A medical
Hearing screening should continue through evaluation may be
adulthood at least once every decade through recommended if the screening indicates a
age 50 and at 3-year intervals thereafter. If medical condition requiring evaluation,
adults have any risk factors, monitoring, and/or treatment. A medical
particularly occupational or referral will be made, for example, if the visual
recreational noise exposure, inspection of the ear reveals that the ear canal
they should be screened as is blocked by cerumen (ear wax), or if pain or
needed, required by law in drainage is present.
the workplace (OSHA, 1983), Your ears are one of your most important
or if they suspect that they “natural resources” to protect and
might have a hearing loss. In addition to noise
conserve. Have all of your family
exposure, other risk factors for hearing loss in
members’ hearing screened today!!!
adults can include heredity; viral or bacterial
infections; medications, such as aspirin and
chemotherapy drugs; and head injuries.

Reproduction and distribution of this material is encouraged for public education and public policy purposes. This material is not intended for resale. © ASHA
What services does an To find an ASHA-certified
audiologist near you, and for more
audiologist provide? information:
Audiologists are the professionals who
evaluate and treat hearing loss, tinnitus, American Speech-Language-Hearing
balance, and related disorders, and recommend Association (ASHA)
and provide appropriate treatment including 10801 Rockville Pike
hearing aids, audiologic rehabilitation, and Rockville, MD 20852
hearing assistive technology systems. 1-800-638-8255
Email: actioncenter@asha.org
Where to Get Help and Advice Web site: www.asha.org

Audiologist This document was developed by Renee Levinson, M.A.,

M.B.A., CCC-A, Director for Audiology Practice in Health
Audiologists are professionals who administer Care. The contributions of Karen Beverly-Ducker, M.S.,
and conduct hearing screening programs; CCC-A, Director of Multicultural Resources, Henry J. Ilecki,
evaluate and treat hearing loss, balance, and Ph.D., CCC-A, Director for Audiology Practice in Industry
and Private Practice, and Evelyn J. Williams, M.S., CCC-A,
related disorders; recommend and provide Director for Audiology Practice in Schools, to the preparation
appropriate technology, including hearing aids of this material is gratefully acknowledged.
and hearing assistive devices and systems; and
provide audiologic rehabilitation.
Speech-Language Pathologists References
Speech-language pathologists are professionals
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
who evaluate and treat disorders of speech, (1997). Guidelines for audiologic screening. Rockville,
language, voice, and swallowing. Using MD: Author
evaluation results, the speech-language
Joint Committee on Infant Hearing. (June, 2000).
pathologist designs and implements specific
Year 2000 Position Statement: Principles and
intervention programs to meet the Guidelines for Early Hearing Detection and
communication needs of individuals. Intervention Programs. American Journal of
Audiology, 9, 9-29.
Qualified audiologists and speech-
language pathologists have:
1 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2000).
• a master’s or doctoral degree Healthy People 2010. Chapter 28. Vision and Hearing.
(www.health.gov/healthy people)
• the Certificate of Clinical 2 The use of the term “impairment” as referring to a hearing
Competence (CCC-A or CCC- or auditory impairment “implies that there is a dimension of
SLP ) from the American the auditory system that is outside the normal range, but
does not necessarily imply any restrictions in the level of
Speech-Language-Hearing performance of the individual in activities involving that
Association (ASHA) dimension.” This definition is taken from the Report on
Audiologic Screening, American Journal of Audiology
• a state license, where required (December, 1993), and is similar to that used in the
Americans With Disabilities Act.

Reproduction and distribution of this material is encouraged for public education and public policy purposes. This material is not intended for resale. © ASHA

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